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In this study, we investigate the functional behaviour of the intensity in high‐angle annular dark field scanning transmission electron micrograph images. The model material is a silica particle (20 nm) gel at 5 wt%. By assuming that the intensity response is monotonically increasing with increasing mass thickness of silica, an estimate of the functional form is calculated using a maximum likelihood approach. We conclude that a linear functional form of the intensity provides a fair estimate but that a power function is significantly better for estimating the amount of silica in the z‐direction. The work adds to the development of quantifying material properties from electron micrographs, especially in the field of tomography methods and three‐dimensional quantitative structural characterization from a scanning transmission electron micrograph. It also provides means for direct three‐dimensional quantitative structural characterization from a scanning transmission electron micrograph.  相似文献   

The evolution of hydrogen from many hydrated cryo‐preserved soft materials under electron irradiation in the transmission electron microscope can be observed at doses of the order of 1000 e nm?2 and above. Such hydrogen causes artefacts in conventional transmission electron microscope or scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) imaging as well as in analyses by electron energy‐loss spectroscopy. Here we show that the evolution of hydrogen depends on specimen thickness. Using wedge‐shaped specimens of frozen‐hydrated Nafion, a perfluorinated ionomer, saturated with the organic solvent DMMP together with both thin and thick sections of frozen‐hydrated porcine skin, we show that there is a thickness below which hydrogen evolution is not detected either by bubble observation in transmission electron microscope image mode or by spectroscopic analysis in STEM electron energy‐loss spectroscopy mode. We suggest that this effect is due to the diffusion of hydrogen, whose diffusivity remains significant even at liquid nitrogen temperature over the length scales and time scales relevant to transmission electron microscopy analysis of thin specimens. In short, we speculate that sufficient hydrogen can diffuse to the specimen surface in thin sections so that concentrations are too low for bubbling or for spectroscopic detection. Significantly, this finding indicates that higher electron doses can be used during the imaging of radiation‐sensitive hydrated soft materials and, consequently, higher spatial resolution can be achieved, if sufficiently thin specimens are used in order to avoid the evolution of hydrogen‐based artefacts.  相似文献   

Aberration‐corrected scanning transmission electron microscopes are able to form electron beams smaller than 100 pm, which is about half the size of an average atom. Probing materials with such beams leads to atomic‐resolution images, electron energy loss and energy‐dispersive X‐ray spectra obtained from single atomic columns and even single atoms, and atomic‐resolution elemental maps. We review briefly how such electron beams came about, and show examples of applications. We also summarize recent developments that are propelling aberration‐corrected scanning transmission electron microscopes in new directions, such as complete control of geometric aberration up to fifth order, and ultra‐high‐energy resolution EELS that is allowing vibrational spectroscopy to be carried out in the electron microscope.  相似文献   

When polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) phagocytose opsonised zymosan particles (OPZ), free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS) are formed in the phagosomes. ROS production is mediated by NADPH oxidase (Nox), which transfers electrons in converting oxygen to superoxide (O2?). Nox‐generated O2? is rapidly converted to other ROS. Free radical‐forming secretory vesicles containing the Nox redox center flavocytochrome b558, a membrane protein, and azurophil granules with packaged myeloperoxidase (MPO) have been described. Presuming the probable fusion of these vesicular and granular organelles with phagosomes, the translation process of the enzymes was investigated using energy‐filtering and energy‐dispersive spectroscopy‐scanning transmission electron microscopy. In this work, the primary method for imaging cerium (Ce) ions demonstrated the localisation of H2O2 generated by phagocytosing PMNs. The MPO activity of the same PMNs was continuously monitored using 0.1% 3,3′‐diaminobenzidine‐tetrahydrochloride (DAB) and 0.01% H2O2. A detailed view of these vesicular and granular structures was created by overlaying each electron micrograph with pseudocolors: blue for Ce and green for nitrogen (N).  相似文献   

The nuclear envelope of Xenopus laevis stage VI oocytes was studied in a high‐resolution field emission cryo‐scanning electron microscope to compare the level of structural preservation obtainable by different procedures of specimen preparation. All approaches generally allowed frequent detection of long filaments of about 10 nm in diameter that were attached to the nuclear envelope's inner membrane facing the nuclear interior. Structural details of these 10‐nm filaments, however, could not be unveiled by standard procedures of specimen preparation and analysis, including critical point drying and imaging at room temperature. In contrast, after freeze‐drying and imaging at ?100°C, the 10‐nm filament type was found to be composed of distinct globular subunits of approximately 5 nm in diameter that were arranged in a helical manner with right‐handed periodicity. Stereoscopic images showed that some of these filaments were lying directly on the membrane whereas others appeared to hover at a certain distance above the nuclear envelope. The appearance of these filaments was highly similar to that of in vitro polymerized F‐actin analysed in parallel, and closely resembled the structural characteristics of F‐actin filaments described earlier. By virtue of their structural features we therefore conclude that these filaments at the nuclear periphery represent F‐actin. The high level of structural resolution obtainable by field emission cryo‐SEM illustrates the potential of this method for studying details of biological structures in a subcellular context.  相似文献   

A model-based method is proposed to relatively quantify the chemical composition of atomic columns using high angle annular dark field (HAADF) scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) images. The method is based on a quantification of the total intensity of the scattered electrons for the individual atomic columns using statistical parameter estimation theory. In order to apply this theory, a model is required describing the image contrast of the HAADF STEM images. Therefore, a simple, effective incoherent model has been assumed which takes the probe intensity profile into account. The scattered intensities can then be estimated by fitting this model to an experimental HAADF STEM image. These estimates are used as a performance measure to distinguish between different atomic column types and to identify the nature of unknown columns with good accuracy and precision using statistical hypothesis testing. The reliability of the method is supported by means of simulated HAADF STEM images as well as a combination of experimental images and electron energy-loss spectra. It is experimentally shown that statistically meaningful information on the composition of individual columns can be obtained even if the difference in averaged atomic number Z is only 3. Using this method, quantitative mapping at atomic resolution using HAADF STEM images only has become possible without the need of simultaneously recorded electron energy loss spectra.  相似文献   

A longstanding limitation of imaging with serial block‐face scanning electron microscopy is specimen surface charging. This charging is largely due to the difficulties in making biological specimens and the resins in which they are embedded sufficiently conductive. Local accumulation of charge on the specimen surface can result in poor image quality and distortions. Even minor charging can lead to misalignments between sequential images of the block‐face due to image jitter. Typically, variable‐pressure SEM is used to reduce specimen charging, but this results in a significant reduction to spatial resolution, signal‐to‐noise ratio and overall image quality. Here we show the development and application of a simple system that effectively mitigates specimen charging by using focal gas injection of nitrogen over the sample block‐face during imaging. A standard gas injection valve is paired with a precisely positioned but retractable application nozzle, which is mechanically coupled to the reciprocating action of the serial block‐face ultramicrotome. This system enables the application of nitrogen gas precisely over the block‐face during imaging while allowing the specimen chamber to be maintained under high vacuum to maximise achievable SEM image resolution. The action of the ultramicrotome drives the nozzle retraction, automatically moving it away from the specimen area during the cutting cycle of the knife. The device described was added to a Gatan 3View system with minimal modifications, allowing high‐resolution block‐face imaging of even the most charge prone of epoxy‐embedded biological samples.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate by scanning electron microscope (SEM) photomicrographs the influence of application of halogen light‐curing for fastening the set reaction of high‐viscosity glass ionomer cements (GIC) by assessing the material/dentin interface. Twelve human primary canines were assigned in four groups (n = 3) according to the GIC (Fuji IX, GC or Maxxion R, FGM) and application of halogen light‐curing (60 sec or control—no external energy). Blocks with approximately 6 mm of height were buildup on previously pre‐treated dentin surface in according to the experimental group. After storage at 37 °C, 100% humidity for 48 h, the specimens were then sectioned in slices with 1‐mm thick. The slices were qualitative analyzed using SEM to evaluate possible structural changes. Two examiners independently evaluated the images in order to observe the spherical hollow spaces of each tooth. The photomicrographs revealed the presence of spherical hollow spaces in all experimental groups. However, in both groups that received halogen light‐curing application, it was possible to observe that the presence of these hollow spaces decreased in size and quantity. It can be concluded that the halogen light‐curing application positively decreases in size and quantity in the presence of spherical hollow spaces in GIC.  相似文献   

Confocal microscopy imaging of cells allows to visualize the presence of specific antigens by using fluorescent tags or fluorescent proteins, with resolution of few hundreds of nanometers, providing their localization in a large field‐of‐view and the understanding of their cellular function. Conversely, in scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the surface morphology of cells is imaged down to nanometer scale using secondary electrons. Combining both imaging techniques have brought to the correlative light and electron microscopy, contributing to investigate the existing relationships between biological surface structures and functions. Furthermore, in SEM, backscattered electrons (BSE) can image local compositional differences, like those due to nanosized gold particles labeling cellular surface antigens. To perform SEM imaging of cells, they could be grown on conducting substrates, but obtaining images of limited quality. Alternatively, they could be rendered electrically conductive, coating them with a thin metal layer. However, when BSE are collected to detect gold‐labeled surface antigens, heavy metals cannot be used as coating material, as they would mask the BSE signal produced by the markers. Cell surface could be then coated with a thin layer of chromium, but this results in a loss of conductivity due to the fast chromium oxidation, if the samples come in contact with air. In order to overcome these major limitations, a thin layer of indium‐tin‐oxide was deposited by ion‐sputtering on gold‐decorated HeLa cells and neurons. Indium‐tin‐oxide was able to provide stable electrical conductivity and preservation of the BSE signal coming from the gold‐conjugated markers. Microsc. Res. Tech. 78:433–443, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A new procedure to quantify the contrast in annular dark field images recorded without lattice resolution in a scanning transmission electron microscope is proposed. The method relies on the use of an in‐column energy filter prior to the annular dark field detector and the acquisition of a series of energy‐filtered images as a function of the inner detection angle. When the image contrast of an interface between two materials in such energy‐filtered annular dark field images is plotted vs. camera length and extrapolated to zero (i.e. infinite scattering angle), the contrast is shown to behave exactly as predicted by Rutherford's scattering formula (i.e. intensity scales ∝Z2). This can then be used to determine the local chemistry at and the effective chemical widths of interfaces or thin films without any additional spectroscopy method for calibration, provided the global chemical composition is known. As examples, the systems SiGe/Si and InGaAs/Ge are considered in detail.  相似文献   

Field‐enhanced scanning optical microscopy relies on the design and fabrication of plasmonic probes which had to provide optical and chemical contrast at the nanoscale. In order to do so, the scattering containing the near‐field information recorded in a field‐enhanced scanning optical microscopy experiment, has to surpass the background light, always present due to multiple interferences between the macroscopic probe and sample. In this work, we show that when the probe–sample distance is modulated with very low amplitude, the higher the harmonic demodulation is, the better the ratio between the near‐field signal and the interferometric background results. The choice of working at a given n harmonic is dictated by the experiment when the signal at the n + 1 harmonic goes below the experimental noise. We demonstrate that the optical contrast comes from the nth derivative of the near‐field scattering, amplified by the interferometric background. By modelling the far and near field we calculate the probe–sample approach curves, which fit very well the experimental ones. After taking a great amount of experimental data for different probes and samples, we conclude with a table of the minimum enhancement factors needed to have optical contrast with field‐enhanced scanning optical microscopy.  相似文献   

We report the effects of varying specimen thickness on the generation of transmission Kikuchi patterns in the scanning electron microscope. Diffraction patterns sufficient for automated indexing were observed from films spanning nearly three orders of magnitude in thickness in several materials, from 5 nm of hafnium dioxide to 3 μm of aluminum, corresponding to a mass‐thickness range of ~5 to 810 μg cm–2. The scattering events that are most likely to be detected in transmission are shown to be very near the exit surface of the films. The energies, spatial distribution and trajectories of the electrons that are transmitted through the film and are collected by the detector are predicted using Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

The present in vitro study was aimed at evaluating the morphological changes in the cemento‐enamel junction (CEJ) after exposure to acidic beverages using the scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The initial pH and titratable acidity (TA) was analyzed from follow groups: (I) Coca cola, (II) orange juice, (III) Cedevita, (IV) Red Bull, (V) Somersby cider, and (VI) white wine. The CEJ samples (n = 64), obtained from unerupted third molars, were allocated to one control (artificial saliva, n = 16) and six experimental groups (n = 8). The experimental samples were immersed in beverages (50 ml) for 15 min, three times daily, 10 days, and in artificial saliva between immersions. SEM analysis was performed in a blind manner, according to scoring scale. One‐way ANOVA and Tukey's post hoc tests, as well as Kruskal–Wallis and Mann–Whitney U test used for statistical analysis. The pH values of the acidic beverages ranged from 2.65 (Coca cola) to 3.73 (orange juice), and TA ranged from 1.90 ml (Coca cola) to 5.70 ml (orange juice) of NaOH to reach pH 7.0. The SEM analysis indicated statistically significant differences between the control samples and those immersed in acidic beverages. The Groups IV, I, and II, showed the highest CEJ damage grade while those of the Group VI were the lowest. All the tested acidic beverages caused morphological changes in the CEJ with a smaller or larger exposure of dentine surface, and were not always related to the pH or TA of acidic beverages.  相似文献   

The effects of imaging parameters have been studied on their roles of the severe mismatches between experimental and simulated high‐resolution transmission electron micrographs of sapphire along the direction. Image simulation and convergent‐beam electron diffraction techniques have been performed on misalignments of the electron beam and the crystal specimen. Based on this study, we have introduced an approach to achieve reliable simulation for experimental images of sapphire on the projection by the use of iterative digital image matching.  相似文献   

Electron–electron interactions and detector bandwidth limit the maximal imaging speed of single‐beam scanning electron microscopes. We use multiple electron beams in a single column and detect secondary electrons in parallel to increase the imaging speed by close to two orders of magnitude and demonstrate imaging for a variety of samples ranging from biological brain tissue to semiconductor wafers.  相似文献   

The osmium maceration method with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) enabled to demonstrate directly the three‐dimensional (3D) structure of membranous cell organelles. However, the polarity of the Golgi apparatus (that is, the cistrans axis) can hardly be determined by SEM alone, because there is no appropriate immunocytochemical method for specific labelling of its cis‐ or trans‐faces. In the present study, we used the osmium impregnation method, which forms deposits of reduced osmium exclusively in the cis‐Golgi elements, for preparation of specimens for SEM. The newly developed procedure combining osmium impregnation with subsequent osmium maceration specifically visualised the cis‐elements of the Golgi apparatus, with osmium deposits that were clearly detected by backscattered electron‐mode SEM. Prolonged osmication by osmium impregnation (2% OsO4 solution at 40°C for 40 h) and osmium maceration (0.1% OsO4 solution at 20°C for 24 h) did not significantly impair the 3D ultrastructure of the membranous cell organelles, including the Golgi apparatus. This novel preparation method enabled us to determine the polarity of the Golgi apparatus with enough information about the surrounding 3D ultrastructure by SEM, and will contribute to our understanding of the global organisation of the entire Golgi apparatus in various differentiated cells.  相似文献   

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