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关于工程爆破设计内容的几点体会   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
严军  张继春  冯杰 《爆破》2009,26(4):100-102
鉴于目前申报评审的工程爆破设计中还存在着内容不完整、结构不合理、针对性不强的情况,为供从事工程爆破的施工企业和管理部门参考,按照<爆破安全规程>的相关要求,对工程爆破设计书的结构及其应包含的具体内容进行了综合、系统的阐述和说明.  相似文献   

当代工程观反映了当代工程科学和工程技术与社会、经济、文化、生态交叉融合、协调构建的新趋势,对于开展工程教育和培养中国现代化建设的工程人才有重要意义。文章分析了在当代学科交叉渗透的趋势下当代工程观的基本内容;探讨了传统工程教育中的存在过分强调科学理性和技术理性的问题;提出了以综合理性为主导,融合当代工程观的当代工程教育理念。  相似文献   

A comparison is made between a deterministic scientific paradigm and one that is chaos-based. Possible implications of the incorporation of the chaos-based paradigm into the engineering profession as well as into engineering education are discussed.  相似文献   

Maintaining student interest is more than an academic exercise. Institutions or departments that fail to challenge and actively involve their students in the learning process risk losing them to competing programs where the curricula are more dynamic and relevant. Within the Department of Nuclear Engineering at Oregon State University, we continually seek innovative ways to promote student retention while maintaining academic excellence. One recent effort was to restructure a first‐year nuclear engineering/health physics course. Using nuclear techniques, students were required to solve a fictitious murder. In the process they learned about teamwork, nuclear forensics methods, radiation protection, and basic radiation interactions. The class members were brought into the mystery playing the part of “graduate students” who helped their police‐detective uncle solve the case. To assist in their investigation the students subpoenaed expert “witnesses” to educate them on nuclear principles. The students, through homework, explained their actions, methods, and reasoning to a nontechnical participant (their “uncle“). By building on knowledge gained through interviews and homework, the students were able to solve the mystery. This mode of teaching requires extensive hands‐on faculty participation. However, the potential long‐term benefit is increased comprehension of course content as well as greater student interest and retention.  相似文献   

Engineering Management programs/courses are a recent development in response to the demand from industry. This paper demonstrates that Engineering Management is an independent field of education. Background, contents, and courses of Engineering Management are reviewed, analyzed, and discussed. The Master of Science (MSc) program in Engineering Management at City University of Hong Kong is used as an example for the purpose of discussion. The information in this paper will be of use as a reference for developing/reforming courses and curricula in Engineering Management.  相似文献   

An important element of integrating disciplines and enhancing creativity in Drexel University's engineering curriculum is an assignment which combines poetry and engineering. For this assignment, students choose an artifact, research it, create a one-page annotated visual explaining how it works, and then write an original poem about it. Although the poetry instruction, based on a transactional model, takes place in the Humanities classroom, student poems become a component of a concurrent engineering assignment and are read aloud in an engineering lecture, attended by humanities faculty, designated as the “Poetry Reading.” Short in length and having a distinct design on the page, poetry is a particularly suitable literary medium for engineering students to explore. Students relinquish stereotypes about engineers when they see their engineering professor endorse poetry. They also begin to broaden their educational and professional goals.  相似文献   

The Finnish education system differs considerably from that of the United States. Starting at age seven, Finnish students are legally required to complete nine years of formal education. They then have the option of either entering the workforce or attending a vocational school, a polytechnic, or a university. This paper describes the path a Finn takes to acquire a degree in engineering. It describes Finland's goal of using engineering education to help adapt itself to survival in a technology-based 21st century. The paper's main focus is on the Bachelor's degree; however, it also describes the Master's and Doctorate degrees.  相似文献   

本文基于现代机械加工创新人才培养的需求,提出适用于高等学校工程训练的柔性制造系统(FMS)的集成方案.通过对数字设计、加工制造、信息管理、生产物流及质量检测等5个子系统进行优化集成,并使用以太网络通讯技术和分层控制结构实现了系统的控制功能.  相似文献   

Most environmental education in engineering has pertained to the development of technical environmental engineering skills. However, at the post‐secondary level, the spectrum of environmental education approaches is broad, and no consensus exists on the necessary curricular mix for forming effective environmental professionals. This paper examines the tension between the environmental education goals of knowing and caring: learning to scientifically describe how environmental processes work, and learning to value and feel concern for the environment. Literature on the development of environmental sensitivity is explored for insights into how the environmental sensitivity of engineering students could be assessed and nurtured.  相似文献   

Outcomes assessment is a method for determining whether students have learned, have retained, and can apply what they have been taught. Assessment plans have three components: a statement of educational goals, multiple measures of achievement of the goals, and use of the resulting information to improve the education process. The results of outcomes assessment are part of a feedback loop in which faculty are provided with information that they can use to improve both their teaching and student learning. The experience of the Department of Chemical Engineering at West Virginia University is used as an example of how an assessment plan is developed and implemented. Examples of multiple measures of student learning outcomes and how the resulting information is used are presented. The resulting feedback loop allows for corrections to be made in specific classes if deficiencies are found, and indicates when remedial action should be taken to ensure that students do not graduate until a minimum level of competency is achieved.  相似文献   

Higher education is increasingly facing a condition of financial exigency. A number of colleges and universities have closed; almost all have had to curtail their aspirations and make sacrifices in their operations. While the university is big business, it does not readily lend itself to many of the conventional measures of and improvements in productivity. But the industrial engineer can, and indeed must, help higher education. Some of the unique features of the university are treated herein along with recommendations for industrial engineering study.  相似文献   

Engineering graduates with Ph.D. degrees need to know how to teach for both academic and industrial careers. Ideally, education in pedagogy will occur during graduate school. Research has an appropriate role in universities, but we need to ensure that all engineering professors are “good enough” teachers. Students can learn how to teach through TA training, a course in educational methods in engineering, supervised internships, and a combination of these methods. An action plan to improve teaching is presented.  相似文献   

工程哲学是新近发展起来的有别于传统科学技术哲学的新领域。文章结合机电工程教育实践,论述了工程哲学研究的一些最新理念和进展,分析了工程哲学对工程教育的价值意蕴,并提出了将工程哲学思想引入到工程教育中的现实途径。  相似文献   

通过对工科专业教学计划中的主要课程设置、实习实践安排以及毕业设计等教学环节的分析,结合当前形势提出了一些具有探索性的建议,进一步符合现代社会发展的需要。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to understand the views and perceptions of engineering undergraduate students on engineering education. The method of content analysis was used to analyze the language used by engineering undergraduate students, and to extract the underlying common factors or perceived characteristics of “Excellence in Engineering Education.” These common factors were then used to identify and compare the similarities and differences in views between engineering students and perspectives from three types of stakeholders in the field. Forty‐seven undergraduate engineering students (17 females and 30 males) participated voluntarily in this study to answer four individual questions and ten group questions. The results showed that students strongly emphasized the importance of their own roles in the educational system and the value of instructional technology and real work examples in enhancing the quality of engineering education. The implications of the research results on excellence in engineering education are discussed.  相似文献   

基于反求工程的机械产品方案设计   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
张广文 《包装工程》2003,24(4):179-181
反求工程是一种现代快速设计方法,方案设计是机械产品设计的关键。文中提出了基于反求工程的机械产品方案设计的基本思路和设计要点。  相似文献   

目的 探索感性工学在通用飞机涂装设计领域中的适用性及应用价值。方法 首先,从理论层面介绍飞机涂装设计以及感性工学。其次,在现有通用飞机涂装设计研究的基础上,提出了一种基于感性工学的通用飞机涂装设计方法,并阐述了具体的步骤及要求。最后,以某型正常类通用飞机为案例进行了应用研究。结果 分析结果表明,对通用飞机涂装感性认知影响最大的5个感性语汇分别是“灵巧的”“新能源的”“创新的”“流线型的”和“安全的”,并且通用飞机涂装感性语汇间的相关性非常显著。以感性语汇分析结果作为设计目标的涂装方案获得了良好的设计效果。结论 基于感性工学的飞机涂装设计能够更好地满足用户的感性认知需求,感性工学方法在飞机涂装设计领域具有良好的适用性和广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

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