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本文主要阐述了战略、治理和组织结构对项目管理的双环效应以及项目管理对它们的反作用.在对项目型组织文献回顾与分析的基础上,强调了在各项目领域和一般管理之间发展合作关系的重要性,以及项目管理与组织实践之间的双向关系.  相似文献   

Do managers adjust the contextual variables of a project with a view to suiting their personal style? A survey among project leaders in clinical research organisations has given limited support to this proposition but has identified a relationship between the perception of the difficulties involved in a project and types of leaders, based on Fiedler’s theory. This observation has important implications both for project definition in terms of contextual characteristics and for the choice of appropriate project managers, particularly where knowledge workers are involved.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the research conducted in one of the divisions of Europe's largest IT consultancy. This study aims to investigate (1) the critical elements of managing IT services projects by using Turner's (Handbook of project–based management, 2nd ed, England, McGraw–Hill Publishing, 1999) five-functions model to examine the relationships between project definition and scope, project organisation and the triangle of critical project outcomes and (2) if the project leader's orientation is related to his situational perception of project control. Although the survey has found only partial support for the proposed relationships, it has also identified the importance of personal attributes and contingent experiences on the leader's perception of project success. More significantly, the evidence that time and quality, rather than time and cost, are the two most critical project objectives reflects the industry shift of concern from being contractors to solution-partners.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between two leadership styles (vertical and distributed), conceptualized through types of decisions made (strategic and operational/tactical), and the state of psychological contract (fulfillment/breach) at three different levels of the organizational hierarchy in project-based organizations. The explorative analysis of eight organizations from India and Australia demonstrates the prevalence of distributed leadership: operational and technical decisions are usually entrusted to the project team and project managers, while strategic decisions are made by senior management. The study suggests that three factors facilitate a specific leadership style (vertical or distributed): organizational culture, knowledge sharing and project management practices, which in turn impact the state of psychological contract (fulfillment/breach). A flexible, collaborative organizational culture supports knowledge sharing and the adoption of agile methods, enabling distributed leadership and leading to psychological contract fulfillment.  相似文献   

Leadership is widely considered to be an important aspect of project-based organising and there are several reasons to suggest that transformational leadership is of particular relevance in this context. However, there is a dearth of both theoretical and empirical work on leadership in project-based organisations. The aim of this paper is to report the findings of an empirical study comparing the relationship between transformational leadership style and employee motivation, commitment and stress for employees reporting to either project or line managers. The results show that although project managers are not perceived as less transformational, the relationships between transformational leadership and outcomes tend to be less strong for employees reporting to project managers than for those reporting to line managers. Implications for future research on leadership in the project context are explored.  相似文献   

This research investigates patterns of knowledge governance practices in project-based organizations (PBOs). Five propositions about knowledge governance in PBOs were deductively and empirically tested using qualitative data from 82 interviews. The results were triangulated with those of prior studies. Results indicate that knowledge governance practices in PBOs are impacted by structural and situational factors, such as being a subsidiary or standalone PBO, a PBO striving for excellence or not, as well as some preconditions, such as the executives' competence in project governance. The results show that informal governance mechanisms are more useful than formal when it comes to knowledge creating processes. Governance of informal knowledge creating mechanisms appears to be complex for executives and their preconceptions showed either to be enablers or barriers to productive knowledge governance practices. Executive's competence and preconditions, concerning aspects like human capabilities and attitudes to professional ethos, seems to impact knowledge governance strategies. In subsidiary PBOs knowledge governance provides practitioners with proper assistance to avoid unbeneficial situations of having knowledge silos among loosely coupled islands.  相似文献   

供应链管理(SCM)是一个以客户为导向、以现代信息技术为支撑和以现代管理方法及工具为手段的一种全新的管理思想和实践。在SCM环境下,相关企业间和产业间以供需表现而客观存在的供应链关系得到了空前加强。这种企业关系的变化,使得现代企业物流管理需求发生了显著变化。企业原有的物流管理模式已经不再适应现代物流的要求,如何通过现代信息技术和先进管理思想方法的应用,  相似文献   

上期我提出了不同类型的项目是否需要不同的领导风格这一问题,并阐述了什么是"不同类型的项目".这个问题引起了人们的许多争论,人们对此各持己见.一些人认为项目管理是一般性技能,一旦人们掌握了它,就可以把它应用于所有类型的项目中.而另外一些人则认为不同的项目需要不同的管理方式.上期我阐述了项目分类,并提出了组织对项目分类的原因之一是为了在组织内开发恰当的项目管理程序和技能,来管理他们正在实施的各种项目,然后把这些程序和技能应用于每一个项目中.如果管理不同类型的项目需要不同类型的程序和不同的技能,那么也许使用不同的领导风格也是恰当的.  相似文献   

An increasing number of projects crosses organisational boundaries and inter-organisational trust is key to achieving consistent outcomes among different organisations. While research has demonstrated the relationships between trust and managerial practices in project organisations, the dynamics of trust in project ecologies and the driving force behind dynamics have received little attention in empirical research and require investigation. Analysing the relationship between a project-based firm and its supplier at three project data points and from the perspective of structuration theory, the study showed how trust was reproduced and developed in successive interactions. The findings suggested that the dynamics of trust is driven by the interplay of trust-building structures and interactions that generate and maintain a sense of ontological security in the relationship. Moreover, the interplays of structures and interactions were found at individual, project and firm levels of project contexts. To reproduce and develop trust requires consistency between structures and interactions in multilevel contexts, which can be achieved through top-down management interventions and bottom-up learning processes. The study enriches trust theories in project studies by theoretically and empirically explicating the process of trust reproduction and development and the driving force of trust dynamics in the multilevel project contexts.  相似文献   

The Building Research & Information special issue ‘Developing Theories on the Built Environment’ (36(3) 2008) raises the question of whether there could be a common framework to combine a wide range of interests and provide insightful answers. This commentary explores the significance of cultural contexts for theories on the built environment. Deficiencies in both architectural theory and history have left cultural associations and values inarticulated. Increasingly, architectural theory and history have become marginalized in the widening debate about the built environment as their focus has become too limited and separated from everyday and urgent needs. The cultural ‘footprint’ remains the strongest force and determines patterns of behaviour and expectations. It is argued that a cultural lens is the primary key in providing both insight into an ideal and consciousness of (intellectual and practical) habits influencing our actions. In order to grasp the complexity of the built environment and provide a useful model for altering our collective actions, it is vital to study the transformational chains, for example, from the cultural to the ecological.

Ce numéro spécial de Building Research & Information consacré aux théories de développement du milieu bâti (volume 36(3), 2008) pose la question de la création possible d'un cadre commun capable de combiner une grande palette d'intérêts et de fournir des réponses intuitives. Cet article analyse le sens des contextes culturels de théories relatives au milieu bâti. Les lacunes que l'on constate dans la théorie et dans l'histoire de l'architecture n'ont pas permis d'expliquer les valeurs et les associations culturelles. De plus en plus, la théorie et l'histoire de l'architecture ont été marginalisées dans le débat qui s'élargit sur le milieu bâti car leurs points d'intérêt sont devenus trop limités et à l'écart des besoins quotidiens et urgents. L'empreinte culturelle demeure la force la plus importante et détermine les tendances de comportement et des attentes. On prétend qu'une loupe grossissante de la culture est la clef principale pour fournir à la fois un idéal et une conscience des habitudes (intellectuelles et pratiques) ayant une influence sur nos actions. Pour saisir la complexité du milieu bâti et fournir un modèle utile en vue de modifier nos actions collectives, il est essentiel d'étudier les chaînes transformationnelles, par exemple, de la culture à l'écologie.

Mots clés: théorie de l'architecture, milieu bâti, cadre conceptuel, sagesse pratique, formulation de théories, elaboration de théories  相似文献   

This paper conceptualizes and defines knowledge governance (KG) in project-based organizations (PBOs). Two key contributions towards a multi-faceted view of KG and an understanding of KG in PBOs are advanced, as distinguished from knowledge management and organizational learning concepts. The conceptual framework addresses macro- and micro-level elements of KG and their interaction. Our definition of KG in PBOs highlights the contingent nature of KG processes in relation to their organizational context. These contributions provide a novel platform for understanding KG in PBOs.  相似文献   

为提高学生培养质量,增强核心竞争力,结合近十年的《工程测量》从教经历,通过优化精炼教学项目,改革考评机制,采用项目式教学,激发学生学习兴趣,变被动学习为主动学习,使学生初步具备科研能力。教学实践表明,项目式教学切实可行,教学效果显著,为其他类似课程的教改提供参考。  相似文献   

在这一系列文章中,我主要讨论在不同类型的项目中是否适宜采用不同的领导风格.也就是说,项目经理的领导风格是否影响着项目的成功,不同类型的项目中是否适合采取不同的领导风格.上期我阐述了一般管理文献中的6个管理学派,本期我想讨论这6个学派是如何应用在项目环境中的.  相似文献   

Project marketing and sales are the key activities at the front-end of solution delivery projects. Effective sales are a prerequisite for successful solution delivery in project-based firms, but little is known about the requirements for sales practices, particularly when the firm integrates services into solution offerings. The purposes of this study are to explore the integration of services into the sales of solutions and identify the needs and practices of service-related sales in project-based firms. The implications of integrating services into the solution offering are discussed based on a qualitative interview-based case study in two engineering industry firms. The findings suggest the use of business-level integration practices to facilitate the integration of sales and services at the project level. The results also indicate the importance of cooperation-oriented practices during a project in both interpersonal and group collaboration. The findings highlight the role of integrative people to manage collaboration and information flows at the front-end of projects. The findings contribute to the evidence on the requirements of sales work in integrating services with solutions by showing the complementarity of system and cross-functional integration in service-related solution selling as well as the work of integrative people in overcoming problems arising from the increased solution orientation in project-based firms.  相似文献   

This paper presents an alternative view on the patterning of housing problems – across populations and within people. The conceptualization of housing problems through a ‘housing niche’ lens allows the cumulative influence of multiple housing vulnerabilities to be better visualized and understood. Using a large, representative sample of the Australian population, the analysis describes and models patterns of multiple housing problems, the characteristics of the population at risk, and reflects on the implications for how policy might better understand and respond to multiple housing problems.  相似文献   

In the project management literature, projects have often been conceptualized as mere implementation sites of organizational strategy. However, such rationalization seldom draws on empirical evidence of strategy as it unfolds at the micro-level and at the interfaces between projects and the organization. Drawing on rich case-study data, this article explores strategy as-it-is-practiced in a large project-based organization. Using a Strategy-as-Practice lens to identify key patterns of strategizing actions, we found that project mind-sets and skill-sets afforded project actors legitimacy to act as strategists on all organizational levels. Project actualities therefore broadly shape strategy in the organization, and play a much larger role in organizational strategizing than typically portrayed in the literature. The findings are used to suggest new perspectives regarding who are strategists and what strategy is in project-based organizations, and outline new directions for a revitalized research agenda on strategy in the project-management field.  相似文献   

In this paper I make a personal reflection on my research and writings in the field of Project Management over the past 30 years. My research has primarily been about the management of the project-based organization. Within that I have researched governance, organizational behaviour, contingency, marketing, success and shareholder value.  相似文献   

闫超 《建筑技艺》2021,(7):53-56
在当代众多从欧洲建筑史维度探索数字建造的研究语境下,从跨文化的角度对中国文人造园思想和当代数字工匠观念的相通性进行讨论.然而,并非试图挖掘并宣称中国文人造园中潜藏着数字化观念的萌芽,而是试图为当代数字建造研究建立一个东方建筑史中的参照物,反思数字工匠观念中动态的创作主体.通过对比剖析两者中关于建造物的生机性概念,开展对数字设计建造过程中人与建造物的主体性间问题的思辨,以期在西方建筑史的语境之外,提供解读数字工匠观念的另一种视角.  相似文献   

李桂云 《山西建筑》2003,29(18):156-157
简要介绍了公路工程造价人员资格认证工作的内容,从业务培训、资格认证、资质管理工作等方面阐述了工程造价工作的重要性,提出只有把工程造价工作进一步规范化、制度化,才能适应公路建设发展的形势。  相似文献   

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