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The inlet flue gas entering the absorber column must be ~40°C and hence needs cooling. In this article, it is proposed that waste heat be recovered from the flue gas using a condensing heat exchanger. This recovered heat is utilized as partial supplement to subsequent heating in stripper during CO2 capture. System layouts—one for base case and two others—have been conceptualized. ASPEN Plus® simulation results for the other two layouts are discussed for energy savings with respect to the base case. Results show that, for the other two layouts, reboiler heat duty decreases though carbon capture efficiency also decreases.  相似文献   

In this paper, the performance and emission characteristics of a conventional twin-cylinder, four stroke, spark-ignited (SI) engine that is running with methane–hydrogen blends have been investigated experimentally. The engine was modified to realize hydrogen port injection by installing hydrogen feeding line in the intake manifolds. The experimental results have been demonstrated that the brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) increased with the increase of hydrogen fraction in fuel blends at low speeds. On the other hand, as hydrogen percentage in the mixture increased, BSFC values decreased at high speeds. Furthermore, brake thermal efficiencies were found to decrease with the increase in percentage of hydrogen added. In addition, it has been found that CO2, NOx and HC emissions decrease with increasing hydrogen. However, CO emissions tended to increase with the addition of hydrogen generally increase. It has been showed that hydrogen is a very good choice as a gasoline engine fuel. The data are also very useful for operational changes needed to optimize the hydrogen fuelled SI engine design.  相似文献   

In this study, a β-type Stirling engine was designed and manufactured which works at relatively lower temperatures. To increase the heat transfer area, the inner surface of the displacer cylinder was augmented by means of growing spanwise slots. To perform a better approach to the theoretical Stirling cycle, the motion of displacer was governed by a lever. The engine block was used as pressurized working fluid reservoir. The escape of working fluid, through the end-pin bearing of crankshaft, was prevented by means of adapting an oil pool around the end-pin. Experimental results presented in this paper were obtained by testing the engine with air as working fluid. The hot end of the displacer cylinder was heated with a LPG flame and kept about 200 °C constant temperature throughout the testing period. The other end of the displacer cylinder was cooled with a water circulation having 27 °C temperature. Starting from ambient pressure, the engine was tested at several charge pressures up to 4.6 bars. Maximum power output was obtained at 2.8 bars charge pressure as 51.93 W at 453 rpm engine speed. The maximum torque was obtained as 1.17 Nm at 2.8 bars charge pressure. By comparing experimental work with theoretical work calculated by nodal analysis, the convective heat transfer coefficient at working fluid side of the displacer cylinder was predicted as 447 W/m2 K for air. At maximum shaft power, the internal thermal efficiency of the engine was predicted as 15%.  相似文献   

Sweden has historically had strict emission control by implementation of economic policy instruments with the aim of internalising the external costs of air pollution. This study aims to evaluate how well current Swedish policy instruments reflect the environmental costs associated with heat generation in several district-heating (DH) plants in the DH system of Göteborg. Furthermore, it aims to simulate and evaluate the operation of the DH system based on its social cost-effectiveness which takes into account the DH system’s private and external costs (non-internalised environmental costs). The study shows that the economic policy instruments do not fully internalise all external costs whereas for certain technologies, the costs in terms of taxes, emission permits, environmental fees, etc. are higher than the environmental costs caused by the pollutants, given the environmental cost estimates used in the study. The simulation results show that the deviating internalisation of external costs affects the economic ranking of the different plants within the studied DH system. The estimated loss in social-cost effectiveness of the operation of the DH system of Göteborg is noticable but relatively small if compared to the variable heat generation costs for most of the studied DH plants.  相似文献   

The aim of the article was to compare the pre- and post-combustion CO2 capture process employing the chemical absorption technology. The integration of the chemical absorption process before or after the coal combustion has an impact on the power plant efficiency because, in both cases, the thermal energy consumption for solvent regeneration is provided by the steam extracted from the low pressure steam turbine. The solvent used in this study for the CO2 capture was monoethanolamine (MEA) with a weight concentration of 30%. In the case of the pre-combustion integration, the coal gasification was analysed for different ratios air/fuel (A/F) in order to determine its influences on the syngas composition and consequently on the low heating value (LHV). The LHV maximum value (28 MJ/kg) was obtained for an A/F ratio of 0.5 kgair/kgfuel, for which the carbon dioxide concentration in the syngas was the highest (17.26%). But, considering the carbon dioxide capture, the useful energy (the difference between the thermal energy available with the syngas fuel and the thermal energy required for solvent regeneration) was minimal. The maximum value (61.59 MJ) for the useful energy was obtained for an A/F ratio of 4 kgair/kgfuel. Also, in both cases, the chemical absorption pre- and post-combustion process, the power plant efficiency decreases with the growth of the L/G ratio. In the case of the pre-combustion process, considering the CO2 capture efficiency of 90%, the L/G ratio obtained was of 2.55 molsolvent/molsyngas and the heat required for the solvent regeneration was of 2.18 GJ/tCO2. In the case of the post-combustion CO2 capture, for the same value of the CO2 capture efficiency, the L/G ratio obtained was of 1.13 molsolvent/molflue gas and the heat required was of 2.80 GJ/tCO2. However, the integration of the CO2 capture process in the power plant leads to reducing the global efficiency to 30% in the pre-combustion case and to 38% to the post-combustion case.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study is effect of the various fuel–air mixing section geometries on the unstable combustion. For the purpose of observing the combustion pressure oscillation and phase difference at each of the dynamic pressure results, the multi-channel dynamic pressure transducers were located on the combustor and inlet mixing section. By using an optically accessible quartz-type combustor, we were able to OH* measurements to characterize the flame structure and heat release oscillation with the use of a high-speed ICCD camera. In this study, we observed two dominant instability frequencies. Lower frequencies were measured around 240–380 Hz, which were associated with a fundamental longitudinal mode of combustor length. Higher frequencies were measured around 410–830 Hz. These were related to the secondary longitudinal mode in the combustion chamber and the secondary quarter-wave mode in the inlet mixing section. These second instability mode characteristics are coupled with the conditions of the combustor and inlet mixing section acoustic geometry. Also, these higher combustion instability characteristics include dynamic pressure oscillation of the inlet mixing section part, which was larger than the combustor section. As a result, combustion instability was strongly affected by the acoustically coupling of the combustor and inlet mixing section geometry.  相似文献   

Increased thermodynamic efficiency coupled with reduced impact on the environment are fundamental aims in the generation and rational use of energy if a contribution is to be made towards sustainable development on both a local and worldwide scale. Technological developments over recent years in the field of thermal electricity generation, together with research and technologies emerging from environmentally friendly systems, are allowing increases in the efficiency of energy generating processes accompanied by a reduction in polluting gases released into the atmosphere. This work develops the methodology for defining and designing a cogeneration plant based on a combined cycle and using a computer program to provide time simulation. By way of example, the results obtained from the thermal power station of a chemical complex are given. As a novel feature, the work includes the application of a system to capture carbon dioxide, a gas that makes a significant contribution to the so-called ‘greenhouse effect’, the main cause of global warming. The work carried out allows highly accurate forecasting of future working of the cogeneration system in the proposed application, and analysis of the performance of the plant as a function of its capacity to capture carbon dioxide. The work also considers the feasibility of long-term confinement of the captured carbon dioxide in the deep ocean, and analyses its impact on plant efficiency. Finally, an economical analysis of the proposed plant is included in order to evaluate the impact of the potential carbon dioxide capture and storage system.  相似文献   

In the current global energy scenario, fossil fuels face challenges with regards to exorbitant demand, environmental hazards and escalating costs. In this regard, the technical community is in quest for alternative resources. In this context, biodiesel fuel is potentially considered as alternative fuels for compression ignition engines. Hence, in this current investigation, biodiesel and biodiesel emulsions are prepared from a vegetable oil and further subjected for the blending with potential additives such as CNT (Carbon Nanotubes) and DEE (Di-Ethyl Ether) to improve the working attributes of the diesel engine. The entire investigation was carried out in five stages. In the first stage, both pure diesel and biodiesel (derived from jatropha oil) fuels were tested in the diesel engine to obtain baseline readings. In the second stage, water–biodiesel emulsion fuel was prepared in the proportion of 91% of biodiesel, 5% of water and 4% of emulsifiers (by volume). In the third stage, 50 ppm of CNT, 50 ml of DEE and combined mixture of CNT+DEE (50 ppm CNT+50 ml DEE) were mixed with the water–biodiesel emulsion fuel separately to prepare the CNT and DEE blended water–biodiesel emulsion fuels respectively. In fourth stage, the prepared emulsion fuels were subjected to stability investigations. In the fifth stage, all the prepared stable emulsion fuels were subjected for experimental testing in a diesel engine. It was observed that the CNT and DEE blended biodiesel emulsion fuels reflected better performance, emission and combustion attributes than that of pure diesel and biodiesel. At the full load, the brake thermal efficiency, NO and smoke emission of CNT+DEE fuels was 28.8%, 895 ppm and 36%, whereas it was 25.2%, 1340 ppm and 71% for pure diesel respectively. It was also observed that on adding CNT and DEE with the biodiesel emulsion fuels, the ignition delay was shortened and henceforth, the additive blended biodiesel emulsion fuels exhibited higher brake thermal efficiency and reduced emissions (NO, smoke) than that of pure diesel and biodiesel.  相似文献   

This study reports the effects of engine load and biodiesel percentage on the performance of a diesel engine fueled with diesel–biodiesel blends by experiments and a new theoretical model based on the finite-time thermodynamics (FTT). In recent years, biodiesel utilization in diesel engines has been popular due to depletion of petroleum-based diesel fuel. In this study, performance of a single cylinder, four-stroke, direct injection (DI) diesel engine fueled with diesel–biodiesel mixtures has been experimentally and theoretically investigated. The simulation results agree with the experimental data. After model validation, the effects of engine load and biodiesel percentage on engine performance have been parametrically investigated. The results showed that, effective power increases constantly, effective efficiency increases to a specified value and then starts to decrease with increasing engine load at constant biodiesel percentage and compression ratio. However, effective efficiency increases, effective power decreases to a certain value and then begins to increase with increasing biodiesel percentage at constant equivalence ratio and compression ratio.  相似文献   

Previous investigations have demonstrated that improvements in gasoline engine performance can be accomplished if the valve timing is variable. In this work valve timing strategies for maximizing engine torque and minimizing bsfc in terms of the exhaust opening (EO), intake opening (IO) and intake closing (IC) timings of a commercial SI engine are studied. The MICE (Modeling Internal Combustion Engines) computer program, which simulates an actual SI cycle, has been used. Overall performance characteristics such as the cycle efficiency, engine power, and exhaust gas composition are calculated. The model has been calibrated with data obtained from a measured indicator diagram, and validated against the overall performances of the engine. It is concluded that when both valves and spark timings are optimized, the optimal timing of each valve, depends apparently linearly on the engine load, linearly (in a good approximation) on the engine speed, while the slope depends in a weak manner on the engine load. When VVT is employed, the maximum engine power has been increased by 6%, and the engine bsfc has been decreased by 13%. The maximum torque has been shifted towards a lower engine speed. The present results are summarized as working maps for the engine designer. These show the influence of the intake and exhaust valve timing on the engine performance at the entire range of operation conditions (engine load and speed).  相似文献   

The present work is dedicated to the study of diesel–biodiesel–ethanol blends in a diesel engine using carbon nanowires additives of various concentrations. Algae oil from microalgae has the possibility of becoming a sustainable fuel source as biodiesel. The Neochloris oleoabundans algal oil was extracted by the mechanical extraction method. The transesterification reaction of algal oil with methanol and base catalyst was used for the production of biodiesel. Experimental investigation results were studied for various parameters such as exhaust emission of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbon, oxides of nitrogen gases, and smoke.  相似文献   

The present study aims to explore experimentally the influence of elevated inlet fluid temperature on the turbulent forced convective heat transfer effectiveness of using alumina–water nanofluid over pure water in an iso-flux heated horizontal circular tube at a fixed heating power. A copper circular pipe of inner diameter 3.4 mm was used in the forced convection experiments undertaken for the pertinent parameters in the following ranges: the inlet fluid temperature, Tin = 25 °C, 37 °C and 50 °C; the Reynolds number, Rebf = 3000–13,000; the mass fraction of the alumina nanoparticles in the water-based nanofluid formulated, ωnp = 0, 2, 5, and 10 wt.%; and the heating flux, qo = 57.8–63.1 kW/m2. The experimental results clearly indicate that the turbulent forced convection heat transfer effectiveness of the alumina–water nanofluid over that of the pure water can be further uplifted by elevating its inlet temperature entering the circular tube well above the ambient, thereby manifesting its potential as an effective warm functional coolant. Specifically, an increase in the averaged heat transfer enhancement of more than 44% arises for the nanofluid of ωnp = 2 wt.% as the inlet fluid temperature is increased from 25 °C to 50 °C.  相似文献   

Powder and structured catalysts based on CuO–CeO2 nanoparticles dispersed on different silica are studied in CO preferential oxidation. Silica of natural origin (Celite) and fumed silica (aerosil), both commercial materials, and synthesized mesoporous SBA-15 with 20, 200 and 650 m2g-1 respectively, are selected as supports. CuCe/Celite coated on cordierite monolith displays the highest activity, reaching CO conversion above 90% between 140 and 210 °C and more than 99% around 160 °C. The addition of 10% CO2 and 10% H2O partially deactivates the monolithic catalyst.The lower surface area of CuCe/Celite favors the contact between CuO and CeO2 nanoparticles promoting a better interaction of Cu+2/Cu+ and Ce+3/Ce+4 redox couples. Raman spectroscopy reveals oxygen vacancies and XPS results show high metal lattice surface oxygen concentration and surface enrichment of Cu and Ce which promote the catalytic activity.  相似文献   

The autoignition of α-methylnaphthalene (AMN), the bicyclic aromatic reference compound for the cetane number (CN), and AMN/n-decane blends, potential diesel surrogate mixtures, was studied at elevated pressures for fuel/air mixtures in a heated high-pressure shock tube. Additionally, a comprehensive kinetic mechanism was developed to describe the oxidation of AMN and AMN/n-decane blends. Ignition delay times were measured in reflected shock experiments for Φ = 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 AMN/air mixtures (CN = 0) for 1032-1445 K and 8-45 bar and for Φ = 1.0 30%-molar AMN/70%-molar n-decane/air (CN = 58) and 70%-molar AMN/30%-molar n-decane/air mixtures (CN = 28) for 848-1349 K and 14-62 bar. Kinetic simulations, based on the comprehensive AMN/n-decane mechanism, are in good agreement with measured ignition times, illustrating the emerging capability of comprehensive mechanisms for describing high molecular weight transportation fuels. Sensitivity and reaction flux analysis indicate the importance of reactions involving resonance stabilized phenylbenzyl radicals, the formation of which by H-atom abstractions with OH radicals has an important inhibiting effect on ignition.  相似文献   

《Applied Energy》2002,71(3):147-160
We present an assessment of installing a regional heating and cooling system in the Nishi(West)-Shinjuku area of Tokyo, Japan. In this assessment, we estimate the CO2 payback–time, when air source heat–pumps (ASHP) are replaced with a ground–source heat–pump (GSHP) system. We calculate CO2 emissions from transportation of the cooling tower, materials for the underground heat exchanger, and the digging loads and transportation loads incurred when the GSHP system is installed to replace the air source cooling system. The total CO2 emission from the installation of the GSHP system was estimated to be 67,701t-CO2, with 87% of the CO2 emissions resulting from the digging process. CO2 emissions from the operation of the GSHP system were estimated from the total energy-efficiency of the system and the heating and cooling demand in Nishi-Shinjuku area. Using the GSHP system, 33,935t-CO2 would be emitted per year. We estimate that using the GSHP system would result in a reduction of 54% of the CO2 emissions, or 39,519t-CO2 per year. From these results, the CO2 payback–time for replacing the conventional ASHP in the 1 km2 studied region with the GSHP system is assessed to be 1.7 years.  相似文献   

In a new waste heat recovery system, waste heat is recovered from steam condensers through cooling by liquid CO2 instead of seawater, taking advantage of effective boiling heat transfer performance; the heat is subsequently used for local heat supply. The steam condensing – liquid CO2 boiling heat transfer performance in a steam condenser with a shell and a helical coil non-fin tube was studied both numerically and experimentally. A heat transfer numerical model was constructed from two models developed for steam condensation and for liquid CO2 boiling. Experiments were performed to verify the model at a steam pressure range of 3.2–5 kPa and a CO2 saturation pressure range of 5–6 MPa. Overall heat transfer coefficients obtained from the numerical model agree with the experimental data within ±5%. The numerical estimations show that the boiling local heat transfer coefficient reaches a maximum value of 26 kW/m2 K. This value is almost one order higher than that of a conventional water-cooled condenser.  相似文献   

The work described in this paper aims to assist in the development of an exhaust gas fuel reformer for the enhancement of diesel particulate filter (DPF) aftertreatment performance. This was achieved by introducing H2 and CO at various mixture ratios at a concentration of 6% (v/v) to a standardised DPF regeneration process in order to identify an optimised mixture ratio. In addition to this, emission measurements were performed pre and post filter to identify the impact of the additional mixtures on various emission components. A mixture ratio of 60% H2 balanced with CO was identified as the optimised mixture ratio. This was due to this configuration demonstrating one of the most proficient regeneration profiles at a relatively low mean filter temperature of approximately 630 °C. Further to this, it was also noted that the addition of H2 or H2 and CO to the regeneration process resulted in an increase in NOx post filter while total hydrocarbons were reduced. Furthermore, the H2/CO mixture addition resulted in an increase in CO2 post filter, the levels of which were proportional to the volume of CO contained within the introduced mixture.  相似文献   

An innovative, nanostructured composite, anode electrocatalyst, material has been developed for the electrolytic splitting of (100%) H2S feed content gas operating at 135 kPa and 150 °C. A new class of anode electrocatalyst with general composition, RuO2–CoS2 has shown great stability and desired properties at typical operating conditions. This configuration showed stable electrochemical operation over the period of 24 h and also exhibited a maximum current density of (0.019 A/cm2). The kinetic behaviors of various anode-based electrocatalysts demonstrated that, exchange current density, which is a direct measure of the electrochemical reaction, increased with RuO2–CoS2-based anodes. Moreover, high levels of feed utilization were possible using these materials. Electrochemical performance, current density, and sulfur tolerance were enhanced compared to the other tested anode configurations. The structural, microstructural and surface behavior of RuO2–CoS2 anode electrocatalyst was investigated in detail.  相似文献   

《Applied Energy》1999,63(1):35-52
It is estimated from GEF statistical data for 1991 that more than 500,000 industrial boilers (mostly stoker-fired) in China consume over 400 million tons of coal per year. Each year, because of low boiler efficiency, 75 million tons of coal is wasted and 130 million tons of excess CO2 are emitted. An analysis of 250 boiler thermal-balance test certificates and 6 field visits in three provinces have shown that: (1) boilers with efficiencies of less than 70% account for 75% of the total boiler-population; (2) the main causes of the low efficiencies are high excess air and unburned carbon in the slag and fly ash. The effect of unburned carbon on CO2 emission is a balance of positive and negative contributions: while the unburned carbon does not produce CO2 emissions, its replacement carbon, burned at a low efficiency, contributes to a net increase in CO2 emissions. It seems from the analysis that the average boiler efficiency can be raised to 73% by relatively simple means, such as the size grading of the coal, improved boiler operating practice and some inexpensive equipment modifications. This could then result in savings each year of 34 million tons of coal and a reduction in CO2 emissions of 63 million tons at an estimated cost of $10 per ton of CO2.  相似文献   

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