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OBJECTIVES: To determine whether endothelin-1 (ET-1) in tracheal aspirates (TA) is a specific marker for acute lung injury in preterm infants with respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) who progress to bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD); and to investigate the relationship between TA ET-1 and the proinflammatory cytokines, interleukin-6 (IL-6) and IL-8, as early mediators of BPD. STUDY DESIGN: We measured TA ET-1, IL-6, and IL-8 levels in preterm infants whose lungs were mechanically ventilated for RDS, categorized into two groups, BPD or non-BPD, on the basis of oxygen requirement at 36 weeks' postconceptional age. RESULTS: A total of 106 TA samples were obtained from 34 infants with gestational ages ranging from 24 to 28 weeks on days 1, 3, 5, and 7 of life. There was a wide range of ET-1 concentration. TA ET-1 levels were significantly elevated on days 1, 3, and 7 in infants in whom BPD developed, in comparison with the non-BPD group (Mann-Whitney U test: p < 0.01). TA IL-8 levels were elevated on days 1, 3, 5, and 7 in the BPD group (p < 0.01); TA IL-6 levels were elevated (p < 0.05) only on day 5. There was a similarity in pattern of increase of TA ET-1 and TA IL-8 levels in the BPD group, with both being elevated in the first 24 hours of life and through the first week. There was no correlation between ET-1 and IL-8 values. CONCLUSION: Early significant increase in the TA ET-1 and IL-8 concentrations in preterm infants with acute lung injury correlates with subsequent progression to BPD.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We assessed the relative difficulty with which radical perineal and retropubic prostatectomy operations are learned. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The first 10 radical perineal and retropubic prostatectomies performed by 6 graduating urology residents were reviewed for patient and tumor characteristics, duration of surgery and hospitalization, and complication rates. RESULTS: A total of 120 patients was reviewed. Mean hospital stay was 2.5 days less after radical perineal prostatectomy, and estimated blood loss, number of transfusions and complication rates were also less for this procedure. All parameters used to estimate the outcome of the procedure indicated that radical perineal prostatectomy was learned more quickly than radical retropubic prostatectomy. CONCLUSIONS: In a residency training program radical perineal prostatectomy was learned at least as easily as retropubic prostatectomy. Due to expanding indications for this procedure, these findings should encourage urological surgeons to develop their skill with this approach.  相似文献   

Genomic DNA fragments encoding a salivary gland-specific alpha-amylase gene, Amylase I (Amy I), and an additional amylase, Amylase II (AmyII) of the yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti, were isolated and characterized. Two independently isolated DNA fragments, G34-F and G34-14A, encode polymorphic alleles of Amy I. A 3.2 kilobase (kb) EcoR I fragment of G34-F, F2, has been sequenced in its entirety and contains 832 base pairs (bp) of the 5'-end, non-coding and putative promoter regions that are adjacent to 2.4 kb of the Amy I coding region. One intron, 59 bp in length, is found towards the 3'-end of the clone. A third genomic clone, 3A, corresponding to Amy II, was sequenced and shown not to contain the primary DNA sequence that encodes the 260 amino acid region that uniquely characterizes the amino terminal end of the Amy I product. Amy I was assigned by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) mapping to chromosome 2 (23.0 cM) and Amy II to chromosome 1 (44.0 cM). Amy I and Amy II are highly polymorphic and there may be multiple linked copies at each locus. Comparisons between Amy I and Amy II are presented for the putative promoter and conceptual translation products. The identification of two distinct amylase genes and their separate linkage assignments provides evidence for a multigene family of alpha-amylases in Ae. aegypti.  相似文献   

The mosquito Aedes aegypti is the world's most important vector of yellow fever and dengue viruses. Work is currently in progress to control the transmission of these viruses by genetically altering the capacity of wild Ae. aegypti populations to support virus replication. The germ-line transformation system reported here constitutes a major advance toward the implementation of this control strategy. A modified Hermes transposon carrying a 4.7-kb fragment of genomic DNA that includes a wild-type allele of the Drosophila melanogaster cinnabar (cn) gene was used to transform a white-eyed recipient strain of Ae. aegypti. Microinjection of preblastoderm mosquito embryos with this construct resulted in 50% of the emergent G0 adults showing some color in their eyes. Three transformed families were recovered, each resulting from an independent insertion event of the cn+-carrying transposon. The cn+ gene functioned as a semidominant transgene and segregated in Mendelian ratios. Hermes shows great promise as a vector for efficient, heritable, and stable transformation of this important mosquito vector species.  相似文献   

Plant viruses transmitted by invertebrate vectors either reversibly bind to vector mouthparts or are internalized by the vector and later secreted. Viral proteins mediate the binding of plant viruses to vector mouthparts and the transport of virus across vector-cell membranes. Both mechanisms probably involve conformational changes of virus proteins during their association with the vector.  相似文献   

Mosquito salivary glands secrete a number of proteins that inhibit mammalian hemostasis and facilitate blood feeding. We have isolated the protein product and corresponding cDNA of a gene designated Anticoagulant-factor Xa (AFXa), that encodes the factor Xa (FXa)-directed anticoagulant of the yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti. The protein was purified partially by cation exchange chromatography and shown by enzyme activity profiles and SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis to have an Mr = 54, 000. The protein was purified further by preparative SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and subjected to internal protein sequencing, and the sequence of five peptides was determined. Degenerate oligonucleotides were designed based on three of the peptide sequences, and these were used to screen an adult female salivary gland cDNA library from A. aegypti. A 1.8-kilobase pair cDNA was isolated and shown to encode a 415-amino acid conceptual translation product with a predicted molecular mass of 47.8 kDa that contains the five sequenced peptides. Hydrophobicity analysis predicts a 19-amino acid signal peptide typical for secreted proteins. Northern analysis demonstrated that AFXa is expressed only in female salivary glands. Baculovirus-expressed AFXa protein has the appropriate size and expected FXa-directed anticoagulant activity. Analysis of the primary amino acid sequence shows that the AFXa gene product has similarities to the serpin superfamily of serine protease inhibitors and may represent a novel, highly diverged member of this family.  相似文献   

School children are important targets for sun awareness education, but the knowledge, attitudes and behaviour of school teachers with respect to sun awareness are poorly understood. A questionnaire-based survey of 76 school teachers was undertaken. Twenty-four per cent of teachers indicated previous experience in teaching sun awareness, but 93% of teachers had no classroom resources for teaching sun awareness. Sun awareness was perceived by respondents as unimportant relative to other health education issues. There was considerable scope for improvement in attitudes and behaviour of teachers with respect to sun awareness. Teachers need more information about environmental factors which affect strength of sunlight, individual risk factors for sunburn and sunscreen strength. Intervention strategies involving school teachers need simple messages, emphasizing the importance of shade, clothing and hats in sun avoidance.  相似文献   

Yellowfever mosquitoes, Aedes aegypti (L), were collected from 3 towns located within 70 km of each other in the State of Sao Paulo to evaluate the protein variability of natural populations. Electrophoretic analysis permitted the identification of 6 loci responsible for the production of leucine aminopeptidase, 3 for esterases and malic enzyme, 2 for malate dehydrogenase, isocitrate dehydrogenase and alpha-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase, and 1 for phosphoglucomutase. For the 3 populations, the range for alleles per locus (1.63-2.03), the proportion of polymorphic loci (37.5-50.0%), and the expected mean heterozygosity (0.48-0.53) were greater than reported for other populations of A. aegypti. Although the 3 populations were similar genetically, the 1.8% differentiation was significant.  相似文献   

We have employed the attenuated vaccine strain 17D of yellow fever virus (YFV) to evaluate the inhibitory effect of a selected series of compounds on YFV in Vero cells. Use of the vaccine strain does not require high-level microbiological containment facilities and should allow extensive screening. In addition, YFV may serve as a model for other flaviviruses including hepatitis C virus (HCV), and thus strategies for the treatment of YFV infections may apply to flavivirus infections in general. In the present study, several compounds belonging to different classes of nucleoside analogues and polyanions were evaluated for their inhibitory effect on the replication of YFV. Compounds that are targeted at: (i) IMP dehydrogenase (ribavirin, EICAR, tiazofurin, selenazofurin and mycophenolic acid), (ii) OMP decarboxylase (pyrazofurin and 6-azauridine), (iii) CTP synthetase (carbodine and cyclopentenyl cytosine), (iv) dihydrofolate reductase (methotrexate) and the (v) sulfated polymers (dextran sulfate and PAVAS) proved inhibitory to the replication of YFV. Mycophenolic acid (EC50: 0.08 microgram/ml). EICAR (EC50: 0.8 microgram/ml) and methotrexate (EC50: 0.07 microgram/ml) were the most effective. The findings that EICAR and mycophenolic acid, despite their potent anti-YFV activity, had little or no effect on the replication of the bunyavirus Punta Toro or herpes simplex virus in Vero cells, indicates that their anti-YFV activity is rather specific and does not merely result from cytotoxicity. Inhibitors of S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase (SAH hydrolase) and thymidylate synthase were found to be devoid of anti-YFV activity.  相似文献   

In a cross-sectional study 142 male and 139 female workers participated in a self-report questionnaire and a clinical examination. The aim of this study was to use the cervico-thoracic ratio (CTR), a clinical method for measuring segmental mobility between C7 and T5, to evaluate the influence of segmental mobility in neck-shoulder pain and different subjectively experienced symptoms. The study showed that reduced relative mobility at levels C7-T1 and T1-T2 significantly predicted neck-shoulder pain and the symptom weakness in the hands. The strongest relationship between segmental mobility and symptoms was found among subjects classified as having an inverse C7-T1 function, defined as equal or less mobility in motion segment C7-T1 compared to T1-T2. Reduced mobility explained 14% of neck-shoulder pain and 15% of weakness in the hands. It is suggested that deviation from synchronous distribution of mobility between motion segments C7-T1 and T1-T2 might be a factor provoking joint mechano receptors.  相似文献   

Outbreaks of yellow fever (YF) have never been recorded in Kenya. However, in September 1992, cases of hemorrhagic fever (HF) were reported in the Kerio Valley to the Kenya Ministry of Health. Early in 1993, the disease was confirmed as YF and a mass vaccination campaign was initiated. Cases of suspected YF were identified through medical record review and hospital-based disease surveillance by using a clinical case definition. Case-patients were confirmed serologically and virologically. We documented 55 persons with HF from three districts of the Rift Valley Province in the period of September 10, 1992 through March 11, 1993 (attack rate = 27.4/100,000 population). Twenty-six (47%) of the 55 persons had serologic evidence of recent YF infection, and three of these persons were also confirmed by YF virus isolation. No serum was available from the other 29 HF cases. In addition, YF virus was isolated from a person from the epidemic area who had a nonspecific febrile illness but did not meet the case definition. Five patients with confirmed cases of YF died, a case-fatality rate of 19%. Women with confirmed cases of YF were 10.9 times more likely to die than men (P = 0.010, by Fisher's exact test). Of the 26 patients with serologic or virologic evidence of YF, and for whom definite age was known, 21 (81%) were between 10 and 39 years of age, and 19 (73%) were males. All patients with confirmed YF infection lived in rural areas. There was only one instance of multiple cases within a single family, and this was associated with bush-clearing activity. This was the first documented outbreak of YF in Kenya, a classic example of a sylvatic transmission cycle. Surveillance in rural and urban areas outside the vaccination area should be intensified.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The physiology of the female sexual response and its molecular mediators remain poorly understood. Nitric oxide (NO) is synthesized in neurons and is a potent relaxor of vascular and nonvascular smooth muscle. In this study, we hypothesize that vaginal atrophy and declining sexual function during menopause may be NO dependent. Using the rat as an experimental model, we examined the expression and topologic localization of vaginal NO synthase (NOS) and the concomitant induction of apoptosis under normal and estrogen-depleted conditions. METHODS: Thirty rats were categorized into six groups on the basis of phase of the estrous cycle or estrogen status after oophorectomy. The expression and cellular localization of NOS was examined in frozen sections using specific antibodies against neuronal (N-NOS) and endothelial NOS (E-NOS). Apoptotic cells were identified in situ using the terminal transferase technique (TUNEL). Trichome staining was performed in all specimens to determine smooth muscle/collagen ratios. RESULTS: N-NOS immunoreactivity was localized to nerve fibers supplying vaginal smooth muscle, perivascular nerve plexuses, and lamina propria. E-NOS was localized to vascular endothelium and perivascular smooth muscle fibers. Both E-NOS and N-NOS expression in intact cycling animals was highest during proestrous and lowest during metestrous. After oophorectomy, levels of both N-NOS and E-NOS declined substantially compared with those of intact animals, and there was a parallel induction of apoptosis. Estrogen withdrawal also resulted in increased vaginal atrophy, intramural collagen accumulation, and perivascular wall thickening, as identified by trichome staining. Estrogen replacement resulted in a significant increase in E-NOS and N-NOS expression, as well as diminished apoptosis and vaginal atrophy. CONCLUSIONS: This cellular distribution of NOS in the rat vagina suggests that NO may modulate both vaginal blood supply and vaginal smooth musculature. Estrogen appears to play a critical role in concomitantly regulating vaginal NOS expression and apoptosis in nerves, smooth muscle, vascular endothelium, and epithelium of the rat vagina. These findings may have significant clinical implications for the pathophysiology of postmenopausal female sexual dysfunction.  相似文献   

We present a case of hepatitis A infection in a 2.5-month-old male who became icteric after 18 d of birth. The diagnosis of hepatitis A was made by compatible clinical symptoms, laboratory results and liver biopsy showing evidence of hepatitis, and confirmed by detection of anti-HAV IgM antibodies. Because the mother had an acute icteric hepatitis A 1 week before delivery, and the viraemic phase of hepatitis A infection is very short, approximately 7 d, we suggest that the infant was infected by his mother, before birth.  相似文献   

Administration of a single high dose of methamphetamine (METH) causes a rapid and reversible decrease in the activity of the tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH), the rate-limiting enzyme in the synthesis of 5-hydroxytryptamine. This effect can be reversed completely by exposing the METH-impaired enzyme to a reducing environment, which suggests that the decrease in TPH activity is a reversible oxidative consequence of free radical formation. Consistent with this hypothesis, a single METH administration to male rats increased oxygen radical formation, as demonstrated by increased striatal dihydroxybenzoic acid formation after coadministration of salicylate with METH. Prevention of METH-induced hyperthermia attenuated both the increase in dihydroxybenzoic acid formation and the decrease in TPH activity observed 1 h after METH administration. These data suggest that both reactive oxygen species and hyperthermia contribute to the acute decrease in TPH activity which results from a single METH administration.  相似文献   

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