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根据柱透镜单元光传输原理,提出了一种非均匀宽度视差图条纹及其在合成图像中非均匀排列的方法,该方法可以减少立体图像串扰,增加各个视点接收到的对应视差图的信息量,使观看到的自由立体图像更加清晰。此外,置于LCD屏前的柱透镜光栅条纹方向与屏表面的坐标轴倾斜角度的改变会导致图像在竖直和水平方向分辨率的变化。与光线追迹测量分辨率损失的ASAP软件模拟法不同,本文以解析法分析了光栅条纹倾斜角度对竖直和水平方向分辨率损失的影响,计算结果对柱透镜光栅自由立体显示器的设计有一定的参考性。 相似文献
以无人机目标定位为研究方向,逐项分析无人机姿态、高度等对目标定位的影响,推导出目标定位公式,详细推导过程和思路,并给出了仿真实例和误差分析被给出.该方法实现简单,运算量小,具有较强的实用性. 相似文献
采用光栅的立体图像显示 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
近年来,有关动态立体图像显示系统的报道非常多.研究人员采用光栅(衍射光栅)阵列和液晶显示(LCD)相组合的简单结构,研制出无需眼镜可以多视差同时显示的动态立体图像显示系统(三维视频系统).该系统可以同时显示多方位全色视差图像,观看者无需选择视点位置,即可观看到全色立体图像.1 工作原理采用衍射光栅的三维视频系统的立体图像显示,在原理上实现了在各个不同的方向可以显示与各个方向相对应的视差图像.这种方法,通过增加视差图像的个数,一旦使视点移动,便可观察到转过来的图像,具有更自 相似文献
狭缝光栅自由立体显示器的立体图像串扰度 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
为了表征狭缝光栅自由立体显示器存在的左右眼视差图像的混叠程度,提出了立体图像串扰度C的概念。根据狭缝光栅自由立体显示器的结构和工作原理,应用几何光学知识,分析得出了立体图像串扰度C的计算公式,并给出了一个具体的狭缝光栅自由立体显示器的计算结果。通过观看实验,证明了所定义的立体图像串扰度C可以定量描述观看者在立体可视区域看到的立体图像的串扰程度。 相似文献
针对全卷积神经网络对单帧红外图像行人检测计算量大、检测率较低等问题,提出了一种改进的LeNet-7系统对红外图像行人检测的方法.该系统包含3个卷积层、3个池化层,通过错误率最小的试选法确定每层参数,以波士顿大学建立的BU-TIV数据库训练系统.首先,以俄亥俄州立大学建立的OTCBVS和Terravic Motion IR Database红外数据库作为测试图像;然后,采用自适应阈值的垂直和水平投影法得到感兴趣区域(regions of interest,ROI);最后,将得到的ROI输入训练好的系统进行测试.3个测试集检测实验表明,本文方法具有良好的识别能力,与不同实验方法相比,本文方法能有效提高检测率. 相似文献
针对高分辨率真实感的虚拟环境及场景浏览时变焦观察的需要,研究了基于图像的高分辨率场景生成技术。图像分辨率增强技术是指利用已采样的信息来重新构建分辨率更高的场景图像,包含单帧图像的分辨率增强和多帧图像序列的分辨率增强两种技术。对于单帧图像的分辨率增强技术,提出了一种基于熵变分的图像分辨率增强算法。该算法在贝叶斯估计和最大熵原理的基础上,将图像像素点梯度信息应用到图像分辨率增强中,从而建立起一种基于图像梯度信息的各向异性自适应分辨率增强算法。对于多帧图像序列的超分辨率复原技术,在单帧熵变分模型的基础上,将双边滤波技术引入到图像超分辨率复原中,建立了一种基于广义熵变分的图像超分辨率复原模型,提出了一种基于几何距离和梯度信息的双重加权各向异性分辨率增强算法。实验结果表明:使用本文算法得到的高分辨率复原图像具有较高的峰值信噪比和视觉质量,与传统图像分辨率增强算法相比具有一定的优势。 相似文献
红外焦平面阵列的非均匀性严重限制了红外成像系统对目标的灵敏度,降低了图像的成像质量。本文基于图像块统计特性的期望块对数似然概率(EPLL),提出了基于图像块先验的单帧红外图像非均匀性校正算法,可以完成单帧红外图像的非均匀性校正。该算法首先利用高斯混合模型完成对图像块训练分类,然后利用EPLL准则获取带有非均匀性噪声图像对应的最大似然概率对数期望图像来完成对图像的校正。仿真试验和真实红外图像实验结果表明该方法对单帧红外图像的非均匀性校正效果良好,校正速度快,可以避免鬼影的产生并且可以完成持续性工作。 相似文献
针对传统暗通道先验去雾方法在进行大气散射函 数估计时容易出现块状模糊效应的问题,提出了一种 基于分割映射的单幅彩色图像去雾方法。首先对前端采集图像进行近景与远景区域分 割,并基于分 割区域进行亮度信息的分段映射,通过分段计算获取大气散射函数的预测估计值;接着,采 用传统的导向 滤波方法对大气散射函数的估计值进行优化分析,进一步增强图像的边缘信息,改善在大面 积天空颜色情 况下图像边缘的块状模糊效应,提升含雾图像在突变区域的去雾效果。针对实际采集 的含雾图像进 行去雾效果分析和对比,分别基于图像的对比度改善量e、色彩自然度(CN I)、颜色丰富程度(CCI)以及计算耗时等4方面进行定量对比。分析结果表明, 本文方法很好地改善了图像的去雾效果,并进一步提升了运行的实时性。 相似文献
通过分析"双目视差立体成像"中的双机立体成像和双镜立体成像技术的不足,提出了一种用于单反相机的单镜立体照相方案,该方案通过对镜头中的光圈进行设计,可以实现双基色、三基色和七基色立体成像.该镜头与单反相机配合使用,可一次性拍摄多组互补色立体图像和左、右眼视差图像.实验结果表明,利用该技术实现的立体照相设备具有结构简单、操作方便、成像立体感强、无重影等特点,有利于立体照相技术的推广,并可扩展用于立体电视信号的采集、传输与接收系统中. 相似文献
Guided image filtering (GIF) based cost aggregation or disparity refinement stereo matching algorithms are studied extensively owing to the edge-aware preserved smoothing property. However, GIF suffers from halo artifacts in sharp edges and shows high computational costs on high-resolution images. The performance of GIF in stereo matching would be limited by the above two defects. To solve these problems, a novel fast gradient domain guided image filtering (F-GDGIF) is proposed. To be specific, halo artifacts are effectively alleviated by incorporating an efficient multi-scale edge-aware weighting into GIF. With this multi-scale weighting, edges can be preserved much better. In addition, high computational costs are cut down by sub-sampling strategy, which decreases the computational complexity from O(N) to O(N/s2) (s: sub-sampling ratio) To verify the effectiveness of the algorithm, F-GDGIF is applied to cost aggregation and disparity refinement in stereo matching algorithms respectively. Experiments on the Middlebury evaluation benchmark demonstrate that F-GDGIF based stereo matching method can generate more accuracy disparity maps with low computational cost compared to other GIF based methods. 相似文献
A new reduced-reference (RR) stereo video quality assessment method is proposed in this paper by considering temporal characteristics of video and binocular perception in human visual system (HVS). Firstly, motion intensity is utilized to extract RR frames for the purpose of temporal characteristics in stereo video. Secondly, according to internal generative mechanism of HVS, fusion and rivalry in the process of binocular perception is modeled, and the RR frames are divided into binocular fusion portion and binocular rivalry portion. Then, RR frame quality indicators are computed for these two portions. Finally, the RR frame quality indicators of the original and distorted frames are compared. A temporal pooling strategy is utilized on these quality indicators to obtain final stereo video quality score, where the motion intensity is used for toning the pooling parameters. Experimental results show that the proposed method has better performances when compared to other state-of-the-art quality assessment methods. 相似文献
The widespread use of stereovision in various application fields has led to the constitution of very huge stereo image databases. Therefore, the design of effective content based image retrieval system devoted to stereo pairs becomes an issue of importance. To this end, we propose in this paper two retrieval methods which combine the visual contents of the stereo images with their corresponding disparity information. After modeling the distribution of their associated wavelet coefficients by the generalized Gaussian statistical model, the resulting distribution parameters are selected as salient features. While the two views are processed separately through a univariate modeling in the first method, the second one exploits the correlation between the views by resorting to a bivariate modeling. Experimental results show the benefits which can be drawn from the proposed retrieval approaches. 相似文献
数码相框的发展在经历了很长时间后依然没有普及,其中很大一部分原因便是成本过高。文章设计了一种实用、低成本的简易数码相框,能够实现从SD卡读取BMP图片文件并在TFT液晶显示器上显示的功能。 相似文献
In recent years, stereo cameras have been widely used in various fields. Due to the limited resolution of real equipments, stereo image super-resolution (SR) is a very important and hot topic. Recent studies have shown that deep network structures can directly affect feature expression and extraction and thus influence the final results. In this paper, we propose a multi-atrous residual attention stereo super-resolution network (MRANet) with parallax extraction and strong discriminative ability. Specifically, we propose a multi-scale atrous residual attention (MARA) block to obtain receptive fields of different scales through a multi-scale atrous convolution and then combine them with attention mechanisms to extract more diverse and meaningful information. Moreover, we propose a stereo feature fusion unit for stereo parallax extraction and single viewpoint feature refinement and integration. Experiments on benchmark datasets show that MRANet achieves state-of-the-art performance in terms of quantitative metrics and visual quality compared with several SR methods. 相似文献
为改善雾天图像对比度差、能见度低的特点,本文结合雾天成像模型和暗原色先验规律,在颜色空间的基础上提出了一种去雾新算法。首先,在RGB颜色空间,根据暗原色先验规律估计出空气光,然后将图像从RGB颜色空间转换到HSI和HSV颜色空间,再对HSV空间下的明度分量运用大气散射模型进行去雾处理,最后再对HSI空间下的饱和度分量进行校正,最终得到去雾之后的图像。通过该算法能得到清晰化的图像,并且该算法较之传统的单幅图像去雾方法,速度更快、效果更自然。 相似文献