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In this paper, a procedure for the probabilistic treatment of solar irradiance and wind speed data is reported as a method of evaluating, at a given site, the electric energy generated by both a photovoltaic system and a wind system. The aim of the proposed approach is twofold: first, to check if the real probability distribution functions (PDFs) of both clearness index and wind speed overlap with Hollands and Huget and Weibull PDFs, respectively; and then to find the parameters of these two distributions that best fit the real data. Further, using goodness‐of‐fit tests, these PDFs are compared with another set of very common PDFs, namely the Gordon and Reddy and Lognormal functions, respectively. The results inform the design of a pre‐processing stage for the input of an algorithm that probabilistically optimizes the design of hybrid solar wind power systems. In this paper, the validity of the proposed procedure was tested using long‐term meteorological data from Acireale (Italy). Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper includes a review of the different computer tools that can be used to analyse the integration of renewable energy. Initially 68 tools were considered, but 37 were included in the final analysis which was carried out in collaboration with the tool developers or recommended points of contact. The results in this paper provide the information necessary to identify a suitable energy tool for analysing the integration of renewable energy into various energy-systems under different objectives. It is evident from this paper that there is no energy tool that addresses all issues related to integrating renewable energy, but instead the ‘ideal’ energy tool is highly dependent on the specific objectives that must be fulfilled. The typical applications for the 37 tools reviewed (from analysing single-building systems to national energy-systems), combined with numerous other factors such as the energy-sectors considered, technologies accounted for, time parameters used, tool availability, and previous studies, will alter the perception of the ‘ideal’ energy tool. In conclusion, this paper provides the information necessary to direct the decision-maker towards a suitable energy tool for an analysis that must be completed.  相似文献   

M.J. Khan  M.T. Iqbal   《Renewable Energy》2005,30(6):835-854
A potential solution for stand-alone power generation is to use a hybrid energy system in parallel with some hydrogen energy storage. In this paper, a pre-feasibility study of using hybrid energy systems with hydrogen as an energy carrier for applications in Newfoundland, Canada is explained. Various renewable and non-renewable energy sources, energy storage methods and their applicability in terms of cost and performance are discussed. HOMER is used as a sizing and optimization tool. Sensitivity analysis with wind speed data, solar radiation level, diesel price and fuel cell cost was done. A remote house having an energy consumption of 25 kW h/d with a 4.73 kW peak power demand was considered as the stand-alone load. It was found that, a wind–diesel–battery hybrid system is the most suitable solution at present. However, with a reduction of fuel cell cost to 15% of its current value, a wind–fuel cell system would become a superior choice. Validity of such projection and economics against conventional power sources were identified. Sizing, performance and various cost indices were also analyzed in this paper.  相似文献   

In this paper, a dynamic multiobjective particle swarm optimization (DMOPSO) method is presented for the optimal design of hybrid renewable energy systems (HRESs). The main goal of the design is to minimize simultaneously the total net present cost (NPC) of the system, unmet load, and fuel emission. A DMOPSO‐simulation based approach has been used to approximate a worthy Pareto front (PF) to help decision makers in selecting an optimal configuration for an HRES. The proposed method is examined for a case study including wind turbines, photovoltaic (PV) panels, diesel generators, batteries, fuel cells, electrolyzer, and hydrogen tanks. Well‐known metrics are used to evaluate the generated PF. The average spacing and diversification metrics obtained by the proposed approach are 1386 and 4656, respectively. Additionally, the set coverage metric value shows that at least 67% of Pareto solutions obtained by DMOPSO dominate the solutions resulted by other reported algorithms. By using a sensitivity analysis for the case study, it is found that if the PV panel and wind turbine capital cost are decreased by 50%, the total NPC of the system would be decreased by 18.8 and 3.7%, respectively. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study is based on simulation and optimisation of the renewable energy system of the police control room at Sagar in central India. To analyse this hybrid system, the meteorological data of solar insolation and hourly wind speeds of Sagar in central India (longitude 78°45′ and latitude 23°50′) have been considered. The pattern of load consumption is studied and suitably modelled for optimisation of the hybrid energy system using HOMER software. The results are compared with those of the particle swarm optimisation and the chaotic particle swarm optimisation algorithms. The use of these two algorithms to optimise the hybrid system leads to a higher quality result with faster convergence. Based on the optimisation result, it has been found that replacing conventional energy sources by the solar–wind hybrid renewable energy system will be a feasible solution for the distribution of electric power as a stand-alone application at the police control room. This system is more environmentally friendly than the conventional diesel generator. The fuel cost reduction is approximately 70–80% more than that of the conventional diesel generator.  相似文献   

A hybrid power system may be used to reduce dependency on either conventional energy or renewable systems. This article deals with the sizing, generator running hours, sensitivity analysis, optimisation, and greenhouse gas emission analysis of hybrid renewable energy systems (HRES). Two locations have been selected where the feasibility of using different hybrid systems is studied for the same load demand. One site is the small remote community of Amini in the Lakshadweep Islands, located in southern India in the Arabian Sea, where solar and/or wind energy is always available throughout the year to provide energy security. Another place is the rural township of Hathras, in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, where agricultural biomass is found in abundance for the whole year. A comparative study has been made for the two locations for the same load demand by simulating HRES. To achieve the goal of simulation, the hybrid optimisation model for electric renewables (HOMER) software of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, USA, is used. An optimisation model of a hybrid renewable system has been prepared which simplifies the task of evaluating the design of an off-grid/standalone system. After simulating all possible system equipment with their sizes, a list of many possible configurations may be evaluated and sorted by net present cost to compare the design options. An elaborate sensitivity analysis has been used for each input variable; the whole optimisation process is repeated to get simulated system configurations  相似文献   

广东可再生能源利用及发展研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
阐述了广东利用和发展可再生能源的必要性,分析了广东利用和发展可再生能源的有利条件,提出了广东可再生能源发展的重点及对策。  相似文献   

方燕  高善峰  邵士谱  张玉华 《节能》2011,30(3):34-37
以系统的最小安装成本为优化目标,以系统的供电可靠性为约束条件,对内蒙古满洲里市某居民家庭用电风光互补独立供电系统进行基于计算机仿真计算的优化匹配设计。  相似文献   

An experimental solar-hydrogen powered residence simulator was built and tested. The system consisted of a solar photovoltaic array connected to an electrolyzer which produced hydrogen as a means of energy storage. The hydrogen was used to produce electricity in a fuel cell that operated in parallel with a battery to meet dynamic power demand similar to that found in residential applications. The study demonstrated the technical feasibility of operating such a system under the simultaneous dynamics of solar input and load. Limitations of current fuel cell and electrolyzer designs, as they pertain to both power delivery and energy storage, were identified. The study also established the need to understand and address dynamic performance in the design and application of solar-hydrogen reversible fuel cell hybrid systems. An economic analysis found that major cost reductions would need to be achieved for such systems to compete with conventional energy storage devices.  相似文献   

The island of Barbados is 99% dependent on fossil fuel imports to satisfy its energy needs, which is unsustainable. This study proposes a 10 MW distributed wind energy scheme using micro wind turbines (WT) of horizontal (HAWT) and vertical axis (VAWT) configurations. These units are rated less than 500 W, and the scheme is hereafter referred to as mWT10. mWT10 is compared to the proposed 10 MW medium WT farm by the Barbados Light & Power Company (BL&P). The economic bottom line is the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE). The results highlight the BL&P proposal as the best economic option at BDS$0.19 per kWh, while that of both mWT10 configurations exceeds the conventional cost of BDS$0.25 by two to nine times. This is attributed to significantly higher relative installation and operational costs. However, the financial gap between mWT10 LCOE and the retail price of electricity is much smaller due to a large fuel surcharge passed on to each customer. Annual additional benefits of using wind energy include: greenhouse gas emissions savings of 6–23 kt of carbon dioxide; and anavoided fuel costs of BDS$1.5–5.3 million.

The distributed mWT10 using HAWTs competes directly with the BL&P farm, however, it provides these benefits without the visual or ecological impacts of the larger machines. Conversely, VAWTs have features that favour a visually discrete and widely repeatable scheme but suffer relatively high costs. Therefore, this study illustrates the great potential of small wind turbines to be competitive with conventional wind farms, thus challenging the small wind industry to meet its potential by producing reliable and robust machines at lower cost.  相似文献   

The yearly system performance of autonomous photovoltaic–wind hybrid energy systems with battery storage is the subject of this article. The yearly system performance is simulated using synthetically generated solar radiation and wind speed data and compared to that simulated using measured hour-by-hour data. Two different synthetic weather data sets are generated: 3-day month and 4-day month, in which 3 and 4 days represent a month, resulting in a total of 36 and 48 days for a year. The hourly varying solar radiation data are synthesised from the clearness index value for each month. The daily constant wind speed data are synthesised using the Weibull wind speed distribution model, on a monthly basis. Using two different synthetic weather data sets, the effect of number of synthetic days on the system performance estimation is studied. Different sequences of synthetic solar and wind days lead to 36 and 576 combinations for 3- and 4-day months, respectively. Three predetermined combinations for both the 3- and 4-day months are chosen and the system performance of an autonomous photovoltaic–wind hybrid energy system with battery storage is simulated using these predetermined combinations. It is shown that the yearly system performance predicted from the 3- and 4-day synthetic data closely agrees with that obtained from the measured data, varying only slightly for different combinations.  相似文献   

A.N. Celik   《Renewable Energy》2006,31(1):105-118
This article presents a simplified algorithm to estimate the yearly wind fraction, the fraction of energy demand provided by wind generator, in a hybrid-wind system (typically a PV-wind) with battery storage. The novel model is drawn based on the simulation results, using 8-year long measured hour-by-hour wind speed data from five different locations throughout the world. The simulation program simulates the battery state of voltage (SoV) and is able to predict the wind fraction for a period of time, typically monthly or yearly. The yearly wind fraction values obtained from the simulations are plotted against the ratio of energy to load for various battery storage capacities to obtain wind fraction curves. The novel method correlates the yearly wind fraction with the parameters of the Weibull distribution function, thus, offering a general methodology. The yearly wind fraction curves are mathematically represented using a 2-parameter model. The novel algorithm is validated by comparing the simulated wind fraction values with those calculated from the simplified algorithm. The standard error of estimation of the WF from the simplified algorithm is further presented for each battery capacity.  相似文献   

A process aimed at producing energy needs to produce more energy than the energy necessary to run the process itself in order to be energetically sustainable. In this paper, an energy balance of a batch anaerobic bioreactor has been defined and calculated, both for different operative conditions and for different reactor scales, in order to analyze the sustainability of hydrogen production through dark anaerobic fermentation. Energy production in the form of hydrogen and methane, energy to warm up the fermentation broth, energy loss during fermentation and energy for mixing and pumping have been considered in the energy balance. Experimental data and literature data for mesophilic microorganism consortia have been used to calculate the energy balance. The energy production of a mesophilic microorganism consortium in a batch reactor has been studied in the 16–50 °C temperature range. The hydrogen batch dark fermentation resulted to only have a positive net production of energy over a minimal reactor dimension in summer conditions with an energy recovery strategy. The best working temperature resulted to be 20 °C with 20% of available energy. Hydrogen batch dark fermentation may be coupled with other processes to obtain a positive net energy by recovering energy from the end products of hydrogen dark fermentation. As an example, methane fermentation has been considered to energetically valorize the end products of hydrogen fermentation. The combined process resulted in a positive net energy over the whole range of tested reactor dimension with 45–90% of available energy.  相似文献   

The integration of hydrogen energy systems in the overall energy system is an important and complex subject for hydrogen supply chain management. The efficiency of the integration depends on finding optimum pathways for hydrogen supply. Accordingly, energy systems modelling methods and tools have been implemented to obtain the best configuration of hydrogen processes for a defined system. The appropriate representation of hydrogen technologies becomes an important stage for energy system modelling activities. This study, split in consecutive parts, has been conducted to analyse how representative hydrogen supply pathways can be integrated in energy systems modelling. The current paper, the first part of a larger study, presents stylised pathways of hydrogen supply chain options, derived on the basis of a detailed literature review. It aims at establishing a reference hydrogen energy system architecture for energy modelling tools. The subsequent papers of the study will discuss the techno-economic assumptions of the hydrogen supply chain components for energy modelling purposes.  相似文献   

Energy is often known as the catalyst for development. Globally, the per capita consumption of energy is often used as a barometer to measure the level of economic development in a particular country. Realizing the importance of energy as a vital component in economic and social development, the government of Malaysia has been continuously reviewing its energy policy to ensure long-term reliability and security of energy supply. Concentrated efforts are being undertaken to ensure the sustainability of energy resources, both depletable and renewable. The aim of this paper is to describe the various energy policies adopted in Malaysia to ensure long-term reliability and security of energy supply. The role of both, non-renewable and renewable sources of energy in the current Five-Fuel Diversification Strategy energy mix will also be discussed. Apart from that, this paper will also describe the various alternative energy and the implementation of energy efficiency program in Malaysia.  相似文献   

储能电池是分布式发电系统的关键组件。增加储能电池的容量可以提高发电系统的可靠性,但会增加系统的投资和运行费用。基于上海地区全年8 760 h的气象数据,计算了风光互补发电系统在不同储能容量下的负荷缺电率和能量溢出率的变化。对于独立的风光互补发电系统,在满足能量溢出率小于0.3的情况下,如果系统缺电率维持在1%左右时,需要配置3天的储能容量;如果系统缺电率为0,则需要配置5天的储能容量。  相似文献   

The optimal design of the hybrid energy system can significantly improve the economical and technical performance of power supply. However, the problem is formidable because of the uncertain renewable energy supplies, the uncertain load demand, the nonlinear characteristics of some components, and the conflicting techno-economical objectives. In this work, the optimal design of the hybrid energy system has been formulated as a multi-objective optimization problem. We optimize the techno-economical performance of the hybrid energy system and analyse the trade-offs between the multi-objectives using multi-objective genetic algorithms. The proposed method is tested on the widely researched hybrid PV-wind power system design problem. The optimization seeks the compromise system configurations with reference to three incommensurable techno-economical criteria, and uses an hourly time-step simulation procedure to determine the design criteria with the weather resources and the load demand for one reference year. The well-known efficient multi-objective genetic algorithm, called NGAS-II (the fast elitist non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm), is applied on this problem. A hybrid PV-wind power system has been designed with this method and several methods in the literature. The numerical results demonstrate that the proposed method is superior to the other methods. It can handle the optimal design of the hybrid energy system effectively and facilitate the designer with a range of the design solutions and the trade-off information. For this particular application, the hybrid PV-wind power system using more solar panels achieves better technical performance while the one using more wind power is more economical. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A more sustainable energy system will alter the current patterns of electricity demand and generation. This means technical, commercial and regulatory change for electricity network systems such as distribution networks. This paper traces the links in Great Britain between changes in energy policy since privatisation, changes in the objectives of the electricity regulator and changes in the objectives of the distribution networks and their owners, the distribution network operators (DNOs). The paper identifies tensions in regulatory policy and suggests reforms to the regulatory framework to support a lower-carbon future.  相似文献   

推广应用新能源、加快培育新能源产业已成为优化能源结构、促进节能减排和发展低碳经济的重要途径。文章通过对浙江省新能源产业现状的分析,结合当前该产业国家层面与浙江省级层面的标准化现状,重点阐述当前浙江省新能源产业标准化工作中制约或限制产业快速发展的问题。最后从产业链的角度,提出推进新能源产业标准化工作的对策建议,有利于规范产业的发展壮大。  相似文献   

The hybrid energy systems (HESs) based electricity generation system has become a more attractive solution for rural electrification nowadays. Economically feasible and technically reliable HESs are solidly based on an optimisation stage. This article discusses about the optimal unit sizing model with the objective function to minimise the total cost of the HES. Three typical rural sites from southern part of India have been selected for the application of the developed optimisation methodology. Feasibility studies and sensitivity analysis on the optimal HES are discussed elaborately in this article. A comparison has been carried out with the Hybrid Optimization Model for Electric Renewable optimisation model for three sites. The optimal HES is found with less total net present rate and rate of energy compared with the existing method  相似文献   

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