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Lake Erie walleye Sander vitreus exhibits significant interannual variability in year-class strength. Recent research revealed the importance of larval growth and survival rates in determining walleye year-class strength in western Lake Erie, indicating that spatial and temporal overlap of larvae with good habitat conditions (e.g., abundant prey, warm waters) promoted walleye growth and survival. To assess the spatial overlap between walleye larvae and habitat parameters (water depth, temperature, water clarity, prey density) in western Lake Erie, we evaluated the spatial distribution of walleye larvae and these habitat parameters with intensive sampling at 30 to 36 sites during spring 1994–1999. We analyzed spatial relationships among pelagic walleye larvae and various habitat attributes using a geographic information system and principal components analysis. Larval walleye density was consistently highest at nearshore sites during all years and showed a high degree of spatial overlap with high ichthyoplankton density, and warm water temperatures. Larval walleye density was negatively associated with water depth and water clarity. Two principal components represented 79.6% of the total variability in site attributes. Principle components analysis supported our spatial analysis by graphically separating sites into distinct groups based on larval walleye density and habitat attributes. These analyses indicated that similar relationships between larval distribution and habitat attributes occur each year, emphasizing the importance of nearshore coastal zones as nursery areas for walleye.  相似文献   

Microinvertebrates play a critical role in riverine food webs, and recent studies have hypothesized that slackwaters, non‐flowing regions associated with the main channel, are important for their reproduction and recruitment. However, little is known regarding the population and community dynamics of microinvertebrate communities in slackwater regions, or how they compare with those in mid‐channel regions. This study examined microinvertebrate communities in the epibenthic and pelagic zones of slackwater and mid‐channel regions (i.e. four habitats) of an Australian floodplain river in relation to physico‐chemical parameters and food availability (as estimated by chlorophyll‐a concentration) between September 2005 and November 2006. Results from this study indicate that microinvertebrate abundance and diversity were greater in slackwater habitats than mid‐channel habitats overall, corresponding with the slower current velocities associated with the former. Nevertheless, communities in all four habitats were most abundant and diverse in late spring (coinciding with an increase in water temperature), and followed similar seasonal trajectories in terms of density, taxon richness and community structure. These findings support the view that slackwaters are important for in‐channel microinvertebrate production, and suggest that animals frequently disperse (either actively or passively) among slackwater and other main channel regions year round. Given the critical importance of microinvertebrates in riverine food webs, rivers should be managed with a view to maintaining a natural variety of accessible slackwater regions in order to support the production and survival of microinvertebrate communities. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Navigation‐induced physical forces have been suggested to modify the structure of riverine fish assemblages by impeding especially the recruitment of littoral bound species. To investigate the effect of vessel frequency on fish, we compared the composition and seasonal succession of young‐of‐the‐year (YOY) fish assemblages in three similarly degraded river reaches differing in average vessel passages (2, 6 and 41 per day). Fish were caught by electrofishing biweekly between May and September. Multivariate tests were used to analyse differences between YOY‐fish assemblages and hurdle regression models applied to determine abiotic factors predicting fish occurrence and abundance. Roach (Rutilus rutilus) and perch (Perca fluviatilis) densities were compared. Roach larvae remain in the littoral zone while perch larvae shift to the pelagic zone immediately after hatch. YOY‐fish assemblage structure substantially changed along the traffic intensity gradient. In the high traffic intensity reach, species number and total fish density were markedly reduced compared to the other reaches. Roach densities were lowest in the high traffic intensity reach whereas perch densities did not decline along the gradient. Hurdle regressions confirmed a stronger effect of commercial navigation traffic intensity on roach than on perch. The total zooplankton biomass was highest in the high traffic intensity reach. Our results provide empirical evidence that intensive commercial navigation impoverishes fish assemblages in width‐restricted waterways. They underlined that in particular those species that have their first nursery habitats in shoreline areas were more affected by intensive commercial navigation than species whose larvae live predominantly pelagic. The results indicate that the negative effect of intensive navigation on riverine fish results primarily from the navigation‐induced hydraulic disturbances along the banks. Therefore, mitigation of navigation‐induced hydraulic forces is required to prevent degradation of fish communities in waterways. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The suitability of rehabilitated floodplains along the lower River Rhine for rheophilic cyprinids was assessed by investigating the spatial distribution of 0‐group fish among, and within, three newly created secondary channels, an oxbow lake reconnected at its downstream end and several existing groyne fields. Fish were sampled during April through September 1997–1999 with seine nets and trawls and, for each sample, the habitat (physical environment) was characterized (flow, depth, substrate and inundated terrestrial vegetation). The new water bodies provide more suitable habitats for 0‐group fish than the groyne fields. Their beneficial value differs, however, between reproductive guilds and depends on the morphological and hydrological conditions. Total fish density increased along a gradient of decreasing water flow whereas the proportion of rheophilic species (Barbus barbus, Gobio gobio, Leuciscus idus and Aspius aspius) decreased. Flow velocity and water depth were the most important factors determining habitat utilization. Rheophilic fish were spatially separated from eurytopic fish (e.g. Abramis brama, Rutilus rutilus and Stizostedion lucioperca). During flood events, inundated terrestrial vegetation was an important habitat for the larvae of all species. To enhance the riverine fish community, floodplain water bodies should have complex shorelines, and a high variability of flow velocities. Their slopes should be moderate to maximize the probability of terrestrial vegetation getting inundated during spring and summer. Future management of similar floodplains should focus on more diverse and accessible aquatic habitats to increase overall fish species diversity, since different types of water body clearly have complementary values. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Floodplain habitats provide critical spawning and rearing habitats for many large‐river fishes. The paradigm that floodplains are essential habitats is often a key reason for restoring altered rivers to natural flow regimes. However, few studies have documented spatial and temporal utilization of floodplain habitats by adult fish of sport or commercial management interest or assessed obligatory access to floodplain habitats for species' persistence. In this study, we applied telemetry techniques to examine adult fish movements between floodplain and mainstem habitats, paired with intensive light trap sampling of larval fish in these same habitats, to assess the relationships between riverine flows and fish movement and spawning patterns in restored and unmodified floodplain distributaries of the Apalachicola River, Florida. Our intent is to inform resource managers on the relationships between the timing, magnitude and duration of flow events and fish spawning as part of river management actions. Our results demonstrate spawning by all study species in floodplain and mainstem river habitat types, apparent migratory movements of some species between these habitats, and distinct spawning events for each study species on the basis of fish movement patterns and light trap catches. Additionally, Micropterus spp., Lepomis spp. and, to a lesser degree, Minytrema melanops used floodplain channel habitat that was experimentally reconnected to the mainstem within a few weeks of completing the restoration. This result is of interest to managers assessing restoration activities to reconnect these habitats as part of riverine restoration programmes globally. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Regulation of rivers by dams transforms previously lotic reaches above the dam into lentic ones and limits or prevents longitudinal connectivity, which impairs access to suitable habitats for the reproduction of many migratory fish species. Frequently, unregulated tributaries can provide important habitat heterogeneity to a regulated river and may mitigate the influence of impoundments on the mainstem river. We evaluated the importance of tributaries to spawning of migratory fish species over three spawning seasons, by comparing several abiotic conditions and larval fish distributions in four rivers that are tributaries to an impounded reach of the Upper Paraná River, Brazil. Our study confirmed reproduction of at least 8 long‐distance migrators, likely nine, out of a total of 19 occurring in the Upper Paraná River. Total larval densities and percentage species composition differed among tributaries, but the differences were not consistent among spawning seasons and unexpectedly were not strongly related to annual differences in temperature and hydrology. We hypothesize that under present conditions, densities of larvae of migratory species may be better related to efficiency of fish passage facilities than to temperature and hydrology. Our study indicates that adult fish are finding suitable habitat for spawning in tributaries, fish eggs are developing into larvae, and larvae are finding suitable rearing space in lagoons adjacent to the tributaries. Our findings also suggest the need for establishment of protected areas in unregulated and lightly regulated tributaries to preserve essential spawning and nursery habitats. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Adequate densities of zooplankton prey are critical for growth and survival of larvae of many fish species. Little information exists on the density of zooplankton in Great Lakes inshore areas during early spring, when larvae of important fishes rely on zooplankton. Reduced age-0 walleye recruitment and the absence of data on zooplankton availability for larval walleyes in northern Green Bay, Lake Michigan, led us to assess zooplankton densities during this critical spring period. We conducted biweekly vertical plankton tows in 2014–2016 near reefs and river plumes used by spawning walleyes for periods when larval walleyes were expected to be relying on zooplankton prey. Densities of zooplankton were well below literature values identified for good growth and survival of larval walleyes, averaging 1.5 individuals L−1 for all taxa and 0.12 individuals L−1 for large-bodied taxa across all sites and sampling dates. Various factors could contribute to the low density of zooplankton observed. We found low but significantly higher densities of cyclopoid copepods, nauplii, Bosmina, and total zooplankton at river mouth sites compared to open water sites. These results suggest that food availability for larval walleye in our study area was severely limiting which is consistent with the paucity of strong year classes observed since 2000. We suspect northern Green Bay has limited potential for producing strong year classes of walleyes under such conditions. Fishery managers working in unproductive waters should consider assessing the zooplankton community during critical periods to identify potential bottlenecks to reproductive success and larval fish survival.  相似文献   

On meandering rivers with well‐developed floodplains, bankfull stage has geomorphological and ecological significance because it approximates the level of connection between the channel and the floodplain. As a river rises to bankfull stage, sediment begins to be deposited on the floodplain, wetlands are progressively inundated and organisms migrate between the channel and floodplain habitats. On many rivers large headwater dams have reduced the frequency and duration of floodplain inundation downstream. However, the lack of reliable pre‐regulation flow data has made it difficult to quantify the effects of river regulation. This study used historical regulated and modelled natural flow data to determine the effects of regulation on the frequency and duration of bankfull flows on the Murrumbidgee River, one of Australia's largest and most heavily regulated rivers. In combination with floodplain surveys the flow data show that regulation has halved the frequency and duration of bankfull flows. This reduction in channel–floodplain connection has implications for the ecological health of the Murrumbidgee River. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Reservoirs constructed on floodplain rivers are unique because the upper reaches of the impoundment may include extensive floodplain environments. Moreover, reservoirs that experience large periodic water level fluctuations as part of their operational objectives seasonally inundate and dewater floodplains in their upper reaches, partly mimicking natural inundations of river floodplains. In four flood control reservoirs in Mississippi, USA, we explored the dynamics of connectivity between reservoirs and adjacent floodplains and the characteristics of fish assemblages that develop in reservoir floodplains relative to those that develop in reservoir bays. Although fish species richness in floodplains and bays were similar, species composition differed. Floodplains emphasized fish species largely associated with backwater shallow environments, often resistant to harsh environmental conditions. Conversely, dominant species in bays represented mainly generalists that benefit from the continuous connectivity between the bay and the main reservoir. Floodplains in the study reservoirs provided desirable vegetated habitats at lower water level elevations, earlier in the year, and more frequently than in bays. Inundating dense vegetation in bays requires raising reservoir water levels above the levels required to reach floodplains. Therefore, aside from promoting distinct fish assemblages within reservoirs and helping promote diversity in regulated rivers, reservoir floodplains are valued because they can provide suitable vegetated habitats for fish species at elevations below the normal pool, precluding the need to annually flood upland vegetation that would inevitably be impaired by regular flooding. Published 2013. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic alterations to large rivers ranging from impoundments to channelization and levees have caused many rivers to no longer access the floodplain in a meaningful capacity. Floodplain habitats are important to many riverine fishes to complete their life‐history strategies. The fish community and species of fish that inhabit floodplain habitats are often dictated by the type of habitat and the conditions within that habitat (e.g., temperature, water velocity, depth, and discharge). As mitigation and restoration projects are undertaken, it is imperative that managers understand how various habitat components will affect the fish community in floodplain habitats. We collected fish and habitat data from two restored side channels with different structural designs on the lower Platte River, Nebraska, to determine how habitat variables predicted species diversity and individual species presence. We found a decrease in discharge in the main‐stem river resulted in increased diversity in one of the side channels, with the greatest diversity values occurring during summer. No habitat variables performed well for predicting fish species diversity for an adjacent side channel with more uniform depth and velocity and no groundwater inputs. However, several native riverine fish species in this side channel were shown to be associated with high temperature, dissolved oxygen, main‐stem discharge, and discharge variability. These results highlight the importance of considering the physical design of restored floodplain habitats when attempting to enhance fish communities.  相似文献   

We collected water-quality data from 15 artificial floodplain ponds along the Mississippi River during May 1988 and quantified shoreline length, shoreline sinuousity, volume, and depth variation. Ponds regarded as high-quality nurseries (based upon larval fish densities) contained higher dissolved oxygen concentrations and lower total organic carbon concentrations than ponds of lower nursery quality (p < 0.02). High-quality nurseries also maintained higher conductivity and turbidity than low-quality nurseries (p < 0.05). Results indicated that dissolved oxygen and pH probably fluctuated less in high quality nurseries and therefore provided better conditions for survival and growth of larval fishes. Total organic carbon and conductivity were directly related to pond morphometry (p < 0.004) and affected dissolved oxygen and pH in ponds. Large, high-volume ponds with sinuous shorelines and variable depths tended to contain both high conductivities and low total organic carbon concentrations. Pond morphometry may have affected water quality and subsequently determined the nursery value of artificial floodplain ponds.  相似文献   

Macroinvertebrates were sampled in seven microhabitats (submerged woody debris, reeds, sedges, inundated grass, floating aquatic vegetation, lignum, and the unvegetated littoral) at thirteen sites representing six macrohabitats (single temporary and permanent ox-bow lakes (billabongs), fast and slow-flowing anabranches, backwaters, and the main channel) of the River Murray, and Australian lowland river. Sites were sampled in spring 1988, shortly after floodwaters had receded. Most of the 95 taxa collected were aquatic insects. Detritivores were most abundant in all macrohabitats except the temporary billabong where predators predominated. Scrapers were only abundant in the permanent billabong. The temporary billabong harboured the most species and individuals whereas slowly-flowing anabranches contained the fewest species and individuals. At the microhabitat level, most taxa and individuals occurred in stands of aquatic vegetation. The unvegetated littoral zone was the most depauperate microhabitat. Multivariate analyses illustrated the distinctiveness of the faunal assemblage found in the temporary billabong. Subsequent analyses of the permanently inundated macrohabitats indicated gradients related to current velocity and the extent to which the sites were continuous with the main river. Current velocity apparently determined assemblage composition at the macrohabitat scale whereas the structural complexity of submerged vegetation operated at the microhabitat scale. The relatively large number of taxa collected from this area emphasizes the importance of a range of macrohabitats and microhabitats to faunal diversity in a floodplain ecosystem. Although there was little faunal overlap between billabongs and the main river, billabongs probably serve as refuges for many lentic taxa that rely upon regular inundation to survive. Surveys of floodplain rivers for management purposes must include samples from aquatic habitats adjacent to the main channel because the fauna of the floodplain is potentially most threatened by regulation and alteration of the flooding regime.  相似文献   

Floodplain waterbodies are reputed to enhance recruitment of riverine fish populations via provision of spawning and nursery habitat, refuge from floods, and increased availability of planktonic food resources compared with main river channels. Notwithstanding, there have been few parallel studies of fishes and their food resources at both main river and floodplain sites. Thus, this study investigated the 0+ fishes, zooplankton and phytoplankton (chlorophyll a) at four main river and four (man‐made) floodplain sites on the lower River Trent, England, between May 1999 and October 2004 inclusive. All sites shared the same key fish species, and there were no consistent differences in the densities, growth or condition of 0+ fishes from main river and floodplain sites. Similarly, all sites shared the same key zooplankton taxa. However, zooplankton densities, notably of large‐bodied cladocerans, and chlorophyll a concentrations, were significantly higher at floodplain sites than at main river sites. Thus, connection of man‐made waterbodies has the potential to enhance recruitment of riverine fish populations via provision of important spawning and nursery habitat, and superior feeding opportunities for 0+ fishes compared with main river channels. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Periodic flooding plays a key role in the ecology of floodplain rivers. Damming of such rivers can disturb flooding patterns and have a negative impact on commercial fish yield. The Volga River, the largest river in Europe, has a regulated flow regime after completion of a cascade of dams. Here, we study effects of damming on long‐term discharge variability and flood pulse characteristics. In addition, we evaluate the effects of the altered flood pulse on floodplain ecosystem functioning and commercial fish yields. Our results indicate that both flood pulse and fish populations of the Volga–Akhtuba floodplain have varied considerably over the past decades. After damming, annual maximum peak discharges have decreased, minimum discharges increased, but average discharges remained similar to pre‐damming conditions. Moreover, because of bed level incision of over 1.5 m, a higher discharge is needed to reach bankfull level and inundate the floodplains. Despite this significantly altered hydrological regime and subsequent morphological changes, current discharge management still provides significant spring flooding. However, commercial fish catches did decrease after damming, both in the main channel and in the floodplain lakes. All catches were dominated by species with a eurytopic flow preference, although catches from the main channel contained more rheophilic species, and floodplain catches contained more limnophilic and phytophilic species. The strong increase of opportunistic gibel carp (Carassius gibelio) around 1985 was apparent in the main channel and the floodplain lakes. Despite the hydrological changes, the decrease in overall catches, and the upsurge of gibel, we found a strong positive effect of flood magnitude in the previous year on commercial fish yield in the floodplain lakes. This suggests that under the current discharge management there still is an increased fish growth and/or survival during high floods and that functioning of the floodplain is at least partly intact. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Rainbow smelt are an important prey species for native and introduced salmonines in the Great Lakes. In Lake Huron, rainbow smelt populations are characterized by variable recruitment and year-class strength. To understand the influence of water temperature on reproduction, growth, and survival during larval-fish stages, we sampled spawning tributaries and larval-fish habitats during 2008 and 2009 in St. Martin Bay, Lake Huron. Spawning by rainbow smelt occurred primarily when stream temperatures were between 3 and 10 °C, which resulted in a 7–10-day spawning period during 2008, and a 15–20-day spawning period during 2009. Regardless of these differences in spawning temperatures and duration, peak larval-fish densities during 2008 were double those observed during 2009. Length–frequency analysis of larval-fish populations during both years revealed stream-hatched fish during May and a later emergence of larval rainbow smelt during summer, presumably originating from lake spawning. Warmer bay water temperatures led to earlier emergence of lake-spawned rainbow smelt larvae during 2009. Stream-hatched fish larvae experienced large-scale mortality during May 2008 resulting in a bay population consisting primarily of lake-spawned rainbow smelt larvae, but during 2009 both stream- and lake-hatched cohorts experienced higher survival concomitant with significantly higher mean population growth rates. Higher larval-fish growth rates during 2009 appeared to be density-dependent and facilitated by warmer water temperatures during late June and cooler water temperatures during July. Temperature-mediated differences in annual growth rates and irregular contributions from stream- and lake-hatched fish larvae are important factors affecting survival and abundance of young-of-the-year rainbow smelt in Lake Huron.  相似文献   

Due to variability in biotic and abiotic conditions along a vertical gradient within aquatic systems, the vertical distribution of larval fish can profoundly affect their growth and survival. In large systems such as the Great Lakes, vertical distribution patterns also can influence dispersal and ultimately settlement events. The objective was to describe the diel vertical distribution of the larval fish community in the pelagic waters of Lake Michigan and determine which biotic and abiotic factors most strongly influence their vertical distribution. To determine vertical distribution, the upper 27 m of the water column was divided into six discrete depth bins. Larval fish sampling was conducted within each of these depth bins on seven occasions during both day and night. Temperature, light intensity, and prey density also were recorded at depths corresponding to larval fish sampling. Larval fish from five species were collected during the study: alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus), bloater (Coregonus hoyi), burbot (Lota lota), deepwater sculpin (Myoxocephalus thompsonii), and yellow perch (Perca flavecens). Among the five species, we observed three general patterns of depth distribution. Alewife and yellow perch were restricted to the upper strata, whereas the opposite trend was observed for deepwater sculpin. Bloater and burbot larvae were more evenly distributed throughout the upper 27 m, and their pattern of vertical distribution changed between diel periods. Our analysis suggests abiotic factors were more important than biotic factors in structuring the vertical distribution of larval fish in southwestern Lake Michigan, with temperature having the largest influence on distribution of larvae.  相似文献   

Rivers and their floodplains worldwide have changed dramatically over the last century because of regulation by dams, flow diversions and channel stabilization. Floodplains no longer inundated by river flows following dam‐induced flood reduction comprise large areas of bottomland habitat, but the effects of abandonment on plant communities are not well understood. Using a hydraulic flow model, geomorphic mapping and field surveys, we addressed the following questions along the Bill Williams River, Arizona: (i) What per cent of the bottomland do abandoned floodplains comprise? and (ii) Are abandoned floodplains quantitatively different from adjacent xeric and riparian surfaces in terms of vegetation composition and surface sediment? We found that nearly 70% of active channel and floodplain area was abandoned following dam installation. Abandoned floodplains along the Bill Williams River tend to be similar to each other yet distinct from neighbouring habitats: they have been altered physically from their historic state, leading to distinct combinations of surface sediments, hydrology and plant communities. Abandoned floodplains may transition to xeric communities over time but are likely to retain some riparian qualities as long as there is access to relatively shallow ground water. With expected increases in water demand and drying climatic conditions in many regions, these surfaces and associated vegetation will continue to be extensive in riparian landscapes worldwide. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Water mass movement within the Great Lakes may rapidly transport fish larvae from favorable nursery areas to less favorable habitats, thereby affecting recruitment success. During 2001 and 2002, we released satellite-tracked drifting buoys in eastern Lake Michigan to follow discrete water masses, and used ichthyoplankton nets to repeatedly sample larval fish within these water masses. Observed nearshore water currents were highly variable in both direction and velocity. Current velocities far exceeded potential larval fish swimming speeds, suggesting that currents can potentially rapidly advect fish larvae throughout the lake. Evidence suggests that while paired drifters released during 2002 were able to track relatively small alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) and yellow perch (Perca flavescens) larvae within an alongshore coastal current, paired drifters released during 2001 failed to track larger alewife larvae when flow was more offshore and highly variable. These results are consistent with the decorrelation scales associated with alongshore and offshore transport.  相似文献   

In large European rivers the chemical water quality has improved markedly in recent decades, yet the recovery of the fish fauna is not proceeding accordingly. Important causes are the loss of habitats in the main river channels and their floodplains, and the diminished hydrological connectivity between them. In this study we investigate how river regulation has affected fish community structure in floodplain waterbodies of the rivers Rhône (France), Danube (Austria), Rhine and Meuse (The Netherlands). A typology of natural and man‐made aquatic habitats was constructed based on geomorphology, inundation frequency and ecological connectivity, along the transversal river–floodplain gradient, i.e. perpendicular to the main stream of the river. Fish species were classified in ecological guilds based on their flow preference, reproduction ecology and diet, and their status on national red lists was used to analyse the present state of the guilds and habitats. Ecological fish guilds appear to be good indicators of ecological integrity and functioning of river–floodplain systems. A transversal successional gradient in fish community structure that bears some resemblance to the gradient found in natural rivers can still be discerned in heavily regulated rivers. It resembles the longitudinal river gradient; even some predictions of the River Continuum Concept are applicable. Overall, richness and diversity of species and ecological guilds decrease with decreasing hydrological connectivity of floodplain waterbodies. Anthropogenic disturbances have affected fish species unevenly: guilds of specialized species that are highly adapted to specifically riverine conditions have declined far more than generalist species. Fish habitats in the main and secondary channels have suffered most from regulation and contain the highest percentage of threatened species. Rheophilic fishes have become rare because their lotic reproductive habitats are severely degraded, fragmented, absent or unreachable. Limnophilic fishes have become rare too, mainly as a result of eutrophication. Eurytopic fishes have become dominant everywhere. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We examined the consistency of diel patterns observed in fish and aquatic invertebrates over three 24‐h cycles within a 10‐day period in summer (28–29 July, 4–5 and 7–8 August 1997) in the River Lee, Hertfordshire, England. We tested for temporal variations in epibenthos density and population size structure, age‐specific fish density, microhabitat use and contagion as well as for correlations between fish length and prey number (in the gut) per millimetre fish standard length, a surrogate of foraging success, and fish density in point samples (an estimator of shoal size). Consistent patterns were observed in invertebrates and fish, though variability was greater in the former. Epibenthic invertebrates (except Chironomidae) demonstrated few or no diel differences in density, but some differences in size (based on head widths) were found in larvae of Chironomidae and Ephemeroptera (mainly Baetis rhodani (Pictet) and Ephemerella ignita Poda) between times of day. Fish density varied consistently and diel variations were observed in fish shoaling behaviour, habitat use, prey size and prey composition. Prey numbers in the gut generally decreased with increasing shoal size, but this was significant in Gobio gobio L. only. In some fish species/size classes, prey numbers correlated either positively or negatively with habitat variables, in particular with the distance fish were captured from the bank. Despite relatively low epibenthic densities, Chironomidae larvae were a prominent and preferred food item in the diet of all fish species, followed by Ephemeroptera in some (0 + Barbus barbus (L.), 0 + and 1 + Barbatula barbatula (L.), 1 + and ≥ 2 + Cottus gobio (L.)) and Simuliidae in others (0 + and ≥ 1 +G. gobio, 0 + Leuciscus cephalus (L.), 0 + and 1 + Phoxinus phoxinus (L.)), with Trichoptera larvae, Asellus sp., Ostracoda and Annelida as tertiary prey taxa. The relatively consistent diel patterns observed suggest that data from single 24‐h cycles in late summer can be representative of daily patterns. Day‐time only surveys of European riverine fishes may give unreliable estimates of mean fish population size and abundance. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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