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密接式车钩前端车钩体为典型复杂零件,研究其数控加工工艺,进一步明确编制加工工艺流程、设计合适的加工中心夹具、正确选择数控刀具和设定最佳切削工艺参数是保证钩体加工质量、提高生产效率的重要途径。  相似文献   

The paper first presents an AND/OR nets approach for planning of a computer numerical control (CNC) machining operation and then describes how an adaptive fuzzy Petri nets (AFPNs) can be used to model and control all activities and events within CNC machine tools. It also demonstrates how product quality specification such as surface roughness and machining process quality can be controlled by utilizing AFPNs. The paper presents an intelligent control architecture based on AFPNs with learning capability for modeling a CNC machining operation and control of machining process quality. In this paper it will be shown that several ideas and approaches proposed in the field of robotic assembly are applicable to the planning procedure modeling with minor modifications. Graph theories, Petri nets, and fuzzy logic are powerful tools which are employed in this research to model different feasible states for performing a process and to obtain the best process performance path using exertion of the process designer’s criteria.  相似文献   

凸轮轴数控磨削工艺智能应用系统研究与开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对当前凸轮轴数控磨削加工所面临的严重依赖操作人员经验、数控加工程序采用手工编制及制造企业对生产工艺信息化要求高等问题,提出并开发了满足凸轮轴企业生产制造信息化智能化要求的凸轮轴数控磨削工艺智能应用系统。该系统完整涵盖了凸轮轴数控磨削基础工艺数据库、工件特征自动分析、工艺方案智能优化、运动曲线优化、工艺实例推理和规则推理、工艺质量预报、磨削过程虚拟仿真、误差分析与补偿和数控代码自动编写等多个模块。该系统应用于实际生产的结果表明,该系统能够显著缩短数控磨削工艺系统的操作时间,有效提高整个工艺系统的柔性,降低生产成本。  相似文献   

21世纪已经进入了第五年,制造业正在面临着一个大的转换期。在激烈的全球竞争中,利用信息技术和CAD/CAM的制造知识,追求具有更高附加价值的产品,这样一个新时代的制造技术正在诞生中。例如,为了提高装配效率,部件变得越来越复合化和复杂化。因此,机床的复合化和复杂化也随之而来,使得加工准备时间越来越长,缩短加工时间也变得越来越困难。为了解决这些课题,迄今为止的服从型数控系统已经走到了极限,开始产生了思考型的崭新的数控系统,所谓开始进入了思考型数控系统的时代。针对此新的时代:客户想要做什么?厂家应该向客户提供什么?客户应…  相似文献   

Combinatorial resource planning for both machines and human resources in a computer numerical controlled (CNC) machining workstation has become a crucial factor for long-term manufacturing management. This paper not only mathematically constructs the combinatorial manufacturing resource planning (CMRP) model with the conception of balancing the machine productivity and the human capability, but also develops a step-by-step algorithm to reach the maximum-profit solution under the deterministic market demand. Additionally, to extend the applicability of the CMRP model, a computer program written with MATLAB is comprehensively prepared to achieve the optimum manufacturing resource planning under the forecasts of probabilistic market demand and product sales price. The versatility and adaptability of this study are exemplified through a numerical illustration from real-world industry. This paper contributes to the problem of conclusively scheduling machine productivity and human resources, as well as comprehensively optimising the production profit for the existing CNC machining industry .  相似文献   

Understanding the variations in surface finish due to machining is a non-trivial task and cannot be very easily estimated even for a given set of machining parameters and operating conditions due to the complexity of interactions involved. In this work, an attempt has been made to propose an automated intelligent manufacturing system for the estimation and control of surface finish using support vector machines (SVM). SVM is very effective in mapping multi-dimensional parametric problems wherein standard analytical approaches become very complicated to handle. An intelligent surface finish control support system is built to provide assistance to the operator in a priori estimation of surface finish for a given selected set of feed rate, spindle speed and depth of cut. The estimated output can be compared by the operator with the required surface finish specification and if not satisfactory, alternate operating conditions can be defined. If found satisfactory, the operator can directly use these parameters and obtain the desired finish. Such an intelligent system will be a useful support to assist the machine operator in selecting optimum operating conditions to ensure the desired surface finish. The work carried out herein indicates that a lot of scope exists in the application of artificial intelligence techniques in mapping physical phenomena especially in the area of manufacturing wherein the inter-relationships are very complex and hence help build intelligent manufacturing support systems.  相似文献   

面向服务的纺织机械制造执行系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合纺织机械制造企业实际情况,采用面向服务架构(SOA)的设计理念,提出基于Web服务的制造执行系统架构;探讨架构实现技术,实现系统内、外部的信息集成;最后通过系统平台的开发,验证架构的可行性。  相似文献   

作为数控装备的关键功能部件,数控系统承载着系统厂、主机厂、最终用户的知识产权与技术成果。为满足用户的制造工艺,发挥装备的功能,数控系统的研制、开发与应用需要供需间的密切合作。特别是在制造技术与信息技术深度融合,行业向自动化、数字化、智能化转变的时代,工业互联网、大数据、人工智能等新一代信息技术的进步,已具备为生产现场提供新价值的条件。  相似文献   

A new rapid manufacturing process for multi-face high-speed machining   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
High-speed machining is known as one of the most effective rapid prototyping and/or manufacturing (RPM) processes that provides the various machining materials with excellent quality and dimensional accuracy. However, the high-speed machining process is not suitable for the rapid realization of 3D-shaped product because a considerable amount of time is required for the work piece fixturing process. High-speed rapid prototyping (HisRP), a new type of RPM technology, will be presented in this paper. The proposed HisRP has been developed using a combination of a multi-face high-speed machining process and a flexible fixturing technique. Low melting point metal alloys are used to hold the work piece during multi-face machining. An automatic set-up device, mounted and fixed to the work table, has also been developed to guarantee positional accuracy during a series of multi-face machining operations. This set-up device is expected to be beneficial for successive multi-face high-speed machining of working materials, for example for two-face or four-face machining. The proposed HisRP process has been shown to be a useful method for manufacturing 3D metal products with reduced lead time.  相似文献   

计算机辅助工艺设计最大的缺陷是不能与计算机辅助设计和制造中的信息完全集成,信息是单向流动的.采用STEP-NC技术后,可以实现信息双向流动,从而实现可互操作的工艺设计.在分析STEP-NC数据结构的基础上,建立基于STEP-NC的CAPP系统的总体结构.解释AP203文件数据类型、C++数据类型和SQL Server数据类型的转换方法.研究AF203文件的词法分析过程,AP203文件和几何信息的转换过程.最后开发了基于STEP-NC的可互操作的加工工艺设计系统,实例证明了信息集成的可行性,信息能够双向流动.  相似文献   

The method of acquiring the real-time data has influenced the implementation of the manufacturing execution system (MES). Accompanied with turning the MES into service-oriented manufacturing execution system (so-MES), real-time e-quality tracking (e-QT), in which real-time data are computed, has played more and more important roles in manufacturing. This paper presents an e-QT model through the study of real-time status data tracking and quality data collecting. An implementing architecture of the e-QT model is constructed on the basis of radio frequency identification devices (RFID) data-tracking network. In order to develop the e-QT system, some key enabling technologies, such as configuration, data collection, and data processing, etc, are studied. The relation schema between hardware is built for the RFID data-tracking network based on the configuration technique. Real-time data are sampled by using data collecting technique. Furthermore, real-time status and quality data in a shop-floor can be acquired in terms of using the real-time data computing method. Finally, a prototype system is developed and a running example is given so as to verify the feasibility of methods proposed in this paper. The proposed research provides effective e-quality tracking theoretical foundation through the use of RFID technology for the discrete manufacturing.  相似文献   

Machine lubrication systems are a very important portion of manufacturing and production workshop maintenance. Automatic lubrication systems eliminate the need for often careless manual lubrication, providing a safer, more frequent, and opportune monitored approach to machine lubrication. However, traditional automated lubrication systems have inherent environmental and technical–economic problems. With the goal of higher machining precision, cost-effectiveness, greater reduction in oil consumption, and more flexible performance, an automated lubrication control system is introduced in this research work. The new automated lubrication control system in computer numerical control machine tool guideways is a novel approach in machining technology; failure detection/correction in the lubrication system may be identified by temperature signals from sensitive temperature sensors installed in the machine tool guideways, with the signals reflecting the friction, wear, and loading conditions. Data collected via temperature sensors, data analysis, and preparation of commanding signals are analyzed by a lubrication control unit (LCU). The LCU transmits signals to actuators to trigger oil injection by the oil pump. The display unit presents real-time measured temperature variations along with the pump's operation state.  相似文献   

为提高制造控制系统的智能重构能力,扩展了IEC 61499基本功能块模型,提出了知识功能块新概念,并将其作为功能单元构建了智能重构制造控制系统集成框架.在阐述了智能重构与智能控制并行执行过程的基础上,提出了基于Web Services面向服务的制造控制系统软件体系结构,并采用统一化建模语言建模语言进行了系统设计.通过一个原型系统运行实例,验证了IEC 61499功能块标准、Web服务中间件和面向服务哲理在实现智能重构制造控制系统方面的有效性.  相似文献   

提出了一个基于特征的Multi-agent工艺协同设计系统,简要介绍了Multi-agent技术、该系统的体系结构和特征技术及特征继承关系,详细描述了系统中各代理的功能及系统工作流程。  相似文献   

Intelligent machining is a current focus in advanced manufacturing technology, and is characterized by high accuracy and efficiency. A central technology of intelligent machining—the cutting process online monitoring and optimization—is urgently needed for mass production. In this research, the cutting process online monitoring and optimization in jet engine impeller machining, cranio-maxillofacial surgery, and hydraulic servo valve deburring are introduced as examples of intelligent machining. Results show that intelligent tool path optimization and cutting process online monitoring are efficient techniques for improving the efficiency, quality, and reliability of machining.  相似文献   

介绍了采用SINUMERIK 802D改造普通立车成为加工回转支承滚道的数控机床,介绍了回转支承滚道加工的数控技术。’  相似文献   

以木材单板旋切机进给控制凸轮机构的盘状沟槽凸轮的数控加工为例,提出对盘状沟槽凸轮轮廓的加工要求和改进的工艺措施,介绍数控加工过程中所遇到的问题及采取的措施。  相似文献   

从异形零件难装夹难加工的特点出发,选择一件形状异形并精度高的零件为例。通过对其结构、精度进行分析,合理制定加工工艺,设计配套专用的工装夹具,使零件的加工简单化,保证精度。根据零件的形状、精度要求,要使品质达到有效控制,普通的检验设备很难完成检测,针对这一情况设计了一套专用的检验工具,操作简便、使用可靠。  相似文献   

建立机床-刀具-工件组成的系统的动力学模型,比较加工过程中产生加工波纹和不产生加工波纹时系统振动特性,根据产生加工波纹的振动特性及振动范围的识别方法或判断规则,通过改变切削参数对待加工零件进行动力学分析和仿真,以动力学分析软件为基础,研究系统开发的关键技术并开发"数控机床加工波纹分析系统",以便有效地解决加工波纹的产生问题,极大地提高产品的袁面加工质量,提高产品的生产效率,从而提高产品的市场竞争能力和企业的经济效益.  相似文献   

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