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The purpose of this study was to estimate the inpatient costs of road crashes in Western Australia, and to investigate factors relating to casualties and their injuries that affect the hospital costs resulting from road crashes. All road crash casualties who were injured severely enough to be hospitalised in Western Australia in 1988 were included. A casemix classification system was used to classify patients into diagnostic related groups. Hospital costs were assigned to individual patients on the basis of their diagnostic related group and length of hospital stay. The annual cost of hospital treatment for road crash casualties was estimated as $13.9 million, and 33 per cent of this was incurred by those with lower extremity injuries and 27 per cent by those with head injuries. Hospital costs per casualty ranged from an average of $1388 for those sustaining minor (Abbreviated Injury Scale severity score of 1 or 2) spinal injuries to $16,580 and $33,424, respectively, for those sustaining severe (Abbreviated Injury Scale severity score of 4 or 5) head and spinal injuries. A multivariate analysis of variance revealed the following factors as having a significant independent effect on the hospital inpatient costs of road crash casualties: type of hospital (teaching or nonteaching), body region of injury, injury severity level and road user group. There were also significant interaction effects between different factors. Since hospital inpatient costs vary considerably across factors, using average cost data in the specific economic evaluation of road safety interventions for groups of road users is inappropriate.  相似文献   

A study of indirect costs which could be attributed to undergraduate teaching in a large affiliated teaching hospital has shown that they are very small. Thus direct university costs in 1975 were $1,800,000 (7-6% of all expenditure at the hospital); indirect costs were $41,000 (approximately 0-2% of the hospital expenditure). It is concluded that the 45% difference in bed costs per day between teaching and non-teaching hospitals from a previous investigation is therefore not the result of the clinical school indirect demands on hospital expenditure.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study estimated the total cost of musculoskeletal disorders for Canadians in 1994 and assessed the sensitivity of these cost estimates to variations in the definition of musculoskeletal disorders. METHODS: Disease-related costs, from a societal perspective, were measured using a prevalence-based analysis. First, direct treatment costs, including expenditures on hospitals and other institutions, physicians and other health professionals, drugs, research, and other items were assessed. Second, indirect costs associated with lost (or foregone) productivity due to disability and premature mortality were evaluated using the human capital approach. RESULTS: The total cost of musculoskeletal disorders in Canada was $25.6 billion (in 1994 Canadian dollars, $1.00 CDN approximately $0.75 US) or 3.4% of the gross domestic product. Direct and indirect costs were estimated at $7.5 billion and $18.1 billion, respectively. Lower and upper bound estimates of the total cost of musculoskeletal disorders, derived from the sensitivity analysis, were $19.9 billion and $30.8 billion, respectively. Wide variations were reported in the total cost of various musculoskeletal disorder subcategories, with the highest costs reported for injuries ($10.7 billion), back and spine disorders ($8.1 billion), and arthritis and rheumatism ($5.9 billion). CONCLUSIONS: The economic cost of musculoskeletal disorders was substantial and was sensitive to the definition of musculoskeletal disorders and other underlying assumptions. The hallmark of this study was the variation between subcategories in their cost, pattern of health resource use, and sequelae. The cost estimates may provide guidance in setting priorities for research and prevention activities.  相似文献   

The author offers insights into how the proliferation of competitive health care financing and service delivery systems based on managed care affects the financial support available to academic medical centers (AMCs), especially to their programs in graduate medical education (GME). The paper is based largely on case studies of AMCs conducted by the author in the summer of 1994 in the health care markets of San Diego, California, Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota, and Washington, D.C., complemented by a review of the literature. In sum, the investigator found consensus among all parties that in the current market, managed care plans neither are willing nor feel able to pay much, if any, premium for the services of AMCs, particularly when established, respected alternatives exist, as they typically do for most services in major urban markets. Relatively few short-term adverse effects on AMCs were found from the growth of competitive systems, but AMCs are nevertheless very concerned that managed care will put them at a disadvantage. They are thus seeking ways to position themselves for the future. The AMCs are concerned that at some point, the cost reductions they are making will hinder the fulfillment of their unique traditional mission, since they believe that the costs of their GME programs can be reduced only so far without harming residents' training. Many managed care plans, however, question the AMC mission, taking issue particularly with the training AMCs provide and its relevance to current needs for primary and ambulatory care. The investigators also found considerable support for pooled funding for GME among diverse parties, but no consensus on how this funding should be structured, who should receive it, or what it should support. Potential conflicts were also identified between national, state, and market objectives for provider supply and specialty distribution because these objectives can embody different criteria for assessing the handling and locations of specialists' training. In addition, the findings indicate that it could be unwise to consider AMC policy independent of workforce objectives; doing so could create conflicts about the kinds of physicians who should be trained. The author concludes with a list of approaches to future research that may be constructive.  相似文献   

As the result of another study which identified the indirect costs at a large teaching hospital in which Monash University has established a clinical school, it has been possible to estimate the cost per annum for each medical student. This is the sum of direct university costs ($4,617), Tertiary Education Assistance Scheme ($1,200) and indirect costs ($44)--in aggregate therefore $5,900 (rounded). Thus the cost of the six-year course for each student is approximately $35,500.  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVES: To compare the costs and effectiveness of directly observed therapy (DOT) vs self-administered therapy (SAT) for the treatment of active tuberculosis. DESIGN: Decision analysis. SETTING: We used published rates for failure of therapy, relapse, and acquired multidrug resistance during the initial treatment of drug-susceptible tuberculosis cases using DOT or SAT. We estimated costs of tuberculosis treatment at an urban tuberculosis control program, a municipal hospital, and a hospital specializing in treating drug-resistant tuberculosis. OUTCOME MEASURES: The average cost per patient to cure drug-susceptible tuberculosis, including the cost of treating failures of initial treatment. RESULTS: The direct costs of initial therapy with DOT and SAT were similar ($1,206 vs $1,221 per patient, respectively), although DOT was more expensive when patient time costs were included. When the costs of relapse and failure were included in the model, DOT was less expensive than SAT, whether considering outpatient costs only ($1,405 vs $2,314 per patient treated), outpatient plus inpatient costs ($2,785 vs $10,529 per patient treated), or outpatient, inpatient, and patients' time costs ($3,999 vs $12,167 per patient treated). Threshold analysis demonstrated that DOT was less expensive than SAT through a wide range of cost estimates and clinical event rates. CONCLUSION: Despite its greater initial cost, DOT is a more cost-effective strategy than SAT because it achieves a higher cure rate after initial therapy, and thereby decreases treatment costs associated with failure of therapy and acquired drug resistance. This cost-effectiveness analysis supports the widespread implementation of DOT.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This article describes a method for computing the cost of care provided to individual patients in health care systems that do not routinely generate billing data, but gather information on patient utilization and total facility costs. METHODS: Aggregate data on cost and utilization were used to estimate how costs vary with characteristics of patients and facilities of the US Department of Veterans Affairs. A set of cost functions was estimated, taking advantage of the department-level organization of the data. Casemix measures were used to determine the costs of acute hospital and long-term care. RESULTS: Hospitalization for medical conditions cost an average of $5,642 per US Health Care Financing Administration diagnosis-related group weight; surgical hospitalizations cost $11,836. Nursing home care cost $197.33 per day, intermediate care cost $280.66 per day, psychiatric care cost $307.33 per day, and domiciliary care cost $111.84 per day. Outpatient visits cost an average of $90.36. These estimates include the cost of physician services. CONCLUSIONS: The econometric method presented here accounts for variation in resource use caused by casemix that is not reflected in length of stay and for the effects of medical education, research, facility size, and wage rates. Data on non-Veteran's Affairs hospital stays suggest that the method accounts for 40% of the variation in acute hospital care costs and is superior to cost estimates based on length of stay or diagnosis-related group weight alone.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study evaluated the cost-effectiveness of a smoking cessation and relapse-prevention program for hospitalized adult smokers from the perspective of an implementing hospital. It is an economic analysis of a two-group, controlled clinical trial in two acute care hospitals owned by a large group-model health maintenance organization. The intervention included a 20-minute bedside counseling session with an experienced health counselor, a 12-minute video, self-help materials, and one or two follow-up calls. METHODS: Outcome measures were incremental cost (above usual care) per quit attributable to the intervention and incremental cost per discounted life-year saved attributable to the intervention. RESULTS: Cost of the research intervention was $159 per smoker, and incremental cost per incremental quit was $3,697. Incremental cost per incremental discounted life-year saved ranged between $1,691 and $7,444, much less than most other routine medical procedures. Replication scenarios suggest that, with realistic implementation assumptions, total intervention costs would decline significantly and incremental cost per incremental discounted life-year saved would be reduced by more than 90%, to approximately $380. CONCLUSIONS: Providing brief smoking cessation advice to hospitalized smokers is relatively inexpensive, cost-effective, and should become a part of the standard of inpatient care.  相似文献   

The costs of care for end-stage renal disease patients continue to rise because of increased numbers of patients. Efforts to contain these costs have focused on the development of capitated payment schemes, in which all costs for the care of these patients are covered in a single payment. To determine the effect of a capitated reimbursement scheme on care of dialysis patients (both hemodialysis [HD] and peritoneal dialysis [PD]), complete financial records (all reimbursements for inpatient and outpatient care, as well as physician collections) of dialysis patients at a single medical center over 1 year were analyzed. For the period from July 1994 to July 1995, annualized cost per dialysis patient-year averaged $63,340, or 9.8% higher than the corrected estimate from the U.S. Renal Data Service (USRDS; $57,660). The "most expensive" 25% of patients engendered 44 to 48% of the total costs, and inpatient costs accounted for 37 to 40% of total costs. Nearly half of the inpatient costs resulted from only two categories (room charges and inpatient dialysis), whereas other categories each made up a small fraction of the inpatient costs. PD patients were far less expensive to care for than HD patients, due to reduced hospital days and lower cost of outpatient dialysis. Care for a university-based dialysis population was only slightly more expensive than estimates predicted from the USRDS. These results validate the USRDS spending data and suggest that they can be used effectively for setting capitated rates. Efforts to control costs without sacrificing quality of care must center on reducing inpatient costs, particularly room charges and the cost of inpatient dialysis.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the possibility of lowering costs to organ procurement organizations by purchasing a custom medical supply pack for use in the operating room. Six hospitals in the organ procurement organization's service area were selected for a cost comparison report on selected medical supply items; 37 items were selected for review. A retrospective review of the itemized hospital bills from recent organ recovery cases at each hospital was completed. A medical supply company was contacted for price quotes on selected items for the supply pack. The price quote from the medical supply company totaled $220.30. The average cost of the items selected from the six hospitals was $822.65. The average cost savings per organ recovery case was calculated at $602.35. Based on an estimated 80 organ donors per year, organ procurement organizations could save as much as $48,188 annually.  相似文献   

The authors present an overview of current graduate medical education (GME) issues, particularly the financial challenges to teaching hospitals resulting from the Balanced Budget and Tax Payer Relief Acts of 1997 and other recent market-driven factors. They describe in detail the nature of Medicare GME payments before and after the 1997 legislation, with specific examples, and explain the negative financial impact of the legislation and aspects of the legislation that are designed to alleviate that impact. Other factors influencing GME program size and composition are also discussed, including oversupplies or shortages of physicians, the concern that teaching hospitals are using public funds to train international medical graduates, changing training requirements, etc. The authors also describe a recent consulting assignment during which they assisted a major teaching hospital to develop a GME strategy that was responsive to the organization's mission and patients and that took into account future GME financing challenges. Detailed explanations are given of how the consultants analyzed the hospital's GME programs and finances, developed and ranked key institution-specific program criteria (strategic, organizational and operational, and financial), and, in consultation with all key stakeholders, formulated a GME strategy specific to the institution's needs. The authors conclude by cautioning that each institution's GME strategy will be different, but that it is important for institutions to develop such strategies to better face future challenges.  相似文献   

At first glance, the rise in current dollar expenditures for all mental health organizations from $3.3 billion in 1969 to $28.4 billion in 1990 seems enormous. However, if the annual expenditures are adjusted for inflation and expressed in constant dollars, the rise in expenditures is only from $3.3 billion in 1969 to $5.6 billion in 1990. Thus, most of the increase in expenditures by mental health organizations over the past two decades is due to inflation, with less than 10 percent due to increases in real purchasing power. Since both the number of private psychiatric hospitals and the expenditures they incurred increased dramatically between 1969 and 1990, these hospitals showed gains in absolute dollar amounts and in dollar amounts per capita, even if the expenditures are expressed in constant dollars. To a lesser extent, the same was true of RTCs. Although both VA medical centers and State mental hospitals showed increases in expenditures as measured in current dollars, if expenditures are expressed in constant dollars, these organizations showed net decreases. Their inpatient populations also decreased during this period. However, if expenditures per inpatient under care are examined, the reverse is true. The per patient expenditures for State mental hospitals increased between 1969 and 1990, even if the results are stated in constant dollars.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Studies focusing on the economic impact of cancer on families have emphasized that costs of chronic disease are substantial for patients and their families. However, little effort has been devoted to measuring the costs of care for families of patients hospitalized with stroke. METHODS: A total of 215 stroke patients and their families from four teaching hospitals in the Taipei metropolitan area were monitored from the date of the patient's admission to hospital until the date of discharge. The value of labor contributed by families was estimated by assigning the current monetary market rate of providing health aide to the time families spent caring for patients in hospital. Lost earnings of patients and families, expenditure for medical care, and expenses for food, clothes, adult diapers, transportation and other miscellaneous items were determined and summed to arrive at the total family cost of providing care. RESULTS: The average cost of care for one family per inpatient day was NT$4,358.20. A total of 98.6% of the families incurred labor costs, which accounted for about half of family costs for providing care. Hospital bills accounted for almost 19% of total family costs. The income loss for families and patients accounted for about 25% of total family costs. Expenses for food, clothes, transportation, diapers and other illness-related miscellaneous items accounted for about 12% of total family costs. Multiple regression analyses demonstrated that the number of family members involved in giving care and the length of stay are important predictors for the total cost of care. Average total family costs per day increased by 24.3% when an additional family member was involved in providing care. Total family costs increased 2.5% for each hospital day. CONCLUSIONS: If direct and indirect nonmedical costs are not included in the total cost calculation for providing hospital care to stroke patients, the economic impact of care on families is likely to be underestimated.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To operationalize research findings about a medical rehabilitation classification and payment model by building a prototype of a prospective payment system, and to determine whether this prototype model promotes payment equity. This latter objective is accomplished by identifying whether any facility or payment model characteristics are systematically associated with financial performance. DESIGN: This study was conducted in two phases. In Phase 1 the components of a diagnosis-related group (DRG)-like payment system, including a base rate, function-related group (FRG) weights, and adjusters, were identified and estimated using hospital cost functions. Phase 2 consisted of a simulation analysis in which each facility's financial performance was modeled, based on its 1990-1991 case mix. A multivariate regression equation was conducted to assess the extent to which characteristics of 42 rehabilitation facilities contribute toward determining financial performance under the present Medicare payment system as well as under the hypothetical model developed. PARTICIPANTS: Phase 1 (model development) included 61 rehabilitation hospitals. Approximately 59% were rehabilitation units within a general hospital and 48% were teaching facilities. The number of rehabilitation beds averaged 52. Phase 2 of the stimulation analysis included 42 rehabilitation facilities, subscribers to UDS in 1990-1991. Of these, 69% were rehabilitation units and 52% were teaching facilities. The number of rehabilitation beds averaged 48. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Financial performance, as measured by the ratio of reimbursement to average costs. RESULTS: Case-mix index is the primary determinant of financial performance under the present Medicare payment system. None of the facility characteristics included in this analysis were associated with financial performance under the hypothetical FRG payment model. CONCLUSIONS: The most notable impact of an FRG-based payment model would be to create a stronger link between resource intensity and level of reimbursement, resulting in greater equity in the reimbursement of inpatient medical rehabilitation hospitals.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To estimate the annual incidence, the mortality and the direct and indirect costs associated with occupational injuries and illnesses in the United States in 1992. DESIGN: Aggregation and analysis of national and large regional data sets collected by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the National Council on Compensation Insurance, the National Center for Health Statistics, the Health Care Financing Administration, and other governmental bureaus and private firms. METHODS: To assess incidence of and mortality from occupational injuries and illnesses, we reviewed data from national surveys and applied an attributable risk proportion method. To assess costs, we used the human capital method that decomposes costs into direct categories such as medical and insurance administration expenses as well as indirect categories such as lost earnings, lost home production, and lost fringe benefits. Some cost estimates were drawn from the literature while others were generated within this study. Total costs were calculated by multiplying average costs by the number of injuries and illnesses in each diagnostic category. RESULTS: Approximately 6500 job-related deaths from injury, 13.2 million nonfatal injuries, 60,300 deaths from disease, and 862,200 illnesses are estimated to occur annually in the civilian American workforce. The total direct ($65 billion) plus indirect ($106 billion) costs were estimated to be $171 billion. Injuries cost $145 billion and illnesses $26 billion. These estimates are likely to be low, because they ignore costs associated with pain and suffering as well as those of within-home care provided by family members, and because the numbers of occupational injuries and illnesses are likely to be undercounted. CONCLUSIONS: The costs of occupational injuries and illnesses are high, in sharp contrast to the limited public attention and societal resources devoted to their prevention and amelioration. Occupational injuries and illnesses are an insufficiently appreciated contributor to the total burden of health care costs in the United States.  相似文献   

Hospital characteristics have been shown previously to be associated with variations in the probability of death within 30 days of admission. In the current study, the authors extend the examination of the relationship between hospital type to both short-term and long-term adjusted mortality. Observed and predicted 1988 hospital mortality rates were obtained from the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA). A total of 3,782 acute care hospitals were divided into six mutually exclusive groups on the basis of their status as osteopathic, private for-profit, public teaching, public nonteaching, private teaching, and private nonteaching hospitals. After adjusting for the HCFA predicted mortality, Medicaid admissions, and emergency visits, 30-day and 30-to-180-day patient mortality rates were compared for these hospital types. Separate comparisons also were performed after stratifying hospitals into three groups defined by community size. The risk-adjusted 30-day mortality per 1,000 patients was 91.5, ranging from 85.4 for private teaching hospitals to 95.3 for nonteaching public hospitals, and 97.4 for osteopathic hospitals. The adjusted 30-to-180-day mortality was 84.7, ranging from 82.6 for nonteaching public hospitals to 87.4 and 88.2, respectively for public teaching and osteopathic hospitals. Differences among hospital types were minimal for small communities and increased with community size. In the large communities, the types of hospitals with high 30-day mortality also had higher mortality after 30 days. There was a strong association of hospital type with adjusted 30-day mortality, which should depend on the quality of hospital care, and a much weaker association with post-30-day mortality, which may be more dependent on patient risk. There was no evidence that types of hospitals with low 30-day mortality were postponing rather than preventing mortality.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: We studied hospital costs associated with healthcare worker (HCW) respiratory protection and respirator fit-testing programs recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and mandated by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to decrease nosocomial or occupational Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB). DESIGN: The number and cost of high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA)-filter and dust-mist (DM) respirators for 1989 to 1994 were obtained from study hospital purchasing departments, and the costs of HCW fit-testing and education programs for 1994 were estimated from information provided by infection control practitioners. Costs of N-class respirator programs were estimated for study hospitals using retrospective cost analysis and an observational study. SETtING: Four urban hospitals with, and one rural community hospital without, documented nosocomial or occupational transmission of multidrug-resistant TB. RESULTS: During the study period, four of five hospitals introduced HEPA and DM respirators and respirator education and fit-testing programs. Median costs in 1994 were $83,900 (range, $2,000-$223,000) for respirators and $17,187 (range, $8,736-$26,175) for respiratory fit-testing programs. The projected median annual cost of N95 respirators was $62,023 (range, $270-$422,526). CONCLUSIONS: Compliance with CDC TB guidelines may require a substantial investment. However, outlays for respirators and education and fit-testing programs are more reasonable than would be suggested by analyses that estimated the costs of preventing one case of nosocomial TB.  相似文献   

AIMS, DESIGN AND SETTING: The economic costs of alcohol, tobacco and illicit drugs in Canadian society in 1992 are estimated utilizing a cost-of-illness framework and recently developed international guidelines. MEASUREMENTS: For causes of disease or death (using ICD-9 categories), pooled relative risk estimates from meta-analyses are combined with prevalence data by age, gender and province to derive the proportion attributable to alcohol, tobacco and/or illicit drugs. The resulting estimates of attributable deaths and hospitalizations are used to calculate associated health care, law enforcement, productivity and other costs. The results are compared wit other studies, and sensitivity analyses are conducted on alternative measures of alcohol consumption, alternative discount rates for productivity costs and the use of diagnostic-specific hospitalization costs. FINDINGS: The misuse of alcohol, tobacco and illicit drugs cost more than $18.4 billion in Canada in 1992, representing $649 per capita or 2.7% of GDP. Alcohol accounts for approximately $7.52 billion in costs, including $4.14 billion for lost productivity, $1.36 billion for law enforcement and $1.30 billion in direct health care costs. Tobacco accounts for approximately $9.56 billion in costs, including $6.82 billion for lost productivity and $2.68 billion for direct health costs. The economic of illicit drugs are estimated at $1.4 billion. CONCLUSIONS: Substance abuse exacts a considerable toll to Canadian society in terms of illness, injury, death and economic costs.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND and PURPOSE: During our annual audits of carotid endarterectomy (CEA) in Toronto metropolitan hospitals, we have been aware of major changes in the practice of this operation in recent years. To evaluate the effect of changing practice on costs of carotid endarterectomy, we have therefore compared the effects of changes in length of stay, complication rates, and other variables on cost during the last 3 years for which we have complete data. METHODS: We evaluated 757 consecutive patients, of whom 600 had CEA procedures in 3 teaching hospitals, and 190 procedures in 2 community hospitals in metropolitan Toronto. We estimated costs using a specially designed computer program, Transitional System Incorporated, including surgical complications, in patients admitted between January 1994 and December 1996. RESULTS: There was a significant decrease in length of stay in both groups of hospitals, mainly due to preoperative outpatient evaluation but also due to lower complication rates, which probably reflect an increase in asymptomatic surgery in both hospital groups. Costs fell from approximately $8000 per procedure to $5000 in asymptomatic patients and from approximately $10,000 to $7000 in symptomatic patients (Can $). CONCLUSIONS: Major changes in the management of patients undergoing CEA have resulted in a significant decrease in both length of hospital stay and utilization of postoperative intensive care. At the same time, complication rates have significantly fallen, although our mortality and morbidity figures remain slightly higher than those from published multicenter trials. Future changes in surgical practice in Canada, including noninvasive carotid imaging, should produce even lower costs within the next few years.  相似文献   

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