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文章通过分析近代岭南大学核心校区最具代表性的一批教会建筑的建设背景,以及对结构材料及细部构造与建筑空间、立面形态的关系的深入研究,揭示蕴含于岭南大学近代教会建筑中精彩纷呈的结构艺术。指出中西合璧的结构艺术是近代优秀教会建筑文化遗产的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

《Material Religion》2013,9(3):389-392

This study is an ethnographic and conceptual analysis of religious objects, their uses, and mediation of authority within the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (Universal Church) in Brazil. Drawing on scholarship within media studies, religion and media, and material religion, I distinguish between artifacts used to cement implicit contracts between Universal Church followers and their church community, which I call contractual media, or swag, and those that followers bring to meetings to be blessed and then take home to mediate both good and evil forces in family, work, and social life—these I call portable media. While portable object media are seen by their owners as powerful tools, contractual media, on the other hand, create implicit power relations that keep followers tied to the institutional church in a reciprocal exchange predicated upon expected prosperity as evidence of faithful attendance, fidelity, and personal sacrifice. The physical exchange of material goods in religious spaces constitutes a perpetuation rather than a disruption of institutional religious authority. As infrastructure, contractual object media establish and maintain conditions for otherwise mundane materials to mediate power on a daily basis. Through attention toward portable and contract object media, as part of what I am calling material microstructure, we can further complicate religious authority as it is mediated through objects, not just in one-way flows but as dynamic exchanges and trade-offs between personal empowerment and institutional control.  相似文献   

孙刚 《中外建筑》2013,(7):79-80
自从改革开放以来,人们的生活水平得到了极大的提高。与此同时,人们对物质和精神方面的要求也比以前大大提高。就目前而言,社会上出现了以人为本的主导思潮,这种思想就迫使商家在产品方面做出一系列的改变,商业建筑也相应地随之做出变化。本文就从商业方面,来对建筑进行“以人为本”的探析。  相似文献   

教堂建筑作为见证基督教在福州发展的一面镜子,折射着时代的文化。本文通过教堂建筑遗存的调研和史料的考证,从福州的近代开埠概况、福州基督教的教堂建设和教堂建筑的基本特征等3个方面,分教派探究基督教堂建筑在19世纪福州的发展过程,为深入研究福州基督教堂建筑的地域化积累基础资料。  相似文献   

岳华 《华中建筑》2012,30(6):88-92
城市行政建筑作为城市行政管理机构的物质载体,其发展变迁历来受到各国社会意识形态、政治体制、地域文化、行政理念、建造技术、自然环境等多种因素的影响,这使得中西方的城市行政建筑在建造规模、功能结构、建筑空间、风格样式等各个方面都呈现出不同的特征。在全球政治民主化的大趋势之下,当代城市行政建筑的价值取向不断发生着转变,社会公平与公正日益受到关注。该文通过对当代西方城市行政建筑类型与典例的分析旨在为当代中国城市行政建筑的建设实践提供有益的经验借鉴。  相似文献   

人类文明是由物质文明、精神文明和制度文明构成的有机整体,不同的文明形态都有各自的产物。建筑不仅是物质文明的产物之一,也是精神文明和制度文明的产物的综合反映。不同文明形态的产物,如自然资源、新材料、新技术,思想意识、艺术审美,政治等级、家庭等级等,这些都对建筑的发展有深刻的影响。建筑又是文明的载体,它综合体现了各种文明形态。  相似文献   

四川是一个移民社会,洛带镇是客家移民的“净土”。在那里比较顽强地显露出移民独特的“个性”:其物质形态反映在居住建筑上,完全大异于其他地区的模式;精神形态则主要表现在会馆建筑上。“会馆建筑”作为各省移民同乡聚会之所,是洛带移民社会最具代表性的物质见证,也是背井离乡的客家人在新环境中的精神认同和归依。  相似文献   

文化自信是一个国家和民族的优秀文化,在精神层面的有力阐释和行为层面的自觉传承。高校历史建筑作为大学重要的物质遗产和精神文化载体,具有从建筑实体、艺术设计和记忆空间中将大学的优秀文化转化为师生员工情感认同的可能,成为凝聚大学人精神力量的纽带,进而在自豪、自尊的基础上构建大学人的文化自信,并为大学文化的有效传承提供文化原型和精神源泉。目前,在提倡挖掘优秀传统文化的语境下,许多高校存在着历史建筑文化资源浪费、宣传利用不到位的现象。大学人仍需群策群力,将历史建筑打造成为具有独特价值和鲜明特色的文化遗产,成为提升大学文化自信的有效渠道。  相似文献   

欧洲璀璨的建筑遗产,尤其是基督教和天主教教堂建筑,正处在功能逐渐退化甚至彻底消失的危险境地中。 其主要原因在于西方基督教社会面临的社会变迁连带冲击了大众宗教知识、教会参与度以及圣召的数量。如今, 很多西方国家面临着一个共同的问题,即如何应对众多逐渐遭到弃用的教堂和修道院,以及如何解决随之而来的 关于这些建筑的使用、维护、财务、所有权分配和遗产保护的问题。本文是对濒危遗产的批判性评价。那些已经 失去其原有用途的教堂建筑,未来将何去何从?谁来决定这些建筑该以何种方式,或被退役,或再利用,又或被 拆除?是否还有其他的使用模式?遗产保护会对教堂的再利用产生什么影响?半个世纪以来,我们在与冗余的教 会建筑和适应性再利用的经验中学到了什么?笔者对教堂建筑的各种不尽相同的适应性再利用方式、不断变化的 建筑遗产价值以及可能会在未来发挥作用并能引发中国读者思考的全新决策模式等问题作出回顾性思考。  相似文献   

张卫  王潇 《建筑与环境》2012,(6):110-112
本文分析了广西近代教堂建筑的发展历程及分布情况。从现存教堂的平面布局、立面风格、细部装饰、结构体系等几个方面入手,归纳总结出广西近代教堂建筑的三大风格形式,分别是:罗马式、哥特式和地方元素与西方样式融合的形式。从风格特征出发,系统探讨了遗留至今的广西主要近代教堂建筑实例,梳理教堂的建造背景、从多方面分析其艺术价值,肯定其在广西近代史上的历史文化价值。同时为广西教堂建筑的保护与更新提供基础性研究资料。  相似文献   

作为人类精神容器的宗教建筑,要充分满足使用者的情感需求,与之巧妙的沟通交流。本文以教堂为研究对象,分别在教堂建筑形态与细部、光线与色彩的配合、光的控制三个方面展开探讨,讨论教堂独有的与人的视觉交流途径以及设计表达方法。  相似文献   

本文论述了结构形态设计的概念,以及它在建筑设计过程发挥的重要作用力。通过分析不同时期的3个现代教堂建筑实例,阐述教堂建筑中所体现的结构技术的逻辑关系,进一步明确了结构形态设计在教堂建筑实例中所发挥的重要作用。本文希望通过发掘结构形态设计发展应当遵循的规律,进而启迪和激发结构技术及结构形态设计在建筑创作中的创新精神。  相似文献   

随着时间不断流逝,精典的仿古建筑不仅赋予人们更多宝贵的物质财富和精神财富空间,变幻莫测的建筑空间布置更把人们带入了"太虚幻境"的历史年代,或享受体会、或瞻拜寄意,仿佛时间在倒流,世界在轮回。把握了仿古建筑的时空观可更好地继承和发扬优秀的中国传统建筑艺术。  相似文献   

《Material Religion》2013,9(1):36-59

There was lively debate in the mid-Victorian Church of England as to whether it was more effective for the construction of physical church buildings to precede the formation of a new parish and congregation, or whether it was advisable instead for the human church to precede the material one. This article explores the realities on the ground through a case study of the four new churches built in the North London suburb of Finchley between the 1840s and the 1890s. Where the church before congregation strategy was modestly costed and efficiently executed, it could, as at Holy Trinity East Finchley (1846) and St. Paul's Long Lane (1886), enable the rapid growth of thriving congregations. However, at Christ Church North Finchley (1868), where the congregation came first, subsequent pastoral activity was hampered for many years by the financial demands of an unnecessarily expensive building. At All Saints Durham Road (1892), initial plans to set up a congregation in an “iron church” were frustrated due to large donations conditional on the immediate erection of a permanent church. In a context of strong competition from Nonconformity, the desire to make a strong material statement of presence in a community was understandable, but its long-term consequences for the Church's mission were ambivalent ones.  相似文献   

The paper analyses the static behaviour and the seismic vulnerability of the Basilica of Santa Maria all’Impruneta near Florence (Italy). The static structural behaviour and the dynamic properties of the church have been evaluated using the finite element modelling technique, where the nonlinear behaviour of masonry has been taken into account by proper constitutive assumptions. A macro-modelling approach has been used based on the concepts of homogenisated material and smeared cracking and crushing constitutive law. Seismic vulnerability has been evaluated using a pushover method, and the results obtained with the nonlinear numerical model have been compared with the simplified schemes of limit analysis. The capacity of the church to withstand lateral loads is evaluated together with the expected demands resulting from seismic actions. The comparison of seismic demand vs. capacity confirms the susceptibility of this type of buildings to extensive damage and collapse, as frequently observed in similar buildings. The paper’s aim was to point out that advanced numerical analyses can offer significant information on the understanding of the actual structural behaviour of historic buildings. The methodology and the conclusions of this case study it is believed that are applicable to a wide variety of historic Basilica churches.  相似文献   

王璐  鲁艳蕊 《城市建筑》2014,(33):39-39
室内设计指的是根据不同建筑物的不同使用性能,设计出满足人们物质和精神生活需求的室内环境。随着国外设计对国内市场的冲击,我国的水平得到了很大提高,但是室内设计行业面也临着发展的机遇和挑战。  相似文献   

Even a cursory review of contemporary urban architecture and architectural urbanism attests that the field is largely driven by two contrasting dispositions. On the one hand, there is abundant work promoting ‘place-making’, whilst, on the other, there is ample output advocating a profound revaluation of the field. Notwithstanding the numerous variations of these two dispositions, what they generally seem to be missing is a sophisticated understating of the intricate and reciprocal relationship between architecture and the city. This failure is part and parcel of a distortion in the field as to our expectations from and appraisal of cultural buildings. In other words, since cultural buildings are typically deployed as keystones in urban strategies, they seem well-placed—if not inescapably positioned—to take on a role as protagonist, and thus to anchor and spearhead transformation in their host urban areas. Through a series of both theoretical and design references, this article examines the notion of the urban area in respect to its constituent elements. This takes place within a broader conception of the city of parts which frames an investigation of the strategic tension cultural buildings introduce within their respective areas.  相似文献   

薛天  陈易 《住宅科技》2014,(9):51-56
依循欧洲基督教及历史文化环境的发展,简要梳理和分析了公元后第一个千禧年间(自基督信仰诞生后的第一个千禧年间)教堂建筑空间的发展演变历程。指出:从公元1~11世纪的千年间,教堂建筑处于一种不断寻求自身完善的上升态势,从最初的借用民间住宅及古罗马世俗建筑巴西拉卡的形式,逐渐演变发展出了罗马风教堂这样的基督教专属的建筑空间形式,为随后教堂建筑的普及发展奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

精神生活是人类生命活动中不可或缺的一部分,而良好的建筑公共空间设计是满足人们精神生活的前提。该文试图从场所精神这一本质出发,将城市商业综合体公共空间分为街道式空间、广厅式空间和院落式空间三类,并从场所精神理论的核心思想“空间”和“特性”这两方面对其进行诠释,以期对这类混合开发、有巨构形态特征的建筑的公共空间场所精神的实现寻求方案解决之道。  相似文献   

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