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铸铁中石墨及石墨—基体界面近区力学行为   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在SEM下原位观察铁素体基铸铁在拉伸时的形变和石墨-基体(G—M)界面断裂微观过程,结果表明,铸铁中石墨不应视为孔隙;石墨未造成缺口应力集中对石墨对铸铁强度的影响作出新的解释  相似文献   

Using liquid quenching technique,the change of growth mode of graphite in cast iron meltwas analysed.Based on the interface structure theory of crystal growth,the concept ofmultiplication of spiral growth steps was advanced and two basic multiplication modelswere given.It was proposed that multiplication of spiral steps is responsible for the changeof growth mode of graphite in cast iron melt.The modifying elements such as Ce promotemultiplication of spiral steps,which is regarded as the core of modification.Originationof screw dislocation and branch of the sector blocks in radius direction,both of whichare essential to spheroidization of graphite in the melt,are caused by multiplication ofspiral steps:and so is thickening of graphite plates.  相似文献   

用定向凝固和电解萃取—放射性同位素测量技术,分析了球化剂Ce在球铁各相中的分布;配合测量石墨球化率,确定了球铁含Ce量与石墨球化程度的关系,结果表明:Ce在球铁中主要以合金化Ce的形式存在,但石墨相Ce含量是石墨球化程度的表征值;只有当石墨相Ce含量高于一定值时,石墨才能完全球化。  相似文献   

The structural change in heat affected zone(HAZ)and its influence on properties of welded white cast iron have been investigated by means of thermal cycle simulation technique.The structure of the white cast iron at peak temperature 800℃ was examined as cementite in pearlitic matrix,of which the hardness and impact toughness are the lowest,while the struc- ture after cyclic heating at high peak temperature is mainly cementite together with twin martensite,of which the hardness and impact toughness are rather higher.The phase bounda- ries in the structure of low hardness are smooth and regular as well as with fine precipitates. Both the cleavage and interphase fracture were revealed in the structure of low hardness,while the transgranular fracture was found in those areas of higher hardness.  相似文献   

The distribution of N and morphology of graphite in gray cast iron containing N werestudicd by adopting the man-made specimens of Fe-C-Si-Mn alloys with some N added.The N adsorbed along the interfaces between graphite and matrix together with solid-solutioned in graphite is believed to be the principal cause of morpholongical variationof graphite.  相似文献   

氮对灰铸铁中石墨组织的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
翟启杰  胡汉起 《金属学报》1992,28(10):73-78
本文研究了氮在灰铸铁中的分布及含氮灰铸铁石墨组织结构,结果表明,氮在石墨与基体界面上的吸附和在石墨中的固溶是氮使石墨组织形态发生变化的主要原因。  相似文献   

Size distribution and precipitation of VC particles in ferritic nodular cast iron havebeen examined by techniques of ultrasonic screening,small angle X-ray scattering andchemical dissolution.The VC particles are sized over a wide range.The superfine ones,dispersed in the ferritic matrix,are the majority.A saturated dispersion with ultrafineVC particles may be approached as the V content increasing in the iron.Thi5 seems toplay an important role in the precipitation strengthening for ferritic nodular cast iron.  相似文献   

采用超声波筛分、X射线小角散射及化学溶解等方法,分析了铁素体球铁中VC的粒度分布和析出规律。结果表明:VC的粒子直径有很宽的分布范围,但超细VC占粒子总数的绝大部分;超细VC弥散分布于铁素体基体,随球铁含钒量增加,超细VC量趋于饱和,这部分碳化物在球铁的强化中起主要作用。  相似文献   

邹增大  王勇  任登义 《金属学报》1990,26(6):117-121
采用热模拟技术再现白口铸铁焊接热影响区的组织,研究了焊接热影响区的组织转变及其对性能的影响,发现热循环峰温为800℃时,白口铸铁的组织为渗碳体加珠光体,其硬度最低,冲击韧性最差;高峰温热循环作用后的组织主要为渗碳体加孪晶马氏体,其硬度较高,冲击韧性较好;低硬度组织的相界面平滑、圆整,并且界面上有细小化合物析出,其断裂为解理加沿相界断裂,高硬度组织的断裂为穿晶断裂。  相似文献   

将铁水用75FeSi孕育后液淬,终止其溶解过程,在溶解区中出现已经生长石墨相的非金属夹杂物,它们随后又溶回铁水中去.但已经复盖有石墨相的晶核能存在较长的时间孕育剂的作用是提供一个碳的过冷溶液,使位于其中的非金属夹杂物活化成为晶核  相似文献   

Melted cast iron was inoculated by FeSi,then quenched to interrupt the dissolution,the non-metallic inclusions,in which the graphite phase was already occured,formed inthe dissolution region,They dissolved into the melt soon,but the inclusions coated bygraphite could exist for along time.The function of inoculant is to create an undercoolingsolution for carbon,thereby the non-metallic inclusions in the solution may be activatedas the nuclei for graphite.  相似文献   

The oxidation behaviour of high Cr Cast iron was investigated at 950 and 800℃ in termsof Cr content in matrix and the amount of carbide.The morphology and types of oxidefilms and the microstructure of subsurface were also examined.The main conclusionsare:1)The original chromium content in the matrix determines the type of oxide filmand it is an important factor for the oxidation resistance of high chromium cast iron;2)The oxidation resistance improves with increasing carbide content at 950℃ because ofthe decomposition of the carbide,while the decompsition of the carbide do not take placeat 800℃ so the oxidation resisteance do not improve with increasing carbide volume.  相似文献   

高铬铸铁的氧化行为   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从基体含Cr量及碳化物数量两方面考察了高Cr铸铁在950℃和800℃的氧化行为,分析了氧化后的氧化物类型、形貌及亚表层微区成分结果表明基体原始含Cr量决定了形成氧化物的类型,是决定高Cr铸铁抗氧化性的重要因素;950℃氧化时由于碳化物分解使合金抗氧化性随碳化物量增加而提高,而800℃氧化时由于碳化物未分解,抗氧化性不随碳化物量变化  相似文献   

实验证明,采用高Si含量铸铁自耗电极和含稀土氧化物的CaF2基熔渣,在直流反极性电渣重熔条件下,可制得球墨铸铁,铸铁中石墨球化现象是铁水经电化学变质处理的结果,熔渣中Mg1Ce阳离子在渣-金界面阴极区被还原进入铁水熔池,起到球化剂的作用,提高阳极区自耗电极中的Si含量,可以抑制渣中Fe阳离子的形成,有助于上述电池化学还原反应的进行,这对建立新的冶金工艺技术有一定意义。  相似文献   

石墨形态和基体组织对铸铁断裂过程的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
蒋建清 《金属学报》1994,30(8):374-379
研究了石墨片混乱度S=0的Fe-C合金和球墨铸铁在不同受力状态下的裂纹扩展现象,以及基体组织对断裂形貌的影响,试验发现:当裂纹遇到与其平行的片状石墨时,裂纹将在石墨内部以(0001)面之间的解理而扩展;当裂纹遇到与其垂直的片状石墨时,裂纹将沿石墨/基体界面处扩展,也即界面的脱粘;当裂纹遇到球状石墨时,裂纹主要的二次石墨中前进,裂纹在铁素体-下贝氏体中以在铁素体中的扩展为主。  相似文献   

涂层硼酸铝晶须对铝基复合材料界面与力学性能的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用溶胶-凝胶氧化铝涂覆硼酸铝晶须方法改善挤压铸造晶须增强6061Al复合材料的界面性能。对复合材料的界面观察表明,γ-Al2O3和α-Al23涂层均可抑制尖晶石界面反应,而且涂层较厚时涂层效果明显。界面反应程度的差异也影响复合材料的弯曲性能和时效行为。  相似文献   

The in-phase and out-of-phase thermal fatigue,the C-P type and P-C type isothermal fa-tigue of grey cast iron were experimentally studied.The fatigue life was evaluated analyticallyby using the elastic-plastic fracture mechanics method(mainly J integral).The results of ex-periments and calculations showed that the lifes of in-phase and C-P type fatigue are longerthan that of out-of-phase and P-C type fatigue respectively within the same strain range.This is in contrast to the results of other materials such as low carbon steel.On the other hand,the predicted lifes are consistent with experimental results.This suggests that J integral as amechanics parameter for characterizing the thermal fatigue strength of grey cast iron and themechanics model and the calculation method developed here are efficient.A parameterΔW_1 was proposed from energy aspect to characterize the capacity of crack propagation.The isothermal fatigue life is the same as the thermal fatigue life for identical ΔW_1 values.  相似文献   

郭成璧  周玮生 《金属学报》1988,24(6):419-425
本文通过试验分析了灰铸铁的同相和异相热疲劳及C-P型和P-C型高温低周疲劳特性,并应用弹塑性断裂力学方法对其寿命作了解析评价。试验和计算都表明,在相同应变范围下,同相和C-P型疲劳寿命分别高于异相和P-C型。这与低碳钢等材料结果相反。另外,计算值和试验吻合,说明J积分用作评价灰铸铁热疲劳强度的力学参量及本文所建立的力学模型和计算方法有效。文中从能量角度提出了一个用于描述裂纹扩展能力的参量ΔW_T,在相同ΔW_T值下,高温低周疲劳寿命和热疲劳相等。  相似文献   

An optimal two-dimensional transverse section of eutectic cells or ellipsoid austenite dendritesin the grey cast iron specimen was prepared by polishing layer by layer together with etchingand coloring.The segregation of Mn and Si with relation to their contents in the grey cast ironwas examined by EMPA.The actual partition and segregation coefficients of Mn and Si inthe grey cast iron were found to be not varied with their contents,but their segregation gra-dient to be different to various contents of them.  相似文献   

氮对灰铸铁基体组织的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了氮对Fe—C-Si和Fe—C—Si-Mn灰铸铁基体组织的作用,实验结果表明,氮使灰铸铁共晶团组织细化,珠光体含量增多,并使珠光体和铁素体显微硬度提高氮对灰铸铁平衡及非平衡相变温度的影响和它溶入铁素体及渗碳体中是强化灰铸铁基体组织的重要原因.  相似文献   

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