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Considers the nature of doctoral training in light of changing students, social problems, and available knowledge. The single educational focus on the experimental research-scientist model is strongly criticized. Bright students often do 2nd-rate research because of lack of other models to match their talents (e.g., community consultant). The special role of the empirical research thesis is criticized for the quality of research produced and the fact that less than 50% of psychology PhDs ever do more research. A 1-yr independent research course would do as well if not better. Necessary changes include the need for (a) interdisciplinary approaches reflected in both course structures and research experiences by a permanently-organized interdisciplinary faculty; (b) doctoral specialization organized around selected problems; (c) doctoral programs focused on such problems to be evolved and maintained in a continuing cooperative relationship with appropriate community groups, agencies, etc.; and (d) a major shift in the structure of professional rewards, or prestige hierarchy. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Presents various aspects of the involvement of Black students and faculty in doctoral programs in psychology. Recruitment procedures, admissions criteria, financial aid, Black faculty rank, and retention strategies are examined. A focal concern of the article is the "marginal" Black students, that is, those who are admitted under some affirmative action mandate but who do not meet the traditional admissions criteria. This problem involves issues such as how to retain these students until program completion without simultaneously lowering academic standards. Although Black faculty could probably contribute greatly to addressing these matters, they are sorely underrepresented in doctoral programs throughout the country. There is great institutional variability in terms of admission and retention policies. Recommendations are made for actions that institutions can take to increase the involvement of Blacks in their doctoral psychology programs. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

For a representative sample of 149 accredited doctoral programs, 3 types of outcomes are reported: activities of students, time to degree, and employment settings of graduates. Comparisons of activities on the basis of program specialty area yielded a difference only for the activity of providing professional services (with clinical?>?counseling?>?school). Comparisons on the basis of degree type (PhD, PsyD) yielded differences for all activities except providing professional services, with PhD students and faculty reporting higher median levels of involvement. Students in PhD programs require significantly longer (approximately 1.5 years) to complete their degrees than do PsyD program students. Graduates' employment settings tend to be consistent with the specialty area of their doctoral programs with interesting shifts from initial to subsequent employment. Recommendations are made for expanding outcome assessment of graduate education and training in professional psychology. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The diversification and proliferation of doctoral programs in clinical psychology call for their periodic comparative analysis to inform prospective applicants, their advisors, and the entire field. The authors surveyed directors of the 232 American Psychological Association (APA)–accredited doctoral programs in clinical psychology (98% response) regarding application numbers, acceptance rates, financial assistance, and credentials of incoming students. Results are summarized for all clinical programs and then separately for 6 types of programs along the practice–research continuum: freestanding PsyD, university professional school PsyD, university department PsyD, practice-oriented PhD, equal-emphasis PhD, and research-oriented PhD. Lower acceptance rates and higher Graduate Record Examination scores were strongly associated with programs oriented toward more research training; for example, research-oriented PhD programs admitted far fewer applicants (7% vs. 50%) than did freestanding PsyD programs. Freestanding PsyD programs awarded significantly less full financial assistance to incoming students (1% vs. 89%) and required 1 less year to complete than did PhD programs. Overall, PhD-level students were more likely to secure an APA or Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers internship than were PsyD students. The authors conclude with observations about the historical changes and heightened differentiation of doctoral training in clinical psychology. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the history of the professional school movement since the 1960's. It is suggested that major research universities are unlikely to establish practitioner programs in psychology and that education of most practitioners in psychology will take place in professional schools and small departments. It is noted that the doctoral degree granted upon completion of graduate study depends on the administrative location of the program in which graduate study is done. Graduates of scientist–practitioner programs and graduates of practitioner programs perform about equally well, and the curricula of professional schools and scientist–professional programs are more alike than different. It is concluded that the main differences between practitioner programs and scientist–professional programs lie in the attitudes and interests of faculty and students and that under some conditions the cultures of science and practice can be blended. (42 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Results of a survey of 153 institutions with graduate programs in psychology indicates the majority of schools with PhD programs do not offer a separate master's degree. Few colleges, and none of the top-ranking universities, expressed great interest in PhD applicants with master's degrees from other institutions. Most respondents stated these transfer students would be credited with a limited amount of course work or treated as if they had a BA degree. It is concluded that the master's degree may slow the progress of students seriously considering a PhD in psychology, and may actually be a limiting factor for acceptance in doctoral programs, particularly in prestigious schools. Universities should deemphasize the master's degree as part of doctoral training and provide terminal master's programs which prepare students for immediate professional or subprofessional employment. (19 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

If the article by Kahn and Santostefano in the April issue of the American Psychologist (1962, 17, 185-189) can be taken as an indication, clinical psychologists are still very much interested and concerned with their professional role image or images. Discussions of this topic invariably get around to a discussion of training programs for clinical students and the pros and cons of various types of curricula and educational experience. Partially because of the lack of agreement among faculty and practicum personnel, discussions of professional identity by clinical graduate students are filled with uncertainty, confusion, and conflict surpassing even that which is evident in the discussions of their professional fathers. Questions concerning "professionalism," academic versus clinical training, and the relationships of clinical psychology to other professions are representative of the omnipresent topics of conservation. As a matter of fact, the workshop was so well received that we plan to hold a second workshop next year. But we thought that those individuals who live too far from us to be easily able to attend our meeting might want to try something similar in their areas. We are preparing a more thorough summary and commentary concerning the recent meeting and would be glad to forward a copy to interested individuals. A group of graduate students in the clinical program at the University of Oklahoma decided that it might, be quite worthwhile if they could assemble a number of students from other training settings and attempt to exchange ideas concerning their future roles as professional people. It was the contention of these students that graduate students in psychology, and particularly clinical students, seldom have an opportunity to freely exchange ideas about these problems in an atmosphere which is specifically designed for this purpose. Thus, what we think is quite a unique idea was born: that we might be able to provide graduate students from various training programs in clinical psychology with the opportunity to get together to discuss training, role conflicts, identity, and other professional problems. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Using the metaphor of viewing a movie premiere, characteristics of doctoral programs in clinical health psychology are outlined. Common elements of training include: uniform training competencies, graduated sequence of training, emphasis upon broad and general training, reliance on the biopsychosocial model, and integration of scientific and practical competencies. Exclusive programs, in which all students are being trained in one area of concentration, are differentiated from programs embedded within general training in clinical or counseling psychology. Elucidation of these program characteristics assists prospective students, faculty members who develop these programs, and those developing educational and training guidelines within clinical health psychology. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A survey of doctoral psychology programs documented the progress made in the provision of AIDS-related activities since these institutions were first evaluated in 1987. The results demonstrated that doctoral programs are engaged in important behavioral risk reduction research in communities with the highest concentration of AIDS cases and that they have established cooperative training relationships with internal medicine and psychiatry departments of hospitals to respond to the need for AIDS-related activities. The results of this investigation have led the authors to conclude that doctoral programs' responses to AIDS highlight how the Boulder model of integrating science and practice in the training of professional psychologists can help meet the physical and mental health needs of society. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Evaluation is an important aspect of professional psychology education programs, particularly as the field moves increasingly toward competency-based models and concerns arise about the qualifications of students in some doctoral programs. Attitudes about evaluation are shaped by the cultures of professional training programs, which are illuminated by K. J. Gergen's (1991/2000) distinction among the romantic, modernist, and postmodernist views. Issues considered include the effects of competition, the implications of competency-based evaluation, evaluation-free environments versus evaluation-rich environments and safety, the wish for the "riskless risk," faculty roles, faculty modeling, evaluation of faculty by students, and the distinction between client and student roles. The cultures of evaluation and associated attitudes influence the nature of collegiality and how one responds to diverse theoretical positions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Administered a questionnaire to 112 directors of clinical training programs to investigate the types of training opportunities relative to independent practice that doctoral programs in clinical psychology are offering students. Findings indicate that 87% of PsyD programs and 35% of PhD programs offered some training. Results indicate that private practice as a professional activity for psychologists has become more accepted, that increased training is being offered, but that negative attitudes toward private practice still remain in a small sector of academia. (4 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Provides the official listing of accredited doctoral programs. The list reflects all committee decisions through July 22, 2007. The Committee on Accreditation has accredited the doctoral training programs in professional psychology in the areas of (a) clinical, (b) counseling, (c) school, (d) other developed practice areas, and (e) combinations of two or three of the above areas listed alphabetically by their host institutions. Also listed are doctoral programs withdrawing from accreditation or closing. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Suggests that graduate programs in psychology typically do not provide their students with anticipatory socialization concerning entry into a professional setting, the role demands of professional life, and the personal adjustments needed for professional development. The process of adjustment for recent graduates of doctoral programs in psychology, coping strategies for individuals, and possible methods of intervention via training programs and employment settings are discussed. Suggestions are provided that may be helpful to training program directors and to new professionals, their supervisors, and their colleagues. (20 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The study of men and masculinity is an important clinical competency that needs to be integrated into psychology training. The extent to which the psychology of men has been integrated into applied psychology training programs is unclear. Using counseling psychology as an example of one discipline's integration, the authors examined current training in the psychology of men. One hundred 60 faculty members participated in this study. Results suggest that training practices in the psychology of men are limited in counseling psychology doctoral training programs; faculty interest in the psychology of men was positive, and faculty members viewed psychology of men as an important area of research and training in counseling psychology; and approximately 80% of the participants regard the psychology of men as a multicultural issue. A case vignette illustrates implications for training and practice. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Patients routinely ask psychologists questions about psychoactive medications. In addition, psychologists frequently encounter patients having problems with their medications. How will doctoral training programs respond to the dilemma of providing their students with a basic level of knowledge in psychopharmacology without adding to the length of the doctoral curriculum? Although postdoctoral training models have been developed for psychologists who seek extended specialized training in Psychopharmacology, the authors propose that some predoctoral training in psychopharmacology and related topics is critical to prepare graduates to meet mental health needs, particularly for underserved populations. The authors present a model through which psychopharmacology course work can be integrated into the predoctoral curriculum without compromising course work in basic psychology or extending the length of training. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Eighty-nine percent of directors of doctoral programs in clinical psychology accredited by the American Psychological Association (APA) and 84% of directors of APA-accredited internships responded to similar surveys on expectations, attitudes, and practices in the instruction of projective techniques. Directors of internship programs appeared to value projective techniques more than did directors of doctoral programs, and they expected students to have more experience with these techniques than is typically provided in doctoral programs. The two groups also differed significantly in where they believed the responsibility for correcting this imbalance should lie. In addition, 15% of directors of doctoral programs did not believe that training in projective techniques should be required, whereas only 4% of directors of internship programs expressed this view. This study documents the disparity between the average amount of training in projectives provided to students in doctoral programs and the proficiency expected of those students in their internships. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Results of a survey of 19 doctoral psychology programs indicate that the majority of faculty in university-affiliated free-standing professional programs are part-time, and their primary income and professional identity are outside the educational program. Questions are raised concerning faculty commitment to student education, financial viability and institutional stability, the history of free-standing schools in other professions, and whether psychology should continue to be based in the university. (4 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Directors of American Psychological Association-accredited doctoral programs in counseling psychology (95% response) and clinical psychology (99% response) provided data regarding number of applications, credentials of incoming students, rates of acceptance, and the theoretical orientations and research areas of the faculty. The acceptance rates of PhD clinical and PhD counseling psychology programs were comparable (6% vs. 8%), despite the higher number of applications (270 vs. 130) to clinical programs. Compared with clinical students, counseling students were more likely to represent ethnic minorities and have master's degrees, but were otherwise similar in academic credentials. Clinical faculty were more likely to be involved in research with pathological populations and associated with medical settings, whereas counseling faculty were more involved in research concerning career processes, human diversity, and professional issues. These results should alert applicants and their advisors to robust differences across these specializations and should enhance matching between programs and students. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Internship matches among students within clinical (n = 2,130) and counseling (n = 450) psychology doctoral training programs were examined for a complete cohort of intern applicants. The overall rates of successful internship matching, as well as the rankings of those matches, were similar for the 2 specialties. The settings of those internship matches revealed significant differences, however. Clinical psychology students matched at higher rates to a range of medical facilities, for example, whereas counseling psychology students matched at higher rates to counseling center settings. These and other differences were examined in relation to the historical and enduring differences between the 2 specialties and their implications for education, training, and practice within the field of professional psychology. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This document provides the official listing of accredited doctoral programs in professional psychology. It reflects all committee decisions through July 17, 2005. The Committee on Accreditation has accredited the doctoral training programs in the traditional substantive areas of clinical, counseling, school, or combined professional-scientific psychology representing two or more of those areas listed alphabetically by their host institutions. All of the programs offer the PhD degree, except when otherwise noted. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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