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Integrated array tomography combines fluorescence and electron imaging of ultrathin sections in one microscope, and enables accurate high‐resolution correlation of fluorescent proteins to cell organelles and membranes. Large numbers of serial sections can be imaged sequentially to produce aligned volumes from both imaging modalities, thus producing enormous amounts of data that must be handled and processed using novel techniques. Here, we present a scheme for automated detection of fluorescent cells within thin resin sections, which could then be used to drive automated electron image acquisition from target regions via ‘smart tracking’. The aim of this work is to aid in optimization of the data acquisition process through automation, freeing the operator to work on other tasks and speeding up the process, while reducing data rates by only acquiring images from regions of interest. This new method is shown to be robust against noise and able to deal with regions of low fluorescence.  相似文献   

Since the end of the last millennium, the focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy (FIB‐SEM) has progressively found use in biological research. This instrument is a scanning electron microscope (SEM) with an attached gallium ion column and the 2 beams, electrons and ions (FIB) are focused on one coincident point. The main application is the acquisition of three‐dimensional data, FIB‐SEM tomography. With the ion beam, some nanometres of the surface are removed and the remaining block‐face is imaged with the electron beam in a repetitive manner. The instrument can also be used to cut open biological structures to get access to internal structures or to prepare thin lamella for imaging by (cryo‐) transmission electron microscopy. Here, we will present an overview of the development of FIB‐SEM and discuss a few points about sample preparation and imaging.  相似文献   

We report here a new microscopic technique for imaging and identifying sedimentary organic matter in geologic materials that combines inverted fluorescence microscopy with scanning electron microscopy and allows for sequential imaging of the same region of interest without transferring the sample between instruments. This integrated correlative light and electron microscopy technique is demonstrated with observations from an immature lacustrine oil shale from the Eocene Green River Mahogany Zone and mid‐oil window paralic shale from the Upper Cretaceous Tuscaloosa Group. This technique has the potential to allow for identification and characterization of organic matter in shale hydrocarbon reservoirs that is not possible using either light or electron microscopy alone, and may be applied to understanding the organic matter type and thermal regime in which organic nanoporosity forms, thereby reducing uncertainty in the estimation of undiscovered hydrocarbon resources.  相似文献   

A method for preparing nondecalcified bone and tooth specimens for imaging by both light microscopy (LM) and backscattered electron microscopy in the scanning electron microscope (BSE-SEM) is presented. Bone blocks are embedded in a polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) mixture and mounted on glass slides using components of a light-cured dental adhesive system. This method of slide preparation allows correlative studies to be carried out between different microscopy modes, using the same histologic section. It also represents a large time savings relative to other mounting methods whose media require long cure times.  相似文献   

When electron microscopy (EM) was introduced in the 1930s it gave scientists their first look into the nanoworld of cells. Over the last 80 years EM has vastly increased our understanding of the complex cellular structures that underlie the diverse functions that cells need to maintain life. One drawback that has been difficult to overcome was the inherent lack of volume information, mainly due to the limit on the thickness of sections that could be viewed in a transmission electron microscope (TEM). For many years scientists struggled to achieve three‐dimensional (3D) EM using serial section reconstructions, TEM tomography, and scanning EM (SEM) techniques such as freeze‐fracture. Although each technique yielded some special information, they required a significant amount of time and specialist expertise to obtain even a very small 3D EM dataset. Almost 20 years ago scientists began to exploit SEMs to image blocks of embedded tissues and perform serial sectioning of these tissues inside the SEM chamber. Using first focused ion beams (FIB) and subsequently robotic ultramicrotomes (serial block‐face, SBF‐SEM) microscopists were able to collect large volumes of 3D EM information at resolutions that could address many important biological questions, and do so in an efficient manner. We present here some examples of 3D EM taken from the many diverse specimens that have been imaged in our core facility. We propose that the next major step forward will be to efficiently correlate functional information obtained using light microscopy (LM) with 3D EM datasets to more completely investigate the important links between cell structures and their functions.  相似文献   

Correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM) is a multimodal technique of increasing utilization in functional, biochemical, and molecular biology. CLEM attempts to combine multidimensional information from the complementary fluorescence light microscopy (FLM) and electron microscopy (EM) techniques to bridge the various resolution gaps. Within this approach the very same cell/structure/event observed at level can be analyzed as well by FLM and EM. Unfortunately, these studies turned out to be extremely time consuming and are not suitable for statistical relevant data. Here, we describe a new CLEM method based on a robust specimen preparation protocol, optimized for cryosections (Tokuyasu method) and on an innovative image processing toolbox for a novel type of multimodal analysis. Main advantages obtained using the proposed CLEM method are: (1) hundred times more cells/structures/events that can be correlated in each single microscopy session; (2) three‐dimensional correlation between FLM and EM, obtained by means of ribbons of serial cryosections and electron tomography microscopy (ETM); (3) high rate of success for each CLEM experiment, obtained implementing protection of samples from physical damage and from loss of fluorescence; (4) compatibility with the classical immunogold and immunofluorescence labeling techniques. This method has been successfully validated for the correlative analysis of Russel Bodies subcellular compartments. Microsc. Res. Tech., 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Aclar, a copolymer film with properties very similar to those of tissue culture plastic, is a versatile substrate to grow cells for light (including fluorescence) and electron microscopic applications in combination with both chemical fixation and cryoimmobilization. In this paper, we describe complete procedures to perform correlative light and electron microscopy using Aclar as substrate for the culture of cell monolayers to be finally embedded in plastic. First, we developed straightforward, efficient and flexible ways to mark the surface of the Aclar to create substrates to locate cells first at the light microscopy and then the electron microscopy level. All the methods enable the user to self‐design gridded Aclar pieces, according to the purpose of the experiments, and create a large number of substrates in a short time. Second, we confirmed that marked Aclar supports the normal growth and morphology of cells. Third, we validated the correlative light and electron microscopy procedure using Aclar. This validation was done for the high‐resolution analysis of endothelial cells using transmission electron microscopy and focused ion beam–scanning electron microscopy in combination with the use of fluorescence, phase contrast and/or bright field microscopy to map areas of interest at low resolution. The methods that we present are diverse, easy to implement and highly reproducible, and emphasize the versatility of Aclar as a cell growth substrate for diverse microscopic applications.  相似文献   

The preparation of biological cells for either scanning or transmission electron microscopy requires a complex process of fixation, dehydration and drying. Critical point drying is commonly used for samples investigated with a scanning electron beam, whereas resin‐infiltration is typically used for transmission electron microscopy. Critical point drying may cause cracks at the cellular surface and a sponge‐like morphology of nondistinguishable intracellular compartments. Resin‐infiltrated biological samples result in a solid block of resin, which can be further processed by mechanical sectioning, however that does not allow a top view examination of small cell–cell and cell–surface contacts. Here, we propose a method for removing resin excess on biological samples before effective polymerization. In this way the cells result to be embedded in an ultra‐thin layer of epoxy resin. This novel method highlights in contrast to standard methods the imaging of individual cells not only on nanostructured planar surfaces but also on topologically challenging substrates with high aspect ratio three‐dimensional features by scanning electron microscopy.  相似文献   

We present an integrated light‐electron microscope in which an inverted high‐NA objective lens is positioned inside a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The SEM objective lens and the light objective lens have a common axis and focal plane, allowing high‐resolution optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy on the same area of a sample simultaneously. Components for light illumination and detection can be mounted outside the vacuum, enabling flexibility in the construction of the light microscope. The light objective lens can be positioned underneath the SEM objective lens during operation for sub‐10 μm alignment of the fields of view of the light and electron microscopes. We demonstrate in situ epifluorescence microscopy in the SEM with a numerical aperture of 1.4 using vacuum‐compatible immersion oil. For a 40‐nm‐diameter fluorescent polymer nanoparticle, an intensity profile with a FWHM of 380 nm is measured whereas the SEM performance is uncompromised. The integrated instrument may offer new possibilities for correlative light and electron microscopy in the life sciences as well as in physics and chemistry.  相似文献   

A simple inexpensive grid system reproduced photographically on black-and-white film provides a support system that allows the same cells to be examined by light and scanning electron microscopy.  相似文献   

Molar dentine was sliced into 100 nm ultrathin sections, by means of a focused ion beam, for observation by energy-filtering transmission electron microscopy (EFTEM). Within the matrix, crystals approximately 10 nm wide and 50–100 nm long were clearly observed. When carbon and calcium were mapped in electron spectroscopic images by EFTEM, carbon failed to localize in crystals. However, it was found in other regions, especially those adjacent to crystals. Because carbon localizations were thought to reflect the presence of organic components, carbon concentration in regions near crystals suggested the interaction of crystals and organics, leading to organic control of apatite formation and growth. Ca was present in almost all regions. The majority of Ca localizing in regions other than crystals may be bound to organic substances present in dentine matrix. These substances are thought to both accumulate Ca and act as reservoirs for crystallization of apatite in dentine.  相似文献   

A new technique for the three-dimensional analysis of subsurface damage of nanocomposites is presented. Cu–Al multilayers, grown epitaxially on (0001)Al2O3 single crystals by ultra high vacuum molecular beam epitaxy, have been deformed by nanoindentation. Systematic slicing and imaging of the deformed region by focused ion beam microscopy enables a 3D data set of the damaged region to be collected. From this 3D data set, profiles of the deformed sub-surface interfaces can be extracted. This enables the deformation of the individual layers, substrate and overall film thickness to be determined around the damage site. These 3D deformation maps have exciting implications for the analysis of mechanical deformation of nanocomposites on a sub-micrometre scale.  相似文献   

A method of direct visualization by correlative scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and fluorescence light microscopy of cell structures of tissue cultured cells grown on conductive glass slides is described. We show that by growing cells on indium–tin oxide (ITO)-coated glass slides, secondary electron (SE) and backscatter electron (BSE) images of uncoated cells can be obtained in high-vacuum SEM without charging artefacts. Interestingly, we observed that BSE imaging is influenced by both accelerating voltage and ITO coating thickness. By combining SE and BSE imaging with fluorescence light microscopy imaging, we were able to reveal detailed features of actin cytoskeletal and mitochondrial structures in mouse embryonic fibroblasts. We propose that the application of ITO glass as a substrate for cell culture can easily be extended and offers new opportunities for correlative light and electron microscopy studies of adherently growing cells.  相似文献   

We have employed field-emission secondary electron microscopy (FESEM) for morphological evaluation of freeze-fractured frozen-hydrated renal epithelial LLC-PK1 cells prepared with our simple cryogenic sandwich-fracture method that does not require any high-vacuum freeze-fracture instrumentation (Chandra et al. (1986) J. Microsc. 144 , 15–37). The cells fractured on the substrate side of the sandwich were matched one-to-one with their corresponding complementary fractured faces on the other side of the sandwich. The FESEM analysis of the frozen-hydrated cells revealed three types of fracture: (i) apical membrane fracture that produces groups of cells together on the substrate fractured at the ectoplasmic face of the plasma membrane; (ii) basal membrane fracture that produces basal plasma membrane-halves on the substrate; and (iii) cross-fracture that passes randomly through the cells. The ectoplasmic face (E-face) and protoplasmic face (P-face) of the membrane were recognized based on the density of intramembranous particles. Feasibility of fractured cells was shown for intracellular ion localization with ion microscopy, and fluorescence imaging with laser scanning confocal microscopy. Ion microscopy imaging of freeze-dried cells fractured at the apical membrane revealed well-preserved intracellular ionic composition of even the most diffusible ions (total concentrations of K+, Na+ and Ca+). Structurally damaged cells revealed lower K+ and higher Na+ and Ca+ contents than in well-preserved cells. Frozen-freeze-dried cells also allowed imaging of fluorescently labelled mitochondria with a laser scanning confocal microscope. Since these cells are prepared without washing away the nutrient medium or using any chemical pretreatment to affect their native chemical and structural makeup, the characterization of fracture faces introduces ideal sample types for chemical and morphological studies with ion and electron microscopes and other techniques such as laser scanning confocal microscopy, atomic force microscopy and near-field scanning optical microscopy.  相似文献   

We investigate Ar ion‐milling rates and Ga‐ion induced damage on sample surfaces of Si and GaAs single crystals prepared by focused ion beam (FIB) method for transmission electron microscopy observation. The convergent beam electron diffraction technique with Bloch simulation is used to measure the thickness of the Ar‐ion milled samples to calculate the milling rates of Si and GaAs single crystals. The measurement shows that an amorphous layer is formed on the sample surface and can be removed by further Ar‐ion milling. In addition, the local symmetry breaking induced by FIB is investigated using quantitative symmetry measurement. The FIBed‐GaAs sample shows local symmetry breaking after FIB milling, although the FIBed‐Si sample has no considerable symmetry breaking.  相似文献   

In common light microscopy, observation of samples is only possible from one perspective. However, especially for larger three‐dimensional specimens observation from different views is desirable. Therefore, we are presenting a sample holder permitting rotation of the specimen around an axis perpendicular to the light path of the microscope. Thus, images can be put into a defined multidimensional context, enabling reliable three‐dimensional reconstructions. The device can be easily adapted to a great variety of common light microscopes and is suitable for various applications in science, education and industry, where the observation of three‐dimensional specimens is essential. Fluorescence z‐projection images of copepods and ixodidae ticks at different rotation angles obtained by confocal laser scanning microscopy and light sheet fluorescence microscopy are reported as representative results.  相似文献   

Confocal microscopy imaging of cells allows to visualize the presence of specific antigens by using fluorescent tags or fluorescent proteins, with resolution of few hundreds of nanometers, providing their localization in a large field‐of‐view and the understanding of their cellular function. Conversely, in scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the surface morphology of cells is imaged down to nanometer scale using secondary electrons. Combining both imaging techniques have brought to the correlative light and electron microscopy, contributing to investigate the existing relationships between biological surface structures and functions. Furthermore, in SEM, backscattered electrons (BSE) can image local compositional differences, like those due to nanosized gold particles labeling cellular surface antigens. To perform SEM imaging of cells, they could be grown on conducting substrates, but obtaining images of limited quality. Alternatively, they could be rendered electrically conductive, coating them with a thin metal layer. However, when BSE are collected to detect gold‐labeled surface antigens, heavy metals cannot be used as coating material, as they would mask the BSE signal produced by the markers. Cell surface could be then coated with a thin layer of chromium, but this results in a loss of conductivity due to the fast chromium oxidation, if the samples come in contact with air. In order to overcome these major limitations, a thin layer of indium‐tin‐oxide was deposited by ion‐sputtering on gold‐decorated HeLa cells and neurons. Indium‐tin‐oxide was able to provide stable electrical conductivity and preservation of the BSE signal coming from the gold‐conjugated markers. Microsc. Res. Tech. 78:433–443, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We present the data obtained by scanning tunnelling microscopy combined with scanning electron microscopy of the digitally encoded structure on a stamper used to fabricate optical discs. The combination allows us to focus the STM tip on a preselected spot with a precision of ?0·3 μm. The data show the superiority of STM for a more detailed characterization of shape, width, length, height and fine structure appearing on the sample. We also show the influence of tip shape on STM resolution. Simultaneous use of both microscopes is possible but high electron doses produce an insulating layer of contaminants thick enough to make STM operation impossible.  相似文献   

In this paper, the Rapid Transfer System (RTS), an attachment to the Leica EMPACT2 high‐pressure freezer, is described as a new tool for special applications within the cryofixation field. The RTS is an automated system that allows for fast processing of samples (<5 s) that make it possible for the first time to use high‐pressure freezing in combination with high time resolution correlative light and electron microscopy. In addition, with a working cycle of 30 s this rapid turn over time allows one to acquire more samples of biopsy material before it deteriorates than with other HPF machines with longer cycle times. With the use of the RTS it was possible to obtain three samples each of four different tissues in 6 min. Together with the finding that 90% of samples of cells grown on sapphire discs were well frozen, the RTS was both fast and reliable. Most important, together with other newly developed accessories, the RTS made it possible to capture specific events occurring live in the cell as observed by light microscopy, to cryofix that sample/event within 4 s, and then to analyze that event at high resolution in the electron microscope with excellent preservation of ultra‐structure. These developments should give us the tools to unravel intracellular processes that can be observed by live cell imaging but are too rare or fast to be picked up by routine EM methods or where the history of a structure is necessary to be able to discern its nature.  相似文献   

The focused ion beam (FIB) was used to prepare cross sections of precisely selected regions of the digestive gland epithelium of a terrestrial isopod P. scaber (Isopoda, Crustacea) for scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The FIB/SEM system allows ad libitum selection of a region for gross morphologic to ultrastructural investigation, as the repetition of FIB/SEM operations is unrestricted. The milling parameters used in our work proved to be satisfactory to produce serial two-dimensional (2-D) cuts and/or three-dimensional (3-D) shapes on a submicrometer scale. A final, cleaning mill at lower ion currents was employed to minimize the milling artifacts. After cleaning, the milled surface was free of filament- and ridge-like milling artifacts. No other effects of the cleaning mill were observed.  相似文献   

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