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随着世界经济的发展,人们环保意识的不断增强,绿色材料、技术、设计以及绿色产品不断涌现。崇尚自然、保护环境的理念越来越深入人心。“纸”一般是指由天然植物纤维经加工制造而成。随着人们各种物质文化生活的不同需要,“纸”的内涵范围也在不断扩大,这里的纸材料通常是指各种原纸、纸板、合成纸及纸浆模塑等的总称。我们所讲的“绿色”包括保护生态环境和资源再生两个方面的内容。由于纸材料具有原料来源广、可自然降解、回收和再利用等环保特点,使得纸材料已成为了一种重要的绿色材料。随着绿色技术不断提高、发展,相应的纸材料的…  相似文献   

概述了蜂窝材料特点,分析了纸质蜂窝材料的优越性,并重点介绍了几种纸质蜂窝材料的用途及产品加工方法。  相似文献   

《纺织工业“十一五”发展规划》指出,“十一五”期间,我国纺织工业要“加强复合技术、功能性整理技术、整体成型技术的开发和应用,开拓产品应用领域;加强产业链集成技术的开发和应用,建成从纤维材料、纤维加工到应用开发的新型产业链,促进产业整体水平提升:重点发展新型土工合成材料、农用纺织品、生物医用纺织品、新型篷盖材料、汽车用纺织品、高技术功能性过滤材料”。  相似文献   

用于非织造材料的聚乳酸   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由可再生农作物制得的聚乳酸(PLA)可以制成纤维,加工成非织造材料。介绍了PLA的结构和性能,PLA纤维和非织造材料的加工方法;重点介绍了PLA纺粘产品的性能和应用领域;指出PLA产品存在收缩率较高的问题,目前尚无商业化PLA熔喷产品的生产。  相似文献   

高分子材料是近年来应用较为广泛的,具有较高技术含量的新型材料,可以生产出各种各样的产品。尤其是在国防、载人航天等高科技领域,高分子材料发挥了重要的作用,并取得了显著的成果。在广大科研工作者的共同努力下,高分子材料的成型和控制技术,获得了飞速的发展。为此,文章针对高分子材料成型的原理、加工技术、成型控制以及高分子材料未来的发展趋势进行了探讨。  相似文献   

非织造复合加工不但可以弥补复合前材料各自的缺陷和不足,而且还可以赋予产品更多优良的新性能。在现代非织造加工技术中,复合加工的作用和重要性日益增强,其中层间复合工艺发展速度最快。目前,较为流行的层间复合非织造材料分为"刚性层间复合材料"和"柔性层间复合材料"两种。刚性层间复合材料的加工是通过粘合各个组合薄膜或者薄片来生产复合材料产品  相似文献   

目前,在航空发动机产品中,很多零件需要进行孔的加工,为了高效、准确的加工出高质量的孔,激光切割无疑是较好的加工方法,本文根据我公司研制产品结构及设计要求开展了针对航空产品加工孔时进行不同材料的工艺研究,阐述了激光切割的基本原理,确定了不同金属板材激光切割工艺试验方案,得出了工艺试验研究的结论。  相似文献   

王璐 《北京皮革》2004,(6):66-66
在毛皮加工过程中,需使用一系列的化学材料,化学材料的质量及使用技术对产品的质量影响很大。目前,俄罗斯有关的科研部门.为完善毛皮加工工艺.对化学材料及使用状况进行了专门地研究.这是由俄毛皮业的现状决定的。俄罗斯具有丰富的原料皮资源.长期以来受加工材料和加工工艺等因素的制约.毛皮产品的质量仍处于较低水平。某些有实力的企业,只得依赖进口的化工材料.  相似文献   

家具设计中的材料形态,是指由于家具材料的不同而使家具所具有的形态特征。对于家具材料的选用,常常从如下几个方面考虑:材料的品质与家具的功能、材料本身的形态与家具的整体形态、材料的加工特征与家具产品工艺、材料的审美形态与家具的造型和装饰。  相似文献   

在我国大力实施制造强国战略背景下,高校亟待培养具备工匠精神的材料加工工程专业“双创”应用型人才以满足社会的实际需求。本文从工匠精神引导下材料加工工程专业“双创”应用型人才培养的角度出发,分析材料加工工程专业人才培养现存问题,对人才培养课程体系、第二课堂实践活动、师资队伍建设、考核评价体系等方面进行探索研究,为本专业人才培养提供基本思路。  相似文献   

孙茂生  陈超 《丝绸》1990,(5):43-45
本文从原料选择、经纬密度、经纬缩率、捻度、织物组织结构等几方面,对涤纶仿真丝顺纡绉织物的设计进行了探讨,并介绍了获得佳丽丝全国涤纶仿真丝织物最佳效果奖的织物——“丝纬绉”的几个具体设计数据。  相似文献   

) trees from one fast-grown and one slow-grown stand in southern Sweden. From the trees 240 studs (45 × 70 × 2500 mm) were taken for measurement of distortion. Wood properties were measured on small specimens (13 × 13 × 200 mm) cut from the studs. Spiral grain angle was found to vary from approximately +3° (left-handed) close to pith to zero 150 mm from pith with a strong individual variation. The material from the fast-grown stand had a larger spiral grain angle compared with the slow-grown material. Spiral grain was poorly correlated to other parameters. Presence of knots had a substantial influence on longitudinal shrinkage (αl) measurements. Specimens with large knots (KAR > 33%) had almost 100% higher longitudinal shrinkage than specimens without knots. It should be pointed out, however, that measuring shrinkage in small specimens containing even small knots can create a problem with regards to the obtained results, especially results of αl. It was found that presence of compression wood in several growth rings more than doubled the longitudinal shrinkage. For the radial and tangential direction the presence of compression wood decreased shrinkage with about 30%. The ratio between tangential and longitudinal shrinkage was 49 for normal wood whereas for compression wood the ratio was 13. These results confirm the theory that the microfibril angle governs shrinkage. Longitudinal shrinkage decreased slightly with increased distance from pith whereas radial and tangential shrinkage did not display any substantial radial variation. The fast-grown material had generally a higher longitudinal shrinkage and lower transverse shrinkage than the material from the slow-grown stand. About 50% of the variation in longitudinal shrinkage was explained by radial position, density and ring width. Density and ring width did explain 60% of the variation in radial shrinkage but only 30% of the variation in tangential shrinkage.  相似文献   



In this article, the shrinkage and density variations of cylindrical fresh green beans were investigated in a fluidized bed dryer with energy carriers. A pilot‐scaled fluidized bed dryer was set up for performing the drying experiments. Glass bead particles were used as inert materials. The drying experiments were done with fresh green beans of several lengths using hot air as a heating agent with the temperature range of 30–50C, and the effects of various parameters, such as the presence of inert materials, temperature and sample length, were investigated. It was found that the shrinkage or volume changes, and radial and axial contractions of fresh green beans could be well correlated as linear functions of moisture content during drying. Calculated and experimental values were in good agreement with mean absolute errors (MAEs) of 3.56, 2.48 and 1.22 for volume changes, and axial and radial contractions, respectively. By considering that the change in the volume of the samples was equal to the volume of evaporated water, mathematical models were proposed for volume and density variations. Comparison of the predicted values for volume and density by the proposed model with experimental date showed that the uniform model of shrinkage could explain the shrinkage and density variations of fresh green beans with MAEs of 5.190 and 4.250 for volume and density variations, respectively. The shrinkage coefficients were evaluated by considering their measurement uncertainties.


Any attempt to characterize drying behavior must inevitably address the physical parameters of the material such as shrinkage and density. The shrinkage phenomenon occurring during the drying process affects the physical properties of the solids, as well as the transport phenomena properties. The shrinkage of vegetables during drying is important not only from the viewpoint of material end use but also for simulation problems.

Findings on the differential shrinkage in the cross-section of solid timber as cylindrically orthotropic material are applied to the plane of curved softwood glulam. From an engineering point of view, the differential shrinkage in the plane of curved glulam is characterised by a ratio of longitudinal shrinkage to averaged shrinkage perpendicular to the grain of 1:24. For solid timber, the ratio tangential to radial is about 2:1. By means of modelling glulam as part of a circular ring it is shown that curvature variations are caused by both pronounced differential shrinkage in the plane of curved glulam and moisture content variations in the hygroscopic range of wood. This can result in constraining and internal stresses in structural systems.  相似文献   

“反时尚”是一种非常重要的设计理念,在当下时尚界中形成了一股正流行的风格,在与主流时尚相反的方向上掀起愈来愈大的热潮。“反时尚”现象的产生给设计师及大众带来了对于时尚本身新的思考和思路,它暗含着设计师的一种打破常规且挑战权威的逆向设计思维。本文通过阐释“反时尚”设计理念、解读“反时尚”现象,探讨“反时尚”服装中的逆向思维,并结合“反时尚”风格服装设计师山本耀司、川久保玲、马丁·马吉拉以及其他应用案例,进一步探析逆向思维在“反时尚”服装造型、色彩与材质三方面中的具体表达。从而明晰“反时尚”中逆向思维设计的主要方法及其本质,为“反时尚”服装设计的发展提供一些新思路。  相似文献   

王露芳 《丝绸》2002,(4):40-41
对以高收缩涤纶丝为核心原料设计仿毛织物进行了探讨,介绍了新品种-凹凸花呢的设计思路、设计规格和后整理工艺,并对织物的服用性能进行了测试。  相似文献   

戴莹瑛 《丝绸》1993,(11):17-19
将涤纶纤维进行不同收缩率,不同纤度,不同孔形的三异化设计,就能赋于织物特殊的外观和手感。三异纤维是理想的仿真丝纤维。文中对三异纤维的工艺路线进行了探讨,认为采用收缩性不同的两种涤纶切片,利用双螺杆复合纺丝技术生产出总纤度小于111dtex的三异纤维的工艺路线是先进的。  相似文献   

The structural heterogeneities of fruits and vegetables intensify the complexity to comprehend the interrelated physicochemical changes that occur during drying. Shrinkage of food materials during drying is a common physical phenomenon which affects the textural quality and taste of the dried product. The shrinkage of food material depends on many factors including material characteristics, microstructure, mechanical properties, and process conditions. Understanding the effect of these influencing factors on deformation of fruits and vegetables during drying is crucial to obtain better‐quality product. The majority of the previous studies regarding shrinkage are either experimental or empirical; however, such studies cannot provide a realistic understanding of the physical phenomena behind the material shrinkage. In contrast, theoretical modeling can provide better insights into the shrinkage that accompanies simultaneous heat and mass transfer during drying. However, limited studies have been conducted on the theoretical modeling of shrinkage of fruits and vegetables. Therefore, the main aim of this paper is to critically review the existing theoretical shrinkage models and present a framework for a theoretical model for the shrinkage mechanism. This paper also describes the effect of different drying conditions on material shrinkage. Discussions on how the diverse characteristics of fruits and vegetables affect shrinkage propagation is presented. Moreover, a comprehensive review of formulation techniques of shrinking models and their results are also presented. Finally, the challenges in developing a physics‐based shrinkage model are discussed.  相似文献   

【目的】为探究雪茄烟叶晾制过程中形态参数、水分含量的变化及其关系。【方法】以德雪3号品种中部叶为试验材料,对晾制过程中6个时期进行取样,测定其形态参数和水分含量,并对其进行回归分析。【结果】(1)随着晾制进程的推进,烟叶的叶片收缩率、卷曲度及厚度收缩率均不断提高,总水含量及自由水含量呈下降趋势,束缚水含量则呈先升高后下降的变化趋势。(2)可根据所筛选出的形态参数与整叶含水率所拟合的方程,结合晾制各时期整叶含水率的适宜范围,确定晾制过程中形态参数的适宜范围,有效调控晾制环境。(3)在变黄期,烟叶的纵向收缩率、纵向卷曲度及叶片厚度收缩率应分别控制在4.7%~8.6%、2.6%~3.4%、20.4%~48.8%范围内,在变褐期则应依次为8.6%~9.5%、3.4%~3.5%、48.8%~61.1%,而在定色期应依次为9.5%~10.7%、3.5%~3.8%、61.1%~63.1%。【结论】在晾制过程中可根据烟叶的纵向收缩率、横向收缩率或叶片厚度收缩率的大小来判断烟叶水分含量,从而实现雪茄烟叶晾制技术的精准调控。  相似文献   

"双曲生料发酵"酿制混合谷物酒的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实验研究了一种新的生料发酵方法.结果表明:在大米、玉米、高粱与小麦原料的混合生料发酵过程中加入另一种自制的芳香酒曲,酒的香味和品质得到明显改善,出酒率保持在高水平上.发酵温度,料水比影响发酵时间和出酒率.  相似文献   

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