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Adaptive segmentation of noisy and textured images   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An image segmentation algorithm is described which is based on the integration of signal model parameter estimates and maximum a posteriori labelling. The parameter estimation is based on either a maximum likelihood-based method for a quadric signal model or a maximum pseudo-likelihood based method for a Gauss-Markov signal model. The first case is applicable to standard grey-level image segmentation as well as segmentation of shaded 3D surfaces, while the second case is applicable to texture segmentation. A key aspect of the algorithm is the incorporation of a coarse to fine processing strategy which limits the search for the optimum labelling at any one resolution to a subset of labellings which are consistent with the optimum labelling at the previous coarser resolution. Consistency is in terms of a prior label model which specifies the conditional probability of a given label in terms of the labelling at the previous level of resolution. It is shown how such an approach leads to a simple relaxation procedure based on local pyramid node computations. An extension of the algorithm is also described which performs accurate inter-region boundary placement using a step-wise refinement procedure based on a simple adaptive filter. The problem of automatic determination of the number of regions is also addressed. It is shown how a simple agglomerative clustering idea, again based on pyramid node computations, can effectively solve this problem.  相似文献   

Segmentation of ultrasound images by using a hybrid neural network   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A hybrid neural network is presented for the segmentation of ultrasound images.

Feature vectors are formed by the discrete cosine transform of pixel intensities in region of interest (ROI). The elements and the dimension of the feature vectors are determined by considering only two parameters: The amount of ignored coefficients, and the dimension of the ROI.

First-layer-nodes of the proposed hybrid network represent hyperspheres (HSs) in the feature space. Feature space is partitioned by intersecting these HSs to represent the distribution of classes. The locations and radii of the HSs are found by the genetic algorithms.

Restricted Coulomb energy (RCE) network, modified RCE network, multi-layer perceptron and the proposed hybrid neural network are examined comparatively for the segmentation of ultrasound images.  相似文献   

字符粘连及字线相交的分割与识别方法   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
描述了工程图纸矢量化中多向粘连字符及字线相交的分割算法与识别方法.提出不同情况下字串的定向计算方法,通过粘连字块的特征矢量计算和迭代计算实现字块的分割.运用波形投影方法解决了粘连字符及字线相交情况下的字间切割问题,使工程图多向字符识别精度显著提高,该算法对局部退化状态下的字符识别具有良好的抗干扰性.  相似文献   

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