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针对3DS模型文件在导入时存在尺寸、位置多变的问题进行了改进,提出了对模型进行“规范化”的处理。通过“规范化”处理可以将各种模型的尺寸和位置进行统一,为后续的调整和控制提供了保证。然后,实现了一个以3DS模型为基础,基于Visual C 和OpenGL编程平台的三维场景生成系统。该系统能够动态地将各种3DS模型添加到一个三维场景中,并可以动态调整场景中每个模型的具体参数。通过在该系统中使用“规范化”的处理,使得对于3DS模型的控制达到了十分理想的效果。  相似文献   

本文介绍了在Visual C++下如何使用OpenGL读取和控制3Ds Max生成的三维模型的方法。  相似文献   

通过对DirectX的研究,介绍了一种在Visual C++下直接使用DirectX读取3DS文件格式并生成三维模型的方法。  相似文献   

针对目前复杂几何模型在三维仿真中建模困难的现实,提出一种三维重建方法。本文采用Visual C++编程语言,对几何模型的STL和3DS两种格式的数据文件设计相应的读取程序;以OpenGL图形接口为基础设计几何模型绘制程序,实现三维几何模型的重建。  相似文献   

本文介绍了在Visual C 下如何使用OpenGL读取和控制3Ds Max生成的三维模型的方法.  相似文献   

3DS是一种非常普遍的三维图形数据格式,而利用OpenGL的图形功能和C 的编程功能,可以较好地实现从3DS模型文件中读取模型数据并绘制模型。本文结合编程实例,对VC 6.0中用OpenGL实现3DS模型的读取及其交互控制作了简要清晰的介绍。  相似文献   

利用3DS模型文件的特点和OpenGL的模型变换功能,通过先还原模型坐标为全局坐标,再重新组织模型变换的方法,实现了单个3DS模型文件中不同组件相对运动的仿真,进而得出一种通用的3DS模型各组件相对运动的实现方法。该方法具有控制简单、变换灵活、通用性强的特点。  相似文献   

本文对OpenGL环境中3DS模型的读取方法尤其是模型纹理数据的读取方法进行较为详细的介绍,降低了OpenGL建立复杂三维模型的难度,减少了建模的工作量,为模型和后期变换控制提供了较好的方法.  相似文献   

三维动画是计算机仿真和游戏编程的关键技术。用OpenGL实现三维动画不仅编程简单,而且代码量小。针对三维动画实现需求,介绍了用openGL实现三维动画的步骤,并结合实例予以说明。  相似文献   

根据OpenGL进行三维显示的处理过程和3DS文件中三维模型的数据组织结构,说明了如何从3DS文件得到OpenGL显示所需的数据。讨论了OpenGL显示三维物体时法线向量的作用,给出了一种高效的法线向量求解方法,该方法比现有方法的速度快一至两个数量级。最后讨论了如何利用3DS文件中的关键帧数据正确地显示带动画信息的模型。  相似文献   

三维虚拟场景正广泛应用于各行各业,包括科学模拟、城市规划、影视娱乐、产品制造、游戏设计、广告宣传等.以肇庆工商职业技术学院三维虚拟校园场景为设计基础,运用生动有趣的建筑生长动画技术来展示校园文化与环境氛围,深入探讨了基于3DS MAX来实现三维场景生长动画的理论依据和设计方法.通过详细介绍三维场景生长动画的生长方式,揭示三维虚拟校园场景中建筑生长动画的具体制作过程,为推进数字校园和数字城市的应用提供了实例参考.  相似文献   

In many areas, learning involves understanding complex spatial phenomena. For example, engineers must master the construction of machines as a prerequisite for maintenance, and the spatial composition of molecules is an important task in chemistry. Medical students have considerable difficulties in imagining the spatial relations within the human body, which they must learn in anatomy. With interactive 3D computer graphics based on high-resolution geometric models, we can explore these spatial relations. To exploit this potential, we've combined some new dedicated 3D interaction and visualization techniques in a system inspired by a 3D puzzle  相似文献   

This work evaluates the implementation of a nested Cartesian grid in a 3D semi-implicit hydrodynamic model with synthetic and real examples. The outer model provides all the values needed by the governing equations of the nesting (inner) subdomain at the boundary (including tangential velocities). A 3D flux relaxation scheme is applied to prevent mass and energy drift. The influence of tangential velocities in the solution is evaluated, showing a substantial reduction on the results' quality when they are considered negligible and lateral circulation exists. The inner/outer coupling implemented achieves a simulation time equal to the inner execution time and allows a transfer step equal to the inner time-step, removing time interpolation errors. This coupling makes feasible the 3D relaxation implemented. A dramatic improvement in memory requirements and simulation time is achieved, that allows the use of low-cost low-power consumption platforms in the simulations.  相似文献   

3DS文件读取、绘制与控制方法的研究与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
OpenGL是一种强大的三维图形开发工具,3DS格式是一种通用的保存三维模型的格式,基于OpenGL对3DS模型文件的读取、绘制与控制方法进行了研究.分析了3DS文件结构,并根据块结构格式抽象出用于读入数据的面、材质、物体和模型的数据结构.基于递归的方法对文件数据进行了读取,读入的数据经过数据处理后在屏幕上进行渲染.通过平移、旋转和缩放这3种矩阵变换和OpenGL选择机制实现了对模型的交互控制.基于上述方法开发了井下作业操作仿真与演练系统,取得了良好的效果.  相似文献   

A spatial query language enables the spatial analysis of building information models and the extraction of partial models that fulfill certain spatial constraints. Among other features, the developed spatial query language includes directional operators, i.e., operators that reflect the directional relationships between 3D spatial objects, such as northOf, southOf, eastOf, westOf, above and below. The paper presents in-depth definitions of the semantics of two new directional models for extended 3D objects, the projection-based and the halfspace-based model, by using point-set theory notation. It further describes the possible implementation of directional operators using a newly developed space-partitioning data structure called slot-tree, which is derived from the objects’ octree representation. The slot-tree allows for the application of recursive algorithms that successively increase the discrete resolution of the spatial objects employed and thereby enables the user to trade-off between computational effort and the required accuracy. The article also introduces detailed investigations on the runtime performance of the developed algorithms.  相似文献   

The 3D-shape matching problem plays a crucial role in many applications, such as indexing or modeling, by example. Here, we present a novel approach to matching 3D objects in the presence of nonrigid transformation and partially similar models. In this paper, we use the representation of surfaces by 3D curves extracted around feature points. Indeed, surfaces are represented with a collection of closed curves, and tools from shape analysis of curves are applied to analyze and to compare curves. The belief functions are used to define a global distance between 3D objects. The experimental results obtained on the TOSCA and the SHREC07 data sets show that the system performs efficiently in retrieving similar 3D models.  相似文献   

崔峰  张立群  李秀芳 《计算机工程与设计》2006,27(11):2088-2089,2099
啤酒发酵在线控制系统在相应硬件的基础上,采用Borland公司的Delphi6.0来实现.完成了对现场站数据的采集和处理;动态显示啤酒发酵过程中进酒时间、温度、压力和液位等的值,并且提供了上述值的历史数据以供查询.实践表明,该系统能够满足啤酒企业发酵过程的应用.  相似文献   

This work presents a parallel implementation for 3D semi-implicit hydrodynamic models of shallow waters that scales in low-cost clusters of computers. The scalability of semi-implicit hydrodynamic models is limited due to the need of all-to-one/one-to-all communications at each simulation time-step as it is here shown. These communications are avoided taking advantage of a nesting implementation, which resolves, in addition to the model at the original grid resolution (nested), a model with a lower grid resolution (parent). Nesting implementations are normally used to simulate both global and local processes with less memory and execution time by using as nested domain just the area where local processes occur while the parent model simulates the complete domain; but here, it is used to improve scalability. A two-level processing structure is proposed for the parallel implementation: pipeline plus domain-decomposition. The resulting parallel implementation with two-level structure scales with a slope near one.  相似文献   

3D模型LOD算法的研究及其OpenGL实现   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
张宛方  苏鸿根 《计算机工程与设计》2004,25(10):1790-1791,1796
3D模型LOD技术是计算机图形学的一个重要研究课题,简述了3D模型LOD技术的基本原理并分析和探讨了各类LOD算法。为了克服LOD算法在使用中的局限性,提出了一种3D模型LOD算法,并通过OpenGL编程进行了实现,运行的结果表明此3D模型LOD算法是可行和高效的。  相似文献   

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