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江苏啤酒大麦的种植面积继续呈现萎缩态势,有资料显示,2002年江苏垦区秋播了100多万亩,但是据我们调查,秋播面积估计在60~70万亩,或者说,可以上市作为啤酒大麦销售的量非常少。江苏农垦系统种植了约15万亩啤酒大麦,和上一年相比有所下降,有的农场大麦面积已经缩小了近一半。大麦主栽品种为“港啤一号”(KA-4B),搭配了少量的“单二”、“扬农啤二号”、“沪麦16”,新  相似文献   

对国产啤酒大麦的再认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自2002年8月份以来,世界啤酒大麦市场行情风云突变,大麦价格一涨再涨。由于澳大利亚、加拿大气候干旱的原因,导致两国大麦减产,同时,其它国家如美国等国内啤酒大麦也出现短缺,世界市场上实际意义的供应量减少了160~180万吨。我国是全球大麦贸易中的最大买家,每年约购进啤酒大麦约210万吨,占贸易总量的一半,所以,世界啤酒大麦市场的波动,必将对我国制麦业和啤酒业产生深刻的影响。因此,有必要对我国啤酒原料产业进行反思和再认识。  相似文献   

陈阿扣 《啤酒科技》2003,(1):9-14,17
1前言发泡酒(Sparkling Malt Beverages)是一种高辅料啤酒,其麦芽使用率只有25%,其余均为各种辅料。1994年日本市场出现了发泡酒,目前日本四家主要啤酒公司均生产发泡酒,且已具相当的规模。发泡酒的开发,符合我国国情。长期以来我国用于啤酒酿造的大麦主要依靠进口,随着啤酒产量的增长,啤酒大麦的进口量也随之增加。近年来,我国的酿造大麦进口量已突破200万吨,占世界啤麦贸易量的40%。我国自身一直是“大麦生产滞后于麦芽加工、麦芽加工滞后于啤酒酿造”。缘于此,我国啤酒大麦进口的增势不减。由于进口大麦价格、  相似文献   

<正> 在中国啤酒业快速发展的拉动下,中国啤酒大麦产业也发展迅猛。2001年,中国啤酒所需大麦的80%还来自进口,到2006年,国产大麦使用比例突破50%,2007年达到70%以上。中国啤酒行业的快速发展越来越多地受到国产大麦的支持,尤其是2006、2007连续两年澳大利亚大麦受灾而大量减产,加之饲料大麦供应紧俏,可进口的啤酒大麦价格攀升,数量锐减,形成对国产大麦供应能力的一次重大考验。实践证明,中国的啤酒大麦产业有能力支撑起中国啤酒业的发展,扩大国产大麦使用比例,减少对进口啤酒大  相似文献   

1983年5月4日至8日,轻工业部供销局在河北邯郸召开了啤酒专用大麦座谈会。一这次座谈会专门研究了啤酒大麦品种和建立生产基地问题农业科研单位介绍了啤酒大麦的品种研究,啤酒生产单位介绍了啤酒生产情况与对大麦工艺性状的要求,通过互相介绍,沟通情况,明确了各自今后开展工作的方向。据农业科研部门考证,我国早在新石器中期,黄河流域就有大麦栽培,我国的种质资源不仅十分丰富,且有优越的种植条件。目前,通过国内收集与从国外引进,已经掌握种质资源一万三千份左右,已经具备了试验研究啤酒专用大麦的重要物质条件。啤酒工业研究大麦各项理化指标对生产工艺与啤酒质量的影响,为农业科研研究啤酒大麦品  相似文献   

1.大麦糖浆简介“啤酒大麦糖浆”是用啤酒大麦、淀粉为主要原料,用少量麦芽和相关的酶制剂精制而成,其有效浸出物在75~80%以上。2.使用大麦糖浆的方法为提高产量一般采用高浓稀释,我厂生产10°P  相似文献   

<正> 一、我国啤酒大麦发展状况我国啤酒工业自二十世纪八十年代以来迅速发展,啤酒产量从年产不足百万吨发展至年产约4千万吨,连续6年居世界第一,已经成为啤酒生产大国。啤酒工业的强劲发展带动了相关行业,特别是作为啤酒主要原料的啤酒大麦行业的发展。自上世纪八十  相似文献   

<正> 一、目前我国啤酒大麦与麦芽生产及市场的热点问题我国的啤酒与啤酒原料行业,虽然在整个国民经济这块大蛋糕中占很小的比重,但也涉及到500余家啤酒工厂、120余家麦芽厂、30余家科研单位、经营1200佘万亩的广大啤酒大麦生产者和众多的啤酒大麦经销商。本行业中的大多数企业都亲身经历了至今尚未完全落幕的  相似文献   

战胜 《食品科技》2002,(2):49-52
0前言加拿大是世界上啤酒大麦产量最大的国家之一,年产啤酒大麦1300万t左右,由于加拿大地理条件适合大麦生长,所以啤酒大麦也是加拿大的重要财政收入。加拿大近年来非常重视啤酒大麦的品种,并有专门机构研究大麦的特性,其酿造特性也被世界各地啤酒专家所接受,突出表现在麦特卡夫、肯德尔、斯泰把斯、哈灵顿及六棱大麦埃克塞(Excel)。本文专就啤酒六棱大麦埃克塞(Excel)作专项研究和试验,因为加拿大六棱大麦在中国啤酒市场广泛采用尚属空白。用六棱大麦作为啤酒原料,在国际知名品牌中已是必需原料,因为它有着诸多使人难以…  相似文献   

战胜 《酿酒》2001,28(6):46-50
0 前言加拿大是世界上啤酒大麦产量最大的国家之一 ,年产啤酒大麦 130 0万t左右 ,由于加拿大地理条件适合大麦生长 ,所以啤酒大麦也是加拿大的重要财政收入。加拿大近年来非常重视啤酒大麦的品种 ,并有专门机构研究大麦的特性 ,其酿造特性也被世界各地啤酒专家所接受。突出表现在麦特卡夫、肯德尔、斯泰把斯、哈灵顿及六棱大麦埃克塞 (Excel)。本文专就啤酒六棱大麦埃克塞 (Excel)作专项研究和试验 ,因为加拿大六棱大麦在中国啤酒市场广泛采用尚属空白。用六棱大麦作为啤酒原料 ,在国外、国际知名品牌中已是其必需之一 ,因为它…  相似文献   

王颢 《酿酒》2010,37(3):11-13
通过对甘肃河西地区啤酒大麦产业化的发展优势、现状以及存在问题的分析,提出了河西地区优质啤酒大麦产业化可持续发展以建立优质啤酒大麦产业化生产基地;引进和推广优良品种;以市场为导向,效益为纽带,培育和完善市场体系;增强龙头企业的辐射带动作用;全面优化市场秩序,完善生产经营,促进啤酒大麦生产健康发展的对策。  相似文献   

There is a growing demand for malting barley in the world and the supply relies on introducing the crop into new agricultural regions, such as the Brazilian Savannah. This requires selection for high yield and seed quality, critical factors for the success of commercial production. This study aimed at estimating genetic parameters associated with morpho‐agronomic characterization of 433 preliminarily selected accessions from a worldwide barley collection. The accessions were grown on a limed and fertilized Haplustox soil, using interpolated control experimental design, in the Savannah highlands, in Brazil. High‐magnitude heritability and genetic variation coefficients were found for agronomic traits, allowing the identification of genotypes for crossing schemes to generate high‐yield recombinants. Strong negative correlation between yield and number of days to heading and protein content indicated that selection should be directed at early‐maturity cultivars with desirable malting quality. The method proved efficient and revealed interesting indicators to be considered in barley breeding programmes directed at high‐quality malting production in the tropics. Copyright © 2018 The Institute of Brewing & Distilling  相似文献   

Extraction of β-D-glucans (primarily from barley grains) using sodium hydroxide solution, gave similar results to those obtained using hydrazine extraction, suggesting that the alkali is as effective as hydrazine for the extraction of β-D-glucans. Commercial growth conditions in different European countries caused limited shifts in the β-D-glucan levels of malting barley samples. Sorghum and wheat grains contained significantly less β-D-glucans than barley. Potassium bromate solution inhibited initial breakdown of β-D-glucans during the malting of barley grains. The breakdown of β-D-glucan in Sonja barley was much slower than in Golden Promise barley, during malting.  相似文献   

Abrasion improved the malting performance of dried, freshly-harvested barley and provided an alternative to storage. The maltability of undried, unstored barley was improved by abrasion, but the undried grain was more difficult to abrade than was dried grain. Unabraded barley required storage periods of at least 3 weeks before adequate extracts could be obtained. Although acidulation reduced the malting losses of dried grain, it only improved the yield of extract with barleys stored for at least 9 weeks before malting. The potential of dried freshly-harvested barley to produce α-amylase and endo-β-glucanase, as indicated by the response of endosperm slices to gibberellic acid, was initially low and increased gradually as the barley was stored. It is considered that the dominant factor in the accelerated malting of freshly-harvested barley is the improved distribution of enzymes in the endosperm which results from abrasion.  相似文献   

江苏啤酒大麦在国内啤酒行业具有重要的作用, 但其质量也存在一些明显的不足, 影响了其广泛应用于啤酒生产中。本文对江苏啤酒大麦及其麦芽中存在的微生物及其影响、所形成的真菌毒素进行了综述。并针对江苏啤酒大麦麦芽过滤性能的缺陷原因进行了探讨, 为进一步推进江苏啤酒大麦产业链的健康发展提供了思路。  相似文献   

使用快速黏度分析仪(rapid visco-analyzer,RVA)测定大麦的黏度并通过其特征值可以预测大麦预发芽程度,目前尚无统一的EBC、ASBC标准方法。大麦水分、品种特异性、粉碎粒度等因素在一定程度上影响此方法检测结果。文中建立了一种RVA检测方法,并分析了不同因素对其特征值的影响。实验结果显示,品种初始质量、粉碎粒度对大麦RVA值影响较大,水分影响较小。RVA对大麦预发芽程度的预测相关性显著,可作为一种快速、灵敏、简便的方法,预测大麦预发芽损伤。  相似文献   

The activities of barley and malt proteinases have been measured using haemoglobin and the highly degradable barley protein fraction (HDBPF) in malting and feed barley varieties. In conjunction, the barley and malt total protein and its components: hordein, glutelin, soluble proteins and free amino nitrogen (FAN) as well as Kolbach index were investigated. The comparative analysis of results revealed that the general grain modification index of Kolbach (KI), which was higher in malting varieties, was much more strongly associated with the levels of hordein degraded during malting than any other parameter investigated. The KI levels were also correlated with the increase in the levels of FAN, but not with the increase in the levels of soluble protein or changes in the glutelin component. The changes in total proteinase activity were low and cannot account for the increase in KI or the degraded hordein. The levels of total proteinase activity in both feed and malting barley varieties were similar. The results suggest that estimation of the levels of degraded hordein, during malting, is a sensitive indicator of the total proteolytic action of proteinases as well as the degradability of the reserve proteins. Therefore, we recommend measuring the amounts of hordein degraded during malting for the assessment of the impacts of grain protein and proteinases on malting barley quality of different varieties, in addition to KI and FAN.  相似文献   

The hydration of barley samples, representing all nine NIAB malting grades, has been measured by determining the levels of a tracer ion using x-ray analysis with a scanning electron microscope. There was a linear relationship between hydration of the ventral endosperm and NIAB malting grade. This relationship was not affected by the total nitrogen level of the barley and can be used as a novel malting index to successfully predict the malting quality of barley on sample sizes too small for micromalting.  相似文献   

过氧化物酶(POD)在植物生长过程中起着重要的调节作用。研究了制麦过程中POD活性对大麦根芽生长和制麦损失的影响。结果表明:制麦添加剂GA3促进根芽的生长、POD活性的升高和制麦损失的增大,而KBrO4反之,而且随着KBrO4浓度的增大,这种抑制也增大;对20种大麦样品的微型制麦试验表明,绿麦芽和干麦芽的POD活性与根芽长度和制麦损失均呈现高度显著的正相关性(P〈0.01)。研究认为,制麦过程中POD活性与绿麦芽根芽的生长和制麦损失有密切关系,POD活性可能对根芽生长和制麦损失有促进作用。  相似文献   

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