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Stepwise extraction of brown coal from the Sergeevskoe deposit   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The mechanism of the stepwise dissolution of coal was investigated. It was found that the step-by-step demineralization of extraction residues facilitated the quantitative extraction of bitumoids and their acid constituents. The acids were separated in accordance with bond types, and the individual composition of the resulting fractions was analyzed. It was established that more than a third of the organic matter of the test coal has aliphatic nature.  相似文献   

Liquid hydrocarbon products were obtained by the hydropyrolysis of brown coal from a deposit in the northern Lena basin on an iron-containing catalyst. The individual and group compositions of gasoline and diesel fractions were determined with the use of capillary chromatography and chromatography-mass spectrometry. The gasoline fraction with a boiling point to 180°C was characterized by a high octane number; it mainly contained monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and normal alkanes. The diesel fraction mainly consisted of bi- and tricyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and C13–C19 n-alkanes.  相似文献   

The properties of nanoporous adsorbents prepared from brown coal by alkaline activation with thermal shock (800°C) were studied. The dependences of the value of S BET and the volumes of macropores, mesopores, micropores, and pores to 1 nm in diameter in the nanoporous adsorbents on isothermal exposure time (to 90 min) and the nature of alkali (LiOH, NaOH, and KOH) were determined. The comparison of changes in pore volumes and pore size distributions indicated that the adsorbent with the most developed subnanopore structure was formed at the initial stage (to 10 min) of activation. In this material, about a half of the total pore volume consisted of pores with diameters to 1 nm.  相似文献   

利用石油醚、氯仿对褐煤进行分级萃取,将萃余煤进行碱性弱氧化.GC/MS对褐煤和氧化产物的萃取液进行成份分析,并采用面积归一化法确定各成份的相对含量.实验表明:原煤石油醚萃取液中鉴定了46种组分,主要以烃类(80.2%)和酯类(14.3%)为主;萃余氧化煤的石油醚萃取液中鉴定了44种为氧化产物,与原煤组分相比,其中烃类(43.3%)相对含量减少,酯类(18.9%),醇类(15%),芳香烃(6.5%),酚类(6.1%),烯烃(4.6%),酸类(2.2%)相对含量增加.这表明在该氧化条件下可以使分子结构发生变化从而得到其它有机化学品.  相似文献   

The comparative extraction of coal with organic solvents was performed. Humic acids were separated from solid residues. The yields, particle-size distributions, and chemical compositions of the resulting products were analyzed. It was demonstrated that brown-coal wax and humic fertilizers can potentially be obtained using coal from the Sergeevskoe deposit.  相似文献   

The ozonolytic destruction of the organic matter of the semibright and dull lithotypes of brown coal from the Balakhtinskoe deposit and the component composition of the products were studied. It was established that the organic matter of fusinite brown coal is more reactive with respect to ozone. The products obtained from it were characterized by the presence of aliphatic acids with shortened carbon chains and an increased concentration of hydroxy acids.  相似文献   

The organic and mineral compositions and the technological properties of brown coals of the clarain and fusain types from the Tevshiin Govi coal deposit in Mongolia are characterized. The reactivity of petrographical lithotypes toward the process of ozonolysis was evaluated, and the composition of their ozonolysis products was studied.  相似文献   

Composition of hydrogenation products of Borodino brown coal   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The composition of liquid products of hydrogenation of brown coal from the Borodino deposit was determined by means of 13C NMR spectroscopy and chemical thermodynamics methods. It was shown that the group composition of the liquid hydrogenation products at thermodynamic equilibrium is predictable from the elemental composition of the organic matter of parent coal.  相似文献   

Thermal-shock KOH activation of brown coal (800 °C, KOH/coal ratio 1 g/g) was shown to produce nanoporous activated carbon with more developed surface area than thermally-programmed heating (SBET up to 1700 vs 1000 m2/g). Increasing the KOH/coal ratio (up to 1 g/g) in the activated mixture increases the total pore volume (0.14–1.0 cm3/g), the micropore volume (0.03–0.71 cm3/g), and also the volume of subnanometer pores (0.01–0.40 cm3/g). Thermal shock produces nanoporosity at lower KOH/coal ratios (0.5-1.0 g/g) than respective low-rate heating KOH activation.  相似文献   

Results of a study of the paramagnetic characteristics of brown coal from the Kiyaktinskoe deposit (Kazakhstan) in a native state and after mechanical treatment and electron irradiation are reported. The effects of these actions on changes in the paramagnetic properties of the test coal and on the intensification of a coal hydrogenation process are discussed. It was found that the concentration of free radicals changed only slightly after mechanical treatment in a ball mill at room temperature in an atmosphere of air, whereas the concentration of Fe3+ ions noticeably increased. Upon the electron irradiation of coal, the dose dependence of the concentration of free radicals passed through a maximum at a dose of 100 kGy. At the same radiation dose, the yield of a kerosene-gas oil fraction upon the hydrogenation of Kiyaktinskoe coal increased, and the total yield of liquid products increased upon the irradiation of coal and a catalyst (bauxite 094) to a dose of 100 kGy. It was hypothesized that Fe3+ ions, which were additionally formed upon coal grinding and irradiation, can serve as an internal catalyst in the course of coal hydrogenation.  相似文献   

The chemical analysis of coal from the Kushmurun deposit in Kazakhstan and its ash was performed. Data on the X-ray diffraction and thermal analysis of the coal ash are given. The chemical activity of the coal was determined. The specific heat capacity of the coal was studied by dynamic calorimetry, and its heat of combustion was calculated.  相似文献   

The yields of gaseous products (H2, CO, CO2, and C n H2n + 2 at n = 1−4) from brown coal and brown coal-KOH compounds were determined under conditions of nonisothermal heating (4°C/min) to 800°C followed by an isothermal exposure (1 h, 800°C). It was found that, in the presence of the alkali, the yields of H2, CO, C2H6, and C3H8 increased; the yields of CO2 and CH4 decreased; and the formation of isobutane was completely suppressed. Changes in the gas compositions were explained by the alkali degradation of C-C bonds in the organic matter of coal and by the thermally initiated dehydrogenation and dealkylation reactions of arene and alkane structural fragments, in which KOH molecules served as H-atom donors in the formation of H2 and alkanes.  相似文献   

Highly microporous adsorbents (micropore fraction of ~70%) were prepared by the alkali activation-thermolysis (800°C, 1 h) of brown coal (C daf = 70.4%) in the presence of potassium hydroxide at the KOH/coal weight ratio R KOH ≤ 2.0 g/g. The dependences of the specific surface areas and adsorption capacities of the adsorbents for methylene blue (AMB, mg/g), iodine (AI, mg/g), and hydrogen (\(A_{H_2 } \), wt %) on R KOH were determined. The adsorbents obtained at R KOH ≥ 1.0 g/g exhibited developed specific surface areas and good adsorption characteristics (AI = 1000–1200 mg/g, AMB = 200–250 mg/g, and \(A_{H_2 } \) ≤ 3.16 wt % at 0.33 MPa). The high capacity for hydrogen allowed us to consider brown coal adsorbents as promising materials for use as hydrogen accumulators.  相似文献   

The process for the production of a sorbent upon the carbonization of low-ash brown coal in a fluidized bed in a temperature range of 700–850°C was studied. The dependences of the main characteristics of the sorbent on temperature and the fraction of processed coal were found. The characteristics of the lignite sorbent obtained by the TERMOKOKS-KS technology are presented.  相似文献   

The mechanism of formation of a porous active carbon framework is considered, and the properties of the solid thermolysis products of brown coal (Aleksandriisk deposit, Ukraine) with potassium hydroxide are studied. The yields of the solid thermolysis products (Y STP, %) and potassium humates, the rate of the interaction of the solid thermolysis products with KOH at 700–900°C, the specific surface areas (S BET, m2/g), the adsorption capacities for methylene blue (A MB, mg/g) and iodine (A I, mg/g), and the specific activities of surface areas A MB = A MB/S BET and A I = A I/S BET (mg/m2) are determined under variation of the KOH/coal ratio (R KOH < 18 mol/kg) and temperature (110–900°C).  相似文献   

The results of an experimental study of the rate constant of sorption and the critical temperature of self-heating in the low-temperature oxidation of coal from the Shubarkol deposit by oxygen with the use of gas chromatography are reported.  相似文献   

The structural elements of the organic matter and the composition of an anthracite sample from the Gukovo-Gryaznovskoe deposit in Rostov oblast were considered. The process of layer coal gasification was studied at atmospheric and elevated pressures.  相似文献   

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