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The effect of fatigue damage to unidirectional fiberglass composite specimens with prior contact heat damage was investigated. After damaging the specimens by contacting them to a hot tip at 360°C, the specimens were subjected to fatigue loading at cyclic stress amplitude corresponding to 65% of the specimens' ultimate tensile strength. The fatigue experiments was halted after 3,000 cycles. The specimens were then subjected to tensile tests while monitoring their acoustic emission (AE) activity. In addition, acoustic emission activities of undamaged and contact heat-damaged specimens were monitored during tensile tests for comparison with specimens with combined fatigue and heat damage. AE activities of all specimens can be categorized into three regions: an early rise in activity, a relatively dormant period in activity, and a high exponential activity before failure. The early rise in activity did not appear on the specimens with combined contact heat and fatigue damage. For undamaged and contact heat-damaged specimens, the period of the dormant activity was independent of the contact heat duration of less than 15 minutes. However, the period was a function of the contact heat duration for combined contact heat and fatigue damaged specimens. Analyzing event duration distribution identified micro-mechanisms of the damage growth upon tensile loading. AE-stress delay concept was used to predict the state of the damage in the composite. A correlation between stress delay parameter and damage parameter was obtained for all of the specimens. Fatigue life of contact heat damaged specimen was also studied. It was found that localized heat damage reduced the fatigue life significantly. Loss of matrix to transfer the load to the fibers uniformly was believed to be responsible for the reduction in the fatigue life. 相似文献
使用超音速等离子喷涂设备在1045钢基体上制备了铁基合金涂层。以球盘式接触疲劳试验机为平台,研究了涂层接触疲劳损伤过程中声发射特征参数的变化规律,并分析了涂层的接触疲劳损伤机理。结果表明,在转速为2500r/min和应力水平为1.58GPa实验条件下,点蚀是涂层的主要失效形式,表现为在涂层磨痕轨迹范围内出现大量的点蚀坑,点蚀坑深度为20~30μm。涂层表面粗糙的微凸体与轴承球滚压接触产生黏着磨损,以及涂层、磨粒、滚动轴承三者形成三体磨料磨损是点蚀失效产生的主要原因。声发射幅值、有效值(Root Mean Square,RMS)、能量、计数和平均频率对涂层表面粗糙微凸体去除、弹塑性变形、裂纹萌生、裂纹稳定扩展和失稳扩展过程比较敏感,并且在不同的疲劳损伤阶段具有不同的信号反馈特点。 相似文献
Eric v. K. Hill Junya Iizuka Ibrahima K. Kaba Hannah L. Surber Yuan P. Poon 《Research in Nondestructive Evaluation》2013,24(2):89-103
The purpose of this research was to predict burst pressures in composite overwrapped pressure vessels (COPVs) by using mathematically modeled acoustic emission (AE) data. Both backpropagation neural network (BPNN) and multiple linear regression (MLR) analyses were performed on various subsets of the low proof pressure AE data to predict burst pressures and to determine if the two methods were comparable. AE data were collected during hydrostatic burst testing on the 15-inch diameter COPVs. Once collected, the AE data were filtered to eliminate noise then classified into AE failure mechanism data using a MATLAB Kohonen self-organizing map (SOM). The matrix cracking only amplitude distribution data were mathematically modeled using bounded Johnson distributions with the four Johnson distribution parameters – ?, λ, γ, and η – employed as inputs to make both the BPNN and MLR predictions. The burst pressure predictions generated using a MATLAB BPNN resulted in a worst case error of 1.997% as compared to ?1.666% for the MLR analysis, suggesting comparability. However, the MLR analysis required the data from all nine COPVs to get approximately the same results as the BPNN training on just five COPVs; plus, MLR analyses are intolerant to noise, whereas BPNNs are not. 相似文献
采用声发射(AE)技术,通过测定AE事件数、幅度和持续时间等发射特征参数以及恒载 Felieity效应,对SiC/Al和C/Al两类束丝纤维增强铝昨合在拉伸变形过程中的损失失效特征进行了分析探讨。实验结果表明,纤维种类、界面状况对复合材料损伤过程有着显著的影响,声发射技术是表征这类复合材料损伤特征很有潜力的方法。 相似文献
蜂窝夹层复合材料压缩损伤声发射特征研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
应用声发射技术对蜂窝夹层复合材料压缩损伤过程进行了实验研究。分析载荷与声发射信号经历图,依据其损伤过程和声发射特征,发现随着加载载荷的增加,复合材料的损伤逐步增大。在加载初始阶段,仅有少量声发射信号,各种表征信号量小幅度增加;在加载中期,声发射信号增多,各种表征信号量不断增大;在加载后期,声发射信号明显突增,各种表征信号量急剧增加。复合材料压缩损伤破坏与声发射的幅值、能量、撞击、上升时间、持续时间和计数等参量相关。蜂窝夹层复合材料试件的应力-应变曲线近似为直线,应变速率与声发射信号特征相互对应。 相似文献
With the increased utilization of advanced composites in strategic industries, the concept of Structural Health Monitoring
(SHM) with its inherent advantages is gaining ground over the conventional methods of NDE and NDI. The most attractive feature
of this concept is on-line evaluation using embedded sensors. Consequently, development of methodologies with identification
of appropriate sensors such as PVDF films becomes the key for exploiting the new concept. And, of the methods used for on-line
evaluation acoustic emission has been most effective. Thus, Acoustic Emission (AE) generated during static tensile loading
of glass fiber reinforced plastic composites was monitored using a Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) film sensor. The frequency
response of the film sensor was obtained with pencil lead breakage tests to choose the appropriate band of operation. The
specimen considered for the experiments were chosen to characterize the differences in the operation of the failure mechanisms
through AE parametric analysis. The results of the investigations can be characterized using AE parameter indicating that
a PVDF film sensor was effective as an AE sensor used in structural health monitoring on-line. 相似文献
为了研究碳纤维复合材料(CFRP)修补结构在电热载荷环境下的冲击性能,采用自制的电热损伤测试平台,测试了修补后CFRP层板在不同电流下试样的表面温度分布和电阻变化规律,对修补后CFRP层板进行了低速冲击和冲击后剩余压缩强度(CAI)测试,并对冲击损伤失效特征进行了对比分析。结果表明:低电流对修补后CFRP层板的抗冲击性能影响较小,CAI呈现略微增长的趋势;随着电流强度的增加,电热产生的高温对修补界面层产生破坏,导致材料抗冲击性能减弱,CAI明显降低。 相似文献
耐火材料声发射信号可分为单一突发型和叠加突发型两种,通过分析其波形特征,将上升时间、持续时间、幅度、能量、计数和质心频率作为区分这两种信号的特征参数,利用K均值聚类方法,实现耐火材料不同损伤类型的声发射信号分类。利用该方法对MgO-C耐火材料受压损伤信号进行分析,研究结果表明:单一突发型信号主要频率成分单一集中,信号主要呈现50~60kHz和150~160kHz两种频率段,叠加突发型信号主要频率成分为上两种频率成分的叠加;将信号分为3类,第1类和第2类信号反映了具有计数少、持续时间短和能量小特点的单一突发型信号,第2类信号的损伤强度大于第1类,第3类信号反映了具有计数多、持续时间长和能量大特点的叠加突发型信号。 相似文献
E. Rhian Green 《Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation》1998,17(3):117-127
The response of a laminated plate to internal acoustic emission events is examined in detail. The plate consists of four layers of a unidirectional fiber composite material arranged in a cross-ply configuration. The sources considered include a vertical line couple, a horizontal line couple and a line double couple without moment. The latter is produced by the combination of two equal and opposite line couples and may be associated with a shear dislocation in the plane of the laminate. The particular response presented here is that of the normal upper surface displacement. Four different orientations of the line sources relative to the core fiber direction are considered. The sources may be located at any depth within the plate and results are shown for three locations, namely, the upper interface, the midplane and the lower interface. The receiver is positioned on the upper surface at a known distance from the line of action of the source. When this distance is small relative to the depth of the plate, it is possible to associate some of the peaks and troughs present in the response with the arrival of individual rays. At larger distances, the disturbance arises from the propagating Rayleigh Lamb modes. 相似文献
炭/环氧复合材料拉伸损伤声发射特性及细观力学分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
对单向碳/环氧复合材料拉伸断裂过程进行了声发射监测,结合拉伸过程的细观力学分析,探讨了复合材料拉伸断裂的机理。结果表明,碳/环氧复合材料拉伸损伤过程可以分为三个阶段:弹性变形阶段、损伤发展与累积阶段和临近断裂阶段。弹性变形阶段基本无明显损伤发生;损伤发展与累积阶段主要是基体及界面损伤,该损伤先随载荷快速增大,到达峰值后又迅即减小;临近断裂阶段时声发射信号相对平静,但炭纤维开始发生集群损伤,这预示了灾难性断裂的到来。应用三维单胞模型,分析了引起各阶段损伤的原因。 相似文献
The ambiguous effect of cathodic polarization onSCC of two high strength steels in 0.1 M Na_2HPO_4 and0.1 M NaNO_3 has been investigated by means of meas-uring electric resistance(R)and recording acoustic emis-sion(AE)signals simultaneously.Results showed that AEsensitivity strongly depends on K value in different solu-tions.Both anodic and cathodic polarization can acceler-ate crack growth rate at high K values,but it appears thatthere are only subtle differences in their AEcharacteristics.AE signals only reflect the macroprocessesof crack growth rather than the elementary ones and cannot be used for identification of the micro-mechanisms ofSCC. 相似文献
Abstract: To overcome the disadvantages of current acoustic emission (AE) source location methods, such as classical approaches based on times of arrival and artificial neural networks based on AE signal features, support vector machines (SVM)‐based models have been employed to recognise AE source regions in structures. However, in some circumstances, it seems that a more accurate positioning of AE sources is needed. This study concerns the spatial three‐dimensional (3D) positioning (i.e. coordinates) for damages in hydraulic concrete structures using the least squares SVM (LS‐SVM) regression with AE signal features. The data of artificial discrete AE sources were acquired from simulated AE events on a hydraulic concrete specimen. Various combinations of signal features were chosen to adequately excavate effective information and to obtain the multi‐output LS‐SVM regression model of the best performance. The training and testing results show that the proposed model can realise the accurate spatial 3D positioning of damages in hydraulic concrete structures in laboratory situations and reduce human factors (e.g. judgment of AE propagation velocity, etc.) in the AE source location process. Meanwhile, the work remaining in taking this idea to a practical implementation was discussed. 相似文献
复合材料损伤失效的声发射检测研究进展 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
综述了复合材料损伤失效的声发射检测研究进展,从损伤源定位及损伤模式的识别与分类两方面进行了介绍。在损伤源定位方面模态声发射相比模式识别更有效,在损伤模式的分类方面模式识别技术更加有效,且人工神经网络及小波神经网络在复合材料声发射方面的研究较多。另外,介绍了模糊模式识别技术用于声发射信号分类及聚类的研究情况,根据复合材料声发射信号复杂重叠性的特点,模糊理论结合模式识别技术可以进一步实现复合材料声发射信号更有效的分析。 相似文献
以列车车体材料7N01铝合金为研究对象,基于声发射和数字图像技术对7N01铝合金三点弯曲损伤过程进行了监测,采用传统的声发射参数与双谱法分析了7N01铝合金裂纹萌生及失稳扩展的声发射特征。结果表明:声发射能量和质心频率可有效预报7N01铝合金微裂纹的萌生。声发射信号的双谱等高线图显示两个频率成分之间的耦合关系,使得识别7N01铝合金三点弯曲过程中的不同阶段变得相对容易。7N01铝合金试样缺口尖端的损伤演变过程的数字图像监测结果,验证了声发射能量和质心频率对裂纹萌生的预测。实验结果显示声发射监测技术为裂纹演变行为的预测提供了依据。 相似文献