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This article describes a geometric model using the skin profile and five anthropometric measurements to estimate the position of S1, T12, and all lumbar vertebrae for all postures assumed in the sagittal plane. This method involves a normalization process by which different skin profiles can be compared between postures and individuals. The skin profile is transformed by taking the differences with the lumbar spine into consideration. The model was developed and validated with 20 and 7 subjects, respectively. An error analysis shows an adequate level of accuracy for the absolute (1.68-1.82 cm) and relative (0.32-0.54 cm) linear positions of vertebrae as well as their absolute (2.6-6.7 degrees) and relative (1.4-3.6 degrees) angular positions except for T12; however, the validity of the model was limited to specific angular motions in flexion for the pelvis (12 +/- 3%), the entire lumbar spine (14 +/- 13%) and the intervertebral motion of L4/L5 (13 +/- 10%). The data obtained are very useful, especially in models designed to evaluate loadings on the lumbar spine.  相似文献   

Local brain tissue oxygenation (p(ti)O2) and global cerebrovenous hemoglobin saturation (SjO2) are increasingly used to continuously monitor patients after severe head injury (SHI). In patients, simultaneous local and global oxygen measurements of these types have shown different results regarding the comparability of the findings during changes in CPP and ICP. This is in contrast to theoretical expectations. The aim of this study was to compare p(ti)O2 measurement with cerebrovenous oxygen partial pressure measurement (p(cv)O2) in an animal intracranial pressure model. To this end, a multisensor probe was placed in the left frontoparietal white matter to measure p(ti)O2, pCO2 (p(ti)CO2), pH (pH[ti]), and temperature (t[ti]) while simultaneously measuring these same parameters (p(cv)O2, p(cv)CO2 pH(cv), t[cv]) in the sagittal sinus of 9 pigs under general anesthesia. By stepwise inflating a balloon catheter, placed in supracerebellar infratentorial compartment, ICP was increased and CPP was decreased. The baseline levels of p(ti)O2, p(ti)CO2, and pH(ti) in the noninjured brain tissue showed more heterogeneity compared to the findings in cerebrovenous blood. Both, p(ti)O2 and p(cv)O2 were significantly correlated to the induced CPP decrease. PCO2 was inversely correlated to the course of CPP in both measurement compartments. Temperature measurement showed a positive correlation with CPP in both compartments. These findings demonstrate that brain tissue oximetry and cerebrovenous PO2 measurement are sensitive to CPP changes. The newly available continuous parameters in multisensor probes could be helpful in interpreting findings of cerebral oxygen measurement in man by analyzing the interrelationship of these parameters.  相似文献   

Insertion of electrically floating wires along the axis of a squid giant axon produces an apparent increase in diameter in the region where the wire surface has been treated to give it a low resistance. The shape of action potentials propagating into this region depend upon the surface resistance (and the length) of the wire. As this segment's internal resistance is lowered by reducing the wire's surface resistance, the following characteristic sequence of changes in the action potential is seen at the transition region: (a) the duration increases; (b) two peaks develop, the first one generated in the normal axon region and the second one generated later in the axial wire region, and; (c) blockage occurs (for a very low resistance wire). Action potentials recorded at the membrane region near the tip of the axial wire in (b) resemble those recorded at the initial segment of neurons upon antidromic invasions. Squid axon action potentials propagated from a normal region into that containing the low resistance wire also resemble antidromic invasions recorded in neuron somas. Hyperpolarizing current pulses applied through the wire act as if the wire surface resistance was momentarily reduced. For example, the two components of the action potential recorded at the axial wire membrane region noted in (b) can be sequentially blocked by the application of increasing hyperpolarizing current through the wire. Similar effects are seen when hyperpolarizing currents are injected into motoneuron somas. It is concluded that the geometrical properties of the junction of a neuron axon with its soma may be in themselves sufficient to determine the shape of the action potentials usually recorded by microelectrodes.  相似文献   

The response of a pacemaker neuron model to a train of transient inhibitory impulsive perturbations is examined. The model reproduces the heterogeneous discharge forms and abrupt switchings displayed by the crayfish slowly adapting stretch receptor organ (Segundo et al., 1994, Neuroscience 62(2), pp. 459-480). The non-monotonous aspect of the instantaneous firing rate of the model reflects the fact that in some regimes input and output rates are both increasing, despite the inhibitory effect of the former. We determine how such paradoxical acceleration takes place by analyzing the response of the model using its phase transition curve. We show that paradoxical acceleration results from the fact that the phase transition curve exhibits a large slowly increasing, almost linear section similar to that of living preparations.  相似文献   

The structure of the reference neuron model and various fine tuning issues were explored within the domain of face recognition. Several faces were presented for the system to learn. Modified versions of one of the faces were then presented, and the system was asked to identify the faces. Increasing amounts of noise were added to the faces and the system's responses were noted. The system proved very capable of accurately identifying modified faces, even rivaling the ability of the human eye. Many interesting tuning and implementation issues were resolved. The system performed best with minimal numbers of neurons involved in the detection process. Another surprising result is that performance achieved was independent of the choice of features to which the neurons responded.  相似文献   

Various nonlinear regenerative responses, including plateau potentials and bistable repetitive firing modes, have been observed in motoneurons under certain conditions. Our simulation results support the hypothesis that these responses are due to plateau-generating currents in the dendrites, consistent with a major role for a noninactivating calcium L-type current as suggested by experiments. Bistability as observed in the soma of low- and higher-frequency spiking or, under TTX, of near resting and depolarized plateau potentials, occurs because the dendrites can be in a near resting or depolarized stable steady state. We formulate and study a two-compartment minimal model of a motoneuron that segregates currents for fast spiking into a soma-like compartment and currents responsible for plateau potentials into a dendrite-like compartment. Current flows between compartments through a coupling conductance, mimicking electrotonic spread. We use bifurcation techniques to illuminate how the coupling strength affects somatic behavior. We look closely at the case of weak coupling strength to gain insight into the development of bistable patterns. Robust somatic bistability depends on the electrical separation since it occurs only for weak to moderate coupling conductance. We also illustrate that hysteresis of the two spiking states is a natural consequence of the plateau behavior in the dendrite compartment.  相似文献   

A stingray spine was found lodged in the scapula of a deceased 272 cm, male bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) from South Carolina (USA) following skeletal preparation, nearly 6 mo after necropsy. No external puncture wound, internal bruising, or laceration of muscle tissue surrounding the scapula was evident during necropsy of the animal. Implantation of the spine did not appear to be related to the death of the dolphin, but probably occurred at an early age. Abnormal development of bone surrounding the spine resulted in the formation of a cavity at the wound site. Two mechanisms were considered as contributors for the cavity formation. These were the mechanical action of the spine stimulating the body's defense system for managing foreign objects, and the release of potent toxins from the spine sheath.  相似文献   

In two separate cohorts of breast cancer patients presenting without evidence of distant metastatic disease, high levels of tumour cyclic AMP binding proteins (> 8 pmol/mg cytosol protein) have been shown to be associated with poor prognosis in terms of both disease recurrence and overall survival. This association is independent of known established prognostic factors and allows the identification of a small subgroup of patients whose outlook warrants the implementation of aggressive systemic therapy.  相似文献   

Measured the effects of 30 days experience in enriched conditions (EC) or impoverished conditions (IC) on pyramids in the occipital cortex of 40 male Berkeley S1 strain littermate pairs in 4 replication experiments. Using the rapid Golgi method, counts were made of dendritic spines, and the lateral width of basal dendrites was measured. The density of spines was greater in EC than in IC Ss on basal dendrites (9.7%, p  相似文献   

Essential to the dendritic cell system of antigen-presenting cells are the veiled dendritic cells that traverse afferent lymph to enter lymph nodes, where they initiate immune responses. The origin of veiled cells, which were discovered 20 years ago, is unclear. Monocytes cultured with endothelium differentiated into dendritic cells within 2 days, particularly after phagocytosing particles in subendothelial collagen. These nascent dendritic cells migrated across the endothelium in the ablumenal-to-lumenal direction, as would occur during entry into lymphatics. Monocytes that remained in the subendothelial matrix became macrophages. Therefore, monocytes have two potential fates associated with distinct patterns of migration.  相似文献   

A computational model for the prediction of porosity due to dissolved hydrogen in binary aluminum-silicon alloys has been developed. The model combines the cellular automata technique for the simulation of the growth of the solid phase, the finite-difference technique for the simulation of diffusion of the dissolved species, and a quasi-equilibrium model for the growth of individual bubbles. The growth of the solid and gas phases is initiated by a stochastic nucleation model, depending upon the undercooling (for the solid) or the supersaturation ratio (for the gas). The results agree favorably with experiments. The low supersaturation values needed to simulate the experimental results are consistent with a nucleation mechanism of gas pockets entrained within the melt.  相似文献   

Dendritic neuropil is a sensitive indicator of the aging process and may exhibit regional cortical variations. The present study examined regional differences and age-related changes in the basilar dendrites/spines of supragranular pyramidal cells in human prefrontal (area 10) and secondary occipital (area 18) cortices. Tissue was obtained from the left hemisphere of 26 neurologically normal individuals ranging in age from 14 to 106 years (M(age) = 57 +/- 22 years; 13 males, 13 females). In tissue prepared by a modified rapid Golgi technique, ten neurons were sampled from each cortical region (N = 520) and were evaluated according to the following parameters: total dendritic length, mean segment length, dendritic segment count, dendritic spine number, and dendritic spine density. The effects of age and Brodmann areas were analyzed with a nested multiple analysis of variance design. Despite considerable interindividual variation, several clear findings emerged: 1) Dendritic systems were significantly larger in area 10 than in area 18 across the sampled life span, presumably because of the more integrative function of area 10 neurons. 2) There was a significant age effect, with a substantial decline in dendritic neuropil from the younger (< or =50 years) group to the older (>50 years) group, especially in spine measures, which decreased almost 50%. 3) Dendritic values were relatively stable after 40 years of age, suggesting that dendritic/spine degeneration in older, relatively healthy individuals may not be an inevitable consequence of the aging process. These findings underscore the importance of life-long commitment to a cognitively invigorating environment.  相似文献   

基于典型微观凝固单元体内的溶质质量守恒,结合前人的研究工作,建立了一个适合于枝晶凝固方式的二元合金微观偏析半解析模型.本模型同时考虑了反向扩散和粗化对微观偏析的影响,并对枝晶臂间距的粗化直接进行计算,因此更为精确.若只考虑反向扩散的影响,本模型可以简化为BF模型形式;而如果只考虑粗化的影响,本模型可简化为Mortensen模型.本模型完整地统一了以BF模型为代表的反向扩散类模型和以Mortensen模型为代表的粗化模型.利用本模型同样可以对多元合金的微观偏析进行很好预测.以Fe-C-X(Si,Mn,P,S)合金体系为例对本模型的求解过程进行了详细的阐述.本模型可以很好地预测Al-4.9%Cu二元合金的共晶分数以及Fe-C-X(Si,Mn,P,S)多元合金体系的零强度温度和零塑性温度,并与实测值吻合良好.  相似文献   

WF Donaldson  WC Lauerman  B Heil  R Blanc  T Swenson 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,23(16):1729-32; discussion 1732-3
STUDY DESIGN: Video fluoroscopy was used to evaluate the motion in an unstable spine during helmet and shoulder pad removal. OBJECTIVE: To observe the amount of motion that occurs during the removal of helmet and shoulder pads in an injured spine. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: Removal of shoulder pads and helmet from a football player with suspected cervical spine injury can be particularly hazardous. How much flexion occurs at the unstable level during removal of equipment is unknown. METHODS: Six fresh cadavers were used in the study. In three, an unstable C1-C2 segment was created by transoral osteotomy of the base of C2. In the remaining three, instability was created at C5-C6 by a posterior release. Under fluoroscopic recording, the helmets were removed by first removing the chin strap, face mask, and ear pieces. With the neck stabilized, the helmet was carefully removed. The shoulder pads were carefully removed, with the head stabilized. Angulation, distraction, and space available for the cord were measured at C1-C2. Translation, angulation, distraction, and change in disc height were measured in the specimens with unstable C5-C6. RESULTS: In cadavers with C1-C2 instability, the mean change in angulation was 5.47 degrees, and space available for the cord was 3.91 mm. Shoulder pads were removed while the head was stabilized. The mean change in angulation at C1-C2 was less during removal of shoulder pads than during helmet removal at 2.9 degrees. Space available for the cord was 2.64 mm. Distraction was also greater during helmet removal (2.98 mm) than during shoulder pad removal (1.76 mm). In the unstable spine, the change in displacement in translation was greater during shoulder pad removal (3.87 mm), than during helmet removal (0.41 mm). Disc height change was similar. Distraction of the spinous processes was greater during helmet removal (3.68 mm) than during shoulder pad removal (1.37 mm). Angulation was similar in both maneuvers. CONCLUSIONS: Helmet and shoulder pad removal in the unstable cervical spine is a complex maneuver. In the unstable C1-C2 segment, helmet removal causes more angulation in flexion, more distraction, and more narrowing of the space available for the cord. In the lower cervical spine (C5-C6), helmet removal causes flexion of 9.32 degrees, and during shoulder pad removal the neck extends 8.95 degrees, a total of approximately 18 degrees. Disc height changes from 1.24 mm of distraction to 1.06 mm of compression during helmet removal and shoulder pad removal for a total 2.3-mm change. Translation, which correlates with the change in the space available for the cord, is greater at C5-C6 during shoulder pad removal. Because most of the cadavers had C5 anteriorly displaced on C6 to begin with, the extension force during shoulder pad removal caused a 3.87-mm change in reduction of C5 on C6. Because of the motion observed in the unstable spine, helmet and shoulder pad removal should be performed in a carefully monitored setting. They should be removed together by at least three, preferably four, trained people.  相似文献   

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