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The dynamic instability characteristics of stiffened shell panels subjected to partial in-plane harmonic edge loading are investigated in this paper. The eight-noded isoparametric degenerated shell element and a compatible three-noded curved beam element are used to model the shell panels and the stiffeners, respectively. As the usual formulation of degenerated beam element is found to overestimate the torsional rigidity, an attempt has been made to reformulate it in an efficient manner. Moreover, the new formulation for the beam element requires five degrees of freedom per node as that of shell element. The method of Hill's infinite determinant is applied to analyze the dynamic instability regions. Numerical results are presented through convergence and comparison with the published results from the literature. The effects of parameters like loading type and shell geometry are considered in the dynamic instability analysis of stiffened panels subjected to non-uniform in-plane harmonic loads along the boundaries. The tension buckling aspect of the stiffened panels are also considered and the dynamic stability behavior due to tensile in-plane edge loading is studied for the concentrated load.  相似文献   

The buckling and vibration characteristics of stiffened plates subjected to in-plane partial and concentrated edge loadings are studied using finite element method. The initial stresses are obtained considering the pre-buckling conditions. Buckling loads and vibration frequencies are determined for different plate aspect ratios, edge conditions and different partial non-uniform edge loading cases. The non-uniform loading may also be caused due to the supports on the edges. The analysis presented determines the stresses all over the region for different kinds of loading and edge conditions. In the structural modelling, the plate and the stiffeners are treated as separate elements where the compatibility between these two types of elements is maintained. The vibration characteristics are discussed and the results are compared with those available in the literature. Buckling results show that the stiffened plate is less susceptible to buckling for position of loading near the supported edges and near the position of stiffeners as well.  相似文献   

In this paper, experimental responses of the clamped mild steel, copper, and aluminum circular plates subjected to blast loading are investigated. Extensive experimental results concerning variations of central deflection are presented. Approximate energy analysis is used for the analytical modeling of the mid-point deflection thickness ratio of the circular plates. The essence of the model is to describe the deformation profile, which depends on the distribution of impulsive load. By using the present modeling, one can show how the midpoint deflection varies with the variations of the important parameters. The results obtained from the present model show very good agreement with the experimental data.  相似文献   

An efficient procedure to obtain the optimal stacking sequence and the minimum weight of stiffened laminated composite curved panels under several loading conditions and stiffener layouts has been developed based on the finite element method and the genetic algorithm that is powerful for the problem with integer variables. Often, designing composite laminates ends up with a stacking sequence optimization that may be formulated as an integer programming problem. This procedure is applied for a problem to find the stacking sequence having a maximum critical buckling load factor and the minimum weight. The object function in this case is the weight of a stiffened laminated composite shell. Three different types of stiffener layouts with different loading conditions are investigated to see how these parameters influence on the stacking sequence optimization of the panel and the stiffeners. It is noticed from the results that the optimal stacking sequence and lay-up angles vary depending on the types of loading and stiffener spacing.  相似文献   

用ANSYS软件对机翼典型加筋整体壁板进行优化设计,并利用优化结果对加筋整体壁板进行稳定性分析和与原铆接壁板进行数值比较分析,该方法可为该类加筋板的设计提供参考.  相似文献   

This paper presents the elasticity solutions for free vibration analysis of doubly curved shell panels of rectangular planform. The vibratory characteristics of panels subjected to different boundary conditions have been obtained via a three-dimensional displacement-based energy formulation represented in the spherical coordinates. The p-Ritz method is employed for the solution of the problem. To validate the accuracy of the results and the ease of implementation of the present methodology, selected cases have been compared against the results existing in the literature.  相似文献   

为了研究大量焊点快速建模及保证焊点的位置精度问题,提出了虚拟节点法以模拟点焊结构.首先在实际焊点位置处建立参考点,并把该参考点沿焊接面的法线方向向两焊接面投影,得到两个虚拟节点;焊接单元由该虚拟节点对构成,并在两虚拟节点之间引入一短梁单元来模拟焊接关系.其次,在每个虚拟节点和其周围网格节点之间建立分布耦合约束,通过耦合关系实现虚拟节点和其周围网格节点运动上的协调.经试验与比较表明,该方法仿真结果与试验结果一致性较好,比传统方法更有效地模拟实际焊点的力学行为,证实了虚拟节点法应用于模拟点焊结构的可行性.  相似文献   

Point connections representing spot welds, bolts, rivets, screws, pins, etc. have been included in the powerful panel analysis and design computer program VICONOPT. The exact stiffness matrices of component structures are coupled by using Lagrangian multipliers to represent these point connections between the structures. The new approach gives a very quick and accurate analysis when longitudinal lines of point connections are used in panels which are loaded only in compression. In this case only one point connection needs to be modelled and only certain response wavelengths contributing to the buckling mode are used. Accurate solutions are also obtained for shear loaded panels but at a much greater computational cost. Illustrative examples include comparisons between results for line and point connections, indicating to designers how many point connections are required to produce an effective line connection. These comparisons cover both pure axial compression and pure shear loading cases for both isotropic and anisotropic panels. They suggest that for many panels, manufacturing costs could be reduced by using fewer point connections, with minimal reduction in the stability of the panel. The work presented here is of particular importance to aircraft panels where point connections are extensively used to connect component structures together.  相似文献   

The dynamic instability of laminated composite doubly curved panels with centrally located circular cutout, subjected to non-uniform compressive in-plane harmonic edge loading is investigated. The present work deals with the problem of the occurrence of combination resonances in contrast to simple resonances in parametrically excited antisymmetric angle-ply and symmetric cross-ply laminated composite doubly curved panels with central circular cutout. The method of multiple scales is used to obtain analytical expressions for the simple and combination resonance instability regions. It is shown that other cases of the combination resonance can be of major importance and yield a significantly enlarged instability region in comparison to the principal instability region. The effects of non-uniform edge loading, centrally located circular cutout, damping, number of layers, orthotropy, the static load factor and the width-to-thickness ratio on dynamic instability behavior of simply supported laminated composite doubly curved panels are studied. The results show that under localized edge loading, combination resonance instability zones are as important as simple resonance instability zones. The effects of damping show that there is a finite critical value of the dynamic load factor for each instability region below which doubly curved panels cannot become dynamically unstable. A central circular cutout has the destabilizing effect on the dynamic stability behavior of laminated composite doubly curved panels subjected to non-uniform edge loading. This example of simultaneous excitation of two modes, each oscillating steadily as its own natural frequency, may be of considerable interest in vibration testing of actual structures.  相似文献   

何斌  智小琦  尹芳  纪彩华  李海军 《机械》2011,38(8):30-33
采用有限元分析软件ANSYS/LS-DYNA对不同壁厚的圆钢管混凝土构件和单钢管构件在爆炸荷载作用下的动态响应进行了数值模拟.通过分析两种构件在相同爆炸荷载作用下的最大挠度,得出钢管壁厚1.8~2.5mm时,复合构件的抗载能力远大于单钢管构件,壁厚大于2.5 mm时,复合构件的优势明显减弱.最后根据多项式拟合的方法,得...  相似文献   

A postbuckling analysis is presented for a stiffened laminated cylindrical shell of finite length subjected to combined loading of external pressure and a uniform temperature rise. The formulation is based on a boundary layer theory of shell buckling which includes the effects of nonlinear prebuckling deformations, nonlinear large deflections in the postbuckling range and initial geometrical imperfections of the shell. The “smeared stiffener” approach is adopted for the stiffeners. The analysis uses a singular perturbation technique to determine the interactive buckling loads and the postbuckling equilibrium paths. Numerical examples are presented that relate to the performance of perfect and imperfect, stiffened and unstiffened cross-ply laminated cylindrical shells. Typical results are presented in dimensionless graphical form for different parameters and loading conditions.  相似文献   

何斌  智小琦  董国庆  尹芳  王素金 《机械》2011,38(5):23-25
采用有限元分析软件ANSYS/LS-DYNA对圆钢管混凝土结构构件在爆炸冲击荷载作用下的动力响应特性进行了数值模拟.通过分析钢管混凝土构件在不同折合距离下的侧向位移和核心混凝土的失效破坏情况,得到在爆炸冲击荷载作用下随着折合距离的增大,钢管混凝土构件的整体变形逐渐减小,钢管和核心混凝土的破坏程度也逐渐减小,特别是当折合...  相似文献   

The influence of elastic shear deformation on the transverse shear response of a fully clamped beam is investigated in the present paper. The beam is made from a rigid, perfectly plastic material and subjected to a uniformly distributed pressure pulse loading. The elastic shear deformation is idealized by an elastic, perfectly plastic spring with a constant spring coefficient. Analytical solutions are obtained for the transverse shear response, which are then used to predict the occurrence of a transverse shear failure. The method presented in the paper may be extended to study the blast-induced shear failure of other structural elements when the elastic shear deformation needs to be considered.  相似文献   

Fiber reinforced sandwich structures typically respond very poorly to transverse impact events. This paper is an attempt to investigate the impact response of sandwich panels subjected to low-velocity impact. Experimental investigations were carried out on the influence of three design factors: height of fall, core thickness, and impactor mass, which are the most relevant parameters to be considered for deflection. The study of behavior of the mentioned response was done by using Design of Experiments tool. Response surface methodology (RSM), a sequential experimentation strategy for model building, is used to model the response in order to determine the most significant factor among the influential factors. In this case, full factorial face-centered central composite design was chosen due to the number of factors and their levels in the study. The specimen consisted of face sheets made up of bi-woven glass fiber cloth with polyurethane foam as core material. The parametric analysis reveals that deflection increases steadily with an increase in the height of fall when compared with the impactor mass and the core thickness. The reason for this study is imperative for the next generation aircraft, marine, road, and rail vehicles with improved lightweight stiff materials that can absorb higher impact energy with higher resistance to deflection.  相似文献   

The elastic bending of unstiffened and stiffened corrugated plates is studied in this paper, and a mesh-free Galerkin method is presented for the analyses. A corrugated plate is treated as an orthotropic plate that has different flexure properties in two perpendicular directions. The equivalent flexure properties are estimated by applying constant curvature conditions to the corrugated sheet. The stiffened corrugated plate is considered as a composite structure of an orthotropic plate with beams. By superimposing the strain energy of the orthotropic plate and the beams, and imposing the displacement compatibility conditions between the plate and the beams, the stiffness matrix of the structure is obtained. Because no mesh is needed in the proposed method, there is no limitation to the position of the stiffeners (beams). Changes in the positions of the stiffeners do not require the re-meshing of the plate. Several numerical examples are employed to show the accuracy and convergence of the proposed method. The computation results demonstrate good agreement with the solutions given by ANSYS, and different profiles of corrugated plates are considered.  相似文献   

This paper presents a calculation of the stress distribution in a shaft with a press-fitted hub subjected to axial fretting fatigue. Both normal contact stresses and frictional shear stresses at the shaft-hub interface are included in the model. The solution of Airy's function is obtained by means of Fourier integrals. The results are presented for different combinations of hub length, shaft radius and non-slip area and for various values of the coefficient of friction. Special consideration was given to the axial component of the stress, σz, as this is the most important stress component in the initiation and propagation of fatigue cracks. Finally, the paper deduces the implications arising from the stress analysis on the fretting fatigue of the junction studied.  相似文献   

Cylindrical panels are structural elements widely used in engineering structures for high value of strength to weight ratio. Exact solutions of cylindrical panels are available only for a very limited number of cases. The main target of this paper is to utilize a semianalytical technique to study bending behavior of cylindrical panels with different boundary conditions under general distributed loading. The solution of the partial differential equations was reduced to an iterative sequential solution of a double set of ordinary differential equations using extended Kantorovich method. The competence and accuracy of the method is established by comparison with available results in the literature and finite element analyses which shows good agreement.  相似文献   


In this communication, large amplitude flexural vibration behavior of composite curved and doubly curved panels has been studied using the finite element method. Here nonlinear governing equations of motion has been derived based on first order shear deformation theory with von Karman's kinematics, and these governing equations are solved by employing second-order time integration scheme proposed by Bathe. The efficacy of the method for the nonlinear static and dynamic response of curved panels is validated with the published results. Thereafter, the nonlinear dynamic response of cylindrical and spherical panels under thermal shock loading with and without radial pressure is investigated; the parametric study is also being carried out. This study will be valuable for the scientific community.


Computer simulation of the human leg subjected to impact loading   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
One of the most important tasks in clinical practice is to determine accurately the forces and displacements of the various anatomical structural components of the human leg, especially when subjected to impact loading. This paper therefore develops a computer simulation which describes the biodynamic response of the human lower extremity for realistic activities such as kicking by foot etc. Firstly, the paper derives the nonlinear equations of motion and nonlinear constraint equation governing the sagittal plane response of the human leg subjected to impact loading. The equations are then solved using numerical techniques and the results are presented. Special attention is given to the ligament, contact and muscle group forces, the location of contact points, anterior-posterior displacements and the motion trajectories of the femur and the tibia.  相似文献   

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