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Twenty patients with palmo-plantar pustulosis (10 males and 10 females) with a mean age of 41 +/- 6.4 years were compared to 20 controls (10 males and 10 females, mean age 42 +/- 7.2 years, for possible risk factors for palmo-plantar pustulosis. No statistically significant difference was found when the two groups were compared as regards history of atopy diabetes mellitus and thyroid disease. A statistically significant difference was found with regard to cigarette smoking (P < 0.001) and presence of joint symptoms (P < 0.01). This pattern, with minor variations, is similar to the findings in Western countries. There is a need for increased awareness of this association in developing countries. A larger population based study will be highly desirable.  相似文献   

Early and continued nutritional support has been determined to be an important component of therapy for seriously burned patients. The hypermetabolic response to severe injury requires increased calorie and protein intake to blunt the catabolism and loss of lean muscle mass. Enteral feeding has been found to directly nourish the gastrointestinal tract and may help reverse the defective gut barrier which accompanies burn shock. In contrast, intravenous nutritional support appears to lack effectiveness in burn patients and may actually increase morbidity and mortality.  相似文献   

Nutritional status in patients with respiratory disease is discussed and nutritional support and pharmacotherapy considerations in these patients are reviewed. Undernutrition is common among patients with respiratory disease and can lead to decreased respiratory muscle mass and ventilatory drive. Both overfeeding and underfeeding can adversely affect patient outcome. Specialized nutrition-support regimens for patients with respiratory disease should include carbohydrate doses below the maximal oxidative rates for glucose and fat emulsion as a daily continuous infusion. Early enteral feeding may be beneficial. Respiratory quotient, oxygen consumption, and carbon dioxide production are useful measurements in providing optimal nutrition support. Pharmacotherapeutic measures, such as gastrointestinal-tract decontamination and growth-hormone administration, are being investigated in these patients as adjunctive therapy. Nutrition-support regimens for patients with respiratory disease should be carefully designed and monitored to avoid further compromising respiratory function and to reduce the risk of infection.  相似文献   

Anorexia and weight loss are frequent complications of cancer and AIDS. Assessment of dietary records and nutritional requirements in patients with decreased food intake and weight loss will assist the dietitian, nurse, or physician in initially addressing the problem. Patients may respond well to nutritional counseling and food supplements, but persistent severe anorexia is common. Various pharmacologic strategies to reverse anorexia and weight loss have been tested, including corticosteroids, anabolic steroids, cyproheptadine, hydrazine sulfate, dronabinol, and megestrol acetate. Dronabinol was recently found to improve appetite in AIDS patients. Megestrol acetate is so far the only agent associated with improvements in appetite and weight in patients with cancer and AIDS. Enteral and parenteral nutrition may be helpful in selected patients with gastrointestinal obstruction or dysfunction, but it is not generally indicated in patients with end-stage disease.  相似文献   

AIMS: To evaluate the effect of L-carnitine supplementation (25 mg/kg/d) on the growth and incidence of hypoglycaemia in preterm infants. METHODS: A double blind, placebo controlled randomised trial, stratified for gestational age, was conducted of 86 preterm infants between 28 and 34 gestational weeks. The median gestational ages in the carnitine group and placebo groups were 30.7 weeks (range 28.0 to 33.6) and 31.4 weeks (range 28.0 to 33.9), respectively. The median birthweights were 1.557 kg (range 0.944 to 2.275) and 1.645 kg (range 0.885 to 2.545), respectively. RESULTS: Mean plasma free carnitine concentrations were below values for normal term infants in both groups on day 1 (carnitine group 44.8 mumol/l, placebo group 25.5 mumol/l) in the placebo group on day 7 (50.7 mumol/l), but in neither group on days 14 and 28. Total, free, and acylcarnitine concentrations were significantly increased in both urine and blood in the L-carnitine group. There was no significant difference between the placebo and carnitine supplemented groups in growth rate, as assessed by weight, length, skinfold thickness and head circumference measurements, or in the incidence of episodes of hypoglycaemia. CONCLUSION: The addition of carnitine as a nutritional supplement at a dose of 25 mg/kg/day did not improve growth in our group of preterm infants nor protect them from episodes of hypoglycaemia.  相似文献   

Neuronal cell survival was investigated in rat brain cortical cultures in the presence of increasing concentrations of human brain extracts or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from control and Senile Dementia of Alzheimer's type (SDAT) patients. Using hippocampal brain extracts, converted 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl-tetrazolium bromide (MTT) was compared to the content of the neuronal marker MAP2 in foetal rat brain neuronal cultures in order to test converted MTT as a quantitative parameter for neuronal cell survival. A significant correlation was found between both parameters. SDAT frontal cortex brain extracts induced a two four-fold increase in neuronal cell survival at 25 to 125 micrograms protein extract, whereas control brain extracts induced at similar protein concentrations a decline in neuronal cell survival. The enhanced survival yielded by SDAT brain extracts was fully abolished in the presence of control brain extract. Control CSF concentration-dependently increased neuronal cell survival in postnatal rat brain neuronal cultures independent of the difference in the protein content of CSF samples and age of the patients. SDAT CSF also concentration-dependently enhanced neuronal cell survival, however, the effect was more pronounced compared to control CSF. These observations are in favour of the hypothesis that there might be a higher neurotrophic activity in SDAT brain tissue.  相似文献   

This review outlines the conventional methods of assessing nutritional status and their limitations in the presence of acute trauma and sepsis. It also discusses the problems of attempting to improve or at least maintain nutritional status in the presence of an inflammatory stimulus. Most of the conventional markers of nutritional status are altered in trauma and sepsis with decreases in plasma protein concentrations and muscle strength, an apparent depression of immune function and an increase in extracellular fluid volume. It also appears to be impossible to improve nutritional status in the presence of a severe inflammatory stimulus, and the most one can hope for is to attenuate the rate of decline. The evidence for these observations is discussed.  相似文献   

RATIONALE: Nutritional support for children on chronic dialysis often involves the use of nasogastric tubes or gastrostomy feeding. We report our experience using gastrostomy buttons (GB) over a 6.6-year period to document their success/failure, the feeding regimens employed and the impact on growth. DESIGN: In 339 patient months of prospective observation, 22 children (14 male) commenced gastrostomy feeding at a median age of 2.3 years (range 0.2-10.3 years). Sixteen patients had an initial gastrostomy catheter inserted at the same time as a chronic dialysis catheter. Eighteen patients were established on continuous cycling peritoneal dialysis (CCPD) and four on haemodialysis (HD). RESULTS: The mean duration of combined gastrostomy feeding and chronic dialysis was 14.5 months (range 2.4 56 months). In 20 of the children followed for 6 months on combined GB feeding and dialysis, the mean protein and energy intakes were 2.5 g/kg bodyweight/day (range 1.7-3.4 g) and 108 kcal/kg bodyweight/day (range 72-129 kcal). The mean energy intake achieved was 116% (range 98-155%) of the estimated average requirement (EAR) for energy. The mean percentage of total energy and protein intakes delivered via the GB during the study period was 61% (33-95%) and 61% (23-98%) respectively. Mean height standard deviation score (SDS) was -2.22 prior to GB feeding and -2.06 at the end of the study period (P = 0.005) and mean weight SDS was -2.22 and -1.16 (P = 0.001) respectively. The mean life of the GB was 7.7 months (range 2.6 14 months) with most button changes due to leakage problems. Two episodes of peritonitis were attributable to the GB with one requiring peritoneal dialysis catheter removal due to candida infection. The GB was removed at a mean of 2.8 months (range 0.8-8.3 months) after renal transplantation in 13 children. CONCLUSION: The gastrostomy button provides a valuable and aesthetically appealing route for nutritional support with few complications.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate patterns of usage and monitoring of nutritional support in a Pediatric ICU of a teaching hospital and the role of an education program in nutritional support given throughout the resident physician training. DESIGN: In a historical cohort study, records from children who received nutritional support during the year 1992 were analyzed. Thereafter a continuing education program in Nutritional Support was conveyed to the residents. In a second phase of the study, the same parameters were reevaluated in children who received nutritional support throughout the year 1995. SETTING: Pediatric Intensive Care Unit of Department of Pediatrics, Escola Paulista de Medicina. PATIENTS: All the children who were given nutritional support during a period of five days or more. Based on this criteria 37 children were selected for the first phase of this study, and 35 for the second one. INTERVENTION: The education program included theoretical lectures about basic themes of nutritional support and journal article reading sessions. It was given to successive groups of residents on a weekly schedule. MEASUREMENTS: Daily records of fluid, protein, caloric and micronutrient supply, nutritional assessment and metabolic monitoring. RESULTS: In the first phase of the study, an exclusively parenteral route was utilized for 80.5%, and a digestive route 19.5% of the time period. Nutritional assessment was performed on 3 children; no patient had the nutritional goals set. The nitrogen to nonprotein calories ratio and the vitamin supply were inadequate, whilst the supply of trace elements was adequate except for zinc. Nutritional monitoring was performed on almost all patients but without uniformity. In the second phase, the exclusive parenteral route was used for 69.7% and the digestive route for 30.3% of the time period; no significant increase in the use of the digestive route was detected. The nonprotein calories to nitrogen ratio and micronutrient supply were adequate. The frequency of nutritional assessment increased, but deficiency in nutritional monitoring and infrequent enteral feeding were still detected. CONCLUSION: There were deficiencies in the implementation of nutritional support, which were partially corrected in the second phase of the study by the training of the residents. Reinforcement of the education program, which should be applied to the whole medical staff, and the organization of a multidisciplinary team in charge of coordinating the provision of nutritional support are suggested.  相似文献   

This paper provides an analysis of organisational issues in palliative care. Palliative care services have spread to many parts of the world and in the process have adapted to the context in which they are situated. This analysis draws on data from a small study of 18 hospices in the North Island of New Zealand. Key informants were interviewed about the organisation of health care workers, the range and nature of services offered and use of volunteers. Data collection and analysis were guided by the methodological principles of qualitative evaluation. Four main types of hospice were identified; (1) in-patient units with medical staff, (2) nurse led services, (3) volunteer led services which employed no health professionals and (4) hospital based palliative care teams. This paper proposes a conceptual analysis of the role of hospices in health care around three major issues: to supplant, supplement or support. Comparisons are drawn between the development and organisation of British and New Zealand hospices.  相似文献   

Extracorporeal life support (ECLS) is indicated following left ventricular assist device (LVAD) implant for right heart failure or pulmonary dysfunction. From December 1991 to December 1996, 100 patients were supported with the implantable HeartMate LVAD. Of these, 12 patients were supported with ECLS post LVAD implant. Pre-operatively, 10 patients (83%) were on an intra-aortic balloon pump, 9 patients (75%) were intubated, and 8 patients (67%) required ECLS bridge to LVAD implant. Six patients (50%) were men, and patient age ranged from 28 to 63 years (mean 46 +/- 10 years). Duration of ECLS averaged 3 +/- 2 days (range, 1-9 days). Eight patients (67%) required a right ventricular assist device (RVAD) with an ECLS circuit, three patients (25%) required peripheral veno-venous ECLS, and one patient peripheral veno-arterial ECLS. Forty-five percent supported with ECLS post LVAD survived to transplant compared with the 81% supported with LVAD only. Early in this experience, three patients had RVAD support only and all three patients died. RVAD support (with or without ECLS) was 11% overall and declined from 14% in the first 50 patients to 8% in the second 50. ECLS post LVAD is relatively uncommon and its use is associated with reduced survival, but helps salvage these critically ill patients.  相似文献   

1. The obese gene product leptin, secreted exclusively from adipocytes, was discovered to serve as a satiety factor and to play an important role in regulating body weight. In adults, the serum leptin level reportedly increases with the degree of obesity. Leptin receptors are expressed in various tissues, and recent in vitro studies suggest a role for leptin in haematopoiesis. 2. The present study was designed to clarify the relationship between serum leptin and body mass index, peripheral blood cell counts, serum cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol, insulin and cortisol levels in 299 Japanese male adolescents aged 15-16 years. 3. With simple linear correlation, log [serum leptin] showed a strong correlation with body mass index (r = 0.56), log [insulin] (r = 0.36) and leucocyte count (r = 0.22) (P < 0.001 for all). There were also correlations with systolic blood pressure, erythrocyte count, haematocrit and high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (P < 0.01 for all). Even after adjustment for body mass index and log [insulin], log [leptin] correlated with leucocyte (P = 0.004) and erythrocyte (P = 0.057) counts. Stepwise multiple regression analyses revealed log [leptin] to correlate significantly with body mass index, log [insulin] and the leucocyte count (P < 0.005 for all, r2 = 0.399). 4. To our knowledge, this is the first clinical study to show the possible association of serum leptin level with blood cell counts, independent of body mass index and serum insulin. We conclude that these data further support a role for leptin in haematopoiesis.  相似文献   

This study involved 137 participants who were assessed on 12 relevant predictor variables and then randomly assigned to social support or self-control treatment. Outcome across treatments was predicted by cotinine levels, treatment history, previous abstinence, happiness, self-efficacy, and perceived social support for quitting. Social support treatment was more effective than self-control treatment for participants with high baseline self-control orientation scores and participants with high self-efficacy scores. All other hypothesized Subject?×?Treatment interaction effects were nonsignificant. The study provided an example of a coherent approach to matching research and demonstrated the difficulty involved in providing treatments that are different enough from each other to benefit different smokers. Matching research has important theoretical value but may have limited potential for improving smoking treatment effectiveness. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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