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It has been demonstrated that the in vitro assembly of microtubules from Chlamydomonas preparations does not occur under a wide range of conditions, including those efficacious for mammalian brain tubulin. This incompetence of Chlamydomonas extracts to form microtubules is independent of the tubulin concentration, the presence of added nucleotides or an added seed, temperature, or the concentration of divalent cation. However, an amorphous aggregate was observed under certain conditions, who composition was mainly tubulin. The in vitro reassembly of microtubules in gerbil brain extracts is inhibited by Chlamydomonas preparations. Fractionation of the Chlamydomonas extracts by column chromatography suggests that the inhibitory component is Chlamydomonas tubulin itself. The mechanism of this inhibition is unknown, but reassembly experiments indicate that the 2 types of tubulins cannot copolymerize. We suggest that the Chlamydomonas tubulin, derived from a cytoplasmic pool, requires to be activated prior to its in vivo polymerization into microtubules.  相似文献   

AIMS/BACKGROUND: An objective method for detecting hemifield and quadrantic visual field defects has been developed using steady state visual evoked cortical potentials (VECPs), an adaptive noise canceller (ANC), and Hotelling's t2 statistic. The purpose of this study was to determine the sensitivity and specificity of the technique. METHODS: Nine subjects (mean age 44 years) were investigated with field loss due to a variety of causes including both anterior and posterior visual pathway lesions. Dynamic perimetry was performed by means of a Goldmann or Tübingen perimeter. VECP recordings were made from each visual field quadrant (23 degrees X 23 degrees) by means of a steady state reversing checkerboard (7.7 rev/s). The central 5 degrees of the visual field and the vertical and horizontal meridians were masked during these measurements. Recordings were made from three electrode sites, positioned over the visual cortex, relative to a mid frontal electrode. Each recording lasted 2 minutes, during which time fixation was monitored. The data from each recording were divided into 4 second segments, and the amplitude and phase of the VECP signal measured using the ANC. Hotelling's t2 statistic was applied to determine the probability of signal detection. Receiver operating characteristic curves were used to find the optimum signal detection threshold for identification of the visual field defects. RESULTS: The results of the study confirmed patterns of subjective visual field loss. The technique had a sensitivity and a specificity of 81% and 85%, respectively, for detecting 'non-seeing' areas in the inferior visual field, and 82% and 89%, respectively, for detecting 'non-seeing' areas in the superior visual field. CONCLUSION: These results demonstrate that the technique is of potential clinical value to ophthalmologists and neurologists when subjective perimetry is not possible.  相似文献   

Neuromedins, smooth-muscle-stimulating peptides, are commonly divided into four groups: bombesin-like, kassinin-like, neurotensin-like and neuromedins U. In the present review, current data on the synthesis and mechanism of action of neuromedins on hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis will be presented. These neuropeptides and their receptors are localized to all components of the HPA axis, the only exemption seems to be neurokinin B, which is not detected in the adenohypophysis. Neuromedins exert a manifold effect on HPA axis, and their action on the adrenal suggests their involvement in the regulation of growth, structure and function of the adrenal cortex. Neuromedins may exert both direct and indirect effects on the adrenal cortex. Direct effect is proven by the stimulation of mineralo- and glucocorticoid output by isolated or cultured adrenocortical cells and by mobilisation of intracellular [Ca2+]i. Indirect effects, on the other hand, may be mediated by ACTH, arginine-vasopressin, angiotensin II, catecholamines or by other regulatory substances of medullary origin.  相似文献   

Role of allatostatins in the regulation of juvenile hormone synthesis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The identification of neuropeptides that inhibit juvenile hormone (JH) synthesis by the corpora allata (CA) has verified the existence of these allatostatins, which, from much experimental evidence, have long been postulated to occur. It also makes possible new approaches for studying the role of allatostatins in the regulation of JH synthesis. Allatostatins, localized immunocytochemically, occur in lateral neurosecretory cells of the brain that innervate the CA. Presumably their effect on the CA results from the release of allatostatins at these nerve endings. Allatostatins also occur in the hemolymph in cockroaches and have been shown to act on the CA through this pathway. The ability of allatostatins to inhibit CA depends not only on the concentration of the peptides but also on the sensitivity of the CA to them. Male Diploptera punctata were treated with JH analog following denervation of CA and implanted with a previtellogenic or vitellogenic ovary or injected with saline. Animals implanted with a vitellogenic ovary, compared to the previtellogenic ovary or saline, showed significantly increased JH synthesis by their CA and a reduced amount of allatostatin in the hemolymph. The denervated CA from these JH analog treated animals, following implantation with a previtellogenic and vitellogenic ovary, showed a tendency toward increased and decreased sensitivity, respectively, to a given dose of allatostatin in vitro compared to those from saline injected controls. Experiments such as these suggest that changes in release of allatostatins and in sensitivity of CA to them could be postulated to be major factors regulating JH synthesis in the cockroach.  相似文献   

Formylated peptides (e.g. n-formyl-Met-Leu-Phe (fMLP)) and platelet-activating factor (PAF) mediate chemotactic and cytotoxic responses in leukocytes through receptors coupled to G proteins that activate phospholipase C (PLC). In RBL-2H3 cells, fMLP utilizes a pertussis toxin (ptx)-sensitive G protein to activate PLC, whereas PAF utilizes a ptx-insensitive G protein. Here we demonstrate that fMLP, but not PAF, enhanced intracellular cAMP levels via a ptx-sensitive mechanism. Protein kinase A (PKA) inhibition by H-89 enhanced inositol phosphate formation stimulated by fMLP but not PAF. Furthermore, a membrane-permeable cAMP analog 8-(4-chlorophenylthio)-cAMP (cpt-cAMP) inhibited phosphoinositide hydrolysis and secretion stimulated by fMLP but not PAF. Both cpt-cAMP and fMLP stimulated PLCbeta3 phosphorylation in intact RBL cells. The purified catalytic subunit of PKA phosphorylated PLCbeta3 immunoprecipitated from RBL cell lysate. Pretreatment of intact cells with cpt-cAMP and fMLP, but not PAF, resulted in an inhibition of subsequent PLCbeta3 phosphorylation by PKA in vitro. These data demonstrate that fMLP receptor, which couples to a ptx-sensitive G protein, activates both PLC and cAMP production. The resulting PKA activation phosphorylates PLCbeta3 and appears to block the ability of Gbetagamma to activate PLC. Thus, both fMLP and PAF generate stimulatory signals for PLCbeta3, but only fMLP produces a PKA-dependent inhibitory signal. This suggests a novel mechanism for the bidirectional regulation of receptors which activate PLC by ptx-sensitive G proteins.  相似文献   

Since the negative results of the international Bypass Study, extracranial-intracranial (EC-IC) bypass surgery is infrequently employed in the treatment of patients with cerebral ischemia. Newly acquired evidence concerning the pathophysiology of cerebral ischemia, however, has facilitated the identification of a small subgroup of patients with "hemodynamic" cerebral ischemia. Characteristically, these patients demonstrate severely impaired cerebrovascular reserve capacity due to occlusive disease and insufficient collateral blood supply. Over an 8-year period, 28 patients were defined by clinical and laboratory criteria as suffering from hemodynamic cerebral ischemia. All patients had recurring episodes of focal cerebral ischemia due to unilateral internal carotid artery occlusion. Computerized tomography (CT) scans either were normal or showed evidence of border zone infarction. The cerebrovascular reserve capacity was studied using 133Xe single-photon emission CT and acetazolamide challenge and was found to be significantly impaired in all patients. Based on these criteria, superficial temporal artery-middle cerebral artery anastomosis was performed to augment collateral flow to the ischemic hemispheres. Two patients died from myocardial infarction, one 4 days and the other 2 months postoperatively. One patient died from massive brain infarction and another suffered a postoperative stroke with incomplete recovery, resulting in a major morbidity and mortality rate of 14%. Minor morbidity included one patient with a subdural hematoma who subsequently recovered completely. The postoperative course was uneventful in 23 patients (82%). Over a mean follow-up period of almost 3 years, no patient had another episode of brain ischemia. Bypass patency was confirmed by postoperative angiography in 26 patients. Follow-up studies of cerebral blood flow (CBF) and cerebrovascular reserve capacity showed significant improvement of the latter while the resting CBF was essentially unchanged. In view of these findings, the authors conclude that EC-IC bypass surgery constitutes appropriate therapy for a subgroup of patients with recurrent focal cerebral ischemia, defined using the strict selection criteria employed in this study.  相似文献   

Increasingly it is recognized that tyrosine phosphorylation plays an important part in the regulation of function in differentiated contractile vascular smooth muscle. Tyrosine kinases and phosphatases are present in large amounts in vascular smooth muscle and have been reported to influence a number of processes crucial to contraction, including ion channel gating, calcium homeostasis and sensitization of the contractile process to [Ca2+]i. This review summarizes current understanding regarding the role of tyrosine phosphorylation in excitation-contraction coupling in blood vessels.  相似文献   

Histamine type 2 receptor antagonists (H2RAs) have been found to alter gastric motility. The aims of this study were to determine if H2RAs affect antral contractility in vitro and the mechanism of this effect. Guinea pig antral muscle strips were pinned in an organ bath after removing the mucosa, and circular muscle tension was measured using an isometric force transducer. Gastric myocytes were isolated from guinea pig stomach using collagenase digestion, and cell lengths were measured using an image analysis system. In muscle strips, ranitidine and nizatidine increased the amplitude of spontaneous phasic antral contractions in a concentration-dependent fashion with threshold concentrations of 5 microM. The order of potency for the H2RAs was ranitidine = nizatidine > cimetidine > famotidine. The contractile effects of ranitidine and nizatidine were reduced, but not abolished, by tetrodotoxin and omega-conotoxin GVIA and nearly abolished by atropine. In isolated cells, ranitidine and nizatidine, but not famotidine or cimetidine, induced concentration-dependent cell shortening, with maximal shortening at 10 microM. These contractile effects of ranitidine and nizatidine in isolated cells were inhibited by atropine. Ranitidine and nizatidine increase antral contractility; this effect appears to be mediated by an interaction between ranitidine and nizatidine on cholinergic pathways with both direct effects on smooth muscle cholinergic receptors and indirect effects by increasing cholinergic neurotransmission.  相似文献   

In muscle cells, excitation-contraction (e-c) coupling is mediated by "calcium release units," junctions between the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) and exterior membranes. Two proteins, which face each other, are known to functionally interact in those structures: the ryanodine receptors (RyRs), or SR calcium release channels, and the dihydropyridine receptors (DHPRs), or L-type calcium channels of exterior membranes. In skeletal muscle, DHPRs form tetrads, groups of four receptors, and tetrads are organized in arrays that face arrays of feet (or RyRs). Triadin is a protein of the SR located at the SR-exterior membrane junctions, whose role is not known. We have structurally characterized calcium release units in a skeletal muscle cell line (1B5) lacking Ry1R. Using immunohistochemistry and freeze-fracture electron microscopy, we find that DHPR and triadin are clustered in foci in differentiating 1B5 cells. Thin section electron microscopy reveals numerous SR-exterior membrane junctions lacking foot structures (dyspedic). These results suggest that components other than Ry1Rs are responsible for targeting DHPRs and triadin to junctional regions. However, DHPRs in 1B5 cells are not grouped into tetrads as in normal skeletal muscle cells suggesting that anchoring to Ry1Rs is necessary for positioning DHPRs into ordered arrays of tetrads. This hypothesis is confirmed by finding a "restoration of tetrads" in junctional domains of surface membranes after transfection of 1B5 cells with cDNA encoding for Ry1R.  相似文献   

To identify septin-interacting proteins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we screened for mutations that are synthetically lethal with a cdc12 septin mutation. One of the genes identified was GIN4, which encodes a protein kinase related to Hsl1p/Nik1p and Ycl024Wp in S. cerevisiae and to Nim1p/Cdr1p and Cdr2p in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The Gin4p kinase domain displayed a two-hybrid interaction with the COOH-terminal portion of the Cdc3p septin, and Gin4p colocalized with the septins at the mother-bud neck. This localization depended on the septins and on the COOH-terminal (nonkinase) region of Gin4p, and overproduction of this COOH-terminal region led to a loss of septin organization and associated morphogenetic defects. We detected no effect of deleting YCL024W, either alone or in combination with deletion of GIN4. Deletion of GIN4 was not lethal but led to a striking reorganization of the septins accompanied by morphogenetic abnormalities and a defect in cell separation; however, remarkably, cytokinesis appeared to occur efficiently. Two other proteins that localize to the neck in a septin-dependent manner showed similar reorganizations and also appeared to remain largely functional. The septin organization observed in gin4Delta vegetative cells resembles that seen normally in cells responding to mating pheromone, and no Gin4p was detected in association with the septins in such cells. The organization of the septins observed in gin4Delta cells and in cells responding to pheromone appears to support some aspects of the model for septin organization suggested previously by Field et al. (Field, C.M., O. Al-Awar, J. Rosenblatt, M.L. Wong, B. Alberts, and T.J. Mitchison. 1996. J. Cell Biol. 133:605-616).  相似文献   

Positively charged Nanogold (Nanoprobes, Stony Brook, NY) has been developed as a new marker to follow the endocytic pathway in yeast. Positively charged Nanogold binds extensively to the surface of yeast spheroplasts and is internalized in an energy-dependent manner. Internalization of gold is blocked in the end3 mutant. During a time course of incubation of yeast spheroplasts with positively charged Nanogold at 15 degrees C, the gold was detected sequentially in small vesicles, a peripheral, vesicular/tubular compartment that we designate as an early endosome, a multivesicular body corresponding to the late endosome near the vacuole, and in the vacuole. Experiments examining endocytosis in the sec18 mutant showed an accumulation of positively charged Nanogold in approximately 30-50 nm diameter vesicles. These vesicles most likely represent the primary endocytic vesicles as no other intermediates were detected in the mutant cells, and they correspond in size to the first vesicles detected in wild-type spheroplasts at 15 degrees C. These data lend strong support to the idea that the internalization step of endocytosis in yeast involves formation of small vesicles of uniform size from the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Xrcc3 is required for assembly of Rad51 complexes in vivo   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Rad51 is a member of a family of eukaryotic proteins related to the bacterial recombinational repair protein RecA. Rad51 protein localizes to multiple subnuclear foci in Chinese hamster ovary cells. Subnuclear Rad51 foci are induced by ionizing radiation or the DNA cross-linking agent cisplatin. Formation of these foci is likely to reflect assembly of a multimeric form of Rad51 that promotes DNA repair. Formation of damage-induced Rad51 foci does not occur in the Chinese hamster ovary cell line irs1SF, which is sensitive to DNA damaging agents. The Rad51 focus formation defect of irs1SF cells is corrected by a construct that encodes the repair protein Xrcc3. Xrcc3 is a human homolog of Rad51 previously isolated by virtue of its ability to correct the radiation sensitivity of irs1SF cells. Changes in the steady state level of Rad51 protein do not account for the irs1SF defect nor do they account for the appearance of foci following DNA damage. These results suggest that Xrcc3 is required for the assembly or stabilization of a multimeric form of Rad51 during DNA repair. Cell lines defective in two different components of DNA protein kinase formed Rad51 foci in response to damage, indicating DNA protein kinase is not required for damaged-induced mobilization of Rad51.  相似文献   

Nucleoplasmin, an acidic thermostable protein abundant in the nucleus of Xenopus laevis oocytes, has been found to dissociate complexes of pUC19 DNA and protein phi 1, an intermediate protamine present in ripe sperm from the mollusc Mytilus edulis. Cruder preparations of nucleoplasmin, such as the amphibian oocyte S150 extract and its thermostable fraction, also dissociate the heterologous DNA-phi 1 complexes and, in addition, promote the assembly of plasmid DNA into a minichromosome displaying regular nucleosomal periodicity, as revealed by micrococcal nuclease digestion. In contrast, purified nucleoplasmin complemented with rat hepatocyte core histone octamers in the presence of DNA topoisomerase I, although capable of inducing nucleoprotein formation onto the complexed DNA, fails to position nucleosomes at the native spacings seen in chromatin in vivo. These data favour the existence of a general mechanism to bring about, in a concerted manner, removal of sperm-specific nuclear proteins and reconstitution of somatic chromatin following fertilization.  相似文献   

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