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Statistically efficient processing schemes focus the resources of a signal processing system on the range of statistically probable signals. Relying on the statistical properties of retinal motion signals during ego-motion we propose a nonlinear processing scheme for retinal flow. It maximizes the mutual information between the visual input and its neural representation, and distributes the processing load uniformly over the neural resources. We derive predictions for the receptive fields of motion sensitive neurons in the velocity space. The properties of the receptive fields are tightly connected to their position in the visual field, and to their preferred retinal velocity. The velocity tuning properties show characteristics of properties of neurons in the motion processing pathway of the primate brain.  相似文献   

Different kinds of local image structures (such as homogeneous, edge-like and junction-like patches) can be distinguished by the intrinsic dimensionality of the local signals. Intrinsic dimensionality makes use of variance from a point and a line in spectral representation of the signal in order to classify it as homogeneous, edge-like or junction-like. The concept of intrinsic dimensionality has been mostly exercised using discrete formulations; however, recent work has introduced a continuous definition. The current study analyzes the distribution of local patches in natural images according to this continuous understanding of intrinsic dimensionality. This distribution reveals specific patterns than can be also associated to local image structures established in computer vision and which can be related to orientation and optic flow features. In particular, we link quantitative and qualitative properties of optic-flow error estimates to these patterns. In this way, we also introduce a new tool for better analysis of optic flow algorithms.  相似文献   

Optic flow motion patterns can be a rich source of information about our own movement and about the structure of the environment we are moving in. We investigate the information available to the brain under real operating conditions by analyzing video sequences generated by physically moving a camera through various typical human environments. We consider to what extent the motion signal maps generated by a biologically plausible, two-dimensional array of correlation-based motion detectors (2DMD) not only depend on egomotion, but also reflect the spatial setup of such environments. We analyzed the local motion outputs by extracting the relative amounts of detected directions and comparing the spatial distribution of the motion signals to that of idealized optic flow. Using a simple template matching estimation technique, we are able to extract the focus of expansion and find relatively small errors that are distributed in characteristic patterns in different scenes. This shows that all types of scenes provide suitable motion information for extracting ego motion despite the substantial levels of noise affecting the motion signal distributions, attributed to the sparse nature of optic flow and the presence of camera jitter. However, there are large differences in the shape of the direction distributions between different types of scenes; in particular, man-made office scenes are heavily dominated by directions in the cardinal axes, which is much less apparent in outdoor forest scenes. Further examination of motion magnitudes at different scales and the location of motion information in a scene revealed different patterns across different scene categories. This suggests that self-motion patterns are not only relevant for deducing heading direction and speed but also provide a rich information source for scene structure and could be important for the rapid formation of the gist of a scene under normal human locomotion.  相似文献   

A new method to on-line collision-avoidance of the links of redundant robots with obstacles is presented. The method allows the use of redundant degrees of freedom such that a manipulator can avoid obstacles while tracking the desired end-effector trajectory. It is supposed that the obstacles in the workspace of the manipulator are presented by convex polygons. The recognition of collisions of the links of the manipulator with obstacles results on-line through a nonsensory method. For every link of the redundant manipulator and every obstacle a boundary ellipse is defined in workspace such that there is no collision if the robot joints are outside these ellipses. In case a collision is imminent, the collision-avoidance algorithm compute the self-motion movements necessary to avoid the collision. The method is based on coordinate transformation and inverse kinematics and leads to the favorable use of the abilities of redundant robots to avoid the collisions with obstacles while tracking the end-effector trajectory. This method has the advantage that the configuration of the manipulator after collision-avoidance can be influenced by further requirements such as avoidance of singularities, joint limits, etc. The effectiveness of the proposed method is discussed by theoretical considerations and illustrated by simulation of the motion of three-and four-link planar manipulators between obstacles.  相似文献   

Image segmentation plays an important role in the analysis of retinal images as the extraction of the optic disk provides important cues for accurate diagnosis of various retinopathic diseases. In recent years, gradient vector flow (GVF) based algorithms have been used successfully to successfully segment a variety of medical imagery. However, due to the compromise of internal and external energy forces within the resulting partial differential equations, these methods can lead to less accurate segmentation results in certain cases. In this paper, we propose the use of a new mean shift-based GVF segmentation algorithm that drives the internal/external energies towards the correct direction. The proposed method incorporates a mean shift operation within the standard GVF cost function to arrive at a more accurate segmentation. Experimental results on a large dataset of retinal images demonstrate that the presented method optimally detects the border of the optic disc.  相似文献   

An accurate detection of the cup region in retinal images is necessary to obtain relevant measurements for glaucoma detection. In this work, we present an Ant Colony Optimization-based method for optic cup segmentation in retinal fundus images. The artificial agents will construct their solutions influenced by a heuristic that combines the intensity gradient of the optic disc area and the curvature of the vessels. On their own, the exploration capabilities of the agents are limited; however, by sharing the experience of the entire colony, they are capable of obtaining accurate cup segmentations, even in images with a weak or non-obvious pallor. This method has been tested with the RIM-ONE dataset, yielding an average overlapping error of 24.3% of the cup segmentation and an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.7957 using the cup to disc ratio for glaucoma assessment.  相似文献   

The newly proposed singularity-consistent path tracking approach is applied to nonredundant parallel-link manipulators. We analyze the singularities of such manipulators under the assumption that the output-link moves on a pre-defined and parameterized path. Special attention is paid to the so-called instantaneous self-motion type singularity. We propose a velocity-command generator type closed-loop controller that guarantees asymptotic stability when tracking paths through such singularities. As a comprehensive analytical example we use a planar five bar mechanism. Results from computer simulations with the five bar mechanism and the HEXA parallel robot are also presented. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

提出了一种应用于交通管理中心统计道路车流量的路由协议,以便更好地进行交通管理。根据无线传感器网络能量有限的特点和具体应用的需求,在路由表中添加了车辆在检测区域内的有效时间,动态控制了中间节点是否转发信息,避免了基站接收无用信息,减少了节点的能量消耗。提出了一种节点唤醒策略,有效地提高了车流量统计应用中对目标追踪的质量。仿真实验表明:与AODV协议和TSR协议相比,延长了网络生存周期。  相似文献   

We describe and test a biologically motivated space-variant filtering method for decreasing the noise in optic flow fields. Our filter model adopts certain properties of a particular motion-sensitive area of the brain (area MT), which averages the incoming motion signals over receptive fields, the sizes of which increase with the distance from the center of the projection. We use heading estimation from optic flow as a criterion to evaluate the improvement of the filtered flow field. The tests are conducted on flow fields calculated with a standard flow algorithm from image sequences. We use two different sets of image sequences. The first set is recorded by a camera which is installed in a moving car. The second set is derived from a database containing three dimensional data and reflectance information from natural scenes. The latter set guarantees full control of the camera motion and ground truth about the flow field and the heading. We test the space-variant filtering method by comparing heading estimation results between space-variant filtered flow, flow filtered by averaging over domains of the visual field with constant size (constant filtering) and raw unfiltered flow. Because of noise and the aperture problem the heading estimates obtained from the raw flows are often unreliable. Estimated heading differs widely for different sub-sampled calculations. In contrast, the results obtained from the filtered flows are much less variable and therefore more consistent. Furthermore, we find a significant improvement of the results obtained from the space-variant filtered flow compared to the constant filtered flow. We suggest extensions to the space-variant filtering procedure that take other properties of motion representation in area MT into account.  相似文献   

传统的基于视频的交通流量统计算法需要对流量统计区域属性及换算参数进行设置,设置方法复杂繁琐,灵活性差,应用有局限性。针对这一问题,结合人类统计目标数目的思想,提出了一种基于视觉理解的交通流量统计算法,无需设定流量统计区域就能完成流量统计。该算法使用帧间差分法检测出动态目标,通过Camshift与Kalman滤波相结合的方式完成目标跟踪,再通过对跟踪目标运动的分析来对交通流数目进行校正更新,最后获得交通流量数据。实验表明,提出的算法具有较好的统计效果。  相似文献   

The problem of determining directions of blood vessels in the optic disk is considered. The proposed method for estimating the vessel directions is based on analyzing local minima of gray-scale profile of the eye-ground image. Results of tests on real images are presented. Mikhail Anan’in. Born 1984. Graduated from the Samara State Aerospace University in 2007 and is currently a post-graduate student at the same university. From 2006 to present is a junior researcher at the Image Processing Systems Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences. Scientific interests: image processing, image reconstruction, pattern recognition, wavelet analysis, and differential geometry. Authored more than ten papers. Nataliya Il’yasova. Born 1966. Graduated from the Samara State Aerospace University in 1991, where in 1997 she received candidate’s degree (Eng.). Currently a senior s researcher at the Image Processing Systems Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences and a senior lecturer at Samara State Aerospace University. Scientific interests: digital image processing and recognition, pattern recognition, information systems in biomedical applications, computer-aided systems for monitoring eye fundus microvascular morphology, and analysis of cardiac coronary vessels. Author of more than 60 papers in the field of image processing and pattern recognition. Aleksandr Kupriyanov. Born 1978. Graduated from the Samara State Aerospace University in 1991 and in 1997 received candidate’s degree (Eng.) from the same university. Currently has a position of researcher at the Image Processing Systems Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences. Scientific interests: digital image processing and recognition, pattern recognition, information systems in biomedical applications, computer-aided systems for monitoring eye fundus microvascular morphology, analysis of cardiac coronary vessels, evaluation of diagnostic features, and retinal image analysis. Author of more than 30 papers in the field of image processing and pattern recognition.  相似文献   

Complex cell pooling and the statistics of natural images   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In previous work, we presented a statistical model of natural images that produced outputs similar to receptive fields of complex cells in primary visual cortex. However, a weakness of that model was that the structure of the pooling was assumed a priori and not learned from the statistical properties of natural images. Here, we present an extended model in which the pooling nonlinearity and the size of the subspaces are optimized rather than fixed, so we make much fewer assumptions about the pooling. Results on natural images indicate that the best probabilistic representation is formed when the size of the subspaces is relatively large, and that the likelihood is considerably higher than for a simple linear model with no pooling. Further, we show that the optimal nonlinearity for the pooling is squaring. We also highlight the importance of contrast gain control for the performance of the model. Our model is novel in that it is the first to analyze optimal subspace size and how this size is influenced by contrast normalization.  相似文献   

Under natural viewing conditions, small movements of the eye, head and body prevent the maintenance of a steady direction of gaze. It is known that stimuli tend to fade when they are stabilized on the retina for several seconds. However, it is unclear whether the physiological motion of the retinal image serves a visual purpose during the brief periods of natural visual fixation. This study examines the impact of fixational instability on the statistics of the visual input to the retina and on the structure of neural activity in the early visual system. We show that fixational instability introduces a component in the retinal input signals that, in the presence of natural images, lacks spatial correlations. This component strongly influences neural activity in a model of the LGN. It decorrelates cell responses even if the contrast sensitivity functions of simulated cells are not perfectly tuned to counter-balance the power-law spectrum of natural images. A decorrelation of neural activity at the early stages of the visual system has been proposed to be beneficial for discarding statistical redundancies in the input signals. The results of this study suggest that fixational instability might contribute to the establishment of efficient representations of natural stimuli.  相似文献   

Perceiving surfaces in a manner that accords with their physical properties is essential for successful behaviour. Since, however, a given retinal image can have been generated by an infinite variety of natural surfaces with different geometrical and/or physical qualities, the corresponding percepts cannot be determined by the stimulus per se. Rather, resolution of this quandary requires a strategy of vision that incorporates the statistical relationship of the information in retinal images to its sources in representative environments. To examine this probabilistic relationship with respect to the features of object surfaces, we analysed a database of range images in which the distances of all the objects in a series of natural scenes were measured with respect to the image plane by a laser range scanner. By taking any particular scene obtained in this way to be made up of a set of concatenated surface patches, we were able to explore the statistics of scene roughness, size-distance relationships, surface orientation and local curvature, as well as the independent components of natural surfaces. The relevance of these statistics to both perception and the neuronal organization of the underlying visual circuitry is discussed.  相似文献   

We examined how the distribution of colors in natural images varies as the seasons change. Images of natural outdoor scenes were acquired at locations in the Western Ghats, India, during monsoon and winter seasons and in the Sierra Nevada, USA, from spring to fall. The images were recorded with an RGB digital camera calibrated to yield estimates of the L, M, and S cone excitations and chromatic and luminance contrasts at each pixel. These were compared across time and location and were analyzed separately for regions of earth and sky. Seasonal climate changes alter both the average color in scenes and how the colors are distributed around the average. Arid periods are marked by a mean shift toward the +L pole of the L vs. M chromatic axis and a rotation in the color distributions away from the S vs. LM chromatic axis and toward an axis of bluish-yellowish variation, both primarily due to changes in vegetation. The form of the change was similar at the two locations suggesting that the color statistics of natural images undergo a characteristic pattern of temporal variation. We consider the implications of these changes for models of both visual sensitivity and color appearance.  相似文献   

Diabetic retinopathy is the progressive pathological alterations in the retinal microvasculature that very often causes blindness. Because of its clinical significance, it will be helpful to have regular cost‐effective eye screening for diabetic patients by developing algorithms to perform retinal image analysis, fundus image enhancement, and monitoring. The two cost‐effective algorithms are proposed for exudates detection and optic disk extraction aimed for retinal images classification and diagnosis assistance. They represent the effort made to offer a cost‐effective algorithm for optic disk identification, which will enable easier exudates extraction, exudates detection and retinal images classification aimed to assist ophthalmologists while making diagnoses. The proposed algorithms apply mathematical modeling, which enables light intensity levels emphasis, easier optic disk and exudates detection, efficient and correct classification of retinal images. The algorithm is robust to various appearance changes of retinal fundus images and shows very promising results. Fundus images are classified into those that are healthy and those affected by diabetes, based on the detected optic disk and exudates. The obtained results indicate that the proposed algorithm successfully and correctly classifies more than 98% of the observed retinal images because of the changes in the appearance of retinal fundus images typically encountered in clinical environments. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We propose to model the statistics of natural images thanks to the large class of stochastic processes called Infinitely Divisible Cascades (IDC). IDC were first introduced in one dimension to provide multifractal time series to model the so-called intermittency phenomenon in hydrodynamical turbulence. We have extended the definition of scalar infinitely divisible cascades from 1 to N dimensions and commented on the relevance of such a model in fully developed turbulence in [1]. In this article, we focus on the particular 2 dimensional case. IDC appear as good candidates to model the statistics of natural images. They share most of their usual properties and appear to be consistent with several independent theoretical and experimental approaches of the literature. We point out the interest of IDC for applications to procedural texture synthesis.  相似文献   

Medical image segmentation is of pivotal importance in computer-aided clinical diagnosis. Many factors, including noises, bias field effect, local volume effect, as well as tissue movement may affect the med- ical image, thus causing blurring or uneven characteristics when forming a picture. Such quality defects will inevitably impair the gray-scale difference between adjacent tissues and lead to insufficient segmentation or even leakage during tissue or organ segmentation. In the present investigation, a local adaptive segmentation algorithm for 3-D medical image based on robust feature statistics (LARFS) was proposed. By combining segmentation algorithm principles for traditional region growing (RG) and robust feature statistics (RFS), the location and neighborhood image information of input seed point can be comprehensively analyzed by LARFS. Results show that, for different segmentation objects, under controlling the input parameter of growing factor within certain range, LARFS segmentation algorithm can adapt well to the regional geometric shape. And be- cause the robust feature statistics is applied in the contour evolution process, LARFS algorithm is not sensitive to noises and not easily influenced by image contrast and object topology. Hence, the leakage and excessive segmentation effects are ameliorated with a smooth edge, and the accuracy can be controlled within the effective error range.  相似文献   

Yang  Xinbo  Zhang  Yan 《Multimedia Tools and Applications》2021,80(11):16537-16547

Multi-atlas segmentation is widely accepted as an essential image segmentation approach. Through leveraging on the information from the atlases instead of utilizing the model-based segmentation techniques, the multi-atlas segmentation could significantly enhance the accuracy of segmentation. However, label fusion, which plays an important role for multi-atlas segmentation still remains the primary challenge. Bearing this in mind, a deep learning-based approach is presented through integrating feature extraction and label fusion. The proposed deep learning architecture consists of two independent channels composing of continuous convolutional layers. To evaluate the performance our approach, we conducted comparison experiments between state-of-the-art techniques and the proposed approach on publicly available datasets. Experimental results demonstrate that the accuracy of the proposed approach outperforms state-of-the-art techniques both in efficiency and effectiveness.


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