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Organic semiconductors demonstrate several advantages over conventional inorganic materials for novel electronic and optoelectronic applications, including molecularly tunable properties, flexibility, low-cost, and facile device integration. However, before organic semiconductors can be used for the next-generation devices, such as ultrafast photodetectors (PDs), it is necessary to develop new materials that feature both high mobility and ambient stability. Toward this goal, a highly stable PD based on the organic single crystal [PtBr2(5,5′-bis(CF3CH2OCH2)-2,2′-bpy)] (or “Pt complex (1o)”) is demonstrated as the active semiconductor channel—a material that features a lamellar molecular structure and high-quality, intraligand charge transfer. Benefitting from its unique crystal structure, the Pt-complex (1o) device exhibits a field-effect mobility of ≈0.45 cm2 V−1 s−1 without loss of significant performance under ambient conditions even after 40 days without encapsulation, as well as immersion in distilled water for a period of 24 h. Furthermore, the device features a maximum photoresponsivity of 1 × 103 A W−1, a detectivity of 1.1 × 1012 cm Hz1/2 W−1, and a record fast response/recovery time of 80/90 µs, which has never been previously achieved in other organic PDs. These findings strongly support and promote the use of the single-crystal Pt complex (1o) in next-generation organic optoelectronic devices.  相似文献   

Solution-processable organic semiconductors are one of the promising materials for the next generation of organic electronic products, which call for high-performance materials and mature processing technologies. Among many solution processing methods, meniscus-guided coating (MGC) techniques have the advantages of large-area, low-cost, adjustable film aggregation, and good compatibility with the roll-to-roll process, showing good research results in the preparation of high-performance organic field-effect transistors. In this review, the types of MGC techniques are first listed and the relevant mechanisms (wetting mechanism, fluid mechanism, and deposition mechanism) are introduced. The MGC processes are focused and the effect of the key coating parameters on the thin film morphology and performance with examples is illustrated. Then, the performance of transistors based on small molecule semiconductors and polymer semiconductor thin films prepared by various MGC techniques is summarized. In the third section, various recent thin film morphology control strategies combined with the MGCs are introduced. Finally, the advanced progress of large-area transistor arrays and the challenges for roll-to-roll processes are presented using MGCs. Nowadays, the application of MGCs is still in the exploration stage, its mechanism is still unclear, and the precise control of film deposition still needs experience accumulation.  相似文献   

Organic semiconductor single crystals (OSSCs) are ideal materials for studying the intrinsic properties of organic semiconductors (OSCs) and constructing high-performance organic field-effect transistors (OFETs). However, there is no general method to rapidly prepare thickness-controllable and uniform single crystals for various OSCs. Here, inspired by the recrystallization (a spontaneous morphological instability phenomenon) of polycrystalline films, a spatial confinement recrystallization (SCR) method is developed to rapidly (even at several second timescales) grow thickness-controllable and uniform OSSCs in a well-controlled way by applying longitudinal pressure to tailor the growth direction of grains in OSCs polycrystalline films. The relationship between growth parameters including the growth time, temperature, longitudinal pressure, and thickness is comprehensively investigated. Remarkably, this method is applicable for various OSCs including insoluble and soluble small molecules and polymers, and can realize the high-quality crystal array growth. The corresponding 50 dinaphtho[2,3-b:2″,3″-f]thieno[3,2-b]thiophene (DNTT) single crystals coplanar OFETs prepared by the same batch have the mobility of 4.1 ± 0.4 cm2 V−1 s−1, showing excellent uniformity. The overall performance of the method is superior to the reported methods in term of growth rate, generality, thickness controllability, and uniformity, indicating its broad application prospects in organic electronic and optoelectronic devices.  相似文献   

Analogous to conventional inorganic semiconductors, the performance of organic semiconductors is directly related to their molecular packing, crystallinity, growth mode, and purity. In order to achieve the best possible performance, it is critical to understand how organic semiconductors nucleate and grow. Clever use of surface and dielectric modification chemistry can allow one to control the growth and morphology, which greatly influence the electrical properties of the organic transistor. In this Review, the nucleation and growth of organic semiconductors on dielectric surfaces is addressed. The first part of the Review concentrates on small‐molecule organic semiconductors. The role of deposition conditions on film formation is described. The modification of the dielectric interface using polymers or self‐assembled mono­layers and their effect on organic‐semiconductor growth and performance is also discussed. The goal of this Review is primarily to discuss the thin‐film formation of organic semiconducting species. The patterning of single crystals is discussed, while their nucleation and growth has been described elsewhere (see the Review by Liu et. al). 1 The second part of the Review focuses on polymeric semiconductors. The dependence of physico‐chemical properties, such as chain length (i.e., molecular weight) of the constituting macromolecule, and the influence of small molecular species on, e.g., melting temperature, as well as routes to induce order in such macromolecules, are described.  相似文献   

Amorphous molecular solids are inherently disordered, exhibiting strong exciton localization. Optical microcavities containing such disordered excitonic materials have been theoretically shown to support both propagating and localized exciton-polariton modes. Here, the ultrastrong coupling of a Bloch surface wave photon and molecular excitons in a disordered organic thin film at room temperature is demonstrated, where the major fraction of the polaritons are propagating states. The delocalized exciton-polariton has a group velocity as high as 3 × 107 m s–1 and a lifetime of 500 fs, leading to propagation distances of over 100 µm from the excitation source. The polariton intensity shows a halo-like pattern that is due to self-interference of the polariton mode, from which a coherence length of 20 µm is derived and is correlated with phase breaking by polariton scattering. The demonstration of ultralong-range exciton-polariton transport at room temperature promises new photonic and optoelectronic applications such as efficient energy transfer in disordered condensed matter systems.  相似文献   

Organic field‐effect transistors and near‐infrared (NIR) organic phototransistors (OPTs) have attracted world's attention in many fields in the past decades. In general, the sensitivity, distinguishing the signal from noise, is the key parameter to evaluate the performance of NIR OPTs, which is decided by responsivity and dark current. 2D single crystal films of organic semiconductors (2DCOS) are promising functional materials due to their long‐range order in spite of only few molecular layers. Herein, for the first time, air‐stable 2DCOS of n‐type organic semiconductors (a furan‐thiophene quinoidal compound, TFT‐CN) with strong absorbance around 830 nm, by the facile drop‐casting method on the surface of water are successfully prepared. Almost millimeter‐sized TFT‐CN 2DCOS are obtained and their thickness is below 5 nm. A competitive field‐effect electron mobility (1.36 cm2 V?1 s?1) and high on/off ratio (up to 108) are obtained in air. Impressively, the ultrasensitive NIR phototransistors operating at the off‐state exhibit a very low dark current of ≈0.3 pA and an ultrahigh detectivity (D*) exceeding 6 × 1014 Jones because the devices can operate in full depletion at the off‐state, superior to the majority of the reported organic‐based NIR phototransistors.  相似文献   

Organic light‐emitting transistors (OLETs) represent an emerging class of organic optoelectronic devices, wherein the electrical switching capability of organic field‐effect transistors (OFETs) and the light‐generation capability of organic light‐emitting diodes (OLEDs) are inherently incorporated in a single device. In contrast to conventional OFETs and OLEDs, the planar device geometry and the versatile multifunctional nature of OLETs not only endow them with numerous technological opportunities in the frontier fields of highly integrated organic electronics, but also render them ideal scientific scaffolds to address the fundamental physical events of organic semiconductors and devices. This review article summarizes the recent advancements on OLETs in light of materials, device configurations, operation conditions, etc. Diverse state‐of‐the‐art protocols, including bulk heterojunction, layered heterojunction and laterally arranged heterojunction structures, as well as asymmetric source‐drain electrodes, and innovative dielectric layers, which have been developed for the construction of qualified OLETs and for shedding new and deep light on the working principles of OLETs, are highlighted by addressing representative paradigms. This review intends to provide readers with a deeper understanding of the design of future OLETs.  相似文献   

当今能源危机问题日益紧迫,以太阳能为代表的新能源开发成为研究热点。有机半导体材料具有成本低廉、可塑性强、性能优异等特点,因此在太阳能电池领域中具有极大的应用前景。研发性能优异、成本低、稳定性高的有机电子传输材料是太阳能电池研究领域的重要内容。总结了近年来有机电子传输材料的研究进展和发展方向,按照其分子结构分为富勒烯衍生物、大π共轭体系、非π体系、改性材料、碳纳米材料等5类体系,分别介绍了其结构特性,讨论了其在太阳能电池应用中存在的问题及解决方法,综述了该领域的最新研究成果,最后总结了开发新型高效的有机电子传输材料的研究方向。  相似文献   

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