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杨继廉  杨应昌 《金属学报》1993,29(3):B130-B133
用中子衍射法测定了R_2Fe_(17)N_x(R=Y,Dy,Nd)中N的占位及磁结构,初步讨论了N的占位对磁性能的影响  相似文献   

用中子衍射法测定了R_2Fe_(17)N_x(R=Y,Dy,Nd)中N的占位及磁结构,初步讨论了N的占位对磁性能的影响  相似文献   

钛在自贡鸿鹤化工总厂联碱生产中的应用   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
简述了Sm2Fe(17)Nx化合物的结构与内禀磁性能,着重回顾了Sm2Fe(17)Nx永磁合金粉及其磁体的制备工艺发展现状,并展望了Sm2Fe(17)Nx永磁体的发展前景。  相似文献   

用中子衍射对永磁合金Y_2(Fe_(0.95)Al_(005))_(14)B进行了测量。结果表明:其仍为Nd_2Fe_(14)B型四角结构,空间群为P42/mnm;Al进入晶体结构之中并择优占据4c及8j_2晶位。对Al的择优占位与磁性的关系进行了初步的讨论。  相似文献   

本文用中子衍射对Nd_2(Fe_(0.9)Si_(0.1))_(14)B在室温及77K进行了测量,用衍射峰的形状分析法进行了数据拟合。结果表明,在室温,Si择优占据4c,8j_1及16k_2晶位;Nd与Fe的磁矩平行于C轴排列。在77K,Si仍择优占据上述三个晶位。算得的Nd磁矩的方向偏离C轴37.8°。  相似文献   

X射线衍射证实了Y2Fe17-xMnx的结构与Y2Fe17相同Y2Fe17-xMnx化合物晶格常数,居里温度,饱和磁化强度和研究结果表明:晶格常数并非随Mn含量的增加而连续增大,而是在x=2.0处出现一最小值。  相似文献   

采用提拉法生长出了掺钕钨酸铋钠(分子式Nd:NaBi(WO4)2,简称Nd:NBW)和掺钕钨酸钇钠(分子式Nd:NaY(WO4)2,简称Nd:NYW)晶体。通过TG-DTA分析得到Nd:NBW的熔点为936.2℃,Nd:NYW的熔点为1209.07℃。由吸收光谱可以看出,Nd:NBW在802nm有较强的吸收峰,Nd:NYW在804nm,752nm,586nm附近有较强、较宽的吸收峰,二者均适合于LD泵浦;并计算了晶体中Nd^+3+的吸收截面积。通过比较Nd:NBW和Nd:NYW的红外光谱和拉曼光谱结果,认为二者结构基本相同,为四方晶系、白钨矿结构、141/a空间群。  相似文献   

Neutron diffraction measurements on Nd2(Fe0,Si0 ,)14B at room temperature and 77 K were performed. Data analysis using profile refinement was carried out. The results show that at room temperature Si atoms occupy preferentially 4c, 8j, and I6k2 sites, and the magnetic moments of bath Nd and Fe are parallel to C—axis. At 77 K, the site occupations remain unchanged as in room temperature, while the calculated Nd magnetic moment direction has an angular deviation of 37.8 ° from C—axis.  相似文献   

An addition of Nb up to 2 at.-% into(Nd,Dy)-(Fe,Co)-B alloy causes the formation ofdendrite Fe_2Nb and the precipitates in hard magnetic grains.Both increases withincreasing Nb content.During sintering,part of Fe_2Nb dissolves within the 2:14:1 grains,and the Fe_2Nb along grain boundaries hinders the growth of 2:14:1 grains.During an-nealing,the dissolved Nb in(?)-phase precipitates out,and this nearby the grain boundarydiffuses into Nd-rich phase to form new granular Fe_2Nb and to increase the Nb contentin Nd-rich phase,this results in a precipitate-free zone in the(?)-grain near Nd-rich phase.  相似文献   

Nb对(Nd,Dy)—(Fe,Co)—B永磁体显微组织的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用金相显微镜、扫描电镜分析了(Nd,Dy)-(Fe,Co)-B稀土永磁体加入Nb后显微组织的变化.结果表明,加入Nb后出现了板条状Fe_2Nb相和沉淀粒子相,且二者数量均随Nb量增加而增加.烧结时,φ相晶内的Fe_2Nb发生部分固溶,晶界的Fe_2Nb可机械阻碍晶粒长大.在时效时,φ相内固溶的Nb发生沉淀析出,晶界附近固溶的Nb扩散到富Nd相内形成新的含Nb粒子和增加富Nd相内的Nb含量。  相似文献   

An approximate calculation of the exchange interaction constant JRT between the rare-earth sublattice and the transition metal sublattice in R2Fe17-xAlx (R=Tb, Gd, and Dy) compounds is given by the molecular-field model and the results of neutron diffraction. The calculated values, -JR,T/k, for Dy2Fe17-xAlx (x=5, 6, 7 and 8), Tb2Fe10Al7, Gd2Fe17-xAlx (x = 7, 8) compounds are 8.62K, 8.64K, 9.52K, 10.34K and 10.66K, 10.65K, and 9.85K, respectively, they are in agreement with the experimental values, -JR,T/k, of Dy2Fe17-xAlx (x=5, 6, 7 and 8), Tb2Fe10Al7 and Gd2Fe17-xAlx (x=7, 8) compounds, which are 8.77K, 9.25K, 10.1K, 10.9K and 10.35K, 10.1K, and 10.3K, respectively. The origins of the difference between the calculated and the experimental results are discussed.  相似文献   

The site occupancies in permanent magnetic alloy Y_2(Fe_(0.95)Al_(0.05))_(14)B has been studied bymeans of neutron diffraction.The results from profile refinement show that Al enters thetetragonal structure of Nd_2Fe_(14)B and occupies the 4c and 8j_2 sites of the space groupP4_2/mnm preferably.The relation between the site occupancies and the magnetic proper-ties is discussed preliminarily.  相似文献   

通过Mossbauer谱等研究(Sm1-xYx)2Fe(17)Ny的磁性。结果表明:Sm次格子的单轴各向异性较强,对总的各向异性贡献起主导机制;Y原子的择优占位导致晶体结构的变化,而对各向异性的影响较小。  相似文献   

用快淬方法制备了单相(Er1-xSmx)2Fe17cy(x=0.2,y≤3.0;x=0.5,y≤2.0)化合物,研究了它们的形成、结构、稳定性及内禀磁性。结果表明,它们在高温是稳定的,随碳含量的增加,晶体结构由六角的Th2Ni17型向菱方的Th2Zn17型转变。间隙碳原子的引入导致了单胞体积的膨胀、室温饱和磁化强度和Curiei温度的增加。当y≥1.0时,(Er1-xSmx)2Fe17Cy样品在室  相似文献   

用电弧炉熔炼制备了Nd2Mn17-xxAlx(x=1-10)样品,对其进行的粉末X-射线衍射研究表明,样品具有菱方相Th2Zn17型结构,随着Ai替代量的增加,Nd2Mn17-xxAlx(x=1-10)化合物样品的晶格常数a,c及单胞体积v都增加,对样品的时效研究表明,Nd2Mn17-xAlx(x=1-10)化合物在自然环境中十分稳定,这表明Al比C更能使富锰的2:17相(Th2Zn17)稳定。  相似文献   

对(Tb,Dy)Fe2超磁致伸缩合金,用微分相衬显微镜原位研究了应力和磁场引起的畴变、卸载压痕裂纹在湿空气中的滞后扩展以及在湿空气中恒磁场引起的滞后畴变及滞后开裂.结果表明,当磁场大于门槛值上Hth后就能使压痕裂纹发生瞬时扩展;在湿空气中,残余应力能使(Tb,Dy)Fe2发生滞后扩展,当裂纹止裂后,恒磁场(H〈Hth)能使磁畴发生滞后变化,并能使压痕裂纹进一步发生滞后扩展.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONItiswelknownthatSm2Fe17Nycompoundshavegoodintrinsicmagneticproperties[1].BecauseofthepoorstabilityofSm2Fe17Nyat...  相似文献   

The creep fracture behavior of intermetallic compound(Fe_(60)Ni_(40))_3(V_(98)Ti_2)has been studied.The variation of dislocation substructure was observed with TEM in the process ofsteady-state creep.It is found that there exists a large amount of stacking faults,dislocationpairs and also high density dislocation networks.SEM analysis of section near fracture sur-face points out that the intergranular crack due to coalescence of small cavities is the maincreep fracture mechanism of(Fe_(60)Ni_(40))_3(V_(98)Ti_2).  相似文献   

对有序金属间化合物(Fe_(60)Ni_(40))_3(V_(98)Ti_2)的蠕变断裂行为进行了初步研究。用透射电镜观察了稳态蠕变过程中位错亚结构的变化,发现存在大量的堆垛层错和成对位错以及较高密度的位错网络。对断口及近断口剖面的扫描电镜观察指出,晶界上空洞所形成的沿晶断裂是(Fe_(60)Ni_(40))_3(V_(98)Ti_2)蠕变断裂的主要机制。  相似文献   

The crystal structures of the R2Pd2Pb (R=Y, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, and Lu) compounds were determined using X-ray powder diffraction. The investigated compounds crystallize with Mo2FeB2 structure type (space group P4/mbm, Pearson code tP10). The importance of stabilization by polar intermetallic R–Pd bonding is underscored by a bonding analysis derived from electronic band structure calculations.  相似文献   

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