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为贯彻落实党的十六大和十六届五中全会以及中央经济工作会议精神,加大全社会节能宣传力度,国家发展和改革委员会、教育部、科学技术部、国家环境保护总局、国家广播电影电视总局、中华全国总工会、共青团中央联合发文,定于今年6月11日至17日举办2006年全国节能宣传周活动。现将有关事项通知如下:  相似文献   

国家发展改革委、教育部、科技部、国资委、环保总局、广电总局、中华全国总工会、共青团中央于2007年5月9日联合发布了《关于2007年全国节能宣传周活动安排意见的通知》,为贯彻落实党的十六大和十六届五中、六中全会以及国务院《关于加强节能工作的决定》精神,  相似文献   

2007年6月10日至6月16日,是一年一度的全国节能宣传周。今年上海市举办的各项系列宣传活动与往年相比,增加了不少新的特色。由上海市经委、市发改委、市教委、市科委、市建设  相似文献   

为深入贯彻落实党的十六大和十六届三中、四中全会以及中央经济工作会议精神,国家发展和改革委员会、教育部、科学技术部、国家环境保护总局、国家广播电影电视总局、中华全国总工会联合发文,定于2005年6月12~18日举办2005年全国节能宣传周活动。现将有关事项通知如下:  相似文献   

根据国家发展改革委等七部门联合下发的《关于2006年全国节能宣传周活动安排意见的通知》(发改环资[2006]541号)(以下简称《通知》),今年的“全国节能宣传周”活动将于6月11日至17日举办,活动的主题是“节约能源,从我做起”。现将《通知》转发给你们,根据《通知》精神,结合我省实际,2006年节能宣传周活动要把握以下事项:  相似文献   

国家发展改革委、教育部、科技部、环保总局、广电总局、中华全国总工会、共青团中央于2006年4月3日联合发布了《关于2006年全国节能宣传周活动安排意见的通知》(发改环资[2006]541号),为贯彻落实党的十六大和十六届五中全会以及中央经济工作会议精神,加大全社会节能宣力度,定于2006年6月11日至17日举办2006年全国节能宣传周活动。有关事项通知如下:  相似文献   

各州市经委、发展和改革委、教育局、科技局、国资委、环保局、广电局、总工会、团委,省级有关部门,有关企业:现将国家发展改革委等八部门联合下发的《关于2007年全国节能宣传周活动安排意见的通知》(发改环资[2007]968号)转发给你们,并结合我省实际,提出我省开展节能宣传周活动的安排意见,请一并遵照执行。[第一段]  相似文献   

一方 《节能》2010,29(5):32-32
2010年是“十一五”规划的最后一年,也是实现“十一五”节能减排目标的决战之年。为了营造良好的社会氛围,打好节能减排攻坚战,推动建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会,由国家发展改革委等14部门联合举办的2010年全国节能宣传周,将于2010年6月12日至18日如期举行。今年全国节能宣传周活动的主题是“节能攻坚、全民行动”。  相似文献   

为贯彻落实党的十六大和十六届五中全会以及中央经济工作会议精神,加大全社会节能宣传力度,经研究,定于今年6月11日至17日举办2006年全国节能宣传周活动。现将有关事项通知如下:  相似文献   

各市经贸委(经委、贸易局)、发改委、教育局、科技局、信息产业局(信息办)、环保局、建设局、交通局(委)、农业局、国资委(办)、文化广电新闻出版局、广播电视台(集团)、机关事务管理局、总工会、团委、电力局(电力公司),省级有关单位: 根据国家发展改革委等14部委联合下发的《关于2008年全国节能宣传周活动安排意见的通知》(发改环资[2008]1223号,以下简称《通知》),今年的“全国节能宣传周”活动定于6月15日至21日举办,活动主题是“依法节能,全民行动”。现结合实际,将我省开展2008年“全国节能宣传周”活动有关事项通知如下:  相似文献   

The different methods for the generation of hydrogen are well known, as well as their applications, advantages and complications for their use. Every day it is essential to replace fossil fuels, so it is necessary to improve and take advantage of the different devices that we already have. The alkaline electrolyser is one of the best options, due to the simplicity of its components and its simple assembling; it is a relatively inexpensive device for the production of hydrogen. In this article, three different alkaline electrolyser stacks are presented, ECH-001 model. The difference between them lies in the fact that the configuration of the electrode changes with the number of drill holes. This has the purpose of optimizing the maximum productivity of the oxyhydrogen gas (OH2G) with respect to input power and the performance with different operation parameters, like the number of serial plates, geometry and the distance between them. The performance curves of parallel and serial arrangements are shown. The performance of a DEKTM diesel engine (monocylinder of 406 cc) with and without OH2G was evaluated, with flows of one, two and three sL min-1. Tests for CO, CO2, HC and NOx emissions were measured using the exhaust gas analyzer and varying the engine speed. The results show that the electrolyser assembly with four holes electrodes achieved the best performance with an OH2G productivity of 2 sL min-1 when using; 7 serial plates at the anode (which is called arrangement 1, 5–10), 3 mm gap and a 5% solution of NaOH. The results also shows a 14% reduction in fuel consumption, 22% reduction in HC, 23% reduction in CO, 7% reduction in CO2 and 15.5% NOx reduction with 2 sL min-1 of OH2G all this for 2500 rpm. The obtained results show a great advantage for the use of dual combustion with the diesel-hydrogen combination.  相似文献   

李颜颐  康浩  张志刚  蒋新波 《节能》2007,26(3):49-51
针对厨房通风设计存在的问题,阐述了通风系统、气流组织形式与风量、热量平衡计算、风管内气流速度等的确定原则和方法,以创造优良的厨房环境,设计出高效节能的通风系统。  相似文献   

The progress of hydrogen energy in terms of technologies and supply chains is appealing to member countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Countries with the advantages of fossil fuel resources and existing infrastructure can export grey hydrogen energy until 2025. This could help expand hydrogen-related infrastructure and form a certain level of economies of scale to prepare for the next phase of development of blue and green hydrogen energy. From 2026 to 2030, ASEAN could shift to blue hydrogen energy exports with the help of carbon capture, utilization, and storage. However, the domestic applications of hydrogen energy will remain economically uncompetitive in most ASEAN countries. After 2030, as the levelized costs of electricity for renewables decline and the share of renewable energy power increases, the cost of hydrogen energy production from surplus electricity could become even lower. Consequently, green hydrogen energy will dominate domestic downstream energy applications and exports to overseas markets.  相似文献   

Cool roofs—roofs that stay cool in the sun by minimizing solar absorption and maximizing thermal emission—lessen the flow of heat from the roof into the building, reducing the need for space cooling energy in conditioned buildings. Cool roofs may also increase the need for heating energy in cold climates. For a commercial building, the decrease in annual cooling load is typically much greater than the increase in annual heating load. This study combines building energy simulations, local energy prices, local electricity emission factors, and local estimates of building density to characterize local, state average, and national average cooling energy savings, heating energy penalties, energy cost savings, and emission reductions per unit conditioned roof area. The annual heating and cooling energy uses of four commercial building prototypes—new office (1980+), old office (pre-1980), new retail (1980+), and old retail (pre-1980)—were simulated in 236 US cities. Substituting a weathered cool white roof (solar reflectance 0.55) for a weathered conventional gray roof (solar reflectance 0.20) yielded annually a cooling energy saving per unit conditioned roof area ranging from 3.30 kWh/m2 in Alaska to 7.69 kWh/m2 in Arizona (5.02 kWh/m2 nationwide); a heating energy penalty ranging from 0.003 therm/m2 in Hawaii to 0.14 therm/m2 in Wyoming (0.065 therm/m2 nationwide); and an energy cost saving ranging from 0.126/m < sup > 2 < /sup > in West Virginia to0.126/m2 in West Virginia to 1.14/m2 in Arizona ($0.356/m2 nationwide). It also offered annually a CO2 reduction ranging from 1.07 kg/m2 in Alaska to 4.97 kg/m2 in Hawaii (3.02 kg/m2 nationwide); an NOx reduction ranging from 1.70 g/m2 in New York to 11.7 g/m2 in Hawaii (4.81 g/m2 nationwide); an SO2 reduction ranging from 1.79 g/m2 in California to 26.1 g/m2 in Alabama (12.4 g/m2 nationwide); and an Hg reduction ranging from 1.08 μg/m2 in Alaska to 105 μg/m2 in Alabama (61.2 μg/m2 nationwide). Retrofitting 80% of the 2.58 billion square meters of commercial building conditioned roof area in the USA would yield an annual cooling energy saving of 10.4 TWh; an annual heating energy penalty of 133 million therms; and an annual energy cost saving of $0.356/m2 nationwide). It also offered annually a CO2 reduction ranging from 1.07 kg/m2 in Alaska to 4.97 kg/m2 in Hawaii (3.02 kg/m2 nationwide); an NOx reduction ranging from 1.70 g/m2 in New York to 11.7 g/m2 in Hawaii (4.81 g/m2 nationwide); an SO2 reduction ranging from 1.79 g/m2 in California to 26.1 g/m2 in Alabama (12.4 g/m2 nationwide); and an Hg reduction ranging from 1.08 μg/m2 in Alaska to 105 μg/m2 in Alabama (61.2 μg/m2 nationwide). Retrofitting 80% of the 2.58 billion square meters of commercial building conditioned roof area in the USA would yield an annual cooling energy saving of 10.4 TWh; an annual heating energy penalty of 133 million therms; and an annual energy cost saving of 735 million. It would also offer an annual CO2 reduction of 6.23 Mt, offsetting the annual CO2 emissions of 1.20 million typical cars or 25.4 typical peak power plants; an annual NOx reduction of 9.93 kt, offsetting the annual NOx emissions of 0.57 million cars or 65.7 peak power plants; an annual SO2 reduction of 25.6 kt, offsetting the annual SO2 emissions of 815 peak power plants; and an annual Hg reduction of 126 kg.  相似文献   

本文主要介绍新钢公司石灰厂气烧石灰竖窑在节能降耗方面的一些成功技改方法。  相似文献   

李大中  唐影 《可再生能源》2015,33(1):118-123
提出了一种融入灰色关联度分析的最小二乘支持向量机建模方法,建立了垃圾焚烧发电污染物排放过程模型。验证结果表明,模型预测值与实际值的最大相对误差为7.8%,模型拟合平均绝对百分误差最大为4.67%,外推平均绝对百分误差最大为3.98%,模型能够较好地模拟垃圾焚烧过程中污染物排放过程特性。在此基础上,拟合设计了垃圾焚烧过程排放烟气污染物多目标优化函数,以二噁英排放值为主要评价指标,从Pareto最优解集合中选取出二噁英排放值较低的最优解子集。结果表明,优化计算值明显低于实际值,验证了设计方法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

近年来我国经济的强劲发展导致我国能源消耗量的大幅增长,但由于我国石油和天然气储备有限,大量进口石油很容易受到世界油价飙升带来的负面影响,能源安全已经成为我国不可忽视的首要问题。为此,我国国际氢能协会终身委员鲍德佑先生提出“发展氢能减少对石油进口和依赖”的建议,现全文发表——编者  相似文献   

Nowadays, one of the urgent issues regarding global climate change is to discuss the future of the second period of the Kyoto Protocol. However, the divergence of views and opinions among parties in the last Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, held in Durban in December 2011, is still large. One of the bones of contention is whether the emerging developing countries, like China, should make commitments and legally bind themselves to a Green House Gas (GHG) reduction target in near future. As the largest GHG emitting country, China and its energy and climate policies will play an important role in global climate change and will also significantly influence the other countries’ policies and the global climate negotiation. In this paper, we review the current differences among parties in the Durban Conference, and we analyze the recent situation, barriers, and future policies in China. Finally we highlight the impact and potential effect of Clean Development Mechanisms in avoiding China's barriers regarding climate change. Results show that China is making a great effort to mitigate climate change by establishing and reforming its energy and climate policies in order to achieve a low-carbon development. At the same time, more innovation and international collaboration is needed in China to achieve this goal.  相似文献   

Chillers consume more than 40% of the total energy used in the commercial and industrial buildings for space conditioning. In this paper, energy consumption by chillers and chilled water pumps, condenser pumps and fan motors has been estimated using data collected by a walkthrough energy audit for the 16 faculties of the University of Malaya. It has been estimated that chillers and motors and pumps used in chillers consume 10,737 MWh (i.e. 51% of total energy consumption) of electric energy for different percentage of loadings. As chillers are major energy users, variable speed drives are applied in chillers to reduce their energy consumption. It has been estimated that about 8368 MWh annual energy can be saved by using efficient chillers at different loadings. It has also been found that about 23,532 MWh annual energy can be saved for chilled water supply pumps, condenser pumps and cooling tower fan motors by matching required speeds using variable speed drives for 60% of speed reduction. About 1,274,692 kg of CO2 emission could be avoided for using energy efficient chillers at 50% load. It has been also found that about 2,426,769 kg CO2 emission can be reduced by using variable speed drives for 60% speed reductions. Payback periods found to be only few months for using variable speed drives in chilled water pumps, condensers and fan motors.  相似文献   

建设社会主义新农村与可再生能源开发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐述了在社会主义新农村建设中,无电地区开发风能和太阳能的必要性和重要性。并根据我国的国情提出了风能、太阳能开发利用的4种模式和途径。  相似文献   

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