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Transferrin (Tf) is a liver-derived iron transport protein whose plasma concentration increases following exposure to hypoxia. Here, we present a cell culture model capable of expressing Tf mRNA in an oxygen-dependent manner. A 4-kilobase pair Tf promoter/enhancer fragment as well as the 300-base pair liver-specific Tf enhancer alone conveyed hypoxia responsiveness to a heterologous reporter gene construct in hepatoma but not HeLa cells. Within this enhancer, a 32-base pair hypoxia-responsive element was identified, which contained two hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1) binding sites (HBSs). Mutation analysis showed that both HBSs function as oxygen-regulated enhancers in Tf-expressing as well as in non-Tf-expressing cell lines. Mutation of both HBSs was necessary to completely abolish hypoxic reporter gene activation. Transient co-expression of the two HIF-1 subunits HIF-1alpha and aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator (ARNT)/HIF-1beta resulted in enhanced reporter gene expression even under normoxic conditions. Overexpression of a dominant-negative ARNT/HIF-1beta mutant reduced hypoxic activation. DNA binding studies using nuclear extracts from the mouse hepatoma cell line Hepa1 and the ARNT/HIF-1beta-deficient subline Hepa1C4, as well as antibodies raised against HIF-1alpha and ARNT/HIF-1beta confirmed that HIF-1 binds the Tf HBSs. Mutation analysis and competition experiments suggested that the 5' HBS was more efficient in binding HIF-1 than the 3' HBS. Finally, hypoxic induction of endogenous Tf mRNA was abrogated in Hepa1C4 cells, confirming that HIF-1 confers oxygen regulation of Tf gene expression by binding to the two HBSs present in the Tf enhancer.  相似文献   

Oxygen-deprived regions of a solid tumor can induce tumor suppressor p53 expression and hence select for p53-mutant tumor cells with diminished apoptotic potential. It has been proposed that the hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1) alpha subunit binds to p53 and protects it from proteasomal degradation. However, we found that hypoxic conditions that strongly induce HIF-1-dependent endogenous gene expression as well as HIF-1alpha protein neither induce p53-dependent gene expression nor p53 protein. The iron chelator deferoxamine induced both HIF-1alpha and p53, but p53 up-regulation could still be detected in HIF-1alpha-deficient cells, suggesting that mechanisms other than HIF-1alpha activation contribute to oxygen-regulated p53 induction.  相似文献   

Hypoxic induction of erythropoietin (Epo) and other oxygen-dependent genes is mediated by the hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1), a heterodimeric transactivator consisting of an alpha and a beta subunit. We previously found that the mouse gene encoding HIF-1alpha harbors two alternative first exons (I.1 and I.2), giving rise to two different HIF-1alpha mRNA isoforms. Here, we show by RNase protection analysis that the exon I.1-derived mRNA isoform is differentially expressed in mouse tissues, being highest in kidney, tongue, stomach, and testis, but undetectable in liver, whereas the exon I.2 mRNA isoform is ubiquitously expressed. Sequence and methylation analysis showed that, in contrast to exon I.1, exon I.2 resides within a region showing typical features of a CpG island, known to be associated with the 5' end of housekeeping genes. We identified a 232-bp minimal exon I.2 promoter that strongly induced reporter gene expression in mouse L929 fibroblasts and Hepa1 hepatoma cells. In contrast to L929 cells, the exon I.1 promoter was inactive in Hepa1 cells and hypoxic exposure (1% O2) markedly reduced exon I.2 promoter activity in Hepa1 cells. Prolonged exposure of mice to hypoxia (7.5% O2 for up to 72 hours) also caused a decrease in liver HIF-1alpha mRNA, whereas aldolase mRNA levels increased. These findings might be related to the relatively low Epo levels in the adult liver.  相似文献   

The zinc finger protein ZPR1 is present in the cytoplasm of quiescent mammalian cells and translocates to the nucleus upon treatment with mitogens, including epidermal growth factor (EGF). Homologues of ZPR1 were identified in yeast and mammals. These ZPR1 proteins bind to eukaryotic translation elongation factor-1alpha (eEF-1alpha). Studies of mammalian cells demonstrated that EGF treatment induces the interaction of ZPR1 with eEF-1alpha and the redistribution of both proteins to the nucleus. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, genetic analysis demonstrated that ZPR1 is an essential gene. Deletion analysis demonstrated that the NH2-terminal region of ZPR1 is required for normal growth and that the COOH-terminal region was essential for viability in S. cerevisiae. The yeast ZPR1 protein redistributes from the cytoplasm to the nucleus in response to nutrient stimulation. Disruption of the binding of ZPR1 to eEF-1alpha by mutational analysis resulted in an accumulation of cells in the G2/M phase of cell cycle and defective growth. Reconstitution of the ZPR1 interaction with eEF-1alpha restored normal growth. We conclude that ZPR1 is essential for cell viability and that its interaction with eEF-1alpha contributes to normal cellular proliferation.  相似文献   

The AMP-activated protein kinase is a heterotrimeric enzyme, important in cellular adaptation to the stress of nutrient starvation, hypoxia, increased ATP utilization, or heat shock. This mammalian enzyme is composed of a catalytic alpha subunit and noncatalytic beta and gamma subunits and is a member of a larger protein kinase family that includes the SNF1 kinase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In the present study, we have identified by truncation and site-directed mutagenesis several functional domains of the alpha1 catalytic subunit, which modulate its activity, subunit association, and protein turnover. C-terminal truncation of the 548-amino acid (aa) wild-type alpha1 protein to aa 312 or 392 abolishes the binding of the beta/gamma subunits and dramatically increases protein expression. The full-length wild-type alpha1 subunit is only minimally active in the absence of co-expressed beta/gamma, and alpha1(1-392) likewise has little activity. Further truncation to aa 312, however, is associated with a large increase in enzyme specific activity, thus revealing an autoinhibitory sequence between aa 313 and 392. alpha-1(1-312) still requires the phosphorylation of the activation loop Thr-172 for enzyme activity, yet is now independent of the allosteric activator, AMP. The increased levels of protein expression on transient transfection of either truncated alpha subunit cDNA are because of a decrease in enzyme turnover by pulse-chase analysis. Taken together, these data indicate that the alpha1 subunit of AMP-activated protein kinase contains several features that determine enzyme activity and stability. A constitutively active form of the kinase that does not require participation by the noncatalytic subunits provides a unique reagent for exploring the functions of AMP-activated protein kinase.  相似文献   

Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), also known as vascular permeability factor, is a cytokine of central importance for the angiogenesis associated with cancers and other pathologies. Because angiogenesis often involves endothelial cell (EC) migration and proliferation within a collagen-rich extracellular matrix, we investigated the possibility that VEGF promotes neovascularization through regulation of collagen receptor expression. VEGF induced a 5- to 7-fold increase in dermal microvascular EC surface protein expression of two collagen receptors-the alpha1beta1 and alpha2beta1 integrins-through induction of mRNAs encoding the alpha1 and alpha2 subunits. In contrast, VEGF did not induce increased expression of the alpha3beta1 integrin, which also has been implicated in collagen binding. Integrin alpha1-blocking and alpha2-blocking antibodies (Ab) each partially inhibited attachment of microvascular EC to collagen I, and alpha1-blocking Ab also inhibited attachment to collagen IV and laminin-1. Induction of alpha1beta1 and alpha2beta1 expression by VEGF promoted cell spreading on collagen I gels which was abolished by a combination of alpha1-blocking and alpha2-blocking Abs. In vivo, a combination of alpha1-blocking and alpha2-blocking Abs markedly inhibited VEGF-driven angiogenesis; average cross-sectional area of individual new blood vessels was reduced 90% and average total new vascular area was reduced 82% without detectable effects on the pre-existing vasculature. These data indicate that induction of alpha1beta1 and alpha2beta1 expression by EC is an important mechanism by which VEGF promotes angiogenesis and that alpha1beta1 and alpha2beta1 antagonists may prove effective in inhibiting VEGF-driven angiogenesis in cancers and other important pathologies.  相似文献   

Since natural proteins are the products of a long evolutionary process, the structural properties of present-day proteins should depend not only on physico-chemical constraints, but also on evolutionary constraints. Here we propose a model for protein evolution, in which membranes play a key role as a scaffold for supporting the gradual evolution from flexible polypeptides to well-folded proteins. We suggest that the folding process of present-day globular proteins is a relic of this putative evolutionary process. To test the hypothesis that membranes once acted as a cradle for the folding of globular proteins, extensive research on membrane proteins and the interactions of globular proteins with membranes will be required.  相似文献   

Cartilage-hair hypoplasia (CHH), an autosomal recessive chondrodysplasia, results in severe growth failure, sparse hair and impaired cellular immunity. Lymphocyte subpopulations and proliferative responsiveness in mitogen stimulation were analysed in 35 patients of whom 31% had an increased incidence of infections the year prior to the evaluation. Of the patients, 57% had a decreased CD4+ cell count which led to a decreased total count of T-lymphocytes in 52% and a subnormal CD4 +/CD8 + cell ratio in 32%. The B-lymphocyte count was usually normal. The natural killer cell count was above reference values in 40% of the patients. The lymphocyte stimulation indices as studied with phytohaemagglutinin , Concanavalin A and pokeweed mitogen were subnormal in 69%, 69% and 83% of the patients, respectively. The numbers of lymphocytes, T-lymphocytes and CD4+ cells, and the pokeweed mitogen stimulation index. but not the other measured parameters, correlated significantly with the proness to infections during the preceding year. However, the correlation was reverse with higher counts in the patients who had had recurring infections. The observed significant correlations may reflect immunological stimuli caused by recurring infections. CONCLUSION: The presently used parameters of cellular immunity poorly predict the clinical outcome of an individual cartilage-hair hypoplasia patient. All patients, irrespective of their in vitro immunological competence, have to be carefully followed because of possibility of serious infections and malignancies.  相似文献   

The gamma-aminobutyric acidA (GABA) receptor in the mammalian central nervous system is composed of pentameric combinations of alpha1-6, beta1-4, gamma1-3, delta1, and/or epsilon1 subunit subtypes. Although each of the different subunits influences the functional properties of gamma-aminobutyric acidA receptors (GABARs), the alpha subunit subtypes have been shown to be important for activation of the receptor by GABA and pentobarbital and the regulation of GABARs by numerous allosteric regulators, including benzodiazepines, furosemide, zinc, and lanthanum. However, with the exception of the benzodiazepines, the alpha subtype domain that is responsible for the action of these allosteric compounds is unknown. The alpha1 and alpha6 subtypes are among the most diverse of the alpha subunit family and confer a different responsiveness of GABARs to GABA and many of the allosteric modulators. These regulatory compounds act after extracellular application and therefore likely act on extracellular GABAR sites, the largest of which is the amino-terminal extracellular domain. To determine the role of this domain in the action of these allosteric regulatory agents, we constructed chimeras of the rat alpha1 and alpha6 subtypes with a splice site within the first putative transmembrane domain (TM). This separated the large extracellular amino-terminal domain from the transmembrane, intracellular, and TM2-3 and carboxyl-terminal extracellular domains of the subunit. The chimeric subtypes were expressed in L929 fibroblasts along with beta3 and gamma2L subtypes, and their pharmacological properties were determined with whole-cell electrophysiological recording. The alpha subtype amino-terminal extracellular domain was the primary determinant of GABA sensitivity and was responsible for the functional properties of activation by pentobarbital, sensitivity to diazepam, potentiation by lanthanum, and high affinity inhibition by furosemide. The remaining carboxyl-terminal domains influenced the GABA sensitivity and determined zinc sensitivity and low affinity inhibition by furosemide. Both domains were apparently required for inhibition by lanthanum.  相似文献   

The importance of the species of different domains of class I MHC molecules in peripheral T cell recognition and positive and negative selection was evaluated in a single system. In transgenic mice expressing AAD (containing the alpha1+alpha2 domains of HLA-A2.1 and the alpha3 domain of H-2Dd), the CTL response to influenza peptide M1(58-66) in the context of the alpha1+alpha2 domains of HLA-A2.1 was as strong as the influenza-specific H-2Db-restricted response. However, this strong response was only discernible if the target cell MHC molecule also contained a murine alpha3 domain. In contrast, the response in HLA-A2.1 transgenic mice was about 30-fold weaker, and these CTL were indifferent to the origin of the target molecule alpha3 domain. Further analysis suggested that the major impact of the murine alpha3 domain of the transgene product was to enhance positive selection of a low affinity population of AAD-restricted T cells, presumably through species-specific interaction with CD8. Surprisingly, the response to non-self human class I MHC determinants was not augmented in AAD mice, indicating that the T cells selected are narrowly focused on AAD-related structures. Further analysis indicated that the alphal+alpha2 domains as well as the alpha3 domain influenced the magnitude of the response to non-self human class I MHC determinants, and this effect was mapped to alpha2. We suggest that the alpha2 domains of murine class I molecules contain conserved structural elements that augment the avidity of T cell-class I interactions, and this is particularly important in the recognition of non-self MHC molecules.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that mutations in the hepatocyte nuclear factor (HNF)-1alpha gene are the cause of maturity-onset diabetes of the young type 3 (MODY3). We have screened 193 unrelated Japanese subjects with NIDDM for mutations in this gene: 83 with early-onset NIDDM (diagnosis at <30 years of age) and 110 with late-onset NIDDM (diagnosis > or = 30 years of age). All of the members of the latter group also had at least one sibling with NIDDM. The 10 exons, flanking introns, and promoter region were amplified using polymerase chain reaction and were sequenced directly. Mutations were found in 7 of the 83 (8%) unrelated subjects with early-onset NIDDM. The mutations were each different and included four missense mutations (L12H, R131Q, K205Q, and R263C) and three frameshift mutations (P379fsdelCT, T392fsdelA, and L584S585fsinsTC). One of the 110 subjects with late-onset NIDDM was heterozygous for the missense mutation G191D. This subject, who was diagnosed with NIDDM at 64 years of age, also had a brother with NIDDM (age at diagnosis, 54 years) who carried the same mutation, suggesting that this mutation contributed to the development of NIDDM in these two siblings. None of these mutations were present in 50 unrelated subjects with normal glucose tolerance (100 normal chromosomes). Mutations in the HNF-1alpha gene occur in Japanese subjects with NIDDM and appear to be an important cause of early-onset NIDDM in this population. In addition, they are present in about 1% of subjects with late-onset NIDDM.  相似文献   

Two components of a receptor complex for IL-13, the IL-4R and a low affinity IL-13-binding chain, IL-13R alpha 1, have been cloned in mice and humans. An additional high affinity binding chain for IL-13, IL-13R alpha 2, has been described in humans. We isolated a cDNA from the thymus that encodes the murine orthologue of the human IL-13R alpha 2. The predicted protein sequence of murine IL-13R alpha 2 (mIL-13R alpha 2) has 59% overall identity to human IL-13R alpha 2 and is closely related to the murine low affinity IL-13-binding subunit, IL-13R alpha 1. The genes for both mIL-13-binding chains map to the X chromosome. A specific interaction between mIL-13R alpha 2.Fc protein and IL-13 was demonstrated by surface plasmon resonance using a BIACORE instrument. Ba/F3 cells that were transfected with mIL-13R alpha 2 expressed 5000 molecules per cell and bound IL-13 with a single Kd of 0.5 to 1.2 nM. However, these cells did not proliferate in response to IL-13, and the IL-4 dose response was unaffected by high concentrations of IL-13. In contrast, the expression of mIL-13R alpha 1 by Ba/F3 cells resulted in a sensitive proliferative response to IL-13. Consistent with its lower affinity for IL-13, IL-13R alpha 1.Fc was 100-fold less effective than IL-13R alpha 2.Fc in neutralizing IL-13 in vitro. These results show that mIL-13R alpha 2 and mIL-13R alpha 1 are not functionally equivalent and predict distinct roles for each polypeptide in IL-13R complex formation and in the modulation of IL-13 signal transduction.  相似文献   

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