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To identify the level of effort state tobacco control programmes and partners have expended on interventions recommended by the community guide and how those efforts have changed over time between 1999 and 2004.


Longitudinal study.


United States.


State tobacco control partners, including the state health department, voluntary agencies and tobacco control coalitions.

Main outcome measure

We used the Strength of Tobacco Control survey responses in 1999, 2002 and 2004 to calculate the mean proportion of state tobacco control partners working on recommended interventions and subsequently analysed changes in effort over time.


The proportion of state tobacco control partners working to promote clean indoor air legislation remained at more than 70% in all three years. The proportion working to increase taxes on tobacco rose significantly between 1999 and 2002 (from 54% to 70%), and those working to reduce patient costs for tobacco cessation treatments never exceeded 31% in any year. Use of mass media targeting youths decreased significantly in all years (from 40% to 32% to 26%), and the proportion of state tobacco control partners participating in a quitline has increased steadily and significantly in all years (from 24% to 36% to 41%). The level of effort in each area varied widely between states and over time.


State tobacco control partners are implementing evidence based interventions, but more focus is needed on the tobacco cessation and mass media campaign components of comprehensive tobacco control programmes.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe the extent to which comprehensive statewide tobacco control programmes in the USA have made progress toward reducing teenage smoking. DATA SOURCES: Literature search of Medline for reviews of effectiveness of programme and policy elements, plus journal articles and personal request for copies of publicly released reports and working papers from evaluation staff in each of the state programmes of California, Massachusetts, Arizona, Oregon, and Florida. STUDY SELECTION: All studies, reports, and commentaries that provided information on aspects of programme implementation and evaluation. DATA SYNTHESIS: Statewide comprehensive programmes show high levels of advertising recall and generally positive improvement in smoking related beliefs and attitudes among teenagers. More fully funded programmes lead to increased mass media campaign advertising and community initiatives; a greater capacity to implement school based smoking prevention programmes; and an increase in the passage of local ordinances that create smoke free indoor environments and reduce cigarette sales to youth. The combination of programme activity and increased tobacco tax reduce cigarette consumption more than expected as a result of price increases alone, and these effects seem to apply to adolescents as well as adults. Programmes are associated with a decline in adult smoking prevalence, with these effects observed to date in California, Massachusetts, and Oregon. Arizona and Florida have yet to examine change in adult prevalence associated with programme exposure. California and Massachusetts have demonstrated relative beneficial effects in teenage smoking prevalence, and Florida has reported promising indications of reduced prevalence. Arizona has yet to report follow up data, and Oregon has found no change in teenage smoking, but has only two years of follow up available. One of the most critical factors in programme success is the extent of programme funding, and consequent level of programme implementation, and the degree to which this is undermined by the tobacco industry and other competitors for funding. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the different strengths and combinations of programme messages and strategies used in these comprehensive programmes, there is evidence that they lead to change in factors that influence teenage smoking, and to reductions in teenage smoking.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE—To explore the validity, reliability, and applicability of using a short, psychometrically sound survey instrument to measure population attitudes toward tobacco control policies.
SUBJECTS AND SETTING—Student respondents attending university in Australia (n = 403), Hong Kong (n = 336), the Netherlands (n = 351), South Africa (n = 291), the United Kingdom (n = 164) and the United States (n = 241); total n = 1786.
MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE—The Smoking Policy Inventory (SPI), a 35-item scale. SPI scores were adjusted for age, income, gender, and smoking status. Estimates of internal consistency and tests of factorial invariance were conducted in each sample.
RESULTS—Across all six countries, the SPI was found to be highly reliable and to have a consistent factor structure, indicating that the SPI scale represents a higher order construct that assesses general attitudes about tobacco control policy with five dimensions. In general, the degree of endorsement of anti-tobacco policies as measured by the SPI reflected the extent and strength of tobacco control legislation in those countries. Dutch students were the least likely, and Australian and Hong Kong students the most likely, to support tobacco control policies.
CONCLUSIONS—It is possible to develop appropriate and meaningful measurement tools for assessing support of tobacco control policies. Strong evidence was found for internal reliability and structural invariance of the SPI. The SPI may be a useful mechanism for monitoring ongoing policy initiatives, making cross-cultural comparisons, and evaluating population receptiveness to proposed policy approaches.

Keywords: policies; tobacco control; Smoking Policy Inventory  相似文献   



Community members are occasionally polled about tobacco control policies, but are rarely given opportunities to elaborate on their views. We examined laypeople''s conversations to understand how 11 regulatory options were supported or opposed in interactions.


Qualitative design; purposive quota sampling; data collection via focus groups.


Three locations in Sydney, Australia.


63 smokers and 75 non‐smokers, men and women, from three age groups (18–24, 35–44, 55–64 years), recruited primarily via telephone.


Semi‐structured question route; data managed in NVivo; responses compared between groups.


Laypeople rejected some regulatory proposals and certain arguments about taxation and the cost of cessation treatments. Protecting children and hypothecating tobacco excise for health education and care were highly acceptable. Plain packaging, banning retail displays and youth smoking prevention received qualified support. Bans on political donations from tobacco corporations were popular in principle but considered logistically fraught. Smokers asked for better cessation assistance and were curious about cigarette ingredients. Justice was an important evaluative principle. Support was often conditional and unresolved arguments frequent. We present both sides of these conflicts and the ways in which policies were legitimised or de‐legitimised in conversation.


Simple measures of agreement used in polls may obscure the complexity of community responses to tobacco policy. Support was frequently present but contested; some arguments that seem self‐evident to advocates were not so to participants. The detailed understanding of laypeople''s responses provided through qualitative methods may help frame proposals and arguments to meet concerns about justice, effectiveness and feasibility.  相似文献   

病虫害生物防治技术最新研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
综述了天敌昆虫、昆虫性信息素、植物源农药、微生物制剂、转基因技术在烟草病虫害生物防治方面的最新进展。分析认为生物防治具有无污染、无公害、长效等优点,将成为烟草病虫害综合防治体系的重要组成部分。  相似文献   


The co-existence approach of GM crops with conventional agriculture and organic farming as a feasible agricultural farming system has recently been placed in the center of hot debates at the EU-level and become a source of anxiety in developing countries. The main promises of this approach is to ensure “food security” and “food safety” on the one hand, and to avoid the adventitious presence of GM crops in conventional and organic farming on the other, as well as to present concerns in many debates on implementing the approach in developing countries. Here, we discuss the main debates on (“what,” “why,” “who,” “where,” “which,” and “how”) applying this approach in developing countries and review the main considerations and tradeoffs in this regard. The paper concludes that a peaceful co-existence between GM, conventional, and organic farming is not easy but is still possible. The goal should be to implement rules that are well-established proportionately, efficiently and cost-effectively, using crop-case, farming system-based and should be biodiversity-focused ending up with “codes of good agricultural practice” for co-existence.  相似文献   

烟用香精、香料质量控制体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将色谱图吻合与色谱峰总量比较相结合作为香精、香料质量控制指标,通过梯度稀释后嗅香、加料评吸等手段确定质量控制限,以此建立香精、香料质控体系,整个控制过程操作简便,计算简单,判断依据直观,便于烟草企业使用.  相似文献   

烟草丛顶病在中国的发现及研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
烟草丛顶病是发生在云南西部烟草种植区的一种严重病害.1993年首次在保山地区暴发流行.截止1998年发病面积达5万多公顷,直接经济损失2.1亿元.课题组采用生物学和分子生物学研究方法,明确证实在滇西三江流域烟草种植区普遍爆发流行的此类烟草病害与津巴布韦发生的烟草丛顶病为同一病害.病害由烟草丛顶病毒(TBTV)和烟草脉扭病毒(TVDV)复合侵染引起,是烟草丛顶病在中国的首次报道;获得了TBTV的全长核苷酸序列,是国际上完成的第一个烟草丛顶病毒全序列;开展了TVDV的分子生物学研究并获得了基因组部分序列;报道了TBTV的似卫星RNA,并获得了其部分序列;建立了包括TBTV、TVDV以及TBTV似卫星RNA的烟草丛顶病分子检测体系;通过对病害传播途径、流行规律研究,提出了"预防为主,避蚜防病"的综合防治措施,在全省累计示范推广8万多bm2,平均防治效果在90%以上,挽回烟叶损失1.7亿元,经济效益极为显著,挽救了滇西烟区烟草种植业.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Since the passage of a voter approved state referendum in 1992 to establish a 25 cent increase on the excise tax on cigarettes and smokeless tobacco, Massachusetts has received an average of $40 million annually for its tobacco control programme. This funding allowed Massachusetts to expand and develop its tobacco control programme to become one of the most comprehensive in the world. OBJECTIVES: The development of the Massachusetts Tobacco Control Program is outlined, focusing on three stages of development: formation, strategic partnership building, and shared leadership. METHODS: The development of management structures, programmatic infrastructure, communication and partnership networks, and advisory structures are tracked throughout the three phases. RESULTS: The use of pre-existing public health resources, implementation of a strong training component, a geographical management structure, the creation of public and private partnerships, and the development of a shared leadership model contributed to building consensus and provided the foundation for coordinated approaches to tobacco control. CONCLUSION: Other states and countries can use lessons learned from Massachusetts about the organisational development of a comprehensive tobacco control programme as they embark upon similar efforts.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine if there are differences in young people's responsiveness to price and tobacco control policies for population subgroups and to examine whether or not these differences, if they exist, can explain sex and racial differences in trends in the prevalence of smoking in young people in the United States. DESIGN: Use cross-sectional and intertemporal variation in local and state tobacco control policies and prices to calculate demand responses to these policies using regression analysis techniques. SUBJECTS: A nationally representative sample of American eighth grade (ages 13-14 years), 10th grade (15-16 years) and 12th grade (17-18 years) students obtained from the 1992-1994 Monitoring the Future surveys. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Thirty-day smoking prevalence. RESULTS: Young men are much more responsive to changes in the price of cigarettes than young women. The prevalence elasticity for young men is almost twice as large as that for young women. Smoking rates of young black men are significantly more responsive to changes in price than young white men. Significant differences in responsiveness to particular tobacco control policies also exist. These differences, however, explain relatively little of the differences in smoking prevalence among young population subgroups. CONCLUSIONS: Policymakers need to keep in mind that there is not a "one-size fits all" strategy for discouraging smoking among young people.  相似文献   

目的 研究国际组织和其他国家对食品冷链温度要求的管理情况,为我国冷链标准完善和今后研究方向提出建议。方法 将我国标准与国际食品法典委员会、国际标准化组织、欧盟、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚和新西兰标准的相关规定进行对比分析,提出关注和重点考虑的问题以及对我国冷链物流温度控制的建议。结果 国外基本为推荐性操作要求,较少规定具体温度,我国标准体系为强制性和推荐性相结合,对温度要求较为具体。国内外标准中都允许温度波动,同时强调车辆预冷、监控、运输工具等的重要,但国外标准更多注重过程管理。提示我国今后要加强操作规范,尤其是推荐性标准的制定。结论 我国食品冷链物流关键环节的温度要求与国际基本接轨,安全标准制定相对合理和完善,应加强推荐性操作规范标准的制定,促进行业健康和谐发展。  相似文献   

In this article we present communication theory as a conceptual framework for conducting documents research on tobacco advertising strategies, and we discuss two methods for analysing advertisements: semiotics and content analysis. We provide concrete examples of how we have used tobacco industry documents archives and tobacco advertisement collections iteratively in our research to yield a synergistic analysis of these two complementary data sources. Tobacco promotion researchers should consider adopting these theoretical and methodological approaches.  相似文献   

The advantages of using ionising irradiation as a phytosanitary treatment have been demonstrated commercially in the past two decades and several countries currently use the technology for commercial treatments to meet plant quarantine requirements. Although many countries have expressed interest in using phytosanitary irradiation (PI) and it provides a viable alternative for overcoming a wide range of phytosanitary restrictions for numerous fresh products, the use of PI for fresh fruits and vegetables faces economic obstacles due to the sizeable initial investment required to build an irradiation facility. Projecting the market demand for irradiated products to justify the investment in treatment facilities is a business challenge limited by the potential for all countries to invest in this technology, especially developing countries. A recent change in import regulations by the United States allows for treatment upon entry, thus removing the immediate need for treatment facilities in the exporting country. This change makes it possible for exporting countries to explore and develop new markets prior to investing in treatment facilities at the origin. This paper discusses the economic potential of products that could be shipped to the United States for irradiation from selected countries in the Americas, Asia and Africa.  相似文献   

Baolong Ma 《纺织学会志》2019,110(2):215-218
The unevenness plays a dominant role in discussing the autolevelling results of drafting process. Part 2 of the paper presents the experimental verification of the discrete autolevelling model, which was elaborated on the basis of a discrete-event simulation that was set up in Part 1 of the paper. A new device was designed and constructed with progressive drive and control mechanisms to realize the autolevelling approach during drafting process. The experimental results have showed that the discrete autolevelling model contributes to lower the unevenness of drafting process and improve the quality of output strands. The principle of autolevelling of this model is also analyzed in a further step.  相似文献   

The prevention of foodborne diseases is one of the main objectives of health authorities. To this effect, analytical techniques to detect and/or quantify the microbiological contamination of foods prior to their release onto the market are required. Management and control of foodborne pathogens have generally been based on conventional detection methodologies, which are not only time‐consuming and labor‐intensive but also involve high consumable materials costs. However, this management perspective has changed over time given that the food industry requires efficient analytical methods that obtain rapid results. This review covers the historical context of traditional methods and their passage in time through to the latest developments in rapid methods and their implementation in the food sector. Improvements and limitations in the detection of the most relevant pathogens are discussed from a perspective applicable to the current situation in the food industry. Considering efforts that are being done and recent developments, rapid and accurate methods already used in the food industry will be also affordable and portable and offer connectivity in near future, which improves decision‐making and safety throughout the food chain.  相似文献   

Baolong Ma 《纺织学会志》2019,110(2):219-222
This paper presents a new approach to control the autollevelling process to decrease the output unevenness. A discrete autolevelling model is set up based on the balance of the fiber distributions in the drafting zone. The relationship between the velocity of rollers and fiber distributions is pointed out in the light of the discrete autolevelling formula. This model can keep the number of fast-floating fiber constant to eliminate the input unevenness and improve the output quality of strands. By autolevelling the input forms of rectangular wave, sinusoidal wave and random wave, the advantages of this model are illustrated. It is shown that this discrete autolevelling model can decline the abrupt, dramatical or sequential input unevenness and lower the value of output CV more effectively.  相似文献   

A ranking system for veterinary medicinal products and coccidiostat feed additives has been developed as a tool to be applied in a risk-based approach to the residue testing programme for foods of animal origin in the Irish National Residue Control Plan (NRCP). Three characteristics of substances that may occur as residues in food are included in the developed risk ranking system: Potency, as measured by the acceptable daily intake assigned by the European Medicines Agency Committee for Medicinal Products for Veterinary Use, to each substance; Usage, as measured by the three factors of Number of Doses, use on Individual animals or for Group treatment, and Withdrawal Period; and Residue Occurrence, as measured by the number of Non-Compliant Samples in the NRCP. For both Number of Doses and Non-Compliant Samples, data for the 5-year period 2008–12 have been used. The risk ranking system for substances was developed for beef cattle, sheep and goats, pigs, chickens and dairy cattle using a scoring system applied to the various parameters described above to give an overall score based on the following equation: Potency × Usage (Number of Doses + Individual/Group Use + Withdrawal Period) × Residue Occurrence. Applying this risk ranking system, the following substances are ranked very highly: antimicrobials such as amoxicillin (for all species except pigs), marbofloxacillin (for beef cattle), oxytetracycline (for all species except chickens), sulfadiazine with trimethoprim (for pigs and chickens) and tilmicosin (for chickens); antiparasitic drugs, such as the benzimidazoles triclabendazole (for beef and dairy cattle), fenbendazole/oxfendazole (for sheep/goats and dairy cattle) and albendazole (for dairy cattle), the avermectin ivermectin (for beef cattle), and anti-fluke drugs closantel and rafoxanide (for sheep/goats); the anticoccidials monensin, narasin, nicarbazin and toltrazuril (for chickens). The risk ranking system described is a relatively simple system designed to provide a reliable basis for selecting the veterinary medicinal products and coccidiostat feed additives that might be prioritised for residue testing.  相似文献   

Traditional methods used in the analysis of fermentation media suffer from a number of limitations. The search for more rapid and efficient methods has led to the development and application of near‐infrared spectroscopy. Near‐infrared spectroscopy has been applied successfully in a variety of industrial processes: agricultural, food, chemical and pharmaceutical, generally in the areas of raw material quality control but also including intermediate and finished product testing. The present research explores its potential for online fermentation monitoring of total cell count (TCC), specific gravity (SG), free amino nitrogen (FAN) and percentage alcohol by volume (% v v−1) in a 300 L pilot‐scale validation batch. Models that were generated from three calibration batches for each of these constituents exhibited overall favourable standard error of cross validation (SECV) and fit of predicted vs actual cross validated results (SECV, R 2): SG (0.00072, 0.995), ethanol (0.17% v v−1, 0.990), FAN (16.5 mg L−1, 0.886) and TCC (1.24 × 106 cells mL−1, 0.640). The data that was most relevant to cell metabolism was determined to be sugar consumption rate, ethanol production rate, yield of ethanol and fermentation lag time. These ‘critical performance parameters’ were incorporated into a novel feed‐forward control strategy where yeast pitching rate was modified based on values of the critical performance parameters from the previous batch. Use of this feed‐forward strategy demonstrated how brewers can utilize near‐infrared monitoring for quality assurance through early detection of shifts in fermentation performance. Copyright © 2017 The Institute of Brewing & Distilling  相似文献   

Surveillance programs for animal diseases are critical to early disease detection and risk estimation and to documenting a population’s disease status at a given time. The aim of this study was to describe a risk-based surveillance program for detecting Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (MAP) infection in Norwegian dairy cattle. The included risk factors for detecting MAP were purchase of cattle, combined cattle and goat farming, and location of the cattle farm in counties containing goats with MAP. The risk indicators included production data [culling of animals >3 yr of age, carcass conformation of animals >3 yr of age, milk production decrease in older lactating cows (lactations 3, 4, and 5)], and clinical data (diarrhea, enteritis, or both, in animals >3 yr of age). Except for combined cattle and goat farming and cattle farm location, all data were collected at the cow level and summarized at the herd level. Predefined risk factors and risk indicators were extracted from different national databases and combined in a multivariate statistical process control to obtain a risk assessment for each herd. The ordinary Hotelling’s T2 statistic was applied as a multivariate, standardized measure of difference between the current observed state and the average state of the risk factors for a given herd. To make the analysis more robust and adapt it to the slowly developing nature of MAP, monthly risk calculations were based on data accumulated during a 24-mo period. Monitoring of these variables was performed to identify outliers that may indicate deviance in one or more of the underlying processes. The highest-ranked herds were scattered all over Norway and clustered in high-density dairy cattle farm areas. The resulting rankings of herds are being used in the national surveillance program for MAP in 2014 to increase the sensitivity of the ongoing surveillance program in which 5 fecal samples for bacteriological examination are collected from 25 dairy herds. The use of multivariate statistical process control for selection of herds will be beneficial when a diagnostic test suitable for mass screening is available and validated on the Norwegian cattle population, thus making it possible to increase the number of sampled herds.  相似文献   

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