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Activated sludge samples from wastewater treatment plants from potato starch and starch derivatives factory and from a municipal sewage treatment plant were analyzed with DNA probes specific for several filamentous bacteria. It was found that Haliscomenobacter hydrossis, Sphaerotilus natans, Thiothrix sp. and Eikelboom Type 021N were common in the activated sludges. Fluorescent in situ Hybridization (FISH) analysis could detect more types of sheathed bacteria and yielded a more accurate quantification of bacteria than conventional microscopy.In a pilot and a full scale wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) clear correlations were found between the SVI and growth of a Sphaerotilus natans and a Thiothrix sp. Addition of chlorine to the bulking sludge resulted in an improved SVI of the sludge but only damaged filamentous cells outside the floc. Nitrification was measured with substrate depletion and FISH analysis. Signal interpretation of FISH analysis was demonstrated both manually and with automated image analysis.  相似文献   

Clone libraries were prepared from polymerase chain reaction amplified 16S rDNAs from activated sludge community DNAs. Eight different libraries from a range of samples were prepared. From each library, up to 100 clones were examined. In some libraries, the clone inserts were grouped into operational taxonomic units (OTUs) by restriction enzyme analysis (REA). Then, either the clones or representatives of OTUs were partially sequenced using either 27f or 530f conserved bacterial primers. The sequence data was phylogenettcally analysed to group the clones and the method currently gives the best insight into the activated sludge microbial community biodiversity. The method for clone library production is described and the pros and cons of the procedure are outlined. In summary, the use of clone libraries has resulted in the discovery of unimagined biodiversity in activated sludge. The abundance of some unpredicted bacterial groups (e.g. beta subclass Proteobactena) and the paucity of expected ones (e.g. Acinetobacter) highlights the inadequacy of traditional culture dependent methods that rely on sample dilution and spread plate inoculation.  相似文献   

通过中试分析了以减量化为目的的微型动物捕食系统中活性污泥的特性.结果表明,细菌分散培养段的悬浮污泥浓度比原生动物捕食段约高15%,比大型微型动物捕食段约高40%;微型动物的捕食作用在减少剩余污泥产率的同时,可以提高悬浮污泥的沉降性能约36%,轮虫可作为该系统污泥沉降性能的指示生物;低底物浓度下,大型微型动物的捕食活动可以增强污泥的活性.  相似文献   

The effect of limiting phosphorus (P) in activated sludge was investigated in laboratory-scale sequencing batch reactors (SBRs). Correlative microscopy revealed that P-limitation (COD:N:P = 100:5:0.05) leads to morphological changes in floc structure and the composition of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS). This was found to be accompanied by expression of quorum-sensing in an acyl homoserine lactone bioassay. Differential gene expression in relation to P-limitation was examined in a global profile using the Affymetrix Escherichia coli antisense genomic microarray. Three separate experiments were conducted where the impact of P-limitation was examined under batch conditions and in SBRs at stable operating conditions and within 3-7 days following a down-shift in P. Significant changes in open reading frames (ORF) and intergenic regions based on the E. coli microarray were observed. Several genes associated with cell structure, including slt, wbbH, fimH, amB, rfaJ and slp were found to be expressed. Quorum regulated genes were also found to be expressed including psiF which is known to be induced by P-starvation (92% confidence level; 1.45 log ratio).  相似文献   

The microbial community structures in the thermophilic anaerobic digestion (TAD) of waste activated sludge (WAS) and WAS were analyzed with molecular biological techniques including real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and cloning. The microbial community of TAD had less diversity than that of WAS, and the sequences obtained in WAS were not present in TAD by the cloning analysis. In the TAD bacterial clone library, 97.5% of total clones were affiliated with the phylum Firmicutes and 73.1% with the genus Coprothermobacter. Real-time PCR and cloning analysis revealed that the number of Methanosarcina thermophila, which is an acetoclastic methanogen, is larger than that of Methanoculleus thermophilus, which is a hydrogenotrophic methanogen, in terms of the numbers of copies of 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA).  相似文献   

Impact of model-based operation of nutrient removing SBRs on the stability of activated sludge population was studied in this contribution. The optimal operation scenario found by the systematic model-based optimisation protocol of Sin et al. (Wat. Sci. Tech., 2004, 50(10), 97-105) was applied to a pilot-scale SBR and observed to considerably improve the nutrient removal efficiency in the system. Further, the process dynamics was observed to change under the optimal operation scenario, e.g. the nitrite route prevailed and also filamentous bulking was provoked in the SBR system. At the microbial community level as monitored by DGGE, a transient shift was observed to gradually take place parallel to the shift into the optimal operation scenario. This implies that the model-based optimisation of a nutrient removing SBR causes changes at the microbial community level. This opens future perspectives to incorporate the valuable information from the molecular monitoring of activated sludge into the model-based optimisation methodologies. In this way, it is expected that model-based optimisation approaches will better cover complex and dynamic aspects of activated sludge systems.  相似文献   

In this study, the impact of sludge retention time (SRT) on sludge characteristics and microbial community and the effect on membrane fouling in membrane bioreactor (MBR) was investigated. The results show that MBR with longer SRT has less fouling propensity, in agreement with other studies, despite the fact that the MBR with longer SRT contained higher MLSS and smaller particle size. However, much more soluble microbial products (SMPs) were released in MBR with shorter SRT. More slime on the membrane surface was observed in MBR with shorter SRT while sludge cakes formed on the membrane surface in MBR with longer SRT. The results show that SMP contributes to the severe fouling observed in MBR with shorter SRT, which is in agreement with other studies showing that SMPs were the major foulants in MBR. Under different SRTs of operation, the bacterial community structures of the sludge obtained by use of polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) were almost identical, but those on the membrane surface differed substantially. It suggests that, although SRT has impact on sludge characteristics, it doesn't affect the microbial community in the suspension.  相似文献   

A submerged membrane bioreactor (SMBR) and a conventional activated sludge system (CAS) were compared in parallel over a period of more than 260 days on treating synthetic ammonia-bearing inorganic wastewater without sludge purge under decreased hydraulic retention times (HRTs). Conversion of NH4(+)-N to NO3(-)-N was achieved with an efficiency of over 98% at an HRT > or = 10 h in the SMBR, while similar performance was obtained at an HRT > or = 20 h in the CAS. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplified 16S rDNA was used to monitor variations of community structures in the two systems. With the prolongation of operation, the number of DGGE bands in the SMBR gradually increased from the initial 11 bands to the final 22 bands, whereas that in the CAS varied in a range between 13 and 183 Sequence analysis indicates that Nitrosomonas sp. and Nitrospira sp. were the dominating nitrification species responsible for ammonia and nitrite oxidation, respectively. Heterotrophic bacteria like Pseudomonas sp. and Flavobacteria sp. existed in both of the systems although only inorganic wastewater was fed. Substantive accumulation of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) in the SMBR was confirmed by scanning electron microscopy and EPS analysis.  相似文献   

The microbial communities from three upflow anaerobic bioreactors treating purified terephthalic acid (PTA) wastewater were characterized with 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequencing surveys. Universal bacterial and archaeal primers were used to compare the bioreactor communities to each other. A total of 1,733 bacterial sequences and 383 archaeal sequences were characterized. The high number of Syntrophus spp. and Pelotomaculum spp. found within these reactors indicates efficient removal of benzoate and terephthalate. Under anaerobic conditions benzoate can be degraded through syntrophic associations between these bacteria and hydrogen-scavenging microbes, such as Desulfovibrio spp. and hydrogenotrophic methanogens, which remove H(2) to force the thermodynamically unfavourable reactions to take place. The authors did not observe a relatively high percentage of hydrogenotrophic methanogens with the archaeal gene survey because of a high acetate flux (acetate is a main component in PTA wastewater and is the main degradation product of terephthalate/benzoate fermentation), and because of the presence of Desulfovibrio spp. (a sulfate reducer that scavenges hydrogen). The high acetate flux also explains the high percentage of acetoclastic methanogens from the genus Methanosaeta among the archaeal sequences. A group of uncultured bacteria (OD1) may be involved in the degradation of p-toluate (4-methyl benzoate), which is a component of PTA wastewater.  相似文献   

Small subunit (SSU) ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes of four Gordona (Nocardia) amarae strains were sequenced and compared to the sequence of the G. amarae type strain obtained from the Ribosomal Database Project (RDP). Comparative sequence analysis showed that the five strains represent two lines of evolutionary descent: Group I consists of strains NM23 and ASACI and Group 2 contains strains SE-6. SE 102, and ASF3. To determine the abundance of G. amarae in activated sludge systems, we designed three oligonucleotide probes: a species-specific probe for G. amarae, a probe specific for Group I and a probe targeting Group 2. The probes were characterized by performing dissociation temperature and specificity studies. Using these probes, two other strains, strains SE-149B and RBI, also were found to be part of Group I. We used these probes along with previously designed probes in membrane hybridizations to determine the abundance of G. amarae, Group I, Group 2, Bacteria, Mycobacterium complex, and Gordona in samples from foaming episodes. We demonstrated that the Mycobacterium complex, the genus Gordona, and G. amarae strains were present in significantly greater concentrations in activated sludge foam than in mixed liquor.  相似文献   

This study carried out analysis of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) communities in 12 sewage activated sludge systems standing in eight sewage treatment plants located in Tokyo. The systems were different in the treatment process configuration: anaerobic/anoxic/aerobic (A20), anaerobic/aerobic (AO), and conventional activated sludge (AS) processes. AOB communities were analyzed by sequences of 16S rDNA amplicons, which were separated by denaturing gradient gel eletrophoresis (DGGE) after specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification. The results demonstrated that low ammonium concentrations in the influents of the 12 sewage activated sludge systems resulted in the dominance of Nitrosomonas oligotropha-like sequences. Further, Nitrosomonas europaea- and Nitrosomonas cryotolerans-like sequences were recovered from only one A20 system of which the influent contained higher ammonium and chloride concentrations than those of other systems. Nitrosomonas communis-like sequences were found in every A20 and AO system, but mostly not found in every AS system. In summary, influent characteristics and treatment process configuration affected the AOB communities in the 12 sewage activated sludge systems.  相似文献   

As a means to furthering our understanding of the eukaryal community to activated sludge, we have applied contemporary molecular techniques to an activated sludge community maintained in a laboratory-scale bioreactor. The initial inoculum was derived from a local wastewater treatment facility in East Lansing, MI and maintained with continuous aeration and a daily feeding regime that included glucose and peptone Samples were taken on a weekly basis for 5 weeks and community DNA was extracted from 2–5 ml of activated sludge. Using a variety of oligonucleotide primers specific to eukaryotic small subunit ribosomal DNA, we PCR amplified rDNA from the total community DNA. PCR products were analyzed by three techniques, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) and comparative sequence analysis of rDNA clones. Over the course of 5 weeks, analysis with DGGE revealed dramatic changes in the eukaryotic community based on differences in denaturation profiles. However, the analysis is limited to 5–6 bands corresponding to 5–6 different “ribotypes”. Analysis with T-RFLP also suggests changes to the eukaryotic community over time. Both increases and decreases in population size can be detected as a function of time. Up to 15 different terminal restriction fragments can be detected with T-RFLP indicating that this technique is considerably more sensitive than DGGE. Phylogenetic analysis of partial sequences from 1 I cloned rDNAs indicate that all 11 clones are from the Ciliophora phylum.  相似文献   

Sequential anaerobic-aerobic batch reactors were maintained on acetate/peptone and two different P/total organic carbon ratios that select for microbial communities enriched for either glycogen-accumulating organisms (GAO) or polyphosphate-accumulating organism (PAO). The community profiles of the eubacterial population and gram-positive high G-C bacteria (HGC) were characterized and compared by determining the terminal restriction fragment length polymorphisms (T-RFLP) of 16S rDNA. The Hhal+Rsal digested 5′ T-RFLP patterns of the eubacterial 16S rDNA amplified from the GAO- and PAOenriched communities were made up with 12 and 14 rank-abundant fragments (i.e., ribotypes), respectively. Among those ribotypes detected in the GAO-enriched community, only seven were found in the PAO-enriched community. The HGC group could only account for no more than 6% and 17% of the eubacterial 16S rDNA amplified from the GAO- and PAO-enriched communities, respectively. Within the HGC community, at least 16 and 10 rank-abundant ribotypes were observed m the Mspl digested T-RFLP patterns of GAO- and PAO-enriched communities, respectively. Among those HGC ribotypes observed in both communities, only five were in common. These indicate that the enrichment processes leading to the establishment of GAO- and PAO-specific communities caused the dramatic difference and complexity in the microbial population.  相似文献   

The diversity of autotrophic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) of the b-subdivision of the class Proteobacteria was investigated in a laboratory-scale denitrification-nitrification bioreactor (DNB) treating a synthetic waste stream. 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene sequences were amplified from DNA extracted from the oxic DNB sludge. Comparative analysis of the rRNA sequences revealed considerable diversity among the AOB-like sequences. The majority of sequences recovered were related to Nitrosomonas spp. but a smaller number of Nitrosospira-like sequences were obtained. Since different AOB may have different kinetic properties the high diversity of AOB, even in a simple laboratory biotreater treating a simple waste stream, has important implications for the operation of nitrifying wastewater treatment processes.  相似文献   

To find an efficient biological method to solubilize waste activated sludge (WAS) from the biological wastewater treatment process, several strains of thermophilic bacteria capable of solubilizing WAS were isolated from sewage sludge compost. The culture supernatants of the isolates were able to lyse vegetable bacterial cells and the lytic activity mainly came from the exoenzyme produced by the isolates. The culture supernatants of the different isolates showed different lysis characteristics. The factors affecting bacterial cell lysis were investigated using E. coli as a model bacterium. The E. coli cells were lysed easily at higher temperature (60 degrees C or 70 degrees C) while little lytic activity by the supernatants of isolates was observed at lower temperature (50 degrees C). The level of pH also had great influence on the lysis of E. coli cells. The E. coli cells in the early stationary growth phase were easier to lyse than those in the late stationary growth phase or death phase.  相似文献   

A microbial survey of 27 activated sludge (AS) systems included 16 conventional activated sludge (CAS) systems, five sequential batch reactors (SBR) and six oxygen-activated sludge (OAS) systems, all treating pulp and paper effluents. The most prevalent filaments observed were Thiothrix (26%) and Type 021N (22%). The designs of the activated sludge systems seemed to have an effect on the filament types. We found Thiothrix to be the most common filament associated with bulking. For CAS systems, a completely mixed mode of operation promoted Thiothrix and Type 021N growth. Type 021N was favoured in CAS systems with food to microorganism (F/M) ratios higher than 0.2, and with dissolved oxygen (DO) residuals higher than 2 ppm, while Thiothrix generally proliferated at lower F/M ratio and DO residuals. Nutrient deficiencies as well as nutrient dosage variations were suspected in most of the systems having Thiothrix and Type 021N as the most prevalent filaments. Thiothrix appeared to prefer polyphosphate and/or ammonia rather than urea/phosphoric acid as N and P sources. Systems with aerobic selectors showed the lowest filament counts, while systems with no selectors showed the highest filament counts.  相似文献   

Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation (ANAMMOX) is a novel biological nitrogen removal process, which is regarded as the most economical process at present. In this paper, two lab-scale UASB reactors, one of which was inoculated with the mixture of anaerobic sludge and aerobic sludge, the other with river sediments, were started up, using the inorganic synthetic water containing ammonium and nitrite as influent. After 421 days' and 356 days operation respectively, the ammonium removal efficiencies in two reactors reached 94% and 86% respectively, the total nitrogen volumetric loading rates were 2.5 and 1.6 kgN/m3 x d. ANAMMOX granules were obtained in both reactors; the color of most granules was brown, but some of them were red. Based on the observation and studies on the microstructure of the granules, three kinds of ANAMMOX granular sludge formation mechanisms were proposed: adhering biofilm and disintegrated granular core mechanism, adhering biofilm and inorganic core mechanism and the self-coherence mechanism. For phylogenetic characterization of anaerobic ammonium oxidizers, 16S rDNA approach was performed using Planctomycetales-specific PCR amplification. The dominant anammox bacteria occupied more than 90% of Planctomycetales-specific bacteria, and 27% of all bacteria in reactors. The dominant anammox bacteria distantly related to all currently reported candidate anammox genera. Functional gene of amoA was analyzed to investigate the 'aerobic' ammonium-oxidizing bacteria in beta-Proteobacteria. The 'aerobic' ammonium-oxidizing bacteria were more diverse than anammox bacteria, but most of them clustered in anoxic ammonium-oxidizing Nitrosomonas eutropha/europaea groups. The composition of 'aerobic' ammonium-oxidizing bacteria is only 2% of all of bacteria in reactors.  相似文献   

Start-up of a continuously stirred tank reactor for bio-hydrogen production under different initial organic loading rate (OLR) of 3, 7 and 10 kgCOD/m3 d, respectively, was carried out with sewage sludge as inoculum. Molasses wastewater was used as substrate and hydraulic retention time was kept at 6 h. This study aimed to assess OLR on the formation of fermentation types and the structure of microbial communities during the start-up period. It was found that at an initial OLR of 7 kgCOD/m3 d and an initial biomass of 6.24 gVSS/L, an equilibrial microbial community of ethanol-type fermentation could be established within 30 days. The observed average specific hydrogen production rate was 276 mLH2/gVSS d, which was 40% higher than that of the one acclimated with 3 kgCOD/m3 d. Based on denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis profiles, significant microbial population shifts took place at the first 15 days, but a longer period up to 30 days was required to establish a microbial community with stable metabolic activity.  相似文献   

A novel annular gap reactor was designed to create a controlled shear environment in which aerobic granular sludge could be developed. The bacterial and eukaryal community structures during two aerobic granular sludge experiments were tracked using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). The first granule cultivation experiment, using an organic loading rate of 1.6 kg/m3d COD, resulted in biomass that was dominated by filamentous bacteria and Zoogloea ramigera colonies. A second experiment with a higher organic loading rate of 6 kg/m3d COD developed a granule-like morphology but was ultimately dominated by filamentous fungi. Species identification via DGGE band purification and DNA sequencing closely matched the observed sludge morphology and behavior.  相似文献   

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