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SA Hundahl HR Menck EG Mansour DP Winchester 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,80(12):2333-2341
BACKGROUND: The National Cancer Data Base (NCDB) represents a national electronic registry system now encompassing almost 60% of incident cancers in the United States. In combination with other programs of the American College of Surgeons Commission on Cancer, the NCDB offers a working example of voluntary, accurate, and cost-effective "outcomes management" on a both a local and a national scale. METHODS: For the accession years 1985-1993, the NCDB has obtained information on demographics, patterns of care, disease stage, treatment, and outcome for a convenience sample of 57,407 gastric carcinoma cases (1.6% of total NCDB cases). In addition to describing trends, this report focuses on 5-year relative survival for a cohort of 1987-1988 cases staged according to the third edition of the American Joint Committee on Cancer's TNM classification, as well as patterns of care for a cohort of 1992-1993 cases. RESULTS: Stage-stratified 5-year relative survival for the 1987-1988 cohort was as follows: IA, 71%; IB, 56%; II, 37%; IIIA, 18%; IIIB, 11%; IV, 5%. Without noteworthy changes in stage distribution, demographics, or other factors, the proportion of patients treated by total gastrectomy is increasing slightly, but proximal gastrectomy for proximal cancers remains surprisingly popular. The proportion of cases receiving postoperative adjuvant treatment has declined slightly. Presumably because of advanced age and/or medical infirmity, a substantial proportion of U.S. patients with disease at every stage receive no treatment for cancer. CONCLUSIONS: This analysis of patterns of care has revealed unexplained variations in treatment and opportunities for improvement. Treatment of the elderly, infirm patient with gastric carcinoma appears problematic. 相似文献
BACKGROUND: The National Cancer Data Base (NCDB) has reported on many malignancies occurring in men and women in the U. S. from >1400 contributing hospitals. The current report on non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) is a companion to an upcoming Patient Care Evaluation study of this relatively common and serious cancer. METHODS: This report is comprised of all NHL cases submitted to the NCDB divided into two diagnostic-year groups: 1985-1988 and 1990-1993. Variables routinely collected by hospital cancer registries have been analyzed to report on patterns of diagnosis and treatment. RESULTS: High grade NHL cases were more likely to be Stage IV (40.8%) than were low or intermediate grade cases (34.8% and 32.5%, respectively). Patients with NHL arising from lymph node sites tended to present with more advanced disease (55.8% with Stages III and IV disease), whereas patients with NHL arising from extranodal sites and non-lymph node nodal sites presented at an earlier stage (64.7% and 74.0%, respectively, with Stage I or Stage II disease). Approximately 67% of all patients underwent chemotherapy, whereas only 25% underwent surgery or radiation. By histology, 5-year survival was 68.8% for low grade disease, 51.9% for intermediate grade disease, and 45.8% for high grade disease; by stage, survival rates ranged from 73.5% for Stage I to 42.9% for Stage IV disease. CONCLUSIONS: To the authors' knowledge, the 91,306 cases in this study represent the largest contemporary sample of NHL patients. The material reported here may serve as a reference with which to compare local patterns with national data. The Working Formulation's ability to stratify patients' survival rates confirms its utility for NHL. Stage according to the American Joint Committee on Cancer also was accurate in predicting survival. 相似文献
BACKGROUND: Patterns of care for prostate cancer patients in the United States have changed as early detection has improved. The National Cancer Data Base of the American College of Surgeons Commission on Cancer provides information about the treatment of patients in all age, race, and regional groups from institutions that represent cancer care at the community level as well as in medical centers. METHODS: Data on 251,416 prostate cancer patients diagnosed between 1992 and 1994 were studied. Patient and disease characteristics, including age, race, the geographic region from which a case was reported, American Joint Committee on Cancer stage, and tumor grade were related to the primary pattern of treatment. Stage-standardized comparisons were made among different age groups, race groups, and regional groups. RESULTS: Stage and tumor grade varied little across age, race, and regional classifications. African American patients were more likely than white patients to have Stage IV prostate cancer at the time of diagnosis. Men older than 75 years had greater proportions than younger men of both the earliest and the most advanced stages of cancer. Overall, 24.6% of patients received no cancer-directed therapy, 11.6% were treated with hormones or endocrine surgery, 28.6% received radiation therapy, 28.3% underwent radical prostatectomy, and 6.9% were treated by other modalities or combinations of modalities. Treatment patterns varied markedly by age. The selection of radical prostatectomy relative to no treatment and radiation therapy varied by race and region. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study showed that prostate cancer treatment varies by patient age, race, and geographic region. The reasons for some of these variations are not well understood and deserve further investigation. 相似文献
A Grovas A Fremgen A Rauck FB Ruymann CL Hutchinson DP Winchester HR Menck 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,80(12):2321-2332
BACKGROUND: Patterns of and progress against childhood cancer have been reported on multi-institution, regional, national, and international bases by several sources in the past. These sources have included clinical cooperative group trials and population-based registries. In general, the population-based surveys have excluded brain tumors of either benign or uncertain behavior. The authors of this article investigated the patterns of data reported for the period 1985-1993, motivated by their interest in assessing the potential of National Cancer Data Base (NCDB) data to 1) facilitate individual institution review and 2) cover institutions that are not members of the Pediatric Oncology Group or the Children's Cancer Group, which are both national clinical cooperative groups. METHODS: Six annual calls for data, starting with a call for 1985 and 1988 cases, were issued to approximately 2100 hospitals with cancer programs (1340 programs approved by the Commission on Cancer of the American College of Surgeons and 760 other programs). The baseline data items of the NCDB included patient demography, tumor characteristics, initial treatment, and follow-up. The data for each patient were coded in the traditional manner by trained cancer registrars before being transmitted to the NCDB in standard format. RESULTS: In the most recent year for which data were reported, the NCDB included 42% of all estimated U.S. childhood cancers. The cases were reported by institutions that were members of the Pediatric Oncology Group and the Children's Cancer Group as well as nonmember institutions. The distribution of diagnostic groups reported to the NCDB was generally similar to that reported to SEER, except for lymphomas and brain cancer (the NCDB series included benign as well as malignant brain tumors). The distribution of diagnostic groups reported to the NCDB did not change over the 9-year reporting period (1985-1993). With regard to ethnicity, the most varied distribution of diagnostic groups was found among African American patients. For many types of cancer, the survival of those patients reported to the NCDB was similar to that of patients included in the SEER population-based series. These cancers included Wilms' tumor (NCDB 89% vs. SEER 88%), non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NCDB 74% vs. SEER 70%), soft tissue sarcomas (NCDB rhabdomyosarcomas 70% and sarcomas 79% vs. SEER soft tissue sarcomas 71%), and neuroblastoma (NCDB 58% vs. SEER 57%). CONCLUSIONS: The authors concluded that the number of brain tumors of benign and uncertain behavior being diagnosed were significant enough in number that they should be included in regional and national cancer registries that report data for clinical purposes. They further concluded that for reasons of data inclusion and institutional coverage, the NCDB will be an important data base for pediatric cancers that will warrant increased use by pediatric investigators. 相似文献
HR Menck MP Cunningham JM Jessup HJ Eyre DP Winchester CE Scott-Conner GP Murphy 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,80(12):2296-2304
BACKGROUND: The National Cancer Data Base (NCDB), a joint project of the Commission on Cancer of the American College of Surgeons and the American Cancer Society, is a cancer management and outcomes data base for health care organizations. It provides a comparative summary of patient care that is used by communities and participating hospitals for self-assessment. The most current (1994) data are described here. METHODS: Six calls for data have yielded a total of 4,580,000 cases for the years 1985-1994. A total of 1735 hospital cancer registries have each participated in at least one of the calls for data. RESULTS: Summing the last year's report from each of the 1227 hospitals that participated in 1994, the cases represent the equivalent of 57% of the estimated 1994 U.S. cancer cases. These data were received from all six regions of the country, including all 50 states. Ninety-seven percent of patients received all or part of their treatment at the reporting hospital. The four most common cancers are carcinomas of the breast (15.7%), lung (14.3%), prostate (13.1%), and colon (7.7%), and collectively they comprise a majority of new cases. CONCLUSIONS: The NCDB is a cancer management and outcomes data base for health care organizations that currently provides data on 57% of the estimated new cases in the U.S. Past data have been used extensively to assess patterns of care and outcomes. 相似文献
OBJECTIVE: Terbutaline, a selective beta2-agonist, is a frequently used tocolytic known to affect maternal metabolism. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of oral terbutaline on maternal glucose metabolism and energy expenditure. STUDY DESIGN: Six healthy pregnant women with normal glucose tolerance were evaluated between 30 and 34 weeks' gestation. Oral terbutaline was administered to determine the effects on hepatic glucose production with [6-6(2)H2] glucose tracer, insulin sensitivity (hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp), and energy expenditure (indirect calorimetry). Terbutaline, insulin, and glucagon levels were also obtained. Subjects were randomly assigned to either oral terbutaline 5 mg every 6 hours for 24 hours or no medication. Repeat studies were conducted 1 week apart, each subject serving as her own control. RESULTS: In the basal state terbutaline was associated with a trend toward increased basal glucose levels (81.6 +/- 6.6 vs 93.7 +/- 12.0 mg/dl, p = 0.06) but no significant increase in hepatic glucose production (3.2 +/- 0.3 vs 3.6 +/- 0.4 mg/kg fat-free mass/min, p = 0.23). However, there was a significant increase in basal insulin concentration (17.6 +/- 9.2 vs 25.6 +/- 10.4 microU/ml, p = 0.02). There was a 28% decrease in insulin sensitivity as measured by the glucose infusion rate during the euglycemic clamp plus residual hepatic glucose turnover (5.78 +/- 1.91 vs 4.16 +/- 1.49 mg/kg fat-free mass/min, p = 0.005). Glucagon concentration was significantly decreased both in the basal state (163 +/- 26 vs 144 +/- 27 pg/ml, p = 0.0007) and during the clamp (144 +/- 27 vs 133 +/- 27 pg/ml, p = 0.003). Basal oxygen consumption increased 9% (270 +/- 49 vs 294 +/- 50 ml oxygen/min, p = 0.007) and caloric expenditure 14% (1.32 +/- 0.23 vs 1.50 +/- 0.31 kcal/min, p = 0.025) or 260 kcal/day with terbutaline. CONCLUSION: Decreased peripheral insulin sensitivity, and to a lesser degree increased endogenous glucose production, may represent the pathophysiology of abnormal glucose tolerance observed in many women treated with oral terbutaline. Common side effects such as tremors and tachycardia experienced by many women on a regimen of terbutaline are consistent with our finding of a significant increase in basal energy expenditure. 相似文献
BACKGROUND: American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) staging is increasingly accepted as a prognostic standard for cancer management. The Commission on Cancer requires approved cancer programs to use AJCC staging for all cancers. Previous studies document increasing use of AJCC staging by hospitals with cancer programs. This review examines programmatic and clinical factors affecting AJCC staging completeness. METHODS: The data are registry records submitted to the National Cancer Data Base (NCDB) for cases diagnosed during 1993 or, for comparison, 1988. RESULTS: The mean facility staging rate was 87% in 1993, up from 65% in 1988. Approximately 64% of facilities staged greater than 90% of their stageable cases; 3% staged less than 5%. Even facilities with complete staging implementation were unable to stage substantial portions of some sites. Accessibility of tumor and overall prognosis affected the choice between pathologic and clinical staging. Staging completeness and the mix of pathologic and clinical staging also differed by state of the reporting facility. CONCLUSIONS: AJCC staging use is high among common tumors for which treatment is dependent upon stage of disease. However, if accurate staging is not expected to affect the treatment or outcome of the case or the overall outcome is poor, staging is less frequently recorded. 相似文献
BACKGROUND: The National Cancer Data Base (NCDB) represents a national electronic registry system now capturing nearly 60% of incident cancers in the U. S. In combination with other Commission on Cancer programs, the NCDB offers a working example of voluntary, accurate, cost-effective "outcomes management" on a both a local and national scale. In addition, it is of particular value in capturing clinical information concerning rare cancers, such as those of the thyroid. METHODS: For the accession years 1985-1995, NCDB captured demographic, patterns-of-care, stage, treatment, and outcome information for a convenience sample of 53,856 thyroid carcinoma cases (1% of total NCDB cases). This article focuses on overall 10-year relative survival and American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) (3rd/4th edition) stage-stratified 5-year relative survival for each histologic type of thyroid carcinoma. Care patterns also are discussed. RESULTS: The 10-year overall relative survival rates for U. S. patients with papillary, follicular, Hürthle cell, medullary, and undifferentiated/anaplastic carcinoma was 93%, 85%, 76%, 75%, and 14%, respectively. For papillary and follicular neoplasms, current AJCC staging failed to discriminate between patients with Stage I and II disease at 5 years. Total thyroidectomy +/- lymph node sampling/dissection represented the dominant method of surgical treatment rendered to patients with papillary and follicular neoplasms. Approximately 38% of such patients receive adjuvant iodine-131 ablation/therapy. At 5 years, variation in surgical treatment (i.e., lobectomy vs. more extensive surgery) failed to translate into compelling differences in survival for any subgroup with papillary or follicular carcinoma, but longer follow-up is required to evaluate this. NCDB data appeared to validate the AMES prognostic system, as applied to papillary cases. Younger age appeared to influence prognosis favorably for all thyroid neoplasms, including medullary and undifferentiated/anaplastic carcinoma. NCDB data also revealed that unusual patients diagnosed with undifferentiated/anaplastic carcinoma before age of 45 years have better survival. CONCLUSIONS: The NCDB system permits analysis of care patterns and survival for large numbers of contemporaneous U. S. patients with relatively rare neoplasms, such as thyroid carcinoma. In this context, it represents an unsurpassed clinical tool for analyzing care, evaluating prognostic models, generating new hypotheses, and overcoming the volume-related drawbacks inherent in the study of such neoplasms. [See editorial on pages 2434-6, this issue.] 相似文献
BACKGROUND: This study reviews the case-mix characteristics, management, and outcomes of melanoma cases occuring in the U.S. within the last decade. METHODS: Analyses of the National Cancer Data Base (NCDB) were performed on cases diagnosed between 1985 through 1994. A total of 84,836 cases comprised of cutaneous and noncutaneous melanomas were evaluated. RESULTS: The percentages of melanomas that were cutaneous, ocular, mucosal, and unknown primaries were 91.2%, 5.2%, 1.3%, and 2.2%, respectively. For cutaneous melanomas, the proportion of patients presenting with American Joint Committee on Cancer Stages 0, I, II, III, and IV were 14.9%, 47.7%, 23.1%, 8.9%, and 5.3%, respectively. Factors associated with decreased survival included more advanced stage at diagnosis, nodular or acral lentiginous histology, increased age, male gender, nonwhite race, and lower income. Multivariate analysis identified stage, histology, gender, age, and income as independent prognostic factors. For ocular melanomas, 85.0% were uveal, 4.8% were conjunctival, and 10.2% occurred at other sites. During the study period, there was a large increase in the proportion of ocular melanoma patients treated with radiation therapy alone. For mucosal melanomas, the distribution of head and neck, female genital tract, anal/rectal, and urinary tract sites was 55.4%, 18.0%, 23.8%, and 2.8%, respectively. Patients with lymph node involvement had a poor prognosis. For unknown primary melanomas, the distribution of metastases as localized to a region or multiple sites at presentation was 43.0% and 57.0%, respectively. Surgical treatment of patients with unknown primary site of the melanoma resulted in better survival compared with no treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Treatment of early stage cutaneous melanoma resulted in excellent patient outcomes. In addition to conventional prognostic factors, socioeconomic factors were found to be associated with survival. 相似文献
Pancreatic cancer and comparison of a hospital-based tumor registry with a National Cancer Data Base
BACKGROUND: The Commission on Cancer of the American College of Surgeons has called upon institutions providing cancer care to compare practice patterns and outcomes with the National Cancer Data Base (NCDB). Using data from the Virginia Mason Tumor Registry (VMTR), we sought to compare our pancreatic cancer care patterns with those reported nationally, while critically evaluating the accuracy and usefulness of our registry. METHODS: A review of the 906 computerized patient files in the VMTR from 1973 to 1995 was performed, with more detailed data on patients from the last 5 years retrieved from 224 manual abstracts. These data were compared with the 1991 NCDB for pancreatic cancer. RESULTS: The percent of cases according to AJCC stage in the NCDB (n = 9,715) versus the VMTR (n = 149), respectively, with cases of unknown stage excluded, were stage I 22% versus 22%, stage II 9% versus 12%, stage III 17% versus 28% (P <0.05) stage IV 52% versus 38% (P <0.05). One-third of the cases in the VMTR 1991 to 1995 were of unknown stage; number of cases with unknown stage for NCDB was 26.6%. The percent of surgical procedures for the NCDB (n = 7,802) versus the VMTR (n = 224), respectively, was pancreatectomy 14% versus 11%, local excision 1% versus 0%, no cancer-directed surgery 83% versus 89% (P <0.05), unknown 2% versus 0% (P <0.05). The actuarial relative survival rates for the 1991 NCDB versus 1987 to 1995 VMTR was 3-year 18% versus 38%, and 5-year 14% versus 35%. CONCLUSIONS: In comparison with the NCDB, VMTR may have fewer stage IV pancreatic cancers, but improvement is needed in decreasing the number of patients for whom the stage is unknown, as many of these likely represent late stage disease. We have a similar resection rate and a higher survival compared with the NCDB, but a mechanism is not in place to statistically compare our survival data with those of the NCDB. Even though all accredited hospitals are required to have a tumor registry, our data were difficult to compare with those of the NCDB because of coding and reporting deficiencies and inability to statistically compare survival data. Before our practice patterns and outcomes can be compared with national standards, both the VMTR and the NCDB must have standardized data collection and better access to the data. 相似文献
T Zheng TR Holford Y Chen BA Jones J Flannery P Boyle 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,33(1):96-100
BACKGROUND: Surgical procedures used to remove genital warts (cryotherapy, electrodesiccation) are painful. Attempts to reduce the discomfort of surgery by prior lidocaine infiltration anesthesia are compromised by the pain of the infiltration. OBJECTIVE: Our purpose was to determine the efficacy of topically applied lidocaine/prilocaine cream to reduce the pain of lidocaine infiltration and the pain associated with cryotherapy to remove genital warts. METHODS: Men, scheduled for removal of genital warts by cryotherapy, were randomly selected to receive one of three treatments: (1) lidocaine/prilocaine cream application, (2) 1% lidocaine infiltration, and (3) lidocaine/prilocaine cream application followed by infiltration of 1% lidocaine. RESULTS: Application of lidocaine/prilocaine cream for 15 minutes markedly reduced the pain of lidocaine infiltration. The combination of lidocaine/prilocaine cream followed by infiltration of 1% lidocaine gave greater pain relief from the cryotherapy than did either anesthetic alone. CONCLUSION: The application of lidocaine/prilocaine cream as an adjunct to lidocaine infiltration reduced the pain of infiltration and the pain associated with cryotherapy for the removal of genital warts. 相似文献
通过对VisualC++三种数据库接口-ODBC,DAO,dbDAO的分析,阐述其各自的特点,并用DAO建立通用建库及记录操纵模块,结果表明,DAO是一种比较理想的数据库编程接口. 相似文献
ID Miziara MB Cahali MS Murakami LA Figueiredo JR Guimaraes 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,119(2):101-104
Fluoride mouthrinses have generally proved to be effective in controlling caries in clinical studies. Caries reductions in North American studies have averaged about 30%. Large-scale school-based mouthrinse programs conducted during the 1970s, however, used historical controls at a time when caries rates were now known to be declining. Post-hoc analysis of the absolute (not relative) caries reductions in these studies showed that school-based fluoride mouthrinse programs were of questionable benefit from a cost standpoint. Fluoride mouthrinses have been shown to reduce demineralization and enhance remineralization of enamel adjacent to orthodontic bands and brackets. Benefits in adults have been less well documented. Use of fluoride mouthrinses by young children is discouraged until they have mastery of their swallowing reflexes. This paper recommends the use of fluoride mouthrinses for patients at increased or high risk for dental caries, but cautions that school-based programs be undertaken only in communities with a high population caries rate. 相似文献
L Ritter 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,80(10):2019-2033
BACKGROUND: Pesticides, which by their nature are biologically active compounds, continue to raise public concern regarding their possible role as important etiologic agents in the development of human cancer. METHODS: To examine this potential role, the National Cancer Institute of Canada convened an Ad Hoc Panel on Pesticides and Cancer to examine the possible contribution of pesticide exposure, particularly in the general population, to the development of human cancer. RESULTS: The Panel focused primarily on exposure in the general population and reviewed a range of studies that addressed issues related to dietary exposure as well as incidental home and garden uses. In addition, the Panel examined the regulatory framework that exists to safeguard the public from potentially carcinogenic pesticides and also reviewed some potential benefits of pesticide use, including the availability of an abundant and low cost supply of fresh fruits and vegetables as an important strategy in the overall mitigation of cancer risk. CONCLUSIONS: The Panel concluded that it was not aware of any definitive evidence to suggest that synthetic pesticides contribute significantly to overall cancer mortality. The Panel also concluded that it did not believe that any increased intake of pesticide residues associated with increased intake of fruits and vegetables poses any increased risk of cancer. The Panel further concluded, among other things, that tobacco use continues to be the most important preventable cause of cancer and premature mortality and thus is an appropriate focus for cancer control strategy. 相似文献
BACKGROUND: Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is a radiosensitive tumor for which there is a high local control rate after radical radiotherapy (RT). However, for patients with locoregionally advanced disease, the rate of distant metastasis is high and the 5-year overall survival rate is poor. METHODS: A review of retrospective and prospective clinical studies was performed to assess the role of chemotherapy in three settings: metastatic disease; neoadjuvant and/or adjuvant; and concurrent chemotherapy with radiotherapy. RESULTS: Cisplatin-based combination chemotherapy results in a high response rate in patients with metastatic NPC, and a subgroup may achieve long term disease free survival. The use of neoadjuvant and adjuvant chemotherapy to treat locoregionally advanced disease has resulted in consistently high response rates, but no randomized trial to date has demonstrated an improvement in overall survival. A recent Head and Neck Intergroup study randomized patients in the United States to receive concurrent chemotherapy (cisplatin) and radiotherapy or radiotherapy only. Although this approach demonstrated significant benefit in overall survival favoring the use of concurrent chemotherapy and radiotherapy, its applicability in geographic areas of high NPC incidence remains to be proven. CONCLUSIONS: NPC is a chemosensitive tumor, and patients with metastatic disease have a high response rate. Further prospective studies will define the standard approach to treating locoregionally advanced NPC, which is likely to incorporate into the primary treatment some form of systemic chemotherapy. 相似文献