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综述了镁二次电池的研究现状。镁二次电池是近年来发展的一种极具潜力的新型能源,它具有高功率、高能量密度、低成本、无毒害、安全性高等特点,相较锂电池有很大的优势,具有十分广泛的用途和良好的发展前景。文章简单的介绍了国内外镁二次电池的研究现状,综述了镁电池负极材料、正极嵌入材料、电解质等方面的研究历程和成果。  相似文献   

采用较简单的方法把化学法合成的聚苯胺粉末加工成电极,构成水溶液电解质的锌—聚苯胺二次电池,对电池在各种充放电条件下的性能进行了研究,发现电池具有较高的电容量、能量密度、库仑效率和较好的循环寿命,其适宜的工作条件是电解液的pH值应保持在4左右、充放电电压应限制在0.75~1.50V,充放电电流不得超过2.0mA/cm~2。  相似文献   

锂离子二次电池   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本发明提供一种具备正极、负极和固体电解质,由于界面电阻小,因而电池容量高,且充放电循环特性良好,能够长期稳定使用的锂离子二次电池。  相似文献   

电解质是制备高能量密度和长循环寿命以及安全性能良好的锂离子二次电池的核心材料之一。本文概述了锂离子二次电池电解质的有机溶剂以及电解质盐的研究进展,并讨论了各种电解质盐的优缺点。  相似文献   

高玉 《湖北化工》1999,16(3):12-13
简要地介绍了以导电聚乙炔PA为主的用于二次电池中电极材料的π共轭导电聚合物的合成方法。  相似文献   

锂二次电池中聚合物电解质及隔膜的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对锂二次电池中应用的聚合物电解质和隔膜作了概述。简要介绍了聚合物电解质、隔膜的种类和制备方法及其对电池性能的影响,以及聚合物电解质和隔膜的研究近况和应用前景。  相似文献   

镁硫电池具有能量密度高、成本低、安全性高等优势,是极具发展前景的新型储能体系之一。目前,在电解液、硫正极以及镁负极方面已取得了一些突破性的成果,但镁硫电池的发展仍处于起步阶段,依旧存在诸多问题与挑战。综述了镁硫电池电解液的发展历程、硫正极的设计策略和镁负极及其界面的研究现状,并对未来镁硫电池亟待解决的问题以及镁硫电池的发展前景进行了总结和展望。  相似文献   

系统地介绍了锂离子二次电池电解质,特别是聚合物电解质及离子液体电解质的应用研究现状。开发具有高能量密度、稳定的充放电性能、循环寿命长、可塑性、高安全性与低成本的锂离子电池是当前的研究热点。离子液体具有较高的离子电导率、宽电化窗口,且无蒸汽压,而聚合物具有良好的机械加工性能。二者的结合将为锂离子电池电解质的研究提供了新的开发思路。  相似文献   

毕鸿章 《有机氟工业》2000,(2):55-58,F003
1聚合物凝胶电解质的特征 在以前的非水电解液锂二次电池方面,正极和负极都能用聚偏氟乙烯(PVdF)作为粘结剂。最近对隔板也可用PVdF树脂(如表1所示)。全部一体化电池已被设计出来,面向实用化,正进行开发。在隔板方面可采用电解液溶胀的PVdF多孔膜和PVdF类树脂凝胶。同以前的类型不同,因为电解液包含在树脂中,不发生漏液,电池形状的自由度大,还可制成片状。 若将电池制成薄型,首要问题是如何让隔板介于正极与负极间且固定,即采用液体电解质的筒状电池在卷为筒状时,紧贴筒内,将正极,隔板(通常使用由聚乙烯…  相似文献   

李吉刚  孙杰  王凤彦 《化工进展》2008,27(2):214-217
综述了可充镁电池电解质材料的研究进展;介绍了有机格氏试剂盐系列电解质和可传导镁离子的聚合物电解质(GPE);简述了相应的制备工艺和存在的主要问题;最后提出可充镁电池电解质的发展趋势.  相似文献   

与锂离子电池相比,可充镁离子电池因能量密度高、价格低廉,使用及操作安全以及环境友好等性能而得到了广泛关注,可充镁离子电池在大负荷储能方面具有十分广泛的用途和良好的发展前景。目前,可充镁离子电池的电解液与电极材料的相互兼容性还没有达到较为理想的状态,因此,开发高稳定正极材料和宽电压窗口及无钝化电解质是促进可充镁离子电池产业化应用的关键。该文归纳分析了国内外可充镁离子电池的研究发展现状,详细综述了目前两大研究热点正极材料和电解质,对存在的问题和发展方向进行了总结和展望。  相似文献   

可逆镁电池是一种颇具潜力的"绿色动力"电池,寻找合适的正极材料一直是镁电池研究的难点。介绍了可逆镁电池正极材料的研究及发展情况,重点介绍了过渡金属硫化物、氧化物及有机物正极材料,以及新型正极材料Mg1.03Mn0.97SiO4等,探讨了当前存在的问题及研究的方向,并对其应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

锂二次电池作为动力电池,被寄予厚望。但锂二次电池面临的安全隐患也是不容忽视的,是当前亟需解决的问题,而这与电解质的性质有着紧密的联系。离子液体由于具有较宽电化学窗口、良好的导电性、高热稳定性、几乎无挥发及不燃烧等优良的特性,正在作为一种新型绿色替代溶剂被电化学领域所关注。离子液体的不燃烧特性,对于替代传统有机电解质具有十分重要的意义。本文阐述了新型溶剂“离子液体”作为电解质在锂二次电池中的应用,其中重点阐述了在碳、硅、钛酸锂(Li4Ti5O12)、磷酸亚铁锂(LiFePO4)、钴酸锂LiCoO2、镍锰酸锂(LiNixMnyOz),镍钴锰锂(LiNixCoyMnzOw)及在锂硫(Li-S)电池中的应用。  相似文献   

四氟硼酸锂由于具有较好的热稳定性,因而在锂离子二次电池电解液中的使用比例越来越大。介绍了国内外锂离子二次电池电解质四氟硼酸锂的制备技术研究进展,包括4种制备方法,即气-固反应法、水溶液法、混合溶剂法、氟化氢溶液反应法。总结了各种制备方法的优缺点,并且展望了四氟硼酸锂的发展方向。指出制备高纯度的四氟硼酸锂将是未来的研究重点之一,同时四氟硼酸锂在离子液体中的使用,以及和其他新型锂盐特别是含氟磺酰锂盐的配合使用都将是今后的研究重点。  相似文献   

A composite polymer electrolyte, formed by dispersing into a poly(ethylene oxide)-lithium salt matrix two additives, i.e. calyx(6)pyrrole, (CP) acting as an anion trapper and superacid zirconia, S-ZrO2 acting as a conductivity promoter, has been tested as a separator in a new type of rechargeable lithium battery using lithium iron phosphate as the cathode. The choice of the electrolyte was motivated by its favourable transport properties both in terms of lithium ion transference number and of total ionic conductivity. The choice of the cathode was motivated by the value of its operating voltage which falls within the stability window of the electrolyte. The performance of the battery was determined by cycling tests carried out at various rates and at various temperatures. The results demonstrate the good rate capability of the battery which can operate at high charge-discharge efficiency even at 1 C rate and that it can be cycled at 90 °C with a satisfactory initial capacity of the order of 90 mAh g−1. These values outline the practical relevance of the composite electrolyte membrane and of its use as separator in a lithium battery. H. H. Sumathipala—On leave from Department of Physics University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.  相似文献   

Electrochemical performance of an aqueous rechargeable lithium battery (ARLB) containing a LiV3O8 (negative electrode) and LiCoO2 (positive electrode) in saturated LiNO3 aqueous electrolyte was studied. These two electrode materials are stable in the aqueous solution and intercalation/deintercalation of lithium ions occurs within the window of electrochemical stability of water. The obtained capacity of this cell system is about 55 mAh/g based on the mass of the positive electrode, which is lower than the corresponding one in the non-aqueous lithium ion battery. However, its specific capacity can be compared with those of the lead acid and Ni-Cd batteries. In addition, initial results show that this cell system is good in cycling.  相似文献   

Performance characteristics of a three electrolyte rechargeable acid–alkaline hybrid battery using a PbO2 positive plate and a nickel metal hydride (NiMHx) negative electrode in separate electrolyte of H2SO4 and KOH were studied. This hybrid battery has three electrolytes in a single cell. A neutral K2SO4 salt solution was placed between the acid and alkaline compartments of the cell, in which a cation exchange membrane and an anion exchange membrane, were employed to separate these three electrolytes. The open circuit voltage of this hybrid cell was found to be 2.64 V in an electrolyte configuration of 1 M H2SO4|0.2 M K2SO4|2 M KOH electrolyte configuration, compared to 1.92 V in the conventional lead-acid cell in 1 M H2SO4 and 1.40 V in a NiMHx cell in 2 M KOH. This hybrid acid–alkaline PbO2/NiMHx battery was shown to operate with a voltage 20% higher than the conventional lead acid battery and 110% higher than nickel–metal hydride battery at 1/3 C discharging rate. The concentrations of the three electrolytes, the dimension of the electrolyte chamber, and other cell/operation parameters with impacts on the hybrid cell performance were investigated.  相似文献   

以三氟甲磺酸镁(MFS)作为高电压双功能电解液添加剂,用于提高Li/LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4(Li/LNMO)电池的性能。采用线性扫描伏安法(LSV)、循环伏安法(CV)、充放电和交流阻抗(EIS)进行电化学性能测试,通过SEM、XPS、FTIR对含不同电解液的Li/LNMO电池循环前后的电极表面进行了表征。结果表明,MFS在充放电过程中优先于电解液溶剂氧化分解,在两个电极上形成电解液界面膜,对电极提供保护,抑制了电解液的分解。在MFS添加量(以基础电解液质量为基准,下同)为0.3%的电解液中,Li/LNMO电池在1 C倍率下循环300次后,放电比容量从初始时的135.12 mA·h/g降至123.86 mA·h/g,容量保持率高达91.67%。与电解液中未添加MFS的电池相比,其循环后阻抗明显减小,表现出较好的循环性能。  相似文献   

The potassium birnessites doped with Al, Ni, and Co were prepared by calcination and aqueous treatment, which showed that single phase products were obtained with Ni and Al up to 5 at.% and Co up to 25 at.% addition to strating KMnO4. The discharge-recharge capacities and capacity retentions in an aprotic Li cell were not improved by the Ni and Al dopings, but those of the cobalt doped birnessite were improved. The initial discharge capacities of the undoped and cobalt doped birnessites were 170 and 200 mAh g−1 with capacity retentions of 56 and 80% during the initial 20 cycles, respectively. The reasons for the improvement of the battery performance by Co doping were considered as follows: (i) a change in the stacking structure, (ii) a decrease in the charge transfer resistance, and (iii) improved structural stability of the oxide. Their micro structures were evaluated by X-ray diffraction, photoelectron and Raman spectroscopies, and electron microscopy. Also, potassium birnessite synthesized by adding about 3 times excess potassium indicated that the stacking structure was similar to the 30 at.% cobalt doping sample, furthermore, the better capacity retention was achieved as cathode in a Li cell.  相似文献   

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