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《Journal of Urbanism》2013,6(2):83-101
This study examines the impacts of historic preservation on jobs, property values, and environmentalism in Kentucky and its largest city, Louisville. Kentucky is a national leader in preservation, ranking first in the White House’s Preserve America initiative with 73 recognized communities. Kentucky is an ideal place to study historic preservation and environmentalism. Tax incentive programs have been an effective tool for creating positive changes in historic areas. Historic preservation results in more job creation than most other public investments. In the presence of escalating gas prices and assorted environmental practices, it is shown how neighborhoods containing historic districts have higher increases in median neighborhood housing values than undesignated neighborhoods. This paper also demonstrates the link between environmentalism and historic preservation. Residents of historic urban neighborhoods exhibit more environmentally friendly behavior.  相似文献   

Stone and others described historic preservation policy in Atlanta as a failure because of the inability of preservation advocates to participate effectively in the governing regime. Yet in 1989, Mayor Andrew Young approved a comprehensive new preservation ordinance that reflected a shift in priorities by the city's business and political leaders to recognize the importance of preserving and reusing older buildings. The enactment of this new preservation‐based redevelopment policy was the result of a process of social learning by Atlanta's regime participants. This research examines the development of the new historic preservation policy, its effects on neighborhoods and commercial areas, and its connections to regime theory. Rather than being a failure, historic preservation policy in Atlanta succeeded in balancing the interests of developers, property owners, and preservation advocates.  相似文献   

Abstract: Most existing research on neighborhoods facing gentrification has portrayed residents as resistant or politically quiescent. Drawing from a year of fieldwork in Dundalk, MD, I argue that developers and the neoliberal state will probably find popular support for gentrification as they reinvest in the politically divided industrial suburbs of the United States. Local homeowners and community associations have emerged as gentrification supporters for three interrelated reasons. First, many of them have drawn from a resurgent national conservatism to explain decline as an effect of government subsidies and “people from the city;” their desire to reclaim suburban space—a “suburban revanchism”—although avoiding accusations of racism makes gentrification‐induced displacement appealing. Second, the rebirth of urban neighborhoods and other industrial suburbs provides visual evidence of gentrification's success. Third, the neoliberal state's retreat from social programs and its emphasis on private‐sector redevelopment allay suspicion of government and enable collaboration between the local state, developers, and homeowners. The redevelopment efforts of two local organizations illustrate how residents have become indispensable partners in Dundalk's emergent pro‐gentrification coalition.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This article assesses the progress of community development corporations (CDCs) in renewing the physical and social environments of urban neighborhoods, particularly working-class black neighborhoods. Specifically, the author documents the work, outcomes, and challenges of CDCs in South Jamaica, Queens, one of New York City's oldest working-class black neighborhoods. In this instance, CDCs are attempting to reinstill the social community by rebuilding the physical community. Their vision of the social community is characterized by a greater concentration of owner-occupied housing units, attractive properties, and a growing middle class. To this end, the CDCs in South Jamaica have encouraged home owner-ship, incumbent upgrading, and middle-class resettlement. The work of CDCs in South Jamaica has yielded some positive results in terms of the trajectory of this working-class black neighborhood. However, there are daunting challenges ahead for the CDCs in South Jamaica, as well as those attempting renewal in other working-class black neighborhoods.  相似文献   

The article examines two research questions concerning historic preservation and TOD. First, what are the opportunities for and challenges to developing TODs in historic areas. Transit locations are often located in older historic areas and a restored or adaptively reused historic building can be an asset to a TOD because of the amenity it affords and its preservation of the linkage to the history of a place. There are other opportunities, such as the TOD capitalizing on an historic area's attractive and unique architectural style. At the same time, there may be tensions because as a TOD aims to maximize density near transit, pressure may mount to demolish lower density historic buildings.Second, what tools have been useful to preservationists, planners, developers, and communities for preserving historic buildings in TOD locations? Case studies of success and failure to combine historic preservation and TOD in six communities nationally in the United States showed that while the synthesis can be challenging it is feasible and results in distinctive and attractive developments. A key strategy included combining the federal historic tax credit and other subsidies. We observed other useful approaches, such as engaging stakeholders and place-making via local art and other means. Varying local conditions, however, argue against one set approach.  相似文献   

In the U.S. today, there is a significant danger that walkable communities are becoming unaffordable to low and even moderate-income residents. This paper reports on the results of a survey of affordable housing developers that was conducted to provide a better understanding of what kinds of strategies could be used to substantially increase the prevalence of walkable, mixed-income neighborhoods from the point of view of developers. Thirty-four developers from around the U.S. were interviewed by telephone in November and December, 2010. Five themes emerged from the survey: the need for financing and access to capital and subsidy; the need for reform of financial regulation; the need for reform of land use regulation; the need for incentives; and the need for better communication and networking. Responses to the survey underscored the frustrations affordable housing developers are having with development more generally, and how those frustrations are amplified when trying to locate affordable housing in walkable, mixed-income neighborhoods. The paper concludes by suggesting strategies that could be employed to help promote walkable, mixed-income neighborhoods, beyond the obvious need for better access to capital: support for research that focuses on the benefits of mixed-income neighborhoods; documentation and illumination of best practices; and the fostering of communication and partnerships among a diverse set of advocates.  相似文献   

中西方城市中产阶级化的对比研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吴启焰  罗艳 《城市规划》2007,31(8):30-35
辨析了西方中产阶级化原理及特征,剖析了中国的中产阶级化过程,分析了中国中产阶级化产生的历史和社会背景,并对中西方城市的中产阶级社会化与空间化在表现形式与动力机制等方面做了对比研究,强调中国的中产阶级化与西方的中产阶级化过程尽管发展阶段与表现形式存在差异,但中西方城市中产阶级化具有异源同质性。指出随着国际化进程的推进,中国中产阶级化会越来越具有国际化特征,与西方的中产阶级化后续演替具有相当的类似性。  相似文献   

《Journal of Urbanism》2013,6(3):263-284
Rebuilding central cities has focused on big-ticket items such as entertainment complexes and neighborhood-based initiatives. Historic preservation as one neighborhood-based strategy seeks to capitalize on intact collections of historic architecture and the pedestrian-friendly character of these pre-automobile neighborhoods to elevate property values and enhance the tax bases of central cities. While a majority of past studies indicate historic designation does enhance property values, some found no or negative impacts. By quantitatively assessing the impact of local historic district designations on the enhancement of residential property values, this paper contributes to the literature on the relationship between historic preservation and urban revitalization. The multi-city analysis focuses on preservation’s impacts on residential property values and the resulting positive and negative outcomes from district designation.  相似文献   

The international green infrastructure literature has examined rails-to-trails and freeway-to-boulevard conversions, but these strategies can be impractical or politically unfeasible. An understudied movement among United States cities has demonstrated a strategy for greening freeways that remain in service: freeway cap parks, or decks with parks built in the air space directly above below-grade freeway sections that can help reintegrate communities, conceal traffic, reduce air pollution, and provide green space. We provide the first assessment of the design, function, and placement of freeway cap parks and assess the emerging sustainability discourse of cap park planning. We examine 18 completed and 9 proposed cap parks in 24 U.S. cities to identify four cap park development models that can be adapted worldwide to green below-grade freeway segments and reconnect communities. Given historic disparities in freeway placement, we examined the distribution of cap parks and found they are located in areas that could help address disparities in park access in freeways corridors. Our detailed case studies stress the struggle within the cap park sustainability discourse to balance economic, environmental, and equity concerns. Dallas' Klyde Warren Park is an economic success story, but illustrates how developers use cap parks to sideline equity concerns. Denver's proposed I-70 cap park illustrates strategies to mitigate environmental justice impacts of freeway expansion projects, but equity concerns remain given continuing impacts of the expanded freeway system. Cap parks should be embraced as a vital component of green infrastructure that reconnects and greens cities divided by freeway construction, but planners should take strong steps to address housing affordability and gentrification concerns for adjacent communities.  相似文献   

Abstract: Since the 1970s, community development corporations (CDCs) have gained skills, visibility, and prominence in their efforts to rebuild very low‐income distressed communities. While the net number of organizations has increased, there has been a certain degree of flux, with some organizations going out of business, while new ones have been created. Although many CDCs are financially sound, some are facing significant financial problems that threaten their viability. When confronted by serious challenges, CDCs may be forced to go out of business, downsize, or merge with one or more other groups. This article focuses on how CDC failures, downsizings, and mergers affect individuals and communities served; how the work of CDCs can be supported by their local community; and how CDCs and their support community can anticipate and prepare for the possibility that some organizations in their area may need to dramatically change their operations. The final section explores how, if change is inevitable or desirable, CDCs can best navigate and steer the process.  相似文献   

Arts and culture are increasingly part of the planning and development toolkit in the USA. Justifications for investment in the arts often center on economic development outcomes. In contrast, we propose the use of Amartya Sen’s capabilities approach to human development, which asserts the importance of the freedom to achieve personal and group well-being through the creation of conditions that maximize opportunity. This paper advances the capabilities approach by exploring arts and culture engagement in three adjacent West Philadelphia neighborhoods. Amid conditions of material deprivation and pressure from gentrification, neighborhood residents strongly articulate their belief in arts and culture as a strategy of community empowerment. The capabilities approach offers planners an opportunity to reevaluate the way they incorporate arts and culture in their efforts. We conclude that arts-based development should employ comprehensive place-based strategies, with social and spatial justice as guides to practice and primary metrics for success.  相似文献   

Infill development in inner suburbs is key to achieving greater urban sustainability. Where developers see opportunities in inner suburbs, there is the challenge of integrating denser construction into landscapes valued for their distinctness from central cities. This paper argues that planners and designers can create strategies for achieving context-sensitive infill by studying the historic form of older suburban downtowns. It considers a historically inspired approach to infill development in the Watertown Square area of Watertown, Massachusetts. It also discusses the area’s evolution through a review of Sanborn maps and historical planning documents, and proposes a design strategy for infill there.  相似文献   

陆琦  谭皓文 《新建筑》2011,(6):140-143
随着城市的急剧扩张,使城市边缘的历史村落及文化价值正在逐渐消失。在极力提倡物质遗产和非物质遗产保护的今天,纳入城区历史村落建筑群的改造利用已刻不容缓。建筑师应在保护具有文化价值的建筑和街道,研究其历史文化的同时,根据时代的需要提出适应社会发展的城市街区规划。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper questions the viability of an urban redevelopment model that relies on small community development corporations (CDCs) and proposes an alternative. Because most CDCs are severely undercapitalized, they can not keep up with accelerating decay. Their existence, and the emphasis placed on their supposed successes, allow elites to blame poor neighborhood CDCs rather than external conditions for redevelopment failure. The model also emphasizes that CDCs be community–based, but because their resource base is controlled from outside the neighborhood there is really very little community control over CDCs. CDCs may even delegitimize more empowerment–focused community organizing attempts by making them appear radical. Consequently, the CDC development process may actually disorganize poor communities by creating internal competition or disrupting social networks. An alternative model of neighborhood redevelopment is proposed which emphasizes community organizing, community–controlled planning, and high–capacity multi–local CDCs held accountable through a strong community organizing process.  相似文献   

Abstract: Can community organizing and community development be practiced in combination through community development corporations (CDCs)? While community organizing and community development have complementary goals, they are based on potentially contradictory worldviews and occupy potentially contradictory social structural locations. Whether the two strategies can be combined in a single organization without causing severe disruption is questionable. A three‐year historical and comparative case study of CDCs involved in the Toledo Community Organizing Training and Technical Assistance Program shows the challenges faced by CDCs attempting to combine organizing and development. The analysis traces changes in the program and the CDCs through honeymoon, conflict, and resolution stages. Of the three CDCs that began the program, one dropped out early, another continued organizing as long as the program continued but then ended its organizing efforts, and a third continued its organizing efforts. The analysis confirms the dialectical relationship between community organizing and community development, showing how the two continuing CDCs differed in their contradictive management strategies.  相似文献   

历史地段保护的概念和作法   总被引:44,自引:6,他引:44  
本文回顾了国际上历史地段保护的演变以及中国历史街区保护概念的形成,进一步阐明了我国历史地段保护的原则和方法。  相似文献   

Drawing on an extended case study of Chicago’s Wicker Park neighborhood, this article develops the concept of neo–bohemia. Neo–bohemia suggests that traditions of cultural innovation in older city neighborhoods persist, but that these bohemian traditions intersect with economic development in new ways in the post–Fordist city. Neo–bohemia supports both residential gentrification and the concentration of entertainment and new media enterprises, creating the context for the redevelopment of former industrial spaces in Chicago. Neo–bohemia complicates contemporary urban theories that stress deconcentration, and theories of urban tourism that overstate the regulated and hermetic nature of consumption spaces.  相似文献   

The writings of Jane Jacobs led urbanists to advocate for increased social diversity in neighborhoods as a method of promoting vitality in public spaces. Since then, New York City has become both a role model and a testing ground for zoning changes that support this objective. However, since the 2000s community activists and scholars have argued that these zoning changes have led to the dislocation of communities of color and incentivized gentrification. This project analyzed panel social and housing census data from 1990 and 2015 to assess the validity of these arguments. Results suggest that zoning changes have limited and differentiated effects on the different dimensions of social diversity. For instance, they have strong effects on household income diversity, a nuanced effect on race diversity, and slightly negative effects on family type diversity.  相似文献   

Historic preservation is a planning technique employed in many American metropolitan areas. A local ordinance specifies those districts that deserve careful attention, then an Architectural Review Board determines whether or not the proposed redevelopment schemes are appropriate for the historic design character of those precincts. Today, there are over 1,800 such boards in place, making critical decisions on rehabilitations, infill development, urban amenities, and public art projects. This narrative examines the siting of a public art project within an historic district in Richmond, Virginia: The district is the Monument Avenue Historic District, and the public art project is the sculpture of Arthur Ashe, which is sited within that historic area. In the process that culminated in the Arthur Ashe statue taking its place on Monument Avenue, the activities of public planning institutions were central. But the ultimate decision was the product, as well, of local politics, racial attitudes, public art standards, and passionate concern for the integrity of an historic landscape. This article seeks to illuminate the intricacies of that local decision-making process.  相似文献   

This study presents a framework for assessing the cultural asset values of historic sites around mosques. Case studies are selected from provinces of Manisa, Turkey, namely, Çarşı in Salihli with its new urban development and Pazaryeri in Gördes that is abandoned and currently considered as an archaeological site. Literature review, archive research, historical research, comparative study, and site survey are carried out to evaluate the urban development of site neighborhoods with a retrospective perspective. An approach presenting the effects of urban transformations on the cultural asset values of the historic neighborhood centers is proposed. The cases reveal that the urban aesthetic is nearly all lost today, but the holiness of each site preserves its authenticity while the historic land use is sustained. Their preservation problems are lack of maintenance and abandonment due to disasters, illegal interventions, inappropriate development plans, and unsuitable restoration approaches. The principles proposed for managing these historic environments consider their cultural asset values in relation to urban history, development of coherent strategies for their presentation, and participation of all actors to their preservation and development.  相似文献   

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