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Since the early 1980s, the standards bodies have been specifying the telecommunications management network (TMN) principles. Millions of dollars have been spent. The TMN principles aim at being applicable across telecommunications technologies. They recommend the use of independent management networks to manage telecommunications networks, elements in the telecommunications networks (managed networks), and managing systems (in managing networks), communicating via well defined, standardized interfaces. The standards bodies envisioned TMN as a possible solution to the complex problem of telecommunications networks and services operation, administration, maintenance and provisioning (OAM and P) in the open, multivendor environment. However, the vision stumbles against the reality. Various factors still hinder the implementation of TMN-based OAM and P systems. The present article provides a tutorial on TMN by contrasting the vision and the reality 相似文献
Ohzu H. Habara K. 《Proceedings of the IEEE. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers》1996,84(5):782-798
The phrase “Concealing Telecommunications Networks” is first introduced as an ultimate philosophical concept in human-to-human or physically evolving “multimedia” communications by employing the same face-to-face mode that is used in natural communications. Then virtual reality (VR) technologies and their current applications are introduced, followed by an introduction of cutting-edge research on “Teleconferencing with Realistic Sensations”, which is a communications system that conceals the existence of telecommunications networks. Next, research activities on “vision” and “motion”, the most important underlying human functions supporting technologies such as VR, are presented. These activities consist of 1) a perception model that explains how human beings mentally reconstruct 3-D shapes from 2-D information projected on the retina, and 2) research on the close relationship between the senses, i.e., auditory and visual perception, visual information, and muscular motion stimuli. As a practical application, an example of measuring eye movements for early detection of Alzheimer's disease is briefly introduced. Finally, some fundamental problems with stereoscopic 3-D displays on 2-D screens, which can make them more fatiguing than the natural environment, are discussed 相似文献
Venables JA Hembree GG Drucker J Crozier PA Scheinfein MR 《Journal of electron microscopy》2005,54(3):151-162
An overview of the conception and development of the MIDAS system at Arizona State University is given: a Microscope for Imaging, Diffraction and Analysis of Surfaces. John Cowley's vision in the early 1980s was ambitious and far-reaching, and it was because of him the authors came to ASU. We were centrally involved in the design and implementation of MIDAS from the mid 1980s onwards; the novel design features are briefly reviewed. Practical results obtained using this instrument are listed, and the scope for future development and applications are indicated. While it is clear that many new results have been demonstrated, even more possibilities still remain to be explored. Some comments are made about the feasibility of such developments in the light of competing instrumentation. 相似文献
The commercial advent of digital broadcast radio in the UK is upon us. The concepts and technology of digital audio broadcasting, DAB, originated from the European Eureka 147 project, which began in 1988 and which has created international standards now adopted by ETSI and the ITU. In the UK today the BBC provides DAB coverage to some 60% of the population. A DAB licence for independent radio broadcasting has been awarded to a consortium called Digital 1 which will offer a similar level of coverage within 12 months. Digital radio had been held back by a lack of consumer receivers. High-end consumer products are, however, now beginning to appear in the shops. This paper describes the development of a world-leading, credit-card-sized DAB OEM receiver module that is already allowing new players and consumer products to enter the market 相似文献
A. Ferreira C. Cassier S. Hirai 《Mechatronics, IEEE/ASME Transactions on》2004,9(2):321-333
We proposed an automated micromanipulation workcell for visually servoed teleoperated microassembly assisted by virtual reality techniques. It is composed of two micromanipulators equipped with microtools operating under a light microscope. Visual servoing techniques are applied for efficient and reliable position/force feedback during microassembly tasks. First, a pushing-based micromanipulation strategy for the microobject to follow a planned trajectory is proposed under vision based-position control. Then, we present the cooperation control strategy of the microhandling operation under vision-based force control integrating a sensor fusion framework approach. A guiding-system based on virtual microworld exactly reconstructed from the CAD-CAM databases of the real environment being considered is presented for the imprecisely calibrated microworld. Finally, a planned scenario is executed and experimental results of microassembly tasks performed on millimeter-sized components are provided. 相似文献
本文的研究旨在改善目前以单目增强现实设备存在着视场小、成像不逼真、单目观察、适应人群窄等问题。模型系统选用高分辨率、宽色域、高集成度OLED微显示器作为成像像源,大尺寸的半透射半反射BS棱镜和凹面镜作为成像元件,通过光路建模,控制图像放大倍率,以提高视场;利用CAD设计模型结构,采用3D打印技术制作模型组件。该系统具有多维的可调节度,包括调节放大倍数、眼距和双目图像合成角度等。该模型系统可以实现高清晰稳定的单目及双目成像效果,色彩及图像还原度高,与外景能够自然融合,系统的用户普适性强。 相似文献
《Engineering Management Review, IEEE》2002,30(3):91-91
This publication contains reprint articles for which IEEE does not hold copyright. The full-text attachment does not include this article. However, you may purchase the article from the Ask*IEEE Document Delivery Service at http://www.ieee.org/services/askieee/ 相似文献
A 3D augmented reality navigation system using stereoscopic images is developed for teleoperated robot systems.The accurate matching between the simulated model and the video image of the actual robot can be realized,which helps the operator to accomplish the remote control task correctly and reliably.The system introduces the disparity map translation transformation method to take parallax images for stereoscopic displays,providing the operator an immersive 3D experience.Meanwhile,a fast and accurate registration method of dynamic stereo video is proposed,and effective integration of a virtual robot and the real stereo scene can be achieved.Preliminary experiments show that operation error of the system is maintained at less than 2.2 mm and the average error is 0.854 7,0.909 3 and 0.697 2 mm at x,y,z direction respectively.Lots of experiments such as pressing the button,pulling the drawer and so on are also conducted to evaluate the performance of the system.The feasibility studies show that the depth information of structure can be rapidly and recognized in remote environment site.The augmented reality of the image overlay system could increase the operating accuracy and reduce the procedure time as a result of intuitive 3D viewing. 相似文献
Rigorous applications of project management methodologies are responsible, though only partially, for project success. We argue, however, that a significant driver of project management success is effective and intelligent leadership communicated through an inspiring vision of what the project is meant to achieve and how it can make a significant positive impact. An information technology case study project is presented to illustrate how project vision provided and maintained commitment to a complex project that was judged successful when compared to similar projects despite the difficulties described. This success was substantially attributed to the project leadership group's use of a vision. 相似文献
针对传统基于辐射度算法的室内场景三维虚拟现实方法存在耗时高、建模效果差的弊端,研究基于三维视觉的室内设计虚拟现实方法,采用主动式、全方位立体视觉传感器采集室内场景的三维点云数据,基于点云数据进行室内场景内的物体几何关系以及摆放位置分布,完成室内三维场景的自主合成,对物体摆放位置分布实施训练,通过三维场景点云数据集获取相同类型支撑物中物体产生的位置,对数据实施归一化操作,采用高斯混合模型拟合这些数据,训练出三维室内场景中物件在支撑面中的位置分布模型。采用基于深度信息场景重构方法实现室内三维场景的虚拟实现。实验结果说明,所提方法重构的室内场景直观、视觉效果好,并且具有较高的重构效率和精度。 相似文献
Software-defined radio receiver: dream to reality 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Bagheri R. Mirzaei A. Heidari M.E. Chehrazi S. Minjae Lee Mikhemar M. Tang W.K. Abidi A.A. 《Communications Magazine, IEEE》2006,44(8):111-118
This article describes a fully integrated 90 nm CMOS software-defined radio receiver operating in the 800 MHz to 5 GHz band. Unlike the classical SDR paradigm, which digitizes the whole spectrum uniformly, this receiver acts as a signal conditioner for the analog-to-digital converters, emphasizing only the wanted channel. Thus, the ADCs operate with modest resolution and sample rate, consuming low power. This approach makes portable SDR a reality. 相似文献
A. Luque 《Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications》1994,2(3):257-261
The MONOCHESS consortium, formed in the framework of the JOULE programme of the European Union, is presented. Its goal is the cooperation between laboratories and companies for the development of cheaper monocrystalline silicon 1-sun and concentration cells. Objectives and key results already achieved are described. 相似文献
A new visual medium, Virtualized Reality, immerses viewers in a virtual reconstruction of real-world events. The Virtualized Reality world model consists of real images and depth information computed from these images. Stereoscopic reconstructions provide a sense of complete immersion, and users can select their own viewpoints at view time, independent of the actual camera positions used to capture the event 相似文献
《Professional Communication, IEEE Transactions on》2005,48(3):237-241
Research into subjects of concern to technical communicators is occurring with increasing frequency. But as it increases, we must ask ourselves: Is the research serving its purpose? What should researchers be doing? These are the questions that underlie the articles in this special issue. 相似文献
基于虚拟现实技术对电子显微镜外观结构及其操作流程进行虚拟动态仿真。首先运用三维建模软件对电子显微镜进行精细建模,并对其中涉及到的关键问题,如模型优化、材质制作等进行了阐述。在此基础上,研究运用虚拟现实引擎对电子显微镜的操作流程模拟进行了设计与实现。采用这种的模拟系统,用户可以在虚拟环境下直观、交互地了解电子显微镜的复杂结构,并体验电子显微镜的操作流程。该项工作对电子显微镜的三维动态展示、使用流程演示、用户体验式培训都具有很好的应用意义。文章给出了实例和可视化结果。 相似文献
这几年,一种信息交换方式再次成为业界关注的热点,那就是虚拟现实技术(Virtual Reality),特别是Facebook用20亿美元收购虚拟现实头盔制造商Oculus,让这块蛋糕的市场价值瞬间提升,同时也引爆了整个产业链.相比之下,我国虚拟现实技术还仅仅处于高校科研阶段,在普通教育阶段运用虚拟现实技术还面临着巨大的难题,本文将对教育领域的虚拟现实技术的运用谈谈自己的理解,供大家参考. 相似文献
Since 1995, a multidisciplinary team of researchers has deployed case study methodology to follow the progress of 12 discontinuous innovation projects in ten large R&D-intensive firms. The study has illuminated the challenges of managing the surprisingly difficult transition from R&D project to an operating unit in the eight of the 12 projects that reached transition. A substantial "readiness gap" existed between the project teams and the receiving business units. The challenges have been captured in the form of ten critical questions that must be addressed before a project can be successfully transitioned. Based on an analysis of transition practices, the authors identify seven propositions for improving the effectiveness of transition management suggesting the potential usefulness of the following managerial approaches: (1) conducting a transition readiness assessment; (2) assembling a transition team; (3) establishing an oversight board; (4) developing a transition plan; (5) providing transition funding from corporate sources; (6) laying the groundwork for a big market; and (7) engaging senior management champions. 相似文献