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介绍了氯碱行业副产氢气的利用现状,并就氢燃料电池发电作为氯碱企业副产氢综合应用的新途径做了探讨。  相似文献   

王婷 《江西化工》2011,(2):46-47
本文综述了质子膜燃料电池氢源,介绍了以甲醇重整制氢及氢分离技术。  相似文献   

对燃料电池供氢系统的研究进展进行了综述,介绍了重整制氧方法、反应器类型以及富氧气体的各种净化技术.对比了蒸汽重整、部分氧化重整和自热重整3种制氢反应各自的特点,对不同反应器的研究结果及优缺点进行了分析.总结了富氢气体中CO的脱除工艺,包括选择性氧化、甲烷化、变压吸附和膜分离,其中CO选择性氧化相对其他方法更具优势.探讨了制氢过程中各种技术的特点和急需解决的问题,并对供氢系统的应用前景做了展望.  相似文献   

《氢燃料电池技术理论与实践》是面向本科生开设的一门关于新能源科技前沿、多学科交叉的新型课程,在教学过程中注重采用理论联系实践的方法,基础知识的讲授与对应实验环节同步穿插、紧密开展,避免二者割裂分立,并结合启发式提问、小组讨论、专题研究等方式开展教学,加深学生对基本理论和知识的理解,提高解决实际问题的能力,为学生将来从事氢能燃料电池技术开发或科学研究打下良好基础。  相似文献   

欧盟今夏决定斥资5亿欧元用于研发燃料电池,这一计划吸引了1500名欧洲研究人员,包括西门子、宝马、戴姆勒、液空和道达尔等大企业也将投入同样数量韵研发资金,目标是尽快使第一批氢燃料电池投入工业化生产,并且从2015年开始实现普及。作为出色的洁净能源,氢燃料电池有望成为一种可能的替代能源。法国原子能委员会的负  相似文献   

美国辉门公司2009年7月宣布开发出新型橡胶密封垫生产技术,该技术将有助于新能源汽车燃料电池的轻型化。  相似文献   

燃料电池的进展及应用前景   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
庞志成  王越 《化工进展》2000,19(3):33-36,41
本文介绍了燃料电池的特点和类型,以及燃料电池在各领域的应用前景和我国目前的进展情况.  相似文献   

<正> 人类使用的能源,主要来自石油、煤和天然气。近几十年来,随着工业的迅猛发展,这些资源的开发和利用也越来越多,它们燃烧后产生的废气已对人类生存的环境构成了严重的威胁,而且它们的储量也日趋桔竭,这就迫使人们去寻找新能源,氢能便在这样的条件下应运而生。  相似文献   

<正> General Motors Corp.(GM)公司通过巴黎汽车展览会推出了其以氢燃料电池提供动力,通过线控驾驶的交通工具,这种交通工具现在被称为"氢燃料电池线控车"。该车以自主知识产权概念出现在今年底特律举行的北美国际汽车展上(参阅2002年2月CT第9页)。这辆4个车门的旅游型轿车所有动力和控制系统都包含在一个28cm/11in后的滑板式铝制底盘中,从而使轿车的内部空间达到最大。通用汽车公司研究开发部的副总裁Larry Bruns说,这种车没有引擎,省去了检查引擎的麻烦,也没有踏板,该车有一个单手操作的X形驾驶装置,用于驾驶和刹车,该装置安装在左手和右手驾驶的位置均可。通用汽车公司与世界范  相似文献   

以固定式燃料电池储氢气瓶的广泛应用为背景,对12L碳纤维全缠绕储氢气瓶的开发进行了研究。本文对CYD-128树脂浇铸体的拉伸性能进行了测试,同时开展了T700-12K/CYD-128复合材料NOL环的层间剪切试验。在此基础上,利用商业CADWIND软件,根据气瓶的技术指标对其进行了碳纤维的缠绕铺层设计,并利用ANSYS有限元应力分析,以对复合材料气瓶的缠绕工艺方案进行验证。根据设计的线型完成35 MPa高压储氢气瓶的缠绕,各项指标均满足使用要求。  相似文献   

In this review, recent progress on palladium-based membrane reactors (MRs) is outlined concentrating on the production of pure hydrogen. Various aspects are presented concerning some dehydrogenation reactions as well as an analysis of the palladium based membranes under study and the governing equations. Some critical aspects of non-palladium based membranes are presented. Moreover, some problems related to the effect of contamination of the Pd-based membranes and to the H2 flux are introduced; the long-term durability problems of inorganic MRs are also discussed.  相似文献   

In view of the limited availability of fossil fuels and the necessity to reduce the output of emissions of greenhouse gases in the long term, the transport sector needs efficient, environmentally compatible drive solutions. Hydrogen, as a clean and sustainable fuel, offers a high implementation potential and can be used both in internal combustion engines and in fuel cells. In urban deployment the fuel cell drive has specific advantages and is suitable for use in city buses. Integration of high‐power energy storage systems improves fuel consumption and can reduce the costs of the drive system. In May 2000 MAN presented its first fuel cell bus, which was successfully deployed in passenger transport in various cities. The next FC‐bus, using hybrid fuel cell propulsion, is planned under the framework of the Bavarian hydrogen project at Munich Airport and will be tested from spring 2004 on. The first deployment of pre‐series bus fleets with fuel cells using hydrogen as fuel can be expected from the end of this decade onwards.  相似文献   

食盐水溶液离子膜电解所产生的氢气具有很高的纯度,一般在99.5%~99.9%,生产控制在99.9%。本工序的任务是电解送来的高温湿氢气。首先洗涤并冷却,将其中所夹带的碱雾洗涤除去,同时也使气体温度得到降低,从而除去其中所含的大部分饱和水蒸气,使氢气得到初步净化,然后经过加压送往下游各用户。氢气处理直接控制着电解槽氢气总管的压力稳定,并直接影响着电解槽安全运行,以及氢气下游用户的安全。  相似文献   

甲醇制氢的燃料电池技术及应用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
以质子交换膜燃料电池为例 ,介绍了甲醇蒸汽重整、甲醇分解以及甲醇部分氧化重整制氢为燃料电池提供燃料的催化反应机理、反应条件、催化剂性能等 ,并提出了甲醇制氢的质子交换膜燃料电池的优越性及应用前景。  相似文献   

Alumina-supported rhodium catalysts were shown to be active, selective and stable catalysts in the catalytic ethanol steam reforming when the reaction is carried out under pressure (1.1 MPa). Both the nature of the metal precursor salt, the metal loading and the reaction conditions were shown to influence the activity, the selectivity and the stability of the catalysts. Some trends observed when the reaction is carried out under moderate pressure were shown to be different from the conclusions drawn from earlier results obtained at atmospheric pressure. In fact, rhodium catalysts derived from a chlorinated metal precursor were shown to be the most active, selective and stable.  相似文献   

郝少军  吴锋  陈实  孙杰  刘媛 《辽宁化工》2004,33(3):127-129,179
研究了甲醇水蒸气重整制氢反应过程中各种因素对Cu/ZnO/Al2O3催化剂的活性和选择性的影响.结果表明:Cu/Zn比为2.0的催化剂在250℃反应时,催化剂效果较好,最合适反应条件是:压力0.1 MPa,温度250℃,n(H2O)∶n(CH3OH)=1.0~1.2,液体流速0.1 mL/min.在Cu/ZnO/Al2O3催化剂上,甲醇水蒸气重整、甲醇分解和水气转换反应随反应条件的不同而发生相互抑制或促进作用.  相似文献   

M. Cropper 《Fuel Cells》2004,4(3):236-240
Portable power promises to be the first truly commercial market for fuel cell technology. In this keynote presentation, which is accompanied by an up‐to‐date survey published on 1 July 2003 at www.fuelcelltoday.com/surveys, we review the activity that has so far taken place worldwide in this exciting sector of the fuel cell industry. Features include a review of the number of systems so far built, the different fuel cell types under development, fuel choice and region of development. In addition, this article will also discuss the various potential markets for portable fuel cells, and the some of the issues that are associated with them.  相似文献   

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