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Energy intensity in Spain has increased since 1990, while the opposite has happened in the EU15. Decomposition analysis of primary energy intensity ratios has been used to identify which are the key sectors driving the Spanish evolution and those responsible for most of the differences with the EU15 energy intensity levels. It is also a useful tool to quantify which countries and economic sectors have had most influence in the EU15 evolution. The analysis shows that the Spanish economic structure is driving the divergence in energy intensity ratios with the EU15, mainly due to strong transport growth, but also because of the increase of activities linked to the construction boom, and the convergence to EU levels of household energy demand. The results can be used to pinpoint successful EU strategies for energy efficiency that could be used to improve the Spanish metric.  相似文献   

This paper aims to assess the current and future role of coal in energy strategy of Turkey, and evaluates the compatibility of policies to the EU energy policy and strategy. Coal is regarded as the most important indigenous energy source in Turkey together with hydropower to strengthen the supply security of the country. Turkish government set targets to fully utilize coal reserves of the country in next decades. However, the country is also in the process of becoming an EU Member State, hence, it is expected that the energy policies have to comply with the EU. Moreover, Turkey ratified Kyoto Protocol in 2009, thus the country should limit CO2 emission together with other greenhouse gases. The probable obstacles that Turkey may face due to the utilization of coal were determined as CO2 emissions, lack of technology and application in Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) and health and safety issues. It is concluded that coal is a very important domestic energy source for Turkey but new policies have to be developed and adopted immediately, and more realistic targets for the country should be set accordingly.  相似文献   

A substantial amount of primary and secondary energy is consumed by the residential sector. Residential energy consumption includes energy required for construction activity and household consumption. Hence there is a need to quantify energy consumption, its significance and causes. Calculating energy intensity of goods and services is the first step towards quantifying the causes. This research is based on the 115 sector classification input–output tables for India, for 1993–94, 1998–99 and 130 sector classification input–output tables for 2003–04 and 2006–07. Energy intensity of sectors related to household consumption has been calculated to analyze the trend between 1993–94 and 2006–07. Indirect energy requirements of Indian households have been assessed in this study from calculations of total primary energy intensity along with private final consumption expenditure. Results indicate that energy consumption has increased for all categories except “medical care and hygiene”. Percentage increase in indirect primary energy consumed by households is maximum for “house building” and “recreation” categories. Finally a complete decomposition analysis of indirect primary energy consumed by households has been carried out based on changing structural composition of the private final consumption expenditure, energy intensity patterns, per capita expenditures on energy and population.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a first study in-depth of solar–fossil hybridization from a general perspective. It develops a set of useful parameters for analyzing and comparing hybrid plants, it studies the case of hybridizing Brayton cycles with current solar technologies and shows a tentative extrapolation of the results to integrated combined cycle systems (ISCSS). In particular, three points have been analyzed: the technical requirements for solar technologies to be hybridized with Brayton cycles, the temperatures and pressures at which hybridization would produce maximum power per unit of fossil fuel, and their mapping to current solar technologies and Brayton cycles. Major conclusions are that a hybrid plant works in optimum conditions which are not equal to those of the solar or power blocks considered independently, and that hybridizing at the Brayton cycle of a combined cycle could be energetically advantageous.  相似文献   

The majority of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) countries possess substantial potential for the implementation of CDM projects. Abatement of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions can mainly be achieved through utilizing the abundant Renewable Energy Sources (RES) in the region and the implementation of Energy Efficiency (ENEF) measures. However, most of the MENA countries have a limited track record as regards CDM projects in the pipeline comparing to the major CDM-players, like Asia-Pacific regions and Latin America. In the above framework, this paper investigates the current status of CDM in the MENA region and the related perspectives for further diffusion of the CDM though the elaboration of a Strengths–Weaknesses–Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) Analysis. Particular emphasis is laid on the case of Israel, which seems to make an exception to the rule, since it hosts most projects in the region and dominates among the MENA countries.  相似文献   

This article discusses how the future Emissions Trading Scheme legislation should be designed to allow the European Union to comply with the 20% CO2 emissions reduction target, while at the same time promoting wind energy investments. We examine whether CO2 prices could eventually replace the existing support schemes for wind and if they adequately capture its benefits. The analysis also looks at the effectiveness of the clean development and joint implementation mechanisms to trigger wind projects and technology transfer in developing countries. We find out that climate policy is unlikely to provide sufficient incentives to promote wind power, and that other policies should be used to internalise the societal benefits that accrue from deploying this technology: CO2 prices can only reflect the beneficial impact of wind on climate change but not its contribution to the security of supply or employment creation. A minimum price of around €40/tCO2 should be attained to maintain present support levels for wind and this excludes income risks and intermediation costs. Finally, CDM improves the return rate of wind energy projects in third countries, but it is the local institutional framework and the long-term stability of the CO2 markets that matters the most.  相似文献   

The Energy Service Directive (ESD) of the European Union (EU) stipulates that member states realize 9% energy savings for the period 2008–2016. A harmonized calculation approach, consisting of a combination of top-down and bottom-up methods, will be developed to determine the savings of energy efficiency improvement measures. However, it is unclear which part of all realized energy savings is eligible in meeting the ESD target. One can argue that not all savings, especially the autonomous efficiency gains, should be accounted for, but only savings due to (new) policy. An analysis is made of the way the methods can be applied, how baseline choices define the savings and whether these represent policy-induced savings. It is shown that the given target could be met with total energy savings that equal 1.0% of ESD energy use per year, hardly more than realized at present. With other choices, the target is met with total savings of 1.6% per year. The savings found are made comparable with the 2.4% yearly savings derived from the 20% savings target for 2020 formulated by the EU. Given the large gap between ESD savings and the savings target, it is concluded that the methods and baselines used should be chosen such that the ESD target leads to realized savings after 2008 at the upper side of the margin.  相似文献   

《Energy Policy》2002,30(11-12):1059-1069
This paper presents estimates of renewables energy technologies disseminated in sub-Sahara Africa and evaluates the potential of renewables in meeting the energy needs of Africa's poor. Using data mainly from eastern and southern Africa, the paper examines five major renewable energy technologies, namely: (i) large-scale biomass energy; (ii) small-scale biomass energy (iii) solar photovoltaic; (iv) solar thermal; and (v) wind. It then evaluates how suitable each renewable energy technology is to meet the energy needs of the urban and rural poor. The paper ends with key measures that could encourage the large-scale dissemination of renewable energy technologies to the poor in Africa.  相似文献   

World energy demand is projected to rise to 1000 EJ (EJ = 1018 J) or more by 2050 if economic growth continues its course of recent decades. Both reserve depletion and greenhouse gas emissions will necessitate a major shift from fossil fuels as the dominant energy source. Since nuclear power is now unlikely to increase its present modest share, renewable energy (RE) will have to provide for most energy in the future. This paper addresses the questions of what energy levels RE can eventually provide, and in what time frame. We find that when the energy costs of energy are considered, it is unlikely that RE can provide anywhere near a 1000 EJ by 2050. We further show that the overall technical potential for RE will fall if climate change continues. We conclude that the global shift to RE will have to be accompanied by large reductions in overall energy use for environmental sustainability.  相似文献   

Growing international trade has not only positively affected the People’s Republic of China’s (China’s) economic development, but also expanded the exportation of energy embodied in goods during their production. This energy flow out will pose risks to China’s rational utilization of natural resources as well as environmental protection. In this paper, we evaluate the energy embodied in goods produced in China during 1992–2005 and use input–output structural decomposition analysis to identify five key factors causing the changes of energy embodied in exports. (Direct primary energy efficiency, primary energy consumption structure, structure of intermediate inputs, structure of exports, and scale of exports.) For the three sub-periods of 1992–1997, 1997–2002, and 2002–2005, results show that China is a net exporter of energy, and the energy embodied in exports tends to increase over time. The expanding total volume of exports and increasing exports of energy-intensive goods tend to enlarge the energy embodied in exports within all three sub-periods, but these driving forces were offset by a considerable improvement of energy efficiency and changes in primary energy consumption structure from 1992 to 2002 and the effects of structure of intermediate input only in the sub-period from 1992 to 1997. From 2002 to 2005, the sharp augmentation of energy embodied in exports was driven by all the five factors. Our research has practical implications for the Chinese economy. Results of this study suggest that the energy embodied in trade should receive special attentions in energy policies design to limit the energy resource out-flow and pollution generation.  相似文献   

The electrochemical Bunsen reaction was carried out in an electrochemical cell, where the anodic and cathodic compartments were separated by a Nafion 117 membrane. The equilibrium potential of the cell was experimentally measured and theoretically modeled. The effect of electrolyte concentration and temperature was explored. An increase in SO2 or I2 concentration reduced the equilibrium potential, whereas increasing H2SO4 or HI concentration had a contrary effect. The cell equilibrium potential decreased with increasing temperature. The derived theoretical equilibrium potential model was verified by the experimental data. The regression parameters M and Z in the model were independent of electrolyte concentration, but M decreased and Z kept constant with increasing temperature. An empirical equilibrium potential formula was proposed based on the theoretical and experimental results. The good reproducibility of this formula for measured data indicated its feasibility to estimate the equilibrium potential and also its guidance for optimizing the electrochemical Bunsen reaction.  相似文献   

Transport biofuels are currently the subject of heated debate in the EU. In the past decade the deployment of these technologies has been justified by claims of attractive environmental, geopolitical and rural development benefits. However, expectations have rapidly turned into deep criticism regarding the sustainability of these technologies and the desirability of pursuing the biofuel path. This situation has generated an on-going controversy and policy deadlock at EU level. This study explores these issues from a governance perspective. Employing the concept of system governability, derived from interactive governance theory, it attempts to shed some light on the problems facing the governance of biofuels and on how the quality of the governance system could be improved. The analysis showed that the governability of the system decreased substantially in the period 2003–2012 due to increasing governing needs and decreasing governing capacity. The quality of the governance system can be improved by (i) improving governing capacity by reducing conflicts among governing actors, advancing consistency among institutions and creating capacity at international and global level; and (ii) promoting advanced technologies and adjusting societal ambitions and expectations regarding biofuels.  相似文献   

The potentially damaging effects of climate change make it imperative to develop zero-carbon energy systems and societies based on renewable energy sources that do not negatively affect the environment. However, these systems are often criticized for their intermittency, and the present paper proposes a method to analyze the true minimum capacity factor that can be expected from such a system based on a historical hourly estimation of the electricity produced by a given solar–wind generating mix. A simulation was carried out to show how much energy could be produced for a sample future group of scenarios encompassing a variety of solar and wind mixes, and the results show that, with a 1:2 mix of solar to wind energy, the system will always operate at least at 10% capacity from 10:00 to 16:00, as calculated using the meteorological conditions of the year 2001. This study also analyzes the land requirements necessary to implement such a solar–wind energy system, highlighting the vast areas that would be necessary to be covered with wind turbines and solar panels if such a system were to supply the majority of the electricity demand in Japan.  相似文献   

This study is a comparative analysis of energy consumption and CO2 emission flows in the Nordic countries of Finland, Denmark, Norway and Sweden from the years 1960–1997. The comparative analyses are based on complete decomposition methodology, from which the authors provide an analysis of the dynamic changes of energy consumption and CO2 emission flows in those Nordic economies. The comparative analysis reveals that:
  • 1.The economic activity effects of the different Nordic countries were quite similar.
  • 2.The structural effects varied considerably indicating differences in the relative economic activities in the analysed countries.
  • 3.The intensity effects on energy use suggest that there were no significant changes in Finland and Sweden during that period. In Denmark and Norway, although intensity effects first increased in the 1960s, they had a downward sloping trend after 1970. The intensity effects of CO2 emissions increased until the year 1970 and thereafter decreased until the year 1990. In the 1990s, only Norway's intensity effect continued to decrease. In contrast to the other Nordic countries, Finland's CO2 emission intensity effect differs greatly. It continued to increase until the year 1980, then decreased sharply at the beginning of the 1980s and experienced considerable fluctuations after that.

Following the energy ladder model, the role of biomass energy will diminish and even disappear as rural communities become more urbanized. However, the alternative fuel stacking model suggests that, as households become more urbanized, they diversify their energy sources while continue using firewood and charcoal. This study aimed to assess the extent to which biomass energy still plays an important role as a source of energy for household consumption across the urbanization spectrum of communities. Three villages in Khon Kaen province in Northeast Thailand representing the rural, suburban and urban communities were selected for study. Data were collected on energy uses at household level using a formal questionnaire survey along with field observation and field measurement. The results showed that total household energy consumption increased with urbanization. The absolute quantity of biomass energy used slightly increased when going from rural (5.52 GJ caput−1 y−1) to suburban (6.06 GJ caput−1 y−1) but greatly decreased for urban community (1.98 GJ caput−1 y−1), while the relative share declined with greater urbanization, being 46.2, 37.4 and 10.2% for the rural, suburban and urban communities, respectively. Both firewood and charcoal were used primarily for cooking, with a small amount used for home industry. It was concluded that, although the share of biomass energy in household energy portfolios does decline relative to modern energy sources in the course of urbanization, as predicted by the energy ladder model, there is no sharp discontinuity in utilization of energy sources between communities at different stages of urbanization and biomass continue to be an important component of household energy portfolios in all communities, supporting the fuel stacking model. It appears likely that biomass will remain an important source of household energy in Thailand for an extended period.  相似文献   

Korea has been developing hydrogen energy technology to enhance its energy security. The Hydrogen Energy R&D Center established by the Korean government invested about 100 billion Korean won (KRW) into the development of hydrogen energy technology from 2003 to 2012. This study uses input–output (I–O) analysis, along with the scenario–based exogenous specification method, to investigate the effect of hydrogen energy technology investment on the Korean economy for the period 2020–2040. We focus on two perspectives: (1) the sectoral linkage effect and (2) the sectoral impacts of hydrogen energy supply investments. The overall results reveal that the hydrogen sector can be characterized as intermediate primary production because of its high backward and forward linkage effects. By 2040, total production in the hydrogen sector under two scenarios will be 13,484 and 2979 billion KRW, respectively. This study is a pioneering study into the assessment of the economy–wide effects of Korea's hydrogen energy industries.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to analyse the changes in final energy consumption in Andalusia through logarithmic mean Divisia index (LMDI) decomposition analysis during the period 2003–2012. The results lead us to conclude that a reduction of final energy (FE) consumption of 1 % took place as a result of a diminishing in structural effect by 11 % and an increase in the activity effect and intensity effect by 7.4 and 3.5 %, respectively. Chain-linked LMDI decomposition shows the existence of two sub-periods, with a turning point in 2008. The first period, coinciding to a great extent with the Andalusian Energy Plan 2003–2006 (PLEAN), showed an increase in final energy consumption, mostly due to the activity effect but also to the intensity effect. The second period, coinciding with the implementation of the Andalusian Sustainable Energy Plan 2007–2013 (PASENER), shows a reduction in the activity, structure and intensity effects. The results allow us to conclude that many of the energy efficiency measures, implemented through the PASENER, are related to sectors that experienced a decline in energy consumption due to the intensity effect, such as transport, primary and service sectors. Additionally, although they were included in PASENER, more policy attention should be given to the energy transformation, residential and industrial sectors which increased the demand for energy due to the intensity effect during this period. Finally, the energy-saving behaviour of economic agents due to the economic downturn should also be considered as an explanation for the diminishing in energy consumption during this sub-period.  相似文献   

While energy efficiency programmes traditionally focus on energy savings, there is also a policy interest in their impact on system peak demand. Examples include demand-side management, integrated resource planning and recent developments to integrate energy efficiency into forward capacity markets. However, there is only limited research on the relationship between peak demand impacts and overall energy savings from efficiency measures, although this relationship can have important bearings on efficiency programmes. This paper reviews utility efficiency programmes in nine jurisdictions in North America and analyses how the seasonal peak-energy relationship differs between commercial and industrial (C&I) and residential sectors, among efficiency measures. In terms of the seasonal difference in peak demand impacts, these programmes show that residential lighting and residential water heating can deliver greater peak savings in weekday early evening winter peak periods. By contrast, C&I lighting and residential appliances make higher peak savings in weekday afternoon summer peak periods. A seasonal difference is more significant in lighting, especially residential lighting, than other measures. The evidence from North America also suggests that space cooling in both sectors and C&I lighting may well make greater peak savings relative to non-peak impacts than other measures during summer peak periods, while in winter peak periods, residential lighting can achieve greater peak savings relative to non-peak impacts. This review highlights the significance of regional electricity use patterns along with climatic and regulatory conditions and indicates how further research may contribute to appropriate electricity demand reduction programme design and monitoring regimes in particular regions.  相似文献   

This paper presents results of an experimental investigation on detonation wave propagation in semi-confined geometries. Large scale experiments were performed in layers up to 0.6 m filled with uniform and non-uniform hydrogen–air mixtures in a rectangular channel (width 3 m; length 9 m) which is open from below. A semi confined driver section is used to accelerate hydrogen flames from weak ignition to detonation. The detonation propagation was observed in a 7 m long unobstructed part of the channel. Pressure measurements, ionization probes, soot-records and high speed imaging were used to observe the detonation propagation. Critical conditions for detonation propagation in different layer thicknesses are presented for uniform H2/air-mixtures, as well as experiments with uniform H2/O2 mixtures in a down scaled transparent channel. Finally detail investigations on the detonation wave propagation in H2/air-mixtures with concentration gradients are shown.  相似文献   

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