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Examined the incidence of post-termination sexual (PTSRs) and business relationships (PTBRs) between therapists and former clients, as well as the legal, clinical, demographic, and professional judgment considerations related to both PTSRs and PTBRs. Among a sample of 348 therapists (aged 29–81 yrs; 52% male) who had been delivering psychotherapy services for an average of 14 yrs, it was found that 6.5% engaged in PTSRs and 29% engaged in PTBRs. Demographic comparisons showed that males were significantly more likely to engage in both PTSRs and PTBRs. PTSRs were always viewed as more inappropriate than PTBRs. Results provide considerable support for the inclusion of prohibitions against sexual intimacies with former clients as part of the Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct (American Psychological Association; see record 1993-19413-001). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The chairpersons of the state and provincial ethics committees and the executive directors of licensing boards were surveyed in regard to the frequency of complaints of sexual impropriety filed against psychologists during 1982 and 1983. The survey also concerned the disposition of the complaints and whether the psychologists alleged that the therapeutic relationship had terminated before the initiation of the sexual relationship. The findings indicated that a considerable number of complaints had been filed, that close to half had led to findings of violations by the psychologists, and that psychologists asserting that a sexual relationship had occurred only after the termination of the therapeutic relationship were more likely to be found in violation than those not making that claim. Implications of these findings are discussed, and we recommend that the American Psychological Association's Code of Ethics be modified to include a statement regarding sexual relationships with former clients. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In this study we expanded, updated, and refined a previous survey of state association ethics committees and state boards regarding the disposition of cases involving allegations of sexual impropriety. Findings revealed a dramatic increase in the number of complaints filed against psychologists for sexual impropriety. Also, all psychologists who acknowledged sexual contact with clients were found to be in violation, regardless of the amount of time that may have elapsed after termination. Last, we found evidence of complaints of sexual impropriety in nontherapeutic professional relationships, as well as violations of nonsexual dual relations. The implications of the findings are discussed, and recommendations for practitioners and the profession are made. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

[Correction Notice: An erratum for this article was reported in Vol 25(4) of Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training (see record 2007-12032-001). Reference was made to the Minnesota law regarding reporting of "any sexual or romantic relationship in which the parties were once therapist and client" (p. 250). Upon further review by the author, it was determined that the law is more complicated than conveyed in the article. A detailed explanation of the law is provided in the erratum, although legal counsel is suggested for further interpretation.] Examines anecdotal evidence regarding the harmful effects of posttermination sexual or romantic relationships between therapists and clients, focusing on relationships between female therapists and former clients who are also women. The question of equality of power between therapists and former clients is addressed. The impact of these relationships on the community in which they occur is considered. It is concluded that posttermination relationships between therapists and clients have the potential to do as much harm as relationships initiated during therapy and that such relationships should be defined as unethical. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors asked 320 psychologists to participate in a nonrandom, exploratory study by providing incidents of nonromantic, nonsexual relationships with former clients. In addition, these psychologists were asked to discuss whether they saw these relationships as ethically problematic. A total of 91 useable incidents (from a final sample size of 63 respondents) were sorted into eight relationships categories. The results of this study highlight several issues: (a) Psychologists are dealing with a variety of nonromantic, nonsexual relationships with former clients, (b) there is little consensus about the ethicality of these contracts, and (c) future revisions of the Ethics Code (American Psychological Association, 1992) may need to consider nonsexual and nonromantic relationships with former clients. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

19 telephone surveys, made at 2-mo intervals to a national probability sample of 1,200 households who were users of instant coffee, yielded aggregate measures of brand awareness, attitudes towards brands, and advertising exposure. These measures and an aggregate purchase behavior measure were used to estimate 3 multiple regression equations that formed a dynamic recursive model of the relationships between the measures. Advertising influenced both awareness and attitude, while awareness and attitude influenced behavior. The influence of advertising went directly from awareness to behavior, not through attitude. Thus, the hierarchy model of communication effects was only partially correct. Attitude change preceded behavior change, although a less significant reverse effect also emerged. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Surveyed 70 practicing attorneys and 150 law students to determine the extent to which they felt it was their responsibility to inform clients they referred for psychological testing about the testing process and about the validity scales on tests. Results showed that almost 50% of the attorneys and over 33% of the students believe that clients referred for testing always or usually should be informed of validity scales on tests. These results suggest that many test takers, particularly in forensic settings, may have information about validity scales that facilitates their giving biased responses without detection. Psychologists doing forensic evaluations should be alert to this possibility and should consider using more than one approach to detect response distortions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A survey of Queensland general practitioners was carried out to assess their needs and attitudes regarding obstetric practice. Less than half of the respondents now practise obstetrics, and many general practitioners felt a lack of support from specialist obstetricians, paediatricians, and anaesthetists. Many of the respondents expressed needs for further obstetric training, especially in labour ward management and neonatal care; however, few were able to attend extended courses.  相似文献   

We investigated the follow-up methods used by counseling centers to evaluate the individual counseling services that they provide. A sample of 80 centers was selected for study; these were centers that indicated that the primary form of evaluation was a locally developed instrument used to assess clients' post counseling status and satisfaction with their counseling. We used a questionnaire to assess data-gathering procedures, follow-up practices, rates of return, and uses made of the data as well as resulting problems and trends. Major issues addressed include the low percentage of return rates of satisfaction questionnaires and the effect of these rates on possible response bias. The use of center survey results to evaluate client status and counselors' work is discussed. The issue of the timing of satisfaction surveys of clients is raised, particularly in light of procedures that combine clients who have previously terminated counseling and clients still in the process of counseling. The issues of self-report and the need for more rigorous methodologies are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

We assessed the knowledge of and attitude toward breast-feeding of dietitians, nurses, and physicians who work with individuals in the Alabama Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants, and Children. On a scale of 0 to 100, dietitians expressed stronger interest in lactation (78.6) and exhibited greater knowledge (79.6) of the questions asked than nurses (74.5 and 73.0, respectively). Attitude and knowledge scores of physicians (70.2 and 75.5, respectively) were not statistically different from those of dietitians or nurses. Respondents disagreed greatly about the relationship of breast-feeding to weight loss and the appropriateness of oral contraceptives during breast-feeding 6 weeks postpartum. Professionals were more knowledgeable about benefits to infants than about maternal concerns. Results of this study suggest that professional breast-feeding education programs should address maternal concerns such as weight loss, contraception, and mastitis as well as benefits to the infant.  相似文献   

[Correction Notice: An erratum for this article was reported in Vol 42(5) of Professional Psychology: Research and Practice (see record 2011-23526-002). The following sentence is incorrect: “The APA has long recognized that harm and exploitation could result from dual relationships between patient and therapist (Staykova, 2010).” The correct citation for this statement should be: (APA, 1981, 1990, 1992, 2010; Sturm, 1998). Additionally, the following entry should not be listed in the References: Staykova, J. D. (2010). “On wings as swift as meditation”: A devotional allusion in Hamlet. Notes and Queries, 57, 380–384. doi:10.1093/notesj/gjq109. The correct references are included in the erratum. The authors regret these errors. All versions of this article have been corrected.] The present study is a cross-sectional national survey that investigated the ethical practices in a large representative sample of Chinese psychotherapists (N = 690). The results revealed that 76.4% of therapists had experienced feelings of incompetence, more than 80% of therapists had performed the basic principles of informed consent and confidentiality, 1.9% of the sample had engaged in sexual contact with a client, 1.8% had engaged in dual business relationships with their clients, and 34.2% had provided therapy for acquaintances in their practice. The role of the principles of Confucianism as a major influence on the ethical practices in Chinese psychotherapists is discussed. The results suggested that the Chinese Psychological Society should concentrate efforts on educating trainees on how best to maintain therapeutic boundaries when there was a preexisting relationship between therapist and client. The current Chinese Code of Ethics for Clinical and Counseling Practice (Chinese Psychological Society, 2007) could be modified to better incorporate the characteristics of traditional Chinese culture, for example, considering the value of “face” when stipulating the guidelines of dual relationships. Cross-cultural psychotherapy could benefit the clients by examining the influence of traditional Chinese culture, for example, by paying more attention to the important others of the clients. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Analyzed questionnaires completed by 211 former vocational rehabilitation (VR) clients (aged 15–61 yrs) 2 yrs after case closure for a clarification of the psychosocial factors that affect vocational adjustment. Questionnaires assessed employment status and problems, sources of income/financial status, health, and job satisfaction (for employed Ss only). WAIS Full Scale IQs were available for 195 Ss, and 120 Ss had completed the 16PF—Form E. Results show that the primary criteria of vocational adjustment (employment, job satisfaction, and persistence in looking for work) were associated with better self-appraised physical and mental health, greater perceived family support in seeking employment, more optimism about employment prospects, and attribution of the problem source to the environment. These variables suggest useful points for intervention by VR practitioners. (5 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Presents a framework for describing behavioral patterns and considers how such patterns affect and are affected by interpersonal psychological dispositions and attitudes. The framework incorporates both objective behavioral elements and the subjective factors of cognition and emotion. Discussion focuses on how the framework contributes to the study of families and other close relationships. Interdependence research that links behavioral and attitudinal/disposition levels is critical to understanding how and why relationships evolve as they do. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

One hundred young new immigrant women from the former U.S.S.R. now living in Israel answered a detailed semi-open questionnaire regarding their knowledge, attitudes and behaviors in fertility and birth control issues. A collective family planning profile of these women is largely in line with that of the urban population of Slavonic U.S.S.R., combining early marriage, early and low fertility, the latter achieved by both abortion and contraception. Most respondents and their partners tried to prevent unwanted pregnancies, usually starting from traditional methods and switching over time to modern ones. An IUD remained most popular contraceptive among parous women, while use of the pill, very rare in the U.S.S.R., has almost doubled upon migration, mostly among younger women. Still, they kept some misleading ideas on the pros and cons of traditional versus modern methods, suggesting lack of adequate information also upon migration. Like their ex-compatriots, our women preferred to solve their birth control problems without external professional involvement. Contrary to the expected, free abortion ideology was not universally advocated by our respondents, and most were fully aware of abortion limitations in Israel. While rationally condemning abortion in both moral and health terms, most respondents still use it, this gap between beliefs and practice being indicative of their readiness to adopt efficient contraception. This switch occurs faster in women actively involved with host society via work or studies. Younger women were found to be more flexible and advanced in their family planning practices than were older ones, while almost no differences were related to education and origin within the U.S.S.R. This exploratory study suggests that any investment into promotion of healthy fertility control practices among new immigrants will be cost-effective in the near future.  相似文献   

A study was conducted of sexual attitudes and behavior among students in secondary schools in Uganda. Surveys were undertaken during June-August, 1970 and 1971, in 7 schools near Kampala. These students are exposed to the following nonindigenous factors: Christianity, formal education, urbanism, and Western materialism. The survey indicates that all change has not been in the direction from traditional to modern, although there is a permissive trend among the students that differs from their restrictive cultural background. Traditional attitudes and behaviors regarding the sex act and acceptance of premarital children remain. Acceptance of premarital sex and abortion are departures from traditional views. Premarital parenthood is still preferred to abortion. Males particularly still support traditional sexual practices. In general, females were less liberal in their views than males; differences between the groups tend to disappear as age and educational level rise. Sex education, gynecological counseling, and contraceptive advice are needed among these students.  相似文献   

In this article, a 2-dimensional work stressor framework is used to explain inconsistencies in past research with respect to stressor relationships with retention-related criteria. Results of meta-analyses of 183 independent samples indicated that whereas hindrance stressors had dysfunctional relationships with these criteria (negative relationships with job satisfaction and organizational commitment and positive relationships with turnover intentions, turnover, and withdrawal behavior), relationships with challenge stressors were generally the opposite (positive relationships with job satisfaction and organizational commitment and negative relationships with turnover intentions and turnover). Results also suggested that the differential relationships between challenge stressors and hindrance stressors and the more distal criteria (withdrawal behavior and turnover) were due, in part, to the mediating effects of job attitudes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews attachment-related studies of early aggression to show that aggressive behavior toward peers is related to disorganized or controlling patterns of attachment behavior toward parents but not to avoidant or ambivalent patterns. Longitudinal attachment studies indicate that risk factors identified in cross-sectional studies of aggressive school-age children, such as family adversity, parental hostility, parental depression, and child cognitive deficits, are already evident in infancy and predictive of later aggression, before the onset of coercive child behavior. In infancy, these risk factors are associated with disorganized attachment behaviors toward the caregiver characterized by signs of fear or dysphoria, irresolvable conflict between opposing behavioral tendencies, and elevated cortisol levels after separation. Disorganized attachment behaviors, in turn, predict aggression in school-age children with other family factors controlled. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A common ethical dilemma experienced by professional psychologists involves deciding whether to break confidentiality with risk-taking adolescent clients. However, our understanding of the factors that contribute to this decision-making process is limited. The present study surveyed 200 pediatric psychologists (resulting in 74 usable surveys) and identified several items that are perceived to be important to clinicians when they consider the decision to break confidentiality in order to report potentially dangerous behaviors to the parents of adolescent clients. The present study also used exploratory factor analysis to identify 2 underlying factors--Negative Nature of the Behavior and Maintaining the Therapeutic Process--as crucial to the decision-making process. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Trained undergraduates to discriminate understanding statements from nonunderstanding statements. These ss met with 5 male and 5 female beginning counselors for a series of 3 or 4 interviews. During the interview, clients verbally reinforced each statement they judged to be understanding, while 2 raters judged understanding by electrically marking tape recordings of the interviews. Based on the independent observations of client and 2 raters, beginning counselors were judged as having increased their understanding statements. The experiment indicates that understanding statements made by counselors can be made a function of the number of reinforcing statements emitted by trained clients. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Surveyed 432 Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities accredited inpatient facilities to examine the nature of their geriatric programs, patients, and practitioners. The 180 respondents included psychology directors and staff psychologists. Results revealed that geriatric patients, particularly those suffering stroke and orthopedic injuries, were prevalent in rehabilitation programs. Neuropsychological assessment and psychotherapy were the most common services delivered by psychologists. Although satisfied with geriatric work, practitioners reported little in the way of academic preparation and training experiences. Course work, supervised training, and continuing education were consistently related to satisfaction with geriatric work experiences. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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