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Trellis coded modulation (TCM) is a bandwidth efficient transmission scheme that can achieve high coding gain by integrating coding and modulation. This paper presents an analytical expression for the error event probability of concatenated space-time block coding with TCM which reveals some dominant factors affecting the system performance over slow fading channels when perfect interleavers are used. This leads to establishing the design criteria for constructing the optimal trellis codes of such a concatenated system over slow flat fading channels. Through simulation, significant performance improvement is shown to be obtained by concatenating the interleaved streams of these codes with space-time block codes over fading channels. Simulation results also demonstrate that these trellis codes have better error performance than traditional codes designed for single-antenna Gaussian or fading channels. Performance results over quasi-static fading channels without interleaving are also compared in this paper. Furthermore, it is shown that concatenated space-time block coding with TCM (with/without interleaving) outperforms space-time trellis codes under the same spectral efficiency, trellis complexity, and signal constellation.  相似文献   

Chen  Z. Yuan  J. Vucetic  B. 《Electronics letters》2001,37(7):440-441
It has been established that the appropriate criteria for space-time trellis coded modulation (STTCM) design on slow Rayleigh fading channels are maximisation of the minimum rank and the minimum determinant of the distance matrices. It is demonstrated that when STTCM is used in systems with a large product (>3) of the numbers of transmit and receive antennas, the design of codes with maximum coding gain is governed by the minimum trace of the distance matrices. A number of new codes based on the proposed design criterion have been constructed and shown to be superior to other known codes  相似文献   

Block-coded modulation with interblock memory (BCMIM) is a variation of block-coded modulation (BCM) which is designed for multilevel coding. By providing interblock memory between adjacent blocks, the coding rate of a BCMIM scheme can be increased without decreasing the minimum squared Euclidean distance (MSED) as compared to the original BCM. In an early version of BCMIM, interblock coding is provided only between the first two coding levels of adjacent blocks. In this paper, we design BCMIM with a more general form for which interblock coding can be introduced among many coding levels. In this way, we can further increase the coding rate of BCMIM without decreasing the MSED. We provide many examples to show the advantages of BCMIM with the general form. Most of the examples are designed based on multidimensional signal sets, since a multidimensional signal set can provide more coding levels than a two-dimensional (2-D) signal set  相似文献   

提出了一种新的截短栅格编码调制方法,用于和RS码级联以克服汇聚噪声的影响。仿真表明,与一般的栅格编码调制相比,这种截短栅格编码调制纠错性能相差不多,但后者的编译码要简单许多,易于用硬件来实现。  相似文献   

A joint source/channel coding system constructed using trellis coded quantization (TCQ) and trellis coded modulation (TCM) is described. Identical trellises are used in the TCQ and TCM systems, and a straightforward mapping of TCQ codewords to TCM symbols is presented which guarantees that Euclidean squared distance in the channel is commensurate with quantization mean-square error (MSE). Hence, likely TCM error events of small Euclidean distance cause only a small increase in overall source coding MSE  相似文献   

Rate gains in block-coded modulation systems with interblock memory   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper examines the performance gains achievable by adding interblock memory to, and altering the mapping of coded bits to symbols in, block-coded modulation systems. The channel noise considered is additive Gaussian, and the twin design goals are to maximize the asymptotic coding gain and to minimize the number of apparent nearest neighbors. In the case of the additive white Gaussian noise channel, these goals translate into the design of block codes of a given weighted or `normalized' distance whose rate is as high as possible, and whose number of codewords at minimum normalized distance is low. The effect of designing codes for normalized distance rather than Hamming distance is to ease the problem of determining the best codes for given parameters in the cases of greatest interest, and many such best codes are given  相似文献   

Noncoherent decoding of trellis codes using multiple-symbol overlapped observations was shown previously to achieve close to the coherent performance. Optimal decoding by the Viterbi algorithm for L-symbol observations requires a number of states which grows exponentially with L. Two novel suboptimal algorithms are presented, for which the number of states is the same as the original code, yielding a complexity depending weakly on L. For practical values of L, both algorithms are substantially less complex than the optimal algorithm. The first algorithm, the basic decision feedback algorithm (BDFA), is a low complexity feedback decoding scheme, based on the Viterbi algorithm. This algorithm is shown to suffer from increased error probability and from error propagation. A slight modification to this algorithm can, in most cases, reduce these effects significantly. The second algorithm uses the BDFA as a basic building block. This algorithm is based on a novel concept called “estimated future” and its performance is very close to optimum for most practical eases with some additional complexity and memory requirements as compared to the first algorithm. Performance analysis and simulation results are also given  相似文献   

Multiple trellis coded modulation of constant envelope frequency and phase modulated signal sets (MTCM/FPM) is investigated for performance on the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel and on the one-sided normal, Rayleigh and Rician fading channels. The Nakagami- m fading model is used as an alternative to the Rician fading model to calculate the error probability upper bound for trellis-coded schemes on the fading channel. The likeliness and the disparity between the upper bounds to the error probability for the two fading models are discussed. The design criteria for the one-sided normal fading channel, modeled by the Nakagami-m distribution, are observed to be the same as those for the Rayleigh-fading channel. For the MTCM/FPM schemes, it is demonstrated that the set partitioning designed to maximize symbol diversity (optimum for fading channels) is optimum for performance on the AWGN channel as well. The MTCM/FPM schemes demonstrate improved performance over MTCM/MPSK schemes and TCM/FPM schemes on the AWGN channel and the fading channel  相似文献   

The authors demonstrate a trellis coded modulation technique referred to as multiple trellis coded modulation (MTCM) wherein more than one channel symbol per trellis branch is transmitted. They have found simple two-state trellis codes for symmetric MPSK multiple phase-shift keying and AM modulations that can achieve 3-dB gain over uncoded modulation at very high signal-to-noise ratios without bandwidth expansion or reduction in information bit rate. The gain of these codes with respect to previously reported two-state trellis codes is between 1 and 2 dB at very high signal-to-noise ratios, depending on the number of bits per Hertz transmitted. These gains are achieved for those of the equivalent conventional trellis codes with the same number of states in the trellis diagram. The authors note that additional computations per branch are needed for the multiple trellis coding scheme. The concept can be extended to a higher number of states and other types of modulations  相似文献   

Focusing on the problem that differential spatial modulation (DSM) couldn’t obtain transmit diversity and has high decoding complexity,a new differential spatial modulation scheme based on the orthogonal space-time block code was proposed and the proposed scheme is called OSTBC-DSM.There were two matrices in this scheme:the spatial modulation matrix and the symbol matrix.The former was aimed to activate different transmit antennas by setting the position of nonzero elements,and the latter structured symbolic matrix by using orthogonal space-time block codes (OSTBC) as the basic code block.The proposed scheme could obtain full transmit diversity and higher spectral efficiency compared with the conventional DSM schemes.Moreover,the OSTBC-DSM supported linear maximum likelihood (ML) decoding.The simulation results show that under different spectral efficiencies,the proposed OSTBC-DSM scheme has better bit error rate (BER) performance than other schemes.  相似文献   

The performance of nonlinear cancellation schemes is limited by the accuracy of tentative decisions. This correspondence analyzes the performance of combined trellis coded modulation and nonlinear cancellation. A scheme is proposed to make use of the redundancy of the code. It is shown that performance close to optimum can be achieved with this scheme  相似文献   

Coded modulation has had a very significant impact on the communications scene in the decade or so since its introduction, finding practical applications from voice-band modems for telephone lines to deep-space communications. The paper introduces the principles of coded modulation and describes the two main schemes: block coded modulation (BCM) and trellis coded modulation (TCM). In particular it considers the argument between the proponents of BCM and TCM, and points out some pitfalls in the use of performance measures such as asymptotic coding gain for these schemes. It concludes that in terms of performance versus decoder complexity the schemes seem to be quite close, and the choice of the system designer may be determined by other factors  相似文献   

This paper presents serially concatenated trellis coded modulations (SCTCMs) that perform consistently close to the available mutual information for periodic erasure channel (PEC), periodic fading channel (PFC) and the 2 times 2 compound matrix channel. We use both the maximum-likelihood decoding criteria and iterative decoding criteria to design universal SCTCMs for the PEC and the PFC. For the space-time channel, by demultiplexing the symbols across the antennas, the proposed universal SCTCMs for the period-2 PFC deliver consistent performance over the eigenvalue skew of the matrix channel. Within the family of channels having the same eigenvalue skew, a time-varying linear transformation (TVLT) is used to mitigate the performance variation over different eigenvectors. The proposed space-time SCTCMs of 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 bits per transmission require excess mutual information in the ranges 0.11-0.15, 0.23- 0.26 and 0.35-0.53 bits per antenna, respectively. Because of their consistent performance over all channels, the proposed codes will have good frame-error-rate (FER) performance over any quasi-static fading distribution. In particular, the codes provide competitive FER performance in quasi-static Rayleigh fading.  相似文献   

Encoding and decoding schemes for concatenated multilevel block codes are presented. By one of these structures, a real coding gain of 5.6-7.4 dB for the bit error range of 10-6 to 10-9 is achieved for transmission through the additive white Gaussian noise channel. Also, a rather large asymptotic coding gain is obtained. The new coding schemes have very low decoding complexity and increased coding gain in comparison with the conventional block and trellis coded modulation structures. A few design rules for concatenated (single and) multilevel block codes with large coding gain are also provided  相似文献   

A concatenated coded modulation scheme is presented for error control in data communications. The scheme is achieved by concatenating a Reed-Solomon outer code and a bandwidth efficient block inner code for M-ary phase-shift keying (PSK) modulation. Error performance of the scheme is analyzed for an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel. It is shown that extremely high reliability can be attained by using a simple M-ary PSK modulation inner-code and a relatively powerful Reed-Solomon outer code. Furthermore, if an inner code of high effective rate is used, the bandwidth expansion required by the scheme due to coding will be greatly reduced. The scheme is particularly effective for high-speed satellite communications for large file transfer where high reliability is required. A simple method is also presented for constructing block codes for M-ary PSK modulation. Soome short M-ary PSK codes with good minimum squared Euclidean distance are constructed. These codes have trellis structure and hence can be decoded with a soft-decision Viterbi decoding algorithm. Furthermore, some of these codes are phase invariant under multiples of 45° rotation  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel multiple trellis coded orthogonal transmit scheme is proposed to exploit transmit diversity in fading channels. In this scheme, a unique vector from a set of orthogonal vectors is assigned to each transmit antenna. Each of the output symbols from the multiple trellis encoder is multiplied with one of these orthogonal vectors and transmitted from corresponding transmit antennas. By correlating with corresponding orthogonal vectors, the receiver separates symbols transmitted from different transmit antennas. This scheme can be adopted in coherent/differential systems with any number of transmit antennas. It is shown that the proposed scheme encompasses the conventional trellis coded unitary space-time modulation based on the optimal cyclic group codes as a special case. We also propose two better designs over the conventional trellis coded unitary space-time modulation. The first design uses 8 Phase Shift Keying (8-PSK) constellations instead of 16 Phase Shift Keying (16-PSK) constellations in the conventional trellis coded unitary space-time modulation. As a result, the product distance of this new design is much larger than that of the conventional trellis coded unitary space-time modulation. The second design introduces constellations with multiple levels of amplitudes into the design of the multiple trellis coded orthogonal transmit scheme. For both designs, simulations show that multiple trellis coded orthogonal transmit schemes can achieve better performance than the conventional trellis coded unitarv space-time schemes.  相似文献   

In this paper, a blind maximum-likelihood channel-parameter estimation algorithm is developed for turbo trellis coded modulation (TTCM) in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems. We modify the Baum-Welch (BW) parameter estimation algorithm to provide a computationally efficient solution for error performance. The bit-error performance of the TTCM-OFDM scheme has been investigated in AWGN, Rayleigh, Rician channels with and without channel-state information (CSI) for different Doppler shifts, signal-to-noise ratios (SNR), iteration numbers, number of subcarriers, and frame sizes. Published in Russian in Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, 2007, Vol. 52, No. 3, pp. 458–468. The text was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   

A transform domain distributed video coding (DVC) codec is proposed using turbo trellis coded modulation (TTCM). TTCM symbols are generated at the DVC decoder using the side information and the parity bits received from the DVC encoder. These generated symbols are used at the TTCM-based DVC decoder to decode the bit stream. Simulation results show that a significant rate-distortion performance gain can be achieved using the proposed codec compared to the best state-of-the-art transform domain DVC codecs discussed in the literature.  相似文献   

Two retransmission request mechanisms for trellis coded modulation systems are compared. The first scheme is a one-code system based on an algorithm developed by Yamamoto and Itoh. The second is a two-code system that uses CRC codes for error detection. It is shown that the two-code system is almost always the preferable approach.<>  相似文献   

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