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回顾了数值计算及其模拟在工程应用研究中的研究现状,从有限元法、有限差分、数值模拟软件等方面进行了较为详细的介绍和评价,并讨论了今后的发展趋势。 相似文献
以辽宁电力管理信息系统建设为背景 ,从信息系统建设的策略、信息资源管理、开发队伍组织、以及工程的进度管理等方面介绍了在大型企业信息系统建设中的工程组织与管理经验。 相似文献
本厂近年来在电工设备制造技术现代化的同时,加强发展了计算机辅助设计的步伐,投入必要的资金和人力,使华通开关厂在高新技术方面又前进了一大步。 相似文献
电网调度计算机控制工程是一项复杂的系统工程,它涉及电力系统运行,计算机硬件和软件、远动、通讯等各个专业。为了保证工程的进度、工程的质量和工程的经济性,实行科学的组织与管理是很有必要的。本文想就这一问题作些粗浅地探讨。 相似文献
本文介绍了福州安装工程的劳动组织和工期,统计细致,总结清楚,希各工程均能加强总结和分析,在第一手资料的基础上分析论述工程的施工面貌以推动施工管理工作的优化和改革。 相似文献
以辽宁电力管理信息系统建设为背景,从信息系统建设的策略、信息资源管理、开发队伍组织、以及工程的进度管理等方面介绍了在大型企业信息系统建设中的工程组织与管理经验。 相似文献
1标前施工组织设计1.1标前施工组织设计是对施工过程的总体部署,且以中标为目的,应按照招标文件和评标标准进行响应性编制,这一点往往在评标、定标中起着决定性的作用。1.2火电建设项目招标文件根据《火力发电工程施工组织设计导则》、《电力建设工程施工技术管理导则》对施工组织设计有具体的编制要求, 相似文献
电力工业部从日本日立公司引进了一套电网调度用计算机监控系统(H-80E机),我们接机小组在日实习及协作应用软件的过程中,对他们的组织管理工作也有所了解,感到在这方面有不少可供我们借鉴之处。特别在如何把软件做为产品进行工业化生产方面有一整套办法,使一个控制计算机系统在用户按装后应用软件也同时投入,立即发挥效益。一般的在线控制系统从签定合同到程序投入运行,只需1~2年或2~3年的周期,效率是很高的。本文先简单介绍日立公司大瓮工厂计算机生产的组织管理情况,再重点就软件工程如何组织,工作内容和方法以及协作关系等做一介绍,以供国内参考。 相似文献
总承包在现代建筑市场中得到了更广泛的推广和应用。文章从组织模式和信息技术应用方面讨论了总承包体制下的项目管理模式。 相似文献
《IEEE engineering in medicine and biology magazine》2008,27(5):109-113
Self-repair capacity of the adult skeletal muscle is deficient in its ability to restore significant tissue loss caused by traumatic injury, congenital defects, tumor ablation, prolonged denervation, or functional damage due to a variety of myopathies [1], [2]. Conventional surgical treatments including local or distant autologous muscle transposition yield a limited degree of success [2]. Alternatively, transplantation of exogenous myogenic cells (satellite cells and myoblasts) has been proposed to increase the regenerative capacity of skeletal muscle [3]. However, the clinical outcomes from intramuscular injection of allogeneic myoblasts were compromised by numerous limitations, including poor cell retention and survival, as well as immunorejection [3], [4]. Studies of other muscle-derived stem cells [5] and genetically modified myoblasts [6] are currently in progress, for their ability to overcome these limitations and improve therapeutic efficacy. 相似文献
《Education, IEEE Transactions on》1964,7(4):161-165
Because of the exponential growth of science and technology, the engineering student cannot hope to take more than a small sub-set of the many engineering courses available to him. The question often arises about the degree to which engineering students should find room in their cramped study schedule for work in the humanities, the social sciences, and other nonengineering topics. The engineer is faced with making value decisions in the realistic practice of his profession. In this paper, it is shown that making value decisions is inherent in the design process itself. It is also shown that the engineer's position in modem society is often at the right hand of major decision makers. Since many engineers are in a position where they cannot avoid sharing responsibility for decisions affecting social, political, and economic change, serious training in these areas appears desirable. 相似文献
介绍了价值工程理论在锅炉构架设计中的应用情况.这是一个低成本,高效益生产锅炉的好方法. 相似文献
价值工程在工程项目中的应用主要是着重于功能分析,力求用最低的寿命周期总成本,设计出能充分满足顾客功能要求的工程项目,从而获得最大的效益。神保500kV串补站工程应用该技术进行方案优化,取得良好效果。 相似文献
《Education, IEEE Transactions on》1966,9(3):133-135
A discussion of conclusions to be drawn from engineering layoffs concerning engineering obsolescence is followed by a discussion of industrial management's attitude toward the use of continuing formal education of their engineering employees on a part-time basis. It is suggested that industry finds little intrinsic value in such programs as evidenced by their policies in administering them. It is concluded that perhaps some of the present ideas of "modern" engineering courses intended to ward off engineering obsolescence may be of marginal value. 相似文献