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设计了一种基于微带方形开口环结构的太赫兹波吸收器,它由顶层方形开口环、中间电介质层基体和底层金属板组成.提出一种等效电路模型,利用该模型完成了对太赫兹波吸收器的设计、加工与测试.研究结果表明,吸收器在0.575THz处吸收率高达0.993.通过对器件的物理尺寸及材料参数的灵活调节,经优化设计即可实现对不同频率入射电磁波的高吸收.该吸收器具有结构简单、体积小、吸收率高等优点,有望在频谱成像、热辐射探测等应用中发挥重要作用.  相似文献   

太赫兹(THz)波是频率位于0.1 THz^10 THz的电磁波。因其具有非电离性,以及可与多数生物分子产生共振响应等特性,在生物医学领域有着巨大应用潜力,尤其在肿瘤检测方面。太赫兹成像技术作为生物医学领域一种新的成像技术,吸引国内外多个研究小组对其开展深入研究。本文列举分析了多种太赫兹成像技术在肿瘤检测的应用,其中可分为太赫兹扫描成像、太赫兹层析成像、太赫兹全息成像以及太赫兹近场成像,介绍了这些成像方式的基本原理以及国内外研究现状,最后对太赫兹成像技术在生物领域的未来做出展望。  相似文献   

叶麾  郄明蓉  曹寒雨  兰峰  侯敏敏 《光电工程》2018,45(5):170528-1-170528-10

近年来太赫兹光(0.1 THz~10 THz)因其良好的探测能力和非电离特性受到研究者们的关注。根据不同的检测方式和信号处理方法,可分为太赫兹成像技术和太赫兹光谱技术两大类。太赫兹技术在医学科学中发展迅速,其中生物大分子检测和组织成像令人印象深刻。水含量和结构差异是太赫兹成像技术的理论基础,据此可对生物组织进行检测识别。不同的生物组织具有不同的太赫兹特征谱,太赫兹光谱技术通过检测吸收系数、折射系数和反射系数来识别不同的生物分子、细胞或组织。实时、无标记的检测方式有望在临床实践中发挥重要作用,但仍需克服生物安全性不明等困难。综述介绍了太赫兹技术在医学科学中的应用及研究进展,同时探讨了太赫兹技术目前需要克服的难题和潜在的生物安全性问题。


太赫兹波所具有的无损性以及大量生物分子在太赫兹频段的指纹特性,使其在医学成像领域有着良好的应用前景。本文首先简要概述了太赫兹的医学成像技术手段,其次分别介绍了太赫兹在离体、活体组织中成像的研究现状。生物组织中的水会对太赫兹波产生强吸收,使得成像对比度受限。目前,为了减少组织中的水对成像的影响,针对离体组织的太赫兹成像大多需要进行切片、脱水等预处理,活体中的成像则主要应用在浅表组织。文章重点介绍了活体成像中有望提高太赫兹成像对比度的纳米粒子造影剂,最后对太赫兹医学成像的发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

李培煊 《硅谷》2011,(17):138-138
在分析半导体表面太赫兹发射器的辐射机理的基础上,对磁场对太赫兹发射器的增强效果进行分析,并给出太赫兹电磁辐射的功率增强因子表达式。  相似文献   

太赫兹(THz)成像技术,因其具有能量低、透射率高、波谱范围宽等独特的分析能力,已经在生物医学、安全检查、航空航天等领域展现出巨大的优势及潜在的应用价值,但是较低的空间分辨率制约了太赫兹成像技术的进一步应用。太赫兹波通过具有适当折射率的介质结构产生的“太喷射”效应调控亚波长尺寸太赫兹光场,突破衍射极限对显微系统空间分辨率的限制,同时不损失光场能量和光谱信息,实现高通量、超宽谱的远场太赫兹高分辨成像。本文首先介绍基于纳米喷射的微球透镜显微技术,接着介绍基于太喷射的太赫兹显微技术,最后对基于喷射效应的太赫兹高分辨成像技术的前景做了展望。  相似文献   

设计了一种十字架金属微结构的太赫兹波吸收器,其结构是将金属十字架置于硅基体之上,基体的背面再覆盖一层金属,以此为单元结构经周期排列组成.针对该太赫兹波吸收器提出了一种等效电路分析模型,通过仿真和加工测试证实了该吸收器的中心吸收频率位于0.571THz,吸收率为99.6%,反射率为0.38%,透过率为0,吸收带宽为29GHz.等效电路模型计算结果与测试结果相吻合.结果表明,提出的等效电路模型分析方法是简单有效的,从而为今后太赫兹波器件的研究提供了一种很好的思路.  相似文献   

全息术是一种三维成像技术,它已经被应用于多种实际场景。随着计算机科学与技术的迅猛发展,计算全息由于其方便和灵活的特性,已经成为一种广泛应用的全息成像方法。本文回顾了我们近期基于超表面的太赫兹计算全息研究进展。其中,作为全息板的超表面展示出了超越传统光学器件的独特性能。首先,利用超表面实现了对于全息板每个像素的相位振幅同时且独立的调控,进而实现了高质量全息成像。这种新的电磁波操控能力也带来了新的全息成像效果,如利用介质超表面实现了全息像沿传播方向上的连续变化。其次,对超表面在不同偏振态下的响应进行设计,分别实现了线偏振态与频率复用、圆偏振态复用、以及基于表面波的偏振复用超表面全息术。此外,本文提出了依赖于温度变化而主动可控的超表面全息术,为今后计算全息术的设计与实现提供了新的方案,也推动了超表面在实际应用方面的发展。  相似文献   

郭俊虎 《影像技术》2014,(3):53-54,43
太赫兹波是一种电磁波,我们通常所说的太赫兹波的频率一般在0.1到10T赫兹之间。太赫兹波兼有微波和红外线的特点,在测量领域具有很广泛的应用。本论文简要介绍了太赫兹波的特性以及测量原理,同时指出其在爆炸物检测中的应用。  相似文献   

As the variation of temperature alters the intrinsic carrier density in a semiconductor, numerical simulations indicate that the consequent variation of the relative permittivity in the terahertz regime provides a way to realize thermally tunable split-ring resonators. Electromagnetic metasurfaces and metamaterials that are thermally tunable in the terahertz regime can thus be implemented.  相似文献   

Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials - Analysis and numerical results are presented for the thermoelastic dissipation of a homogeneous isotropic, thermally conducting, Kelvin–Voigt type...  相似文献   

A promising label-free approach for the analysis of genetic material by means of detecting the hybridization of polynucleotides with electromagnetic waves at terahertz (THz) frequencies is presented. Using an integrated waveguide approach, incorporating resonant THz structures as sample carriers and transducers for the analysis of the DNA molecules, we achieve a sensitivity down to femtomolar levels. The approach is demonstrated with time-domain ultrafast techniques based on femtosecond laser pulses for generating and electro-optically detecting broadband THz signals, although the principle can certainly be transferred to other THz technologies.  相似文献   

This paper describes a correction and an extension in the previously published large signal equivalent circuit model for a circular capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducer (CMUT) cell. The force model is rederived so that the energy and power is preserved in the equivalent circuit model. The model is able to predict the entire behavior of CMUT until the membrane touches the substrate. Many intrinsic properties of the CMUT cell, such as the collapse condition, collapse voltage, the voltage-displacement interrelation and the force equilibrium before and after collapse voltage in the presence of external static force, are obtained as a direct consequence of the model. The small signal equivalent circuit for any bias condition is obtained from the large signal model. The model can be implemented in circuit simulation tools and model predictions are in excellent agreement with finite element method simulations.  相似文献   

We present a design of electromagnetically induced transparency operating in terahertz regime based on near-field coupling between a metal strip and split ring resonators (SRR) made of superconducting film. When the SRR work in superconducting state, the transparency window can be thermally controlled. A pair of SRR has been introduced as the dark mode to enhance the coupling, which results in a broadening and high transmittance of near unity of the transparency window. These results may lead to potential applications in tunable terahertz devices, slowing light, and sensing technology.  相似文献   


The novel design of a single-sided left-handed metamaterial (LHM) based only on modified circular electric resonators (MCERs) is presented experimentally and numerically in this letter. A capacitive gap is introduced in the middle arm of the electric resonator. Through adjusting the geometrical dimensions properly, the two frequency bands corresponding to negative permittivity and permeability overlap, which is validated by the parametric retrieval algorithm and equivalent circuit analysis. Furthermore, a dual-band LHM is achieved by combining two kinds of MCERs within the same unit cell. Compared to previous composite structures, the MCERs have the advantages of simple pattern, flexible design and fabricating three-dimensional LHMs readily.  相似文献   

An experimental and theoretical study of bending modes in a partially electroded circular piezoelectric quartz (AT-cut) with free edge is presented. The quartz is excited by a voltage pulse applied on the electrodes, and its surface is scanned by a laser vibrometer that measures the out-of-plane displacements. The classical theory of bending of thin disks is used to describe the flexural modes at frequencies lower than the first thickness shear resonance (6 MHz). A fairly good agreement is found between experimental and theoretical results for the forced mode shapes and for the resonance frequencies. However, it appears that the two springs used to maintain the disk in position introduce extra clamping conditions. Several source shapes were studied, among which a collection of an arbitrary number of forces is particularly useful. The two-dimensional wavenumber representation shows the presence of anisotropy related to the crystallographic axes at higher frequencies, which is not predicted by the model. The experimental phase velocities are compared to those given by the classical theory of disks and to those of Lamb A(0) mode. This study confirms the correspondence at low frequencies between the A(0) mode and the bending eigenmodes of a disk with finite size.  相似文献   

A new type of left handed microstrip lines implemented by means of complementary split-ring resonators (CSRRs) is proposed. The CSRRs are etched on the signal strip alternating with series gaps. Additionally, shunt connected stubs are introduced for the first time to the previous structure. The combination of these three elements, that is, the series gaps, the CSRR and the shunt inductance, enhances design flexibility. By this means, the ground plane is left unaltered and narrow band artificial transmission lines with good performance and compact dimensions can be synthesised. The lumped element equivalent circuit model of the structure is proposed and validated. To demonstrate the applicability of these new left handed transmission lines, two compact microwave components have been designed and fabricated: (i) a narrow band power divider and (ii) a band pass filter. The resulting power divider is 75% smaller than the conventional implementation and 50% smaller than previous power dividers implemented by means of CSRRs. The band pass filter performance is comparable to that of previous CSRR-based filters with ground plane etching, whereas its size is smaller. This work represents a significant progress on the design of microwave components based on CSRRs, that is, the approach is opened to those systems where the ground plane cannot be etched.  相似文献   

Accurate modeling of a bulk acoustic wave resonator frequency response is limited by the inability of the current 1-D models to simulate certain parasitic modes excited in realistic 3-D structures. A simple technique is proposed to simulate such parasitic modes by employing the 1-D Mason Model of a resonator and a coupling term between the fundamental mode and those parasitic modes. This Modified Mason Model allows accurate simulation of resonators with arbitrary impedance and arbitrary resonating frequency. Finally, the model's prediction is compared with the on-wafer measurement of a ladder-type filter composed of several resonators.  相似文献   

A new broadband terahertz circular polarizer with a double-helix structure is proposed in this paper. Furthermore, we systematically simulated the performance of single- and double-helix circular polarizers. Our numerical simulation results show that the function regions of double-helical metamaterials are about 50% broader than those of the single-helical metamaterials in terahertz. We also analyzed the dependence of the performance of the single- and double-helix metamaterials on different structure parameters. Following the antenna theory and the metal wire grating theory, proper explanations were given to interpret the changes of performance with various structure parameters and the difference between the single and double helix.  相似文献   

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