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中国社会从基层上看去是乡土性的。“乡土性”是中国传统文化及中国传统建筑的本质属性。乡土文化是中国传统文化的缩影,充分理解认识乡土文化对于营建具有中国地域特色的人性化建筑具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

语言学研究中,我们往往重视有声的内容,并且更侧重文字语言。事实上,语言由口头、书面文字和肢体三大类组成,有时口头成为主流,有时文字成为重要的载体,可有些场合,肢体语言最为有效。肢体语言是一种约定俗成的语言形式,具有传情达意的功能和独特的文化内涵。因此,一个人如果不能理解肢体语言所固有的民俗性,就不能全面而彻底地理解它所独有的文化内涵,甚至误解其原意。文章试图通过对肢体语言民俗性的分析来探讨《乡土中国》中对乡土性的描述,以期了解乡土社会中肢体语言的民俗性与乡土性的结合及其文化内涵。  相似文献   

《日瓦戈医生》是一部根据帕斯捷尔纳克的同名小说改编的电影,这部长篇小说在1958年获得了贝尔文学奖。影片主要讲述的是医生日瓦戈和魅力热情的女护士拉娜之间的爱情故事。虽然影片名命为《日瓦戈医生》,但片中所塑造的拉娜却总能吸引观众的目光,不但因为她美丽的外表,更因为她对命运不断抗争的内心。这部影片的主题又一次揭示了爱情的真谛,爱情不在于是否拥有丰富的物质基础,也不在于是否具有轰轰烈烈的曾经,而在于长久的、锲而不舍的执着相伴。影片的主人公日瓦戈在精神探索的道路上充满了艰辛,这样的艰辛投射到他的感情生活当中就增添了部分悲剧色彩。从日瓦戈和两位女性的情感当中不难发现,两段爱情自始至终都与日瓦戈的精神世界密切相关,体现了知识分子不同的精神图景。  相似文献   

费先生做《乡土中国》一书,以乡土为名词来形容中国确实有深远的意义和新颖的想法,中国之所以乡土,主要是其社会关系乡土。中国正是有这种乡土的社会关系形成的。是怎样的社会关系,费先生描述其为差序格局,本文主要从插叙格局这个角度来理解中国为何乡土。  相似文献   

传统农村社会的瓦解,世界范围内的都市商业文化泛滥,大量的乡下人进城务工,全面的城镇化改造使得知识分子与故乡割断了联系,城乡之间的鸿沟越发难以弥合,他们再也回不去了。  相似文献   

何其芳在《画梦录》中描绘了二十世纪二三十年代乡土中国的图像,反映了漂泊中知识分子的精神境遇和情感诉求,同时保存了乡土社会在历史变迁中的定格的记忆。  相似文献   

作为南北朝文学的集大成者庾信,《小园赋》是他中后期的代表作之一,文章从《小园赋》的情感角度入手,探讨了赋中"情"与"志"的关系,梳理了《小园赋》的情感线索,并分析了沉郁悲凉之情的表达方式。  相似文献   

《新青年》是"五四"时期的重要刊物之一。其对近代中国知识分子产生了较大影响,描绘了近代中国知识分子的演化轨迹,凸显了新思想的传播对思想解放、知识分子阶层解放和媒介发展具有巨大作用。  相似文献   

《父与子》是俄国著名作家屠格涅夫的代表作之一,在这部小说中,作者表达了对俄国革命与文化的不同观点。实则,屠格涅夫是在对俄国的文化与改革在进行批判,在《父与子》中,便可以找到根据。  相似文献   

正书名:乡土漫谈作者:陈志华出版:北京出版集团公司出版日期:2018年07月开本:880mm×1230mm 1/32文字:153千字页码:271页定价:$39.00元本书的作者为清华大学建筑学院的陈志华教授。陈志华,生于1929年,浙江宁波人,祖籍河北省东光县。1947年入清华大学社会学系,1949年转营建系。1952年毕业于建筑系,当年留母校任教,直至1994年退休。主要专著有《外国建筑史》《外  相似文献   

“创意城市”作为一种新兴的城市发展理念,近年来在国内逐渐掀起了理论和实践的探索热潮.论文探讨了创意城市产生的时代背景、理论内涵及实践发展等,指出当前国内建设创意城市存在的五大误区,并在借鉴国际经验的基础上,提出我国创意城市本土化实践的基本框架.  相似文献   

多少次梦到浩翰无边的草原,雄伟的大青山、巍峨的贺兰山:多少次梦回万里关山隔月,感受远古狼烟烽火、马蹄声声、鼓角争鸣的岁月;多少次梦想去到"天苍苍,野茫茫,风吹草低见牛羊"画卷一般美的蒙古人的家乡……流火的七月,我和城建档案馆的几位领导有幸踏上了这一方热土,满心激动、满心欢喜、满心期待.  相似文献   

Problem: Over the past 100 years, city planners have used neighborhood planning to address a variety of vexing social problems such as community disintegration, economic marginalization, and environmental degradation. To date, there has been no comprehensive review and critique of these planning initiatives and how they have influenced the profession.

Purpose: This article traces the history of neighborhood planning in the United States to learn from past experience and to identify its contributions to the planning profession.

Methods: I review the literature on the various forms of neighborhood planning, which I define as planning initiatives that focus on altering the physical environment of one or more neighborhoods in pursuit of larger social objectives.

Results and conclusions: Each of the six forms of neighborhood planning discussed in this article has made important contributions to the planning profession. Perry's neighborhood unit formula provided planners with a template for good neighborhood design and introduced the idea that neighborhood design could affect the sense of community. Urban renewal taught the profession about the limits of physical solutions to social problems, the precious nature of neighborhood social networks and the importance of involving citizens. The community action programs created a new norm for citizen participation and showed its limits, as well as introducing truly comprehensive redevelopment planning. Community economic development showed that some planning and implementation activities can be successfully delegated to community-based organizations. Municipal neighborhood planning provided a mechanism for ongoing citizen involvement. The most recent forms of neighborhood planning create neighborhoods that encourage walking, use of mass transit, social interaction, and a sense of community.

Takeaway for practice: Neighborhood planning programs have made a number of important contributions to the planning profession, including focusing attention on how neighborhood design influences urban livability and social behaviors, institutionalizing citizen participation in plan making, and going beyond physical development to address social, economic, political, and environmental issues. Neighborhood planning is currently more important than ever, as it now addresses global issues such as energy conservation and greenhouse gas emissions in addition to its historic focus on social equity issues such as poverty and social alienation.

Research support: None.  相似文献   

从地方到全球:美国社区规划100年   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在过去的一个世纪中,美国城市规划者以社区规划为尺度和规划手段来应对复杂的社会问题。本文回顾美国百年以来社区规划历程及演变,关注改变社区物质环境来服务于宏观社会目标。本文综述了六种对规划领域产生重要影响的社区规划形式。佩里的邻里单元模式,为规划者提供了设计好社区的模板,并且引入了社区设计能够影响社区感的概念。城市更新计划,让规划者理解了采取空间途径解决社会问题的局限性,并且认识到邻里社会网络的重要价值及社区居民参与的重要性。社区行动计划为市民参与提供了新的形式,但也表现出一定的局限性,社区行动计划也引入了真正综合的再开发规划。社区经济发展,展示了社区规划及其实施活动能成功地委派给社区组织。市政府支持的社区规划为近来提升的市民参与提供了良好的机制。而最新的社区规划形式,将关注点转向了鼓励步行、利用公共交通、促进社会交往以及创造社区感。回顾美国百年来社区规划的启示在于,它使规划者关注邻里设计是怎样影响城市宜居性和社会行为的,如何在规划制定过程中将市民参与制度化,以及如何在物质开发的基础上考虑社会、经济、政治和环境等相关话题。进入21世纪,社区规划比以往任何时候都更重要,因为它除了传统上关注贫困和社会歧视等社会平等话题之外,更结合城市面临的新挑战,强调融入能源保护、减少温室气体排放等新视角。  相似文献   

Since 1988 stock transfer has been transformed from a local initiative into a central part of government policy for housing in the UK. It began as a largely rural and suburban phenomenon, generating substantial capital receipts, but has also become a vehicle for the regeneration of rundown urban estates. The trajectory of this process has continued to be rapid despite changes in government and devolution of housing policy in the late 1990s. This paper traces the development of the process in some detail, considering policy origins and antecedents, the emergence of national policy and its rolling out to embrace a wider range of circumstances. The impact of the policy is considered more briefly, reviewing the impact on the non-profit housing sector, on local authorities and on the key policy issues of rents and access to housing. Future prospects are reviewed in a concluding section.  相似文献   

沈环艇  王冬 《华中建筑》2012,(9):147-150
该文简要介绍了C·亚历山大的模式语言理论体系,并分析了其模式语言提取原则;探讨了模式语言与乡土聚落之间的关系,分析乡土聚落模式语言现代转化的可能性,并总结出乡土聚落模式语言的提取原则及方法。我们对云南石林彝族乡土聚落进行研究并提取用于描述石林彝族乡土聚落、街巷、民居、院落、房间及细部构造的相关模式语言。在石林枫叶度假酒店规划设计项目的创作中,这些模式语言在项目的整体布局、空间效果、建筑单体及细部营造中都有体现,使整个设计充满了石林彝族乡土风情。  相似文献   

In this interview, combining his career experience as an architect, a landscape architect, and an entrepreneur, Zhu Shengxuan, the interviewee, shares his insights on values and responsibilities of design. He argues that designers should coordinate the interests of all stakeholders and take public benefits into account, and believes that design can be better promoted as a product under a commercial thinking. Through an integration of design, construction, and operation, Zhu creatively introduces a combination of commercial thinking and design values to create a greater social influence. He also encourages addressing China’s rural revitalization with diverse, future-oriented concepts, and points out that the breakthrough of institutions may bring more economic benefits to rural locals.  相似文献   


The advent of a democratic dispensation in the Republic of South Africa a decade ago has resulted in considerable challenges for the country's architectural practitioners and academics. This article investigates some of the problems, opportunities, and responses of the democracy that has emerged from the repression and isolation of the apartheid era. The effect of local transformations and globalization on South African architects and educational institutions is described, and the need to develop a responsible local strategy to guide global participation is identified and considered.  相似文献   

The advent of a democratic dispensation in the Republic of South Africa a decade ago has resulted in considerable challenges for the country's architectural practitioners and academics. This article investigates some of the problems, opportunities, and responses of the democracy that has emerged from the repression and isolation of the apartheid era. The effect of local transformations and globalization on South African architects and educational institutions is described, and the need to develop a responsible local strategy to guide global participation is identified and considered.  相似文献   

中国设计行业对外开放有20年左右的时间了,虽然没有确切的数字.但能感觉到境外公司在中国市场而且是高端市场很盛行。中外合作经历了多个阶段,从外企、内企到市场都有了显著的变化,双方在更多地接近,彼此接受也改变着对方。随着WTO最后两年保护期的结束,外企市场准入制度的完善,双方甚至于变得像左手与右手一样在市场中占有同等地位。那时,在中国乃至国际市场上,应该是只有好与坏,不分内与外。  相似文献   

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