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以武汉某住宅、商务小区为例,介绍可再生能源集中空调系统(土壤源热泵与冰蓄冷复合系统)的设计及应用。采用问卷形式,调查分析,给出“武汉市居住建筑空调运行情况表”,为夏热冬冷地区居住建筑的空调负荷计算提供参考。夏热冬冷地区冷热累计负荷相差较大,通过土壤热物性测试及负荷模拟计算,夏季须考虑增加其他方式消除多余的热量,保证土壤热平衡的需要。论证可再生能源集中空调在居住建筑中应用的优越性。  相似文献   

On energy and sustainability   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy - Renewable energy and sustainable development are widely discussed and highly debated topics. The current and majority opinion is that for sustainable...  相似文献   

We deal with the thermal energy which is one of the ambient energy sources surely exploitable, but it has not been much interest as the mechanical energy. In this paper, our aim is to use thermal energy and show that it’s an important source for producing the electrical energy through pyroelectric effect which is the property of some dielectric materials to show a spontaneous electrical polarization versus temperature. In this context, we present a concept to harvest a thermal energy using infrared rays and pyroelectric effect.The pyroelectric material used in this work can generate an electrical voltage when it subjected to a temperature change which will be ensured by the use of infrared lamp. Our experimental results show that the electrical voltage, current and harvested power increased significantly when increasing the area of the pyroelectric element. The experimental results show also that with this simple concept we harvested a heavy amount value of power which will certainly be useful in an extensive range of applications, including sensors and infrared detection. These results shed light on the thermoelectric energy conversion by Ceramic lead zirconate titanate (PZT) buzzer having the pyroelectric property.  相似文献   

介孔炭材料具有高比表面积、可调的组成和孔结构、良好的化学稳定性和导电性,被广泛用于环境、催化、能源等领域.碳源是介孔炭合成的关键.植物多酚,作为一种生物质碳源,具有低价、无毒、可再生的优点.且植物多酚具有黏附性和金属络合能力,被广泛用于合成介孔炭复合材料.尽管该领域已取得巨大进展,但关于植物多酚衍生介孔炭的综述还很少....  相似文献   

学校建筑的使用具有典型的时段性,进行分区分时供暖具有很大的节能潜力。以北京地区某高校为例,对传统供暖与分区分时供暖两种方式的供暖能耗进行了比较分析,结果表明,分区分时供暖节能效果显著,可降低近40%的供暖能耗,具有良好的经济效益和环境效益。  相似文献   

This study looks into the possibilities of hydrogen production in the north coast and red-sea Zone, Egypt, to conver renewable energy to hydrogen (power to gas). The main purpose is to estimate the power needed for each kg of hydrogen production from seawater using renewable energy and then the quantity of desalinated seawater needed to cover this cost. We will discuss different scenarios; the main two scenarios are photovoltaic (PV) solar with reverse osmosis (RO) desalination and concentrating solar power (CSP) with multi-effect desalination (MED).  相似文献   

This paper presents a new technique of electrical energy generation using mechanically excited piezoelectric materials and a nonlinear process. This technique, called synchronized switch harvesting (SSH), is derived from the synchronized switch damping (SSD), which is a nonlinear technique previously developed to address the problem of vibration damping on mechanical structures. This technique results in a significant increase of the electromechanical conversion capability of piezoelectric materials. Comparatively with standard technique, the electrical harvested power may be increased above 900%. The performance of the nonlinear processing is demonstrated on structures excited at their resonance frequency as well as out of resonance.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the drivers of renewable energy development and consumption in Sub-Sahara African countries for the period, 1980–2011. The fully modified ordinary least squares, dynamic ordinary least squares, and fixed-effects estimation techniques are used to evaluate the statistical significance of the determinants of renewable energy consumption. Results indicate that income has the desired positive, albeit statistically insignificant contribution to renewable energy consumption growth. This indicates that recent economic strength in the region has not been accompanied by increased development and consumption of renewable energy, in contrast to empirical evidence in other developing economies. A review of the possible reasons for this incongruence is presented. Also, increased consumption of renewable energy is associated with heightened concerns for climate change caused by pollutants such as carbon dioxide. Population and industrial expansion are statistically significant determinants of renewable consumption, and oil prices correlate negatively with renewable energy consumption.  相似文献   

Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy - Distributed hybrid energy systems are innovative means of effectively addressing energy and environmental issues in the age of carbon neutrality. This...  相似文献   

标准化作为缓解资源环境约束,应对全球气候变化,促进经济发展方式转变,建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会,增强可持续发展能力的有效手段,是实现国家"十二五"节能减排目标的必由之路。因此,各地方在节能减排与可持续领域的标准化工作也可圈可点,,包括节能减排具体技术标准规范的制定和实施以及有序推进的循环经济项目建设。北京印发《北京市百项节能标准建设实施方案(2012-2014年)》,计划通过3年建设,到"十二五"末,工业、建筑、交通等领域急需的综合管理、能耗限  相似文献   

Hyperelastic materials have high deformability and nonlinearity in load–deformation behavior. Based on a phenomenological approach, these materials are treated as a continuum, and a strain energy density is considered to describe their hyperelastic behavior. In this paper, the mechanical behavior characterization of these materials is studied from the continuum viewpoint. For this purpose, the strain energy density is expressed as sum of independent functions of the mutual multiple of principal stretches. These functions are determined by applying the governing postulates on the form of the strain energy density. It is observed that a consistent strain energy density is expressible in terms of the mathematical functions of polynomial, power law, logarithmic and particularly exponential. The proposed strain energy density functions cover modeling both of compressible and incompressible materials. Moreover, the material parameters of these models are calculated based on the correlation between the values of the strain energy density (rather than the stresses) cast from the test data and the theory. In order to investigate the appropriateness of the proposed models, several experimental data for incompressible and compressible isotropic materials under homogeneous deformations are examined in which the predictions of the proposed models show a good agreement with experimental data.  相似文献   

The European Union intends to reduce the energy consumption in the building sector. The European Directive 2010/31/EU requires the definition of national standards for nearly zero energy buildings. This article presents a research study supported as part of the research initiative “Zukunft Bau” of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety for the definition of a nearly zero energy building standard for new buildings in Germany. First, the methodology is discussed, then the first results of a variant study on a model building are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the development and diffusion of technologiesthat utilize renewable energy sources in Germany, Sweden andthe Netherlands. The analysis enlarges the life cycle modelof industry evolution to one where the focus is on the formationand evolution of new technological systems. Particular focusis on explaining success and failures in shifting from a formativephase into one characterized by positive feedbacks. A set ofchallenges is identified for policy makers attempting to influencethe process of transforming the energy sector.  相似文献   

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