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N. Devineni P. Mallikarjunan M. S. Chinnan R. D. Phillips 《Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society》1997,74(12):1517-1523
A supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) method is described for extracting lipids from fried-food samples. Response surface
analysis was used to study the effects of variables, including pressure, temperature, flow rate, and modifier (methanol) on
lipid extraction by SFE. The analysis of variance for the response variables indicated that the models developed were satisfactory
with coefficients of determination of 0.95 and 0.92 for chicken nuggets and potato fries, respectively. The models predicted
that increasing the pressure increased the percentage lipid extracted for both chicken nuggets and potato fries. In addition,
the pressure by temperature interactions were significant for chicken nuggets and potato fries. Slight differences in fatty
acid composition were observed between SFE and the Goldfisch method. The SF extracts contained traces of C12:0, C20:0, and C24:0 in chicken nuggets and C14:1, C18:3, C22:0, and C23:0 in potato fries, respectively, which are not found in the Goldfisch extracts. The optimal conditions for extraction are:
53 MPa, 150°C, 4 mL/min, and 10% modifier for chicken nuggets and 53 MPa, 150°C, 3 mL/min, and 0% modifier for potato fries.
To duplicate the results of exhaustive Goldfisch extraction with petroleum ether, SFE conditions of 44 MPa, 80°C, 3 mL/min,
and 0% modifier were used to produce similar results for both chicken nuggets and potato fries. 相似文献
The effect of different types of starches and gums on batter consistency and the effect of batter consistency on quality parameters of deep-fat fried chicken nuggets were determined in this study. Consistency of batter was correlated with coating pickup and oil content of the product. Addition of different starch and gum species to batter was found to be effective for both viscosity development and quality attributes of deep-fat fried chicken nuggets. Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose gum (HPMC), xanthan gum, and pregelatinized starch provided the highest consistency to the batters. Amylomaize starch addition to the batter formulation provided about 50% increase in texture of nuggets as compared to the control. Chicken nuggets coated with batters containing HPMC, xanthan, or guar gum had the lowest oil content. HPMC reduced oil content by about 54%, while the reduction in oil content was 40% and 33% in the case of xanthan and guar gum addition, respectively. 相似文献
The effect of different types of starches and gums on batter consistency and the effect of batter consistency on quality parameters of deep-fat fried chicken nuggets were determined in this study. Consistency of batter was correlated with coating pickup and oil content of the product. Addition of different starch and gum species to batter was found to be effective for both viscosity development and quality attributes of deep-fat fried chicken nuggets. Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose gum (HPMC), xanthan gum, and pregelatinized starch provided the highest consistency to the batters. Amylomaize starch addition to the batter formulation provided about 50% increase in texture of nuggets as compared to the control. Chicken nuggets coated with batters containing HPMC, xanthan, or guar gum had the lowest oil content. HPMC reduced oil content by about 54%, while the reduction in oil content was 40% and 33% in the case of xanthan and guar gum addition, respectively. 相似文献
Xin-Qing Xu 《Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society》2000,77(10):1083-1086
A new and quick spectrophotometric method was developed to assess deep-frying oil quality. The scanned spectrophotometric
curves of the frying oil samples from 350 and 650 nm wavelength changed systematically with the duration of deep frying. The
absorbances of the frying oil samples, especially those measured at 490 nm, increased significantly during frying and were
significantly correlated to frying time (r ≥0.95, P<0.001). There was a strong correlation between the absorbances of a set of oil samples taken from 0 to 80 h of deep frying
and total polar compound contents in the same set of oil samples analyzed using the American Oil Chemists' Society official
method (r=0.974, P<0.001). The equation for conversion of the absorbances to total polar compound contents is y=−2.7865x
2 +23.782x+1.0309. The absorbances of 10 different types of frying oils with samples taken from 0 to 80 h of deep frying in duplicate
were also strongly correlated to total polar compounds in the same oil samples (r=0.953, P<0.001, n=220). The results show that this method is fast, simple, convenient, and reliable. 相似文献
S. Parkash Kochhar Christian Gertz 《European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology》2004,106(11):722-727
The deep‐frying process, normally carried out at 140–200 °C, is a very complex system due to the combination of heat and mass transfer between food and frying medium. The system becomes more complicated as the frying operation proceeds, because the composition of the food being fried and the frying medium is changing continuously due to the progressive deterioration of the frying medium. Apart from a variety of chemical reactions occurring, several changes take place in the frying food, such as gelatinisation of starch, denaturation of protein, and decrease of moisture. These changes bring about swelling of the product, formation of a crusty layer, and the appearance of a golden colour, good texture and taste. The precise control of the fryer enables these physical and chemical changes in the frying of food to convert it into a desirable finished product. This article discusses various types of reactions occurring in the food frying operation, possible mechanisms, a new realistic method – OSET index for measuring heat stability of frying oils – and the protective behaviour of substances that enhance the frying stability of oils. 相似文献
Bertrand Matthus 《European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology》2006,108(3):200-211
Changes in chemical, physical and sensory parameters of high‐oleic rapeseed oil (HORO) (NATREON?) during 72 h of deep‐fat frying of potatoes were compared with those of commonly used frying oils, palm olein (PO), high‐oleic sunflower oil (HOSO) and partially hydrogenated rapeseed oil (PHRO). In addition to the sensory evaluation of the oils and the potatoes, the content of polar compounds, oligomer triacylglycerols and free fatty acids, the oxidative stability by Rancimat, the smoke point and the anisidine value were determined. French fries obtained with HORO, PO and HOSO were still suitable for human consumption after 66 h of deep‐fat frying, while French fries fried in PHRO were inedible after 30 h. During the frying period, none of the oils exceeded the limit for the amount of polar compounds, oligomer triacylglycerols and free fatty acids recommended by the German Society of Fat Science (DGF) as criteria for rejection of used frying oils. After 72 h, the smoke point of all oils was below 150 °C, and the amount of tocopherols was reduced to 5 mg/100 g for PHRO and 15 mg/100 g for HORO and HOSO. Remarkable was the decrease of the oxidative stability of HOSO measured by Rancimat. During frying, the oxidative stability of this oil was reduced from 32 h for the fresh oil to below 1 h after 72 h of frying. Only HORO showed still an oxidative stability of more than 2 h. From the results, it can be concluded that the use of HORO for deep‐fat frying is comparable to other commonly used oils. 相似文献
C. C. Osawa L. A. G. Gonçalves M. A. A. P. Da Silva 《Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society》2013,90(2):183-189
Palm olein is currently considered to be one of the best options for deep-frying, but as with any other edible oil, during frying, deteriorative reactions produce off-flavor compounds that reduce the oil sensory quality. This study assessed the odor significance of the volatiles formed during 136 h of deep-frying a chicken product in palm olein, aiming to identify potential markers of the oil sensory quality during frying. The volatiles were isolated by solid phase microextraction, and identified by GC–MS. Trained judges assessed the odor intensity and quality of the volatiles formed during frying, evaluating the GC effluents through a GC–olfactometry technique called OSME. Two hundred and eight volatiles were detected by GC/MS in the palm olein after 136 h frying. Of these, heptanal, t-2-heptenal, decanal and t-2-undecenal were identified as potential markers of the sensory quality of palm olein during frying. Hexanal, pentanal and pentane, usually associated with lipid oxidation, showed no odor impact in the GC effluents, and were thus proven not to be good markers of the sensory quality of palm olein when used for a long frying period. 相似文献
Dong Xu‐Yan Li Ping‐Ping Wei Fang Jiang Mu‐lan Zhao Ying‐Zhong Li Guang‐Ming Chen Hong Zhao Yuan‐Di 《European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology》2012,114(3):277-286
The flavor of sesame oil significantly depends on the roasting conditions and the relative concentrations of volatiles. In the present study, volatile components from three varieties of sesame oil produced by roasting the seeds under different conditions were analyzed and profiled using GC–mass chromatography. The results showed that the roasting temperature had an obvious effect on the aroma of the oils since there was an increase in the concentration of the volatiles responsible for aroma such as pyrazines, furans, and sesamol as the temperature at which the seeds were roasted was increased. However, the concentration of some components such as alcohols and aldehydes, decreased with an increase in the roasting temperature. The roasting conditions have an important effect on the characteristic aroma of sesame oil. Other methods used to process sesame oil, such as solvent extraction, mechanical pressing and hot water flotation, were also investigated. Sesame oil produced using the Chinese traditional hot water flotation method had the most preferred flavor. There was good consistency between the principal components analysis (PCA) and sensory evaluation. The results of the present study suggested that production of sesame oil with the most acceptable aroma was dependent on the appropriate processing method. 相似文献
Felix A. Aladedunye Bertrand Matthäus Roman Przybylski 《European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology》2011,113(7):916-923
Acrylamide and 4‐hydroxynonenal (HNE) are among the most detrimental compounds formed during high temperature processing of food. The effect of carbon dioxide blanketing (CDB) on the formation and accumulation in food of these compounds during deep‐fat frying was investigated. French fries were fried for 7 h daily and for 7 days in canola oil at 185 ± 5°C without and with CO2 protection. The amount of acrylamide and HNE accumulated in the French fries were analyzed. Compared to standard frying conditions (SFC), frying under CDB reduced the amount of HNE by 62%. On the 3rd day of frying, the amount of acrylamide in fries fried under SFC was 3.3 times higher compared to frying with CO2 protection. Frying with carbon dioxide protection is an effective and practical way to impede formation of toxic components during deep‐fat frying. To assess formation of HNE a simple, sensitive and reliable procedure for HNE analysis in frying oils and fried products was developed and evaluated. Practical applications : The toxicity of HNE and acrylamide, coupled with the increasing consumption of fried foods necessitates that measures be taken to reduce their formation and subsequent accumulation in fried foods. The frying method proposed in this study is very effective and requires only a simple modification to the fryer. Developed rapid and simple procedure for HNE analysis allows more accurate quantification. 相似文献
Richard F. Stier 《European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology》2004,106(11):766-771
There are dozens of tests an oil chemist has at his disposal for evaluating fresh and used frying oils. These include chemical tests, instrumental methods, physical methods and rapid tests. Not all are applicable to use when evaluating oils used for deep‐fat frying. Rather than run the gamut of all the tests available to the oil chemist or quality control technician, this presentation will focus on the different rapid tests that have been developed for the marketplace. These include physical tests, tests that measure physical parameters of the oil, and chemical tests. Tests may be quite simple or complex. The presenter will provide an overview on the different rapid test methods, but will emphasize that it is up to the researcher or the processor to evaluate for themselves whether the technology is something that they can use in their own operations. 相似文献
Elena De Marco Maria Savarese Cristina Parisini Ilaria Battimo Salvatore Falco Raffaele Sacchi 《European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology》2007,109(3):237-246
The aim of this study was to test the performance of a vegetable oil blend formulated as alternative to pure palm oil as frying medium. For this purpose, the evolution of many analytical parameters (free acidity, spectrophotometric indices, total polar components, fatty acid composition, short‐chain fatty acids, tocopherol and tocotrienol content and composition, color, flavor evaluated by means of an electronic nose) of the selected blend (sunflower/palm oil 65 : 35 vol/vol) has been monitored during a prolonged frying process (8 h discontinuous frying without oil replenishment) in comparison to pure palm oil. Sensory attributes of the fried food were also evaluated. The blend proved to keep qualitative parameters comparable to those shown by palm oil during the prolonged frying process. Even if some oxidation indices, such as spectrophotometric indices, short‐chain fatty acids and total polar components, increased faster in the blend, it showed a higher tocopherol content and a lower increment in free fatty acids as compared to pure palm oil. Chips fried in the two oils did not show significantly different sensory profiles. 相似文献
Baran Onal-Ulusoy Pamela White Earl Hammond 《Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society》2007,84(2):157-163
Bread pieces were fried at 180 °C in soybean oil (SBO) containing no additives (control), 0.1% linalyl oleate (LO), or 10 ppm
methyl silicone (MS). After 2 h of heating, the MS-containing oil was the most stable, followed by the oil with LO and the
control, based on conjugated dienoic acid percentage (CD) and the ratio of linoleate%/palmitate%. Oil extracted from the fresh
fried bread showed similar, but not significant, trends for CD and PV. Fresh and stored (60 °C, 2 days) bread fried in LO-containing
oil had less hexanal than the other two treatments, and the stored LO bread had less t,c- and t,t-2,4-heptadienal than the control. Fresh bread fried in LO-containing oil had a less rancid flavor than did the other two
treatments, and the LO treatment had less fishy flavor than the control. In stored bread, the MS treatment was less rancid
than the control. In oil extracted from the stored bread, the amounts of t,c-2,4-heptadienal and 2-decenal correlated (p ≤ 0.05) with the amounts of individual unsaturated fatty acids and with CD, but only t,c-2,4-heptadienal correlated with the PV. The t,c-2,4-heptadienal correlated with individual Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) in freshly fried bread. In general, oil and
fried bread had improved flavor quality and/or oil stability when they contained MS or LO. 相似文献
Oxidative Stability and Changes in Chemical Composition of Extra Virgin Olive Oils After Short‐Term Deep‐Frying of French Fries

Emília Akil Vanessa Naciuk Castelo‐Branco André Mesquita Magalhães Costa Ana Lúcia do Amaral Vendramini Verônica Calado Alexandre Guedes Torres 《Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society》2015,92(3):409-421
We aimed at investigating oxidative stability and changes in fatty acid and tocopherol composition of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) in comparison with refined seed oils during short‐term deep‐frying of French fries, and changes in the composition of the French fries deep‐fried in EVOO. EVOO samples from Spain, Brazil, and Portugal, and refined seed oils of soybean and sunflower were studied. Oil samples were used for deep‐frying of French fries at 180 °C, for up to 75 min of successive frying. Tocopherol and fatty acid composition were determined in fresh and spent vegetable oils. Tocopherol, fatty acid, and volatile composition (by SPME–GC–MS) were also determined in French fries deep‐fried in EVOO. Oil oxidation was monitored by peroxide, acid, and p‐anisidine values, and by Rancimat after deep‐frying. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) analysis was used as a proxy of the quality of the spent oils. EVOOs presented the lowest degree of oleic and linoleic acids losses, low formation of free fatty acids and carbonyl compounds, and were highly stable after deep‐frying. In addition, oleic acid, tocopherols, and flavor compounds were transferred from EVOO into the French fries. In conclusion, EVOOs were more stable than refined seed oils during short‐term deep‐frying of French fries and also contributed to enhance the nutritional value, and possibly improve the flavor, of the fries prepared in EVOO. 相似文献