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目的了解吉林省居民膳食中汞污染水平,对吉林省居民膳食摄入汞情况进行风险分析。方法采集并制备吉林省膳食样品,同时建立高效液相色谱-电感耦合等离子体质谱测定膳食中汞形态的方法,并应用该方法对膳食中的汞形态进行检测。结果吉林省膳食仅水产品样本中检出汞,主要形态为甲基汞,膳食中来自水产品的甲基汞的暴露贡献率在42.23%,计算暴露安全值均小于1,检测结果小于国家标准限量。对水产品甲基汞暴露风险进行分析,周平均暴露量最大为0.19μg/(kg·bw)。结论目前吉林省居民通过水产品摄入甲基汞风险可以接受。为更好地保障吉林省居民膳食甲基汞暴露长期安全,建议有关部门建立长期的风险监测机制。  相似文献   

In this study, gas-phase elemental mercury (Hg0) and related species (including inorganic reactive gaseous mercury (RGM) and particulate mercury (PHg)) were measured at Cheeka Peak Observatory (CPO), Washington State, in the marine boundary layer during 2001-2002. Air of continental origin containing anthropogenic pollutants from the urban areas to the east contained on average 5.3% lower Hg0 levels as compared to the marine background. This result is difficult to reconcile since it is known that industrial emissions in our region are sources of Hg0. The rate of removal of Hg0 from a pollution plume necessary to account for our observations is inconsistent with the accepted view of Hg0 as a stable atmospheric pollutant. The largest and most frequent Hg0 loss events occurred in the presence of increased ozone (O3) during the summer. Hg0 and O3 also display diurnal cycles that are out-of-phase with one another. In other seasons Hg0 behavior is less consistent, as we observe weak positive correlations with O3 and occasional Hg0 enhancements in local pollution. RGM and PHg concentrations are enhanced only slightly during Hg0 loss events, comprising a small fraction of the mercury pool (approximately 3%). Long-range transported pollution of Asian origin was also detected at CPO, and this contains both higher and lower levels of Hg0 as compared to the background with maximum changes being <20%. Here, the more photochemically processed the air mass, as determined by propane/ethane ratios, the more likely we are to observe Hg0 loss. Air from the marine background in summer displays a significant diurnal cycle with a phase that matches the diurnal cycles seen in polluted air masses. A Junge lifetime for Hg0 in the clean marine boundary layer is calculated to be 7.1 months, which is on the low end of previous estimates (0.5-2 yr).  相似文献   

In Central Sweden an estimated 80% of the lakes contain fish exceeding health guidelines for mercury. This area overlaps extensively with the Bergslagen ore region, where intensive mining of iron ores and massive sulfide ores occurred over the past millennium. Although only a few mines still operate today, thousands of mineral occurrences and mining sites are documented in the region. Here, we present data on long-term mercury pollution in 16 sediment records from 15 lakes, which indicate that direct release of mercury to lakes and watercourses was already significant prior to industrialization (相似文献   

汞是一种对人类和动植物具有相当大毒害作用的重金属元素,对人体的神经系统、肾、肝脏等组织都可产生不可逆的损害作用,给人体健康带来威胁。本文简述了我国目前食品中重金属汞的污染情况及其来源与危害,比较了国内外对食品中重金属汞的限量标准,并对食品中重金属汞的检测技术及发展趋势进行了分析与展望,以期对食品中汞的控制、监督和检测提供借鉴和参考。   相似文献   

目的了解深圳市市售水产品中重金属铅、镉、汞含量水平,评价水产品食用的安全性。方法在深圳市区范围内采集具有代表性、典型性的水产品, 26个品种共377份样品,按照GB 5009.268-2016《食品安全国家标准食品中多元素的测定》的方法进行分析。引入单因子污染指数法分析污染状况。结果镉、甲基汞、铅超标率分别为7.43%、1.60%和1.06%。单因子污染指数显示镉汞存在一定程度污染,其中镉重度污染样品主要集中在鱼类(重度污染占比10.2%)和甲壳类(重度污染占比14.7%),对比其他地区近5年污染数据显示深圳市售甲壳类水产品镉污染状况明显高于广东省平均水平。结论深圳市售水产品重金属安全卫生质量较好,但甲壳类水产品镉存在一定程度污染,应引起高度重视。  相似文献   

The formation and volatilization of dissolved gaseous mercury (DGM) is an important mechanism by which freshwaters may naturally reduce their mercury burden. Continuous analysis of surface water for diurnal trends in DGM concentration (ranging from 0 to 60.4 pg L(-1); n=613), mercury volatilization (ranging from 0.2 to 1.1 ng m(-2) h(-1); n=584), and a suite of physical and chemical measurements were performed during a 68 h period in the St. Lawrence River near Cornwall (Ontario, Canada) to examine the temporal relationships governing mercury volatilization. No lag-time was observed between net radiation and OGM concentrations (highest cross-correlation of 0.817), thus supporting previous research indicating faster photoreduction kinetics in rivers as compared to lakes. A significant lag-time (55-145 min; maximum correlation = 0.625) was observed between DGM formation and mercury volatilization, which is similar to surface water Eddy diffusion times of 42-132 min previously measured in the St. Lawrence River. A depth-integrated DGM model was developed using the diffuse integrated vertical attenuation coefficients for UVA and UVB (K(dI UVA) = 1.45 m(-1) K(dI UVB)= 3.20 m(-1)) Low attenuation of solar radiation was attributed to low concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (mean = 2.58 mg L(-1) and particulate organic carbon (mean = 0.58 mg L(-1) in the St. Lawrence River. The depth-integrated DGM model developed found that the top 0.3 m of the water column accounted for only 26% of the total depth-integrated DGM. A comparison with volatilization data indicated that a large portion (76% or 10.5 ng m(-2) of the maximum depth-integrated DGM (13.8 ng m(-2))is volatilized over a 24 h period. Therefore, at least 50% of all DGM volatilized was produced at depths below 0.3 m. These results highlight the importance of solar attenuation in regulating DGM formation with depth. The results also demonstrate both the fast formation of DGM in rivers and the importance of understanding DGM dynamics with depth as opposed to surface waters.  相似文献   

This paper provides an estimate of the weekly intake of total mercury (THg) and methyl mercury (MeHg) from consumption of fish from the Sagua la Grande River, Villa Clara, Cuba, by determining the THg levels in different fish species. The levels varied between 0.143 and 0.484 μg g?1 on a fresh weight basis. None of the analysed fish was found to have levels above the national and international regulatory levels, although THg levels over 0.2 μg g?1, the threshold concentration established by the World Health Organization (WHO) for the consumption by vulnerable population groups, were found in 75% of samples. The MeHg level was found to be 84% of the THg content. A Food Frequency Survey was given to 127 townspeople to estimate river fish consumption. The weekly intake of MeHg was found to be greater than the value established by the provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI) in 50% of children, in 80% of pregnant women, and in 75% of women in childbearing age. These weekly intakes can represent an important risk to the population's health, especially for vulnerable groups.  相似文献   

目的调查国内市售多个品牌的婴幼儿辅助食品中砷、汞的污染状况以及6种砷形态和2种汞形态含量,分析婴幼儿食用市售婴幼儿辅食时砷、汞污染暴露的风险。方法采集国内市场中39个品牌的138个婴幼儿辅助食品样品,总砷和总汞采用电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(inductivelycoupledplasmasourcemass spectrometer, ICP-MS)进行分析,采用Hamilton PRP-X100阴离子分析柱和Agilent Eclipse plus C_(18)色谱柱分别分离砷形态和汞形态,流动相分别为25 mmol/L磷酸二氢铵水溶液:乙醇=99:1(V:V)(pH=8.0,氨水调节)和0.1%L-半胱氨酸-10 mmol/L乙酸铵水溶液:甲醇=95:5(V:V),高效液相色谱串联电感耦合等离子体质谱仪分析。结果138个样品中的总砷和总汞最高浓度值分别高达4250.9和695.7μg/kg,其中12个样品中的总汞含量超标,不合格率达到8.7%;所有样品中的砷胆碱(arsenocholine, AsC)、一甲基砷(methyl arsenic, MMA)和乙基汞均低于检出限;砷甜菜碱(arsenic betaine, AsB)、三价砷、二甲基砷(dimethylarsine, DMA)、五价砷和甲基汞的检出样品个数分别为25、68、36、135和48个;所有样品的无机砷含量均未超标,最高值为174.9μg/kg。结论市售婴幼儿辅助食品中的砷、汞存在一定程度的污染,应引起相关部门的重视。  相似文献   

北京市部分老年妇女近年来膳食结构变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为了解 1996至 2 0 0 1年期间北京市部分老年妇女膳食结构的变化 ,通过两项研究即绝经妇女钙摄入量与骨密度关系研究 (1996年前后 )和北京老年人骨性关节炎患病率调查 (2 0 0 1年前后 )获得老年妇女的食物消费量资料。调查对象分别包括 14 4名和 112名北京市崇文区的老年妇女。膳食调查方法为 2 4h回顾法。结果表明 2 0 0 1年与 1996年比较 ,调查对象谷类消费减少 ,蔬菜、水果、肉、禽及油脂的消费增加 ,但蔬菜、豆类及鱼虾的摄入量仍低于“平衡膳食宝塔”建议的水平 ,应进一步提高。而肉、蛋及油脂的消费量高于“宝塔”的建议量。脂肪供应的能量已达到膳食总能量的 35 % ,应适当减少畜肉、蛋类及油脂的摄入量 ,以减少高脂血症、冠心病等老年慢性病发生的危险。  相似文献   

The Pearl River Delta (PRD) is located in the Southern part of China and is the main region for fish culture in Guangdong Province. In order to assess the potential health risks associated with dietary consumption of mercury, hair samples from 91 urban, town and fishing village residents, 37 species of fish, cereal, vegetables, and meat samples were collected. The average total mercury (THg) and methylmercury (MeHg) concentrations in hair were 1.08 ± 0.94 and 0.58 ± 0.59 μg/g, respectively. Daily Hg intake via fish consumption is significantly correlated with THg and MeHg accumulated in human hair (r = 0.48, p < 0.01; r = 0.43, p < 0.01). The estimated daily intake of Hg via different food types showed that both fish and cereal consumption were the two main routes of Hg exposure for residents in the sampling areas. Besides food intake, smoking was also an important source for daily THg intake in the smoke group, contributing 11–18% to EDI of THg.  相似文献   

目的 利用地理信息系统(geographic information system, GIS)可视化分析畜牧场中重金属污染的空间分布规律。方法 利用优化GIS布点, 结合GPS精准采集黑龙江省大庆市杜尔伯特蒙古族自治县整体畜牧场园区内部10 cm, 50 cm深度的土壤、地表水及园区粪便样品。对主要重金属元素As、Hg、Cd、Pb、Cr、Cu、Ni、Zn依据国标和行标方法进行检测, 通过GIS反距离加权插值法和污染指数法对场地超标重金属进行污染空间格局分析和污染评价。结果 不同土层的单因子污染指数中As元素均为重度污染级别, 其他7种元素属于安全等级, 综合污染指数属于重污染等级。畜牧场内外地表水中Ni元素以及牛饮用水中Sb元素单因子污染指数属于警戒线等级, 其他元素属于安全等级, 其水样的综合污染指数均为轻度污染等级。粪便样品的所有重金属元素的单因子污染指数和综合污染指数均属于安全等级。重金属污染污染呈现垂向由上至下逐渐增大的空间分布特征, 水平分布结构相似。结论 应用GIS可更加准确更加直观的获得重金属在不同介质, 不同深度下的空间分布规律和污染情况。  相似文献   

Atmospheric mercury depletion episodes (AMDEs) were studied at Station Nord, Northeast Greenland, 81 degrees 36' N, 16 degrees 40' W, during the Arctic Spring. Gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) and ozone were measured starting from 1998 and 1999, respectively, until August 2002. GEM was measured with a TEKRAN 2735A automatic mercury analyzer based on preconcentration of mercury on a gold trap followed by detection using fluorescence spectroscopy. Ozone was measured by UV absorption. A scatter plot of GEM and ozone concentrations confirmed that also at Station Nord GEM and ozone are linearly correlated during AMDEs. The relationship between ozone and GEM is further investigated in this paper using basic reaction kinetics (i.e., Cl, ClO, Br, and BrO have been suggested as reactants for GEM). The analyses in this paper show that GEM in the Arctic troposphere most probably reacts with Br. On the basis of the experimental results of this paper and results from the literature, a simple parametrization for AMDE was included into the Danish Eulerian Hemispheric Model (DEHM). In the model, GEM is converted linearly to reactive gaseous mercury (RGM) over sea ice with temperature below -4 degrees C with a lifetime of 3 or 10 h. The new AMDE parametrization was used together with the general parametrization of mercury chemistry [Petersen, G.; Munthe, J.; Pleijel, K.; Bloxam, R.; Vinod Kumar, A. Atmos. Environ. 1998, 32, 829-843]. The obtained model results were compared with measurements of GEM at Station Nord. There was good agreement between the start and general features periods with AMDEs, although the model could not reproduce the fast concentration changes, and the correlation between modeled and measured values decreased from 2000 to 2001 and further in 2002. The modeled RGM concentrations over the Arctic in 2000 were found to agree well with the temporal and geographical variability of the boundary column of monthly average BrO observed by the GOME satellite. Scenario calculations were performed with and without AMDEs. For the area north of the Polar Circle, the mercury deposition increases from 89 tons/year for calculations without an AMDE to 208 tons/year with the AMDE. The 208 tons/year represent an upper limit for the mercury load to the Artic.  相似文献   

The Pearl River Delta is a major manufacturing region on the south coast of China that produces more than dollar 100 billion of goods annually for export to North America, Europe, and other parts of Asia. Considerable air pollution is caused by the manufacturing industries themselves and by the power plants, trucks, and ships that support them. We estimate that 10-40% of emissions of primary SO2, NO(x), RSP, and VOC in the region are caused by export-related activities. Using the STEM-2K1 atmospheric transport model, we estimate that these emissions contribute 5-30% of the ambient concentrations of SO2, NO(x), NO(z), and VOC in the region. One reason that the exported goods are cheap and therefore attractive to consumers in developed countries is that emission controls are lacking or of low performance. We estimate that state-of-the-art controls could be installed at an annualized cost of dollar 0.3-3 billion, representing 0.3-3% of the value of the goods produced. We conclude that mitigation measures could be adopted without seriously affecting the prices of exported goods and would achieve considerable human health and other benefits in the form of reduced air pollutant concentrations in densely populated urban areas.  相似文献   

This study presents the determination and comparison of isotopic compositions of Hg in sediments, plankton, roach, and perch of two freshwater systems in the Lake Baikal-Angara River aquatic ecosystem: the man-made Bratsk Water Reservoir contaminated by Hg from a chlor-alkali factory and the noncontaminated Lake Baikal. Isotopic ratios of biota exhibit both significant mass-independent fractionation (MIF) (Δ(199)Hg from 0.20 to 1.87‰) and mass-dependent fractionation (MDF) (δ(202)Hg from -0.97 to -0.16‰), whereas sediments exhibit high MDF (δ(202)Hg from -1.99 to -0.83‰) but no MIF. δ(15)N and δ(13)C are correlated with methylmercury in organisms from both sites, indicating bioaccumulation and biomagnification through food webs of both regions. Combining this with isotopic composition of samples shows that δ(202)Hg increases with the trophic level of organisms and also with methylmercury in fish from Lake Baikal. This study demonstrates that MIF in fish samples from Bratsk Water Reservoir allow to trace anthropogenic Hg, since fish with the highest levels of Hg in muscle have the same isotopic composition as the sediment in which anthropogenic Hg was deposited. Less contaminated fish do not exhibit this anthropogenic signature accumulating relatively lower Hg amount from the contaminated sediments. This work reveals that Hg isotopic composition can be used to track the contribution of anthropogenic sources in fish from a contaminated lake.  相似文献   

珠三角地区某三旧改造地块已停产拆除,地块的未来利用规划属于一类用地.为了保障地块未来再开发利用的环境安全,对该地块开展了土壤和地下水污染状况调查研究.第一阶段的调查结果显示,地块存在工业生产活动,需进行第二阶段现场采样分析.采用判断布点和网格布点相结合的原则,在地块内共布设了33个土壤监测点位、11个地下水监测点位和1...  相似文献   

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