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类金刚石薄膜和金刚石薄膜的最新制备技术与各种特性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
类金刚石薄膜等硬质碳膜具有许多优异特性,其开发研究已引起人们的极大关注。文章就类金刚石薄膜和金刚石薄膜的最新制备方法与各种特性进行了解说。  相似文献   

本文利用热丝化学气相沉积方法对不同温度下生长的金刚石薄膜样品进行了表征分析。通过扫描电镜照片分析,从成核理论方面得出了金刚石薄膜生长的最优化温度。  相似文献   

本文利用热丝化学气相沉积方法对不同温度下生长的金刚石薄膜样品进行了表征分析。通过扫描电镜照片分析,从成核理论方面得出了金刚石薄膜生长的最优化温度。  相似文献   

为了解决在鉴别有合成金刚石薄膜的宝石材料和元膜宝石材料时可能遇到的问题,我们检测了一个厚约1μm、与基体分离的多晶金刚石薄膜样品。这种膜用标准显微镜检测方法很容易识别,在面反射光和偏振光下更是如此。对于在检测较厚薄片、单晶或者彩色合成金刚石薄膜和有刻面的宝石上的覆盖层时可能遇到的问题,本文也作了简要的讨论。  相似文献   

以氢氧化钠-亚硫酸盐-蒽醌-甲醇(ASAM)法制备的高聚合度针叶木浆为原料,通过调控漂白时间和漂白剂用量制得形态相近、聚合度不同的4种木质纤维;随后,通过浸渍法将羧甲基纤维素钠(CMC)与上述纤维抄造的原纸复合,制得高透光率木质纤维/CMC纤维素薄膜(以下简称薄膜),并研究纤维聚合度对薄膜力学性能的影响。结果表明,在不显著改变纤维形态和结晶度的条件下,提高纤维聚合度可以显著提高薄膜的力学性能(抗张强度、韧性、耐折度、撕裂指数、耐破指数),而其光学性能无明显的变化规律,透光率介于87.9%~89.8%,雾度介于53.6%~64.1%。  相似文献   

利用微波等离子体化学气相沉积(CVD)设备,在硅基片上进行了金刚石薄膜的沉积实验。结果表明,在基片温度约为950℃,碳源浓度为1%,反应室内气体压力为4666.28Pa时可获得高质量金刚石薄膜。研究认为,在该实验条件下,氢原子脱附几率大,形成的碳县键不易倒伏,容易被碳原子替代,从而形成SP^E杂化健,因而有利于提高金刚石的成核密度。  相似文献   

类金刚石薄膜的光吸收及其禁带宽度的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
首先从理论上探讨了非晶材料的光吸收规律,与晶体材料的光吸收规律有所不同,它不满足k守恒的选择定则.从而得出了计算非晶材料禁带宽度的方法.又通过实验验证了上述规律,并发现了新型材料类金刚石薄膜的禁带宽度比其它半导体的禁带宽度大  相似文献   

现采用微波等离子体炬法合成了金刚石薄膜,并探讨了微波功率变化对对金刚石膜质量的影响。结果表明:随着微波功率的增加,制备的金刚石薄膜结晶性越来越好;通过拉曼分析在微波功率800W,发现在1332cm-1处金刚石峰的相对强度最高,金刚石相纯度最高。  相似文献   

首先从理论上探讨了非晶材料的光吸收规律,与晶体材料的光吸收规律有所不同,它不满足k实恒的选择定则,从而得出了计算非晶材料禁带宽度的方法,又通过实验验证了上述规律,并发现了新型材料类金刚石薄膜的禁带宽度比其它半导体的禁带宽度大。  相似文献   

化学气相沉积金刚石涂层硬质合金工具综合了金刚石和硬质合金的优异性能,可广泛应用于难加工材料的切削、电子工业等诸多领域。制造金刚石薄膜涂层工具的关键在于增强金刚石膜与硬质合金基体间的结合力。文章综述了增强化学气相沉积金刚石膜与硬质合金基体结合力的多种措施。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the gelation, thermal, mechanical, and oxygen permeability properties of different mammalian, warm- and cold-water fish gelatin solutions and films. Mammalian gelatin solutions had the highest gel set temperatures, followed by warm-water fish and then cold-water fish gelatin solutions. These differences were related to concentrations of imino acids present in each gelatin, with mammalian gelatin having the highest and cold-water fish gelatin having the lowest concentrations. Mammalian and warm-water fish gelatin films contained helical structures, whereas cold-water fish gelatin films were amorphous. This was due to the films being dried at room temperature (23 °C), which was below or near the gelation temperatures of mammalian and warm-water fish gelatin solutions and well above the gelation temperature of cold-water fish gelatin solutions. Tensile strength, percent elongation, and puncture deformation were highest in mammalian gelatin films, followed by warm-water fish gelatin film and then by cold-water fish gelatin films. Oxygen permeability values of cold-water fish gelatin films were significantly lower than those for mammalian gelatin films. These differences were most likely due to higher moisture sorption in mammalian gelatin films, leading to higher oxygen diffusivity.  相似文献   

金刚石具有高硬度、高强度、高耐磨性等一系列优异特性,被广泛地用来制备金刚石工具。金刚石工具工作寿命和性能的一个重要指标就是金刚石在金刚石工具中的把持强度,其在实际工作中的使用效果在很大程度上取决于胎体材料的性能。文章从固结温度、掺杂、金刚石表面涂层等几个方面对胎体材料机械性能的影响进行了概述,其中包括硬度,屈服强度,弯曲强度和冲击强度。最后指出了金刚石工具胎体材料性能研究存在的问题,并提出了解决对策,为胎体材料的设计提供了理论指导。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Zein, the predominant protein in corn, has been extensively studied as an alternative packaging material in edible and biodegradable films. However, films made from 100% zein are brittle under normal conditions. The aim of this investigation was to improve the film‐forming properties of zein by chemical phosphorylation. The surface hydrophobicity, surface microstructure and mechanical properties of films based on untreated and phosphorus oxychloride (POCl3)‐treated zein were evaluated and compared. The effect of POCl3 treatment on the rheological properties of zein solutions was also studied. RESULTS: POCl3 treatment, especially at pH 7 and 9, led to an increase in the apparent viscosity of zein solutions. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) analysis showed that the film based on POCl3‐treated zein at pH 7 had a stone‐like surface microstructure with a higher roughness (Rq) than the untreated zein film. The AFM data may partially account for the phenomenon that this film exhibited high surface hydrophobicity (H0). POCl3 treatment diminished the tensile strength (TS) of zein films from 4.83–6.67 to 1.3–2.29 MPa. However, the elongation at break (EAB) of the films at pH 7 and 9 increased from 3.0–4.5% (control film) to 150.1–122.7% (POCl3‐treated film), indicating the potential application of zein films in wrapping foods or in non‐food industries such as sugar, fruit or troche that need good extension packing materials. CONCLUSION: The data presented suggest that the properties of zein films could be modulated by chemical phosphorylation treatment with POCl3 at an appropriate pH value. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Packaging made from biodegradable biopolymers such as proteins, polysaccharides and lipids is a promising alternative to synthetic polymers. Films made from these biopolymers exhibit certain disadvantages in terms of their mechanical, barrier and physicochemical properties. Plasticisers, nanoparticles, lipids and antimicrobial compounds can be added to them to improve these properties. The tendency of biopolymer films to brittleness can be mitigated by adding plasticisers and/or nanoparticles. These films also tend to have high water vapour permeability, which can be reduced by adding lipids and/or nanoparticles. Incorporating natural compounds with antimicrobial activity into biopolymer films can provide them the advantages of maintaining food safety and extending shelf life. Addition of plasticisers, nanoparticles, lipids and/or antimicrobial compounds to biopolymer films can help to make them comparable to conventional synthetic films with the advantages that they reduce pollution and are biodegradable.  相似文献   

采用热丝辅助化学气相沉积(CVD)工艺制备出纳米、微米及细晶粒金刚石膜材料。观察了这三种金刚石膜的表面形貌并对上述金刚石膜的物理机械性能包括抗弯强度和耐磨性进行了实验性研究。结果表明,细晶粒结构的金刚石膜具有最高的抗弯强度.纳米结构的金刚石膜耐磨性最好。综合两个技术指标认为:细晶粒金刚石膜是三种晶粒结构中最佳的刀具制造材料。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Amaranth protein–lipid (PL) and protein (P) films were elaborated and compared with amaranth flour films in order to determine the contribution of the interactions between the biopolymer (starch and protein) and the lipids to the film properties. The films were made by the casting method, using the same glycerol concentration (0.9 g glycerol/100 g solution). A separation of the lipid fraction in the PL films and a polymorphic transformation of the corresponding fatty acids were observed by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and verified by an analysis of the microstructure by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The flour films showed no separation of the lipid fraction, evidence that the lipids were strongly associated with the proteins and homogenously distributed throughout the starch network, contributing to the good mechanical properties when compared to the PL films and to the excellent barrier properties when compared to both the PL and P films. The protein-protein interactions also contributed to the mechanical properties of the flour films. The presence of proteins and lipids in the flour films had an important effect on film solubility, and also on the color and opacity of the films. This study showed that the flour film properties depended on the interactions formed by their polymers (starches and proteins) and by the lipid, on the distribution of these interactions within the film matrix and on the concentrations of each component in the film.  相似文献   

探索了Fe-Cu-Ni-X(X=W、Mo、Ti、C、B4C)系粉末的机械合金化工艺,及其对热压烧结金刚石刀头强度和硬度的影响。发现干法球磨20小时可以得到15μm的预合金粉末,除W、B4C之外,其它元素均可固溶入Fe中;经930℃热压烧结后,Cu又从Fe中析出,同时形成WC等硬质相;B4C可能在球磨过程中产生了部分非晶化,经高温烧结后又恢复了结晶态,B4C并未与W、Mo、Ti等合金元素反应形成金属硼化物;将80vol%机械合金化预合金粉末与20vol%的45/50#镀Ti金刚石颗粒均匀混合后,进行930℃热压烧结,随着B4C含量增加,金刚石刀头的硬度逐渐增大,而抗弯强度在1%B4C时达到最高值949MPa,硬度为HRB120.7。  相似文献   

超声处理对大豆蛋白膜性能和微观结构的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了超声处理对大豆分离蛋白膜性能和微观结构的影响。结果表明,大豆分离蛋白膜液经超声功率20W、10min的处理,可显著地增加膜的抗拉强度及阻湿性能;红外和扫描电镜结果显示,超声处理改变了膜的空间结构,使膜表面平滑、均匀。  相似文献   

在平面研磨机上使用金刚石抛光盘对金刚石膜进行了抛光实验。通过观察金刚石膜机械抛光过程中表面形貌的变化,并结合拉曼光谱分析,提出了金刚石抛光盘抛光金刚石膜的抛光机理主要是微切削和压力破碎作用,同时还可能有少量金刚石转变为非晶碳的作用。通过单因素实验研究,发现金刚石盘的粒度对抛光金刚石膜材料去除率的影响最为显著。转速越高,表面粗糙度越小,压力和粒度存在最优值,超过该值后,表面粗糙度并不会随之降低。  相似文献   

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