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Childhood leukemia (ICD 204-208 [1]) incidence rates in the different regions of Belarus are reported for a period before and after the Chernobyl accident (1982-1994). There are, at this point, no recognizable trends towards higher rates.  相似文献   

The Chernobyl accident in April 1986 resulted in widespread contamination of the environment with radioactive materials, including (131)I and other radioiodines. This environmental contamination led to substantial radiation doses in the thyroids of many inhabitants of the Republic of Belarus. The reconstruction of thyroid doses received by Belarussians is based primarily on exposure rates measured against the neck of more than 200,000 people in the more contaminated territories; these measurements were carried out within a few weeks after the accident and before the decay of (131)I to negligible levels. Preliminary estimates of thyroid dose have been divided into 3 classes: Class 1 ("measured" doses), Class 2 (doses "derived by affinity"), and Class 3 ("empirically-derived" doses). Class 1 doses are estimated directly from the measured thyroidal (131)I content of the person considered, plus information on lifestyle and dietary habits. Such estimates are available for about 130,000 individuals from the contaminated areas of the Gomel and Mogilev Oblasts and from the city of Minsk. Maximum individual doses are estimated to range up to about 60 Gy. For every village with a sufficient number of residents with Class 1 doses, individual thyroid dose distributions are determined for several age groups and levels of milk consumption. These data are used to derive Class 2 thyroid dose estimates for unmeasured inhabitants of these villages. For any village where the number of residents with Class 1 thyroid doses is small or equal to zero, individual thyroid doses of Class 3 are derived from the relationship obtained between the mean adult thyroid dose and the deposition density of (131)I or 137Cs in villages with Class 2 thyroid doses presenting characteristics similar to those of the village considered. In order to improve the reliability of the Class 3 thyroid doses, an extensive program of measurement of (129)I in soils is envisaged.  相似文献   

Genetic effects were studied in house mice caught from 1986 to 1994 in regions polluted by radionuclides as a result of the Chernobyl disaster. The dose rates of gamma-radiation on the soil surface ranged from 0.02 to 200 mR/h. The frequency of reciprocal translocations in mouse spermatocytes was relatively low, but increased with the dose rate. Embryo mortality was increased only in the progeny of male mice caught in 1987 in the area with maximum contamination. The frequency of mice heterozygous for recessive lethal mutations decreased with the time after the accident.  相似文献   

A novel member of the opioid receptor family (orphan ORL receptor) was cloned in 1994, followed by the discovery of its endogenous ligand OFQ or nociceptin in 1995. ORL receptor has 50% homology with conventional opioid receptor, and OFQ is structurally homologous with dynorphin A. Whether the two systems are functionally antagonistic or synergistic with each other is a subject of future research.  相似文献   

There is an increase of thyroid carcinoma incidence in regions contaminated after the Chernobyl accident as well as in Russia on the whole. The most considerable increase occurred in younger age groups of population. No difference in thyroid tumors structure was found in polluted with radionuclides and non-polluted regions.  相似文献   

Ten 13-17-year-old boys with pathocharacterologic peculiarities in premorbid period were examined. Syndrome of affective excitability was observed in pure form in 5 juveniles, while it was combined with hysteric features in 3 patients and with affective instability in 2 ones. These peculiarities of personality resulted in behavioral deviations which promoted the development of alcoholism and exaggerated of disorders conditioned by this disease. Course of alcoholism in the studied cases was unfavourable (binges, intake of large doses of alcohol and of the substitutes, etc) with pronounced disorders of behaviour up to aggression and delinquency. It was established that psychologic motivation (search of psychologic comfort, satisfaction of the need of actualization of personality, etc) played an important role both in development of the disease and in forming its clinical peculiarities.  相似文献   

Several radioecological experiences with isotopes of ruthenium, iodine, caesium and barium, obtained after the reactor accident of Chernobyl, are reported. It was found that for a wet deposition barium was the element with the highest retention on grass. The retention of caesium was lower by a factor of 1.6, retention of iodine by a factor of 2.4 and retention of ruthenium by a factor of 3.5. Former data on the caesium transport in cereals from leaves to grain were confirmed. Depending on the conditions the iodine transfer factor for milk varied between 0.002 and 0.007 d.kg-1. The caesium transfer factor for milk was (0.003 +/- 0.0006) d.kg-1 and was found to be relatively constant in the years 1986-1988. In 1991, the values were higher by a factor of 2-5. Radioecological model results of whole-body burdens in Southern Bavaria showed a reduction of the caesium ingestion doses due to countermeasures and spontaneous changes of consumption habits in the first 2 months by a factor of 5 and till the end of 1987 by a factor of 1.5. The model results agree well with the range of measured whole-body burdens. One month after the deposition, the external exposures in urban environments due to ruthenium, caesium and barium isotopes were found to be reduced by a factor of 2, compared with open lawns, in the case of iodine the reduction was even a factor of 2.5. External exposures of a population group from the Munich area were determined by thermoluminescence dosimetry. The results are in accordance with the spectral measurements of external dose rates in urban environments.  相似文献   

Steps to encourage clinicians to adopt the best practices for communicating bad news to patients are outlined. First, official, credible guidelines endorsed by key organizations or professional bodies, giving a clear message about the components and importance of the best practices, must be produced. Second, the guidelines should be disseminated; publication in journals or mailing to clinicians is unlikely to be sufficient. Third, clinicians should be provided with feedback on whether their performance meets established standards. This requires acceptable systems to collect valid and reliable performance data. Fourth, clinicians need contingencies for providing best practice care. Fifth, barriers to improvement should be explored and strategies to address them, including interactional skills training, implemented. Continuous quality assurance, commitment, and evaluations will help clinicians use the best practices for breaking bad news to patients.  相似文献   

The average dosage of radiation which was measured in Poland during the year after damage of the nuclear power in Chernobyl (according to UNSCEAR) was 0.27 mSv, which gives 11% natural radiation dosage in the period of one year (2.6 mSv). Disturbances of cells genome caused by radiation are possible because of big dosage of radiation in Lublin region. It was interesting to define morbidity and mortality of multiple myeloma (MM) after the damage in Chernobyl. The average latent period of MM is about 20 years (like thyroid carcinoma). The increase of thyroid carcinoma morbidity after the damage of Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Byelorussia. Ukraine, Russia was observed. The increased morbidity rate of MM among patients of Haematologic Department (especially in the third stage of disease) and the increased mortality rate in Lublin region was confirmed.  相似文献   

Between 1977 and 1995, nine stapedectomies using the Robinson-vein graft technique were performed in six high-performance airplane pilots diagnosed with otosclerosis. All of them returned to full active duty after stapedectomy without any vestibular symptoms. These cases illustrate that it can be safe for fighter or test pilots to return to full flight status after stapedectomy. These cases also suggest that full flight status can be reinstated as soon as 3 months after stapedectomy without endangering flight safety.  相似文献   

Within recent years, microsatellite have become one of the most powerful genetic markers in biology. For several mammalian species, microsatellite mutation rates have been estimated on the order of 10(-3)-10(-5). A recent study, however, demonstrated mutation rates in Drosophila melanogaster of at least one order of magnitude lower than those in mammals. To further test this result, we examined mutation rates of different microsatellite loci using a larger sample size. We screened 24 microsatellite loci in 119 D. melanogaster lines maintained for approximately 250 generations and detected 9 microsatellite mutations. The average mutation rate of 6.3 x 10(-6) is identical to the mutation rate from a previous study. Most interestingly, all nine mutations occurred at the same allele of one locus (DROYANETSB). This hypermutable allele has 28 dinucleotide repeats and is among the longest microsatellite reported in D. melanogaster. The allele-specific mutation rate of 3.0 x 10(-4) per generation is within the range of mammalian mutation rates. Future microsatellite analyses will have to account for the dramatic differences in allele-specific mutation rates.  相似文献   

A number of studies have suggested that Basques might be a relic of Mesolithic Europeans who escaped much of the homogenization brought about by the Neolithic expansion. In an attempt to add new insights into this hypothesis, MS205 minisatellite diversity has been investigated by Minisatellite Variant Repeat (MVR) analysis in a sample of >100 autochthonous individuals from the Basque Country, along with 24 Castilian (N. Spain) and 23 individuals from the United Kingdom. These populations were examined in the context of the available world database for MS205 alleles. To deduce the similarities among populations, we have applied a phylogenetic approach that takes into account similarity between alleles. The variability of these populations seems to be a subset of the greater and presumably older African diversity, as has been suggested previously for non-Africans. Within non-Africans, Basques seem to cluster with other Northern European populations; however, some apparently Basque-specific alleles can be dated back to post-Aurignacian times, supporting the continuity of some lineages of this population since the Upper Paleolithic period.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The long-term effects of ionising radiation, including radioiodine, on thyroid function are not well known. We compared thyroid immunity and function in two groups of children from Belarus, one of whom was exposed to the radioactive fallout of Chernobyl. METHODS: We measured serum free thyroxine 4 (free T4), free T3, and thyrotropin hormone (TSH) and the prevalence of thyroid autoantibodies (antithyroglobulin and antithyroperoxidase), in 287 children or adolescents living in Hoiniki (average caesium contamination of 5.4 Ci/km2). We also studied 208 children and adolescents living in Braslav (average contamination <0.1 Ci/km2), who were age 12 years or less at the time of the Chernobyl accident. FINDINGS: The prevalence of antithyroglobulin or antithyroperoxidase, or both, was significantly higher (p=0.0001) in individuals living in Hoiniki (56 [19.5%] of 287) than in those living in Braslav (eight [3.8%] of 208). In both villages, no sex differences were found in the antibody prevalence before age 13 years. Thereafter, a significantly higher prevalence of thyroid autoantibodies was found in girls from Hoiniki. The increase in the prevalence of circulating antibodies in the contaminated group was already apparent in individuals who, at the time of the accident, were in utero or newborn (15.7%), and was even more pronounced in children of 9 years or more (35.1%). No major alterations of serum FT-4, FT-3, or TSH were found. INTERPRETATION: 6-8 years after the Chernobyl accident, a significant increase in thyroid autoimmunity was found in children exposed to radioactive fallout. Pubertal age in girls is a risk factor for increased prevalence of thyroid autoimmunity. The autoimmune phenomena are limited to an increased prevalence of circulating thyroid autoantibodies without evidence of significant thyroid dysfunction. The future development of clinically relevant thyroid autoimmune diseases, especially hypothyroidism, is a possibility.  相似文献   

Two patients with recurrent parotid gland carcinoma required subtotal petrosectomy and infratemporal fossa type C approach. To achieve en bloc resection, the ascending mandibular ramus and the entire temporomandibular joint, including the adjacent temporal bone, were removed. An original technique for immediate reconstruction of the infratemporal region, including the glenoid fossa and the ramus of the mandible, is described. Rigid fixation, as well as good functional and aesthetic results, was achieved with autologous calvarial bone and full-thickness rib grafts, allowing the patients to mobilize their jaw very rapidly.  相似文献   

Populations of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh., and Pinus sylvestris L., growing within 30 km of Chernobyl and Bryansk region have been analyzed for the frequency of embryonic lethal mutations on Arabidopsis and frequency of chlorophyll mutations and chromosome aberrations by pine. On pine also have been analyzed rate of mutations at enzyme loci in endosperms of seeds. Dose dependence of the value genetic damage on level of radioactive pollution was observed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: During the initial period after the Chernobyl accident, large amounts of radioactive iodine were released in fallout, resulting in serious exposure to the thyroid gland in the residents of areas around the nuclear power station. Beginning in 1990, a definite increase in the incidence of thyroid cancer was noted in children of the Republic of Belarus. METHODS: Morphologic and clinical features of 84 cases of post-Chernobyl thyroid carcinoma in Belarussian children from 5 to 14 years of age are reported. The latent period for tumor development was 4-6 years, with a mean of 5.8 years. RESULTS: Papillary carcinoma was found in 83 patients and medullary carcinoma in one. Besides typical papillary carcinoma (14%), solid (34%), follicular (33%), mixed (10%), and diffuse sclerosing (9%) variants were observed. The follow-up period ranged from 8 months to 2.5 years. One patient died, local recurrence developed in 2, and cervical lymph node metastases developed in 10. To date, the incidence of local recurrence or metastatic disease after surgery was significantly higher in patients 5-8 years of age and in residents of areas nearest to the Chernobyl station. CONCLUSIONS: Post-Chernobyl pediatric thyroid carcinoma is characterized by a short latency, a higher proportion of tumors arising in young children, and an almost equal sex ratio. Microscopically, these tumors were usually aggressive, often demonstrating intraglandular tumor dissemination (92%), thyroid capsular and adjacent soft tissue invasion (89%), and cervical lymph node metastases (88%). Papillary carcinoma was diagnosed in 99% of cases, with an unusually high frequency of solid growth patterns. Morphologic changes in nonneoplastic thyroid tissue were present in 90% of the glands, and the most specific findings were vascular changes and perifollicular fibrosis.  相似文献   

A relatively rare benign tumor of the fallopian tube is presented, i.e. an intramural leiomyoma, which was incidentally found during histologic examination of the tubal isthmus excised for sterilization. The literature is briefly reviewed.  相似文献   

The radiation accident in focus here occurred in a section of Goiania (Brazil) where more than a hundred individuals were contaminated with 137Cesium on September 1987. In order to estimate the absorbed radiation doses, initial frequencies of dicentrics and rings were determined in 129 victims [A.T. Ramalho, PhD Thesis, Subsidios a tecnica de dosimetria citogenetica gerados a partir da analise de resultados obtidos com o acidente radiologico de Goiania, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1992]. We have followed some of these victims cytogenetically over the years seeking for parameters that could be used as basis for retrospective radiation dosimetry. Our data on translocation frequencies obtained by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) could be directly compared to the baseline frequencies of dicentrics available for those same victims. Our results provided valuable information on how precise these estimates are. The frequencies of translocations observed years after the radiation exposure were two to three times lower than the initial dicentrics frequencies, the differences being larger at higher doses (>1 Gy). The accuracy of such dose estimates might be increased by scoring sufficient amount of cells. However, factors such as the persistence of translocation carrying lymphocytes, translocation levels not proportional to chromosome size, and inter-individual variation reduce the precision of these estimates.  相似文献   

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