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公路机电系统分为收费、监控、通信三大系统,如何保证这三大系统的正常运转已经成为公路运营管理单位面临的主要问题。笔者一直从事公路机电系统的运营管理及建设工作,有一些切身感受和体会,愿与同行共同探讨。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的蓬勃发展,我国的公路系统也越来越发达。网络给公路收费系统带来便利的同时,也带来了危机。本文对公路联网收费系统常见网络故障进行了分析,并提出了相关解决措施。  相似文献   

焦庆春 《A&S》2006,(8):154-156
本文对当前广泛应用的视频安防监控系统的组成进行阐述,并对系统区域性联网进行分析,说明了区域性联网的主要方式及其实现方法。[编者按]  相似文献   

介绍哈尔滨公路客运总站网络系统的硬件组成、软件设计及网络安全等实现技术。  相似文献   

张海峰  郑建明 《A&S》2008,(8):110-112
银行是最早实现监控系统联网的应用场所,从之前的本地监控到二级分行集中监控,以及逐步实现全省、全国范围的监控系统,监控联网系统为银行安全防范以及管理带来了价值与效益,受到各银行及主管部门的高度重视,而联网监控平台更加成为银行联网解决方案的关注焦点。  相似文献   

视频监控系统经过多年的发展,已从纯模拟、电缆传输的小型系统发展到现在光纤传输、模数结合乃至全数字的大型系统。由于社会治安形势的日益严峻,还将会有更大规模的组网系统出现。本文根据用户在实际业务上的要求以及当前技术可实现的手段,对不同阶段的产品有不同的组网方式,作简要介绍。  相似文献   

文章介绍和分析了在联网报警系统中,如何解决快速、安全、可靠的通讯问题。  相似文献   

黄小菲 《A&S》2008,(4):122-125
随着平安城市项目的兴起,城市联网报警监控系统建设在全国各地都如火如荼地开展。本文根据多年从事城市联网报警系统研发和参观国外城市联网报警系统,初步分析了国内外城市联网报警服务的特点,并最后提出了今后城市联网报警系统的发展,为国内从事城市联网报警系统的业内人员提供参考。  相似文献   

监狱对很多人来说都披着一层神秘的面缈,由于对分区管理非常严格,监狱的联网级别比任何一个领域都要多,而无论使用模拟还是数字,抑或模拟结合数字系统进行组网,都需要解决系统的高稳定性,高可靠性问题。  相似文献   

网络化视频监视是远程视频监控、远程视频会议等应用的基础,采用Microsoft提供的VFW技术,获取摄像头视频信号,通过C/S模式通信编程,实现网络化视频监视功能。该程序可以使用于集中视频监视、远程视频会话等场合,具有应用范围广、通用性强、编程相对简单、成本低、可靠性高等优势。  相似文献   

QoS in grid networks is a very important issue. In this paper, we compare two scheduling algorithms of the Flow Aware Networking (FAN) architecture under Grid traffic. The metrics used to compare both serve to allocate the bandwidth. Additionally, we provide the comparison of one of the FAN architectures against DiffServ and under Grid traffic. Metrics studied here are average goodput and average delay. Finally, we provide a survey of the most important IP-based QoS architectures for Grid networks. We assume that Grid traffic is only composed by GridFTP sessions that arrive following a stationary Poisson process. We conclude that FAN based on the Priority Fair Queuing (PFQ) scheduling algorithm gets the better performance and that FAN architectures perform better than Diffserv.  相似文献   

"高速公路交通综合管理计算机网络系统"是针对高速公路交通管理的需要研发的信息处理系统,具有低成本、易操作、可配置、无人职守等特点。本文从系统框架、系统实现技术特点和系统整体特性等几方面,介绍了该系统是一个集成应用图像处理、模式识别技术、计算机网络技术的现代化高速公路综合管理系统。  相似文献   

Research suggests that personality dictates specific Internet preferences. One area that remains relatively unexplored is the influence of personality on engagement with social networking sites (SNSs). The current study employs a ‘Uses and Gratifications’ framework to investigate whether personality, age, and sex predict motivations for using SNSs. The study explores both global and specific factors of personality using Eysenck's EPQ‐R short form (extraversion, neuroticism and psychoticism) and Beck's SAS (sociotropy and autonomy). Principal component analysis identified ten distinct motivational components, which were then successfully predicted by individual differences through regression analyses. It is therefore suggested that individuals with different profiles vary in their motivations for using SNSs. Results support theoretical assumptions based on previous literature and personality dispositions.  相似文献   

刘广贤  王萍  王峰 《微处理机》2012,33(5):85-89
竞赛信息系统已经成为综合性运动会的神经中枢,竞赛信息系统的可靠与否直接关系到整个赛事的成败。竞赛信息采集系统是竞赛信息系统的核心。该课题主要讨论竞赛信息采集系统的信息采集方式,提出在不同信息采集方式下的三种组网模式。该组网模式稳定应用于第26届世界大学生运动会竞赛信息系统中。  相似文献   

物联网技术越来越多的用于工业检测系统中。然而,原有的物联网监测系统大多只注重传感器硬件的配置和监测指标的设计,却忽略了表现层的重要性,没有直观的数据展现方式和友好的用户交互界面。针对该问题,本文以一个物联网监测系统--桥梁监测系统为背景,针对其数据特点和监测需求,提出了一个基于WPF的具有良好交互性和数据直观展现的表现层设计方案,并结合数据可视化技术,给出了实现方法。  相似文献   

Cloud computing has become the real trend of enterprise IT service model that offers cost-effective and scalable processing. Meanwhile, Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is gaining popularity in enterprise networks for flexibility in network management service and reduced operational cost. There seems a trend for the two technologies to go hand-in-hand in providing an enterprise’s IT services. However, the new challenges brought by the marriage of cloud computing and SDN, particularly the implications on enterprise network security, have not been well understood. This paper sets to address this important problem.We start by examining the security impact, in particular, the impact on DDoS attack defense mechanisms, in an enterprise network where both technologies are adopted. We find that SDN technology can actually help enterprises to defend against DDoS attacks if the defense architecture is designed properly. To that end, we propose a DDoS attack mitigation architecture that integrates a highly programmable network monitoring to enable attack detection and a flexible control structure to allow fast and specific attack reaction. To cope with the new architecture, we propose a graphic model based attack detection system that can deal with the dataset shift problem. The simulation results show that our architecture can effectively and efficiently address the security challenges brought by the new network paradigm and our attack detection system can effectively report various attacks using real-world network traffic.  相似文献   

段国云 《现代计算机》2014,(2):53-55,59
针对《计算机组网》课程,传统的教育方法过份强调理论课在教学中的作用,却忽略对学习者积极性和创造力的培养。在该课程的教学中,采用任务驱动式教学方法对课程教学结构进行改革,以实际网络项目为目标来展开知识点的讲解,加大实验教学比重,充分调动学习者的积极性。经班级对比教学结果证明:任务驱动教学法对学习积极性的提高优于传统的教学方法,对培训高技术人才有很大的帮助,值得教学推广。  相似文献   

Software Defined Networking (SDN) is a new network design paradigm that aims at simplifying the implementation of complex networking infrastructures by separating the forwarding functionalities (data plane) from the network logical control (control plane). Network devices are used only for forwarding, while decisions about where data is sent are taken by a logically centralized yet physically distributed component, i.e., the SDN controller. From a quality of service (QoS) point of view, an SDN controller is a complex system whose operation can be highly dependent on a variety of parameters, e.g., its degree of distribution, the corresponding topology, the number of network devices to control, and so on. Dependability aspects are particularly critical in this context. In this work, we present a new analytical modeling technique that allows us to represent an SDN controller whose components are organized in a hierarchical topology, focusing on reliability and availability aspects and overcoming issues and limitations of Markovian models. In particular, our approach allows to capture changes in the operating conditions (e.g., in the number of managed devices) still allowing to represent the underlying phenomena through generally distributed events. The dependability of a use case on a two-layer hierarchical SDN control plane is investigated through the proposed technique providing numerical results to demonstrate the feasibility of the approach.  相似文献   

“内容中心网络”(Content Centric Networking,CCN)是未来互联网架构体系群中极具前景的架构之一。尽管CCN网络的全新设计使其能够抵御目前网络存在的大多数形式DoS攻击,但仍引发了新型的DoS攻击,其中危害较大的两类攻击是兴趣包泛洪攻击和缓存污染攻击。这两类DoS攻击利用了CCN网络自身转发机制的安全逻辑漏洞,通过泛洪大量的恶意攻击包,耗尽网络资源,并导致网络瘫痪。与传统IP网络中DoS攻击相比,CCN网络中的内容路由、内嵌缓存和接收者驱动传输等新特征,对其DoS攻击的检测和防御方法都提出了新的挑战。本文首先介绍CCN网络的安全设计和如何对抗已有的DoS攻击,然后从多角度描述、比较CCN中新型DoS攻击的特点,重点阐述了兴趣包泛洪攻击和缓存污染攻击的分类、检测和防御方法,以及它们所面临的问题挑战,最后对全文进行总结。  相似文献   

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