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硫化过程是轮胎生产的最后阶段,胶料的硫化反应在这一阶段于硫化机中在升温升压的情况下发生。已开发了一个轮胎硫化过程模拟器,它执行建立在有限元方法上的数值算法,用于解管理不稳态传热和硫化反应的严密模型方程式。从简单的热传导问题到实际的轮胎硫化过程的广泛模拟已经完成,结果通过与分析解或者与热电偶测量比较而得到证实。模拟器成功地描述了轮胎在硫化过程期间温度和硫化状态的变化趋势,它也可作为正被开发的用于硫化过程的最优化算法的核心模块。 相似文献
通过分析国内外现有制造轮胎的有关技术和方法,指出现有技术和方法存在的固有缺陷,在此基础上提出开发一步法注射成型技术制造轮胎的3种新方法--注射胎面法、注射预硫化胎面法和直接注射胎面法.重点叙述各种新方法与传统方法的结合点、区别和实施方法.呼吁轮胎行业把开发注射轮胎技术提到重要议程上来. 相似文献
During the molding of industrial parts using injection molding, the molten polymer flow through converging and diverging sections as well as in areas presenting thickness and flow direction changes. A good understanding of the flow behavior and thermal history is important in order to optimize the part design and molding conditions. This is particularly true in the case of automotive and electronic applications where the coupled phenomena of fluid flow and heat transfer determine to a large extent the final properties of the part. This paper presents a 3D finite element model capable of predicting the velocity, pressure, and temperature fields, as well as the position of the flow fronts. The velocity and pressure fields are governed by the generalized Stokes equations. The fluid behavior is predicted through the Carreau Law and Arrhenius constitutive models. These equations are solved using a Galerkin formulation. A mixed formulation is used to satisfy the continuity equation. The tracking of the flow front is modeled by using a pseudo-concentration method and the model equations are solved using a Petrov-Galerkin formulation. The validity of the method has been tested through the analysis of the flow in simple geometries. Its practical relevance has been proven through the analysis of an industrial part. 相似文献
The linear low‐density polyethylene melt is described by the modified Cross model, the dependence of melt viscosity on temperature incorporated with the Arrhenius equation, and the Moldflow second‐order model in this investigation. The mass, momentum conservation, and constitutive equations are discretized and solved by using the iterative stabilized fractional step algorithm along with the Crank–Nicolson implicit difference scheme. The energy conservation equation is discretized with the characteristic Galerkin approach. The free surface of molten polymer flow front is tracked by the arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian (ALE) method. It is demonstrated that good agreement of the numerical predictions given by the proposed ALE method with the results obtained by the injection short‐shot experiments is achieved in the locations and shape of the melt front. Furthermore, when the melt front completely reaches the wall of the mold cavity, the horizontal velocity distribution of counterflow at the section near the finally filling wall is exhibited in the present simulation. POLYM. ENG. SCI., 2012. © 2011 Society of Plastics Engineers 相似文献
注塑成型的充填过程是一个对流占优的能量传递过程。在采用经典Galerkin有限元法求解该瞬态温度场时,对于固定的计算网格,如果时间步长选择的不合理,容易造成其稳定性要求得不到满足,从而导致方程的求解失败。鉴于此,本文采用分步法将该能量守恒方程分解为一个对流方程和一个热传导方程,针对这两个方程的不同特点,分别选择不同的时间步长和求解方案独立进行求解,解决了由于对流项而引起的方程求解失稳问题。另外,针对瞬态热传导方程的求解,分析了利用向后差分法离散其瞬态项时,采用协调质量热容矩阵容易产生不合理计算结果的原因,进而用集中质量热容矩阵代替协调质量热容矩阵对该方程进行求解,得到了合理的模拟结果。最后采用具体的数值算例验证了该模拟方案的正确性。 相似文献
在多浇口和带嵌件注塑制品的成型过程中必然存在熔体的熔接过程,从而形成熔接线。熔接线沿厚度方向的熔接过程是影响该区域的力学强度以及纤维取向等制品性能的重要因素。本文采用有限元法针对注塑制品的典型截面建立数学模型,采用T6P3单元(速度二次插值,压力线性插值),数值模拟了注塑制品熔接线的截面熔接过程。通过等厚度截面和非等厚度截面两个算例,给出了两股熔体熔接过程中的截面速度场和压力场分布。讨论了熔接线区域的壁厚均匀程度对熔接过程的影响。该计算结果可以为制品力学性能以及纤维取向等数值模拟提供数据支持。 相似文献
塑料注射成形充填模拟中,采用GLS(Galerkin/least-squares)法能实现速度、压力同次插值时稳定地求解速度场、压力场,在能量场方程的求解中采用GGLS(Galerkin gradient least-squares)/SUPG(streamline upwind/Petrov-Galerkin)法能得到稳定的温度场数值解,其中SUPG法抑制对流占优导致的数值震荡问题,GGLS法消除由于小扩散系数造成的虚假温度升高。由GLS法、GGLS/SUPG法建立的速度、压力、温度求解的稳定有限元计算格式,实现了对注射成形充填模拟。模拟结果表明,采用GGLS法,温度场模拟结果更加合理,由GGLS/SUPG法获得了充填过程中稳定、准确的温度场,并采用GLS法正确地模拟了熔体速度、压力及流动前沿。 相似文献
首先,对硫化机群控技术与单机控制技术进行了对比,说明群控的优势。其次,分别介绍了令环组建的群控系统、局域网组建的群控系统、总线组成的群控系统、星形网络组成的群控系统、电力猫组成的群控系统的优缺点。 相似文献
计算效率和解的稳定性是影响三维注塑充填有限元数值模拟的关键因素.针对黏性不可压缩聚合物熔体三维充填过程的速度场和压力场,以提高计算机求解速度为出发点,分析了采用P1/P0四面体单元(速度线性,压力常数)得到的有限元方程的解不收敛的原因,提出一种采用P1/P0四面体宏元离散空间域的求解方案,从而降低了求解的自由度数量,提高了计算速度.通过模拟圆管中定黏度流体的稳态流动考察了该求解方案的模拟精度,通过模拟圆管中定黏度流体的瞬态充填比较了采用P1/P0四面体宏元和P2/P1四面体单元(二次速度,线性压力)的计算时间.最终将该方案应用到三维注塑充填的数值模拟中. 相似文献