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高质量的残疾人基本公共服务供给有助于提升社会保障水平,维护残疾人基本生存权和发展权,是在后脱贫时代实现“造血式”脱贫的重要一环。以天津市为例,基于对残疾人多维贫困水平和公共服务设施可达性的测度,利用耦合协调模型,探索街道尺度下残疾人公共服务设施可达性与多维贫困的耦合分布特征。结果显示,残疾人公共服务设施可达性和多维贫困的空间格局不仅都呈现显著的城乡二元差异,而且两者存在空间负相关性与明显耦合特征,以中心城区和乡村地区核心街道为中心,分别向外圈层递减和递增。最后,据此对城乡公共服务设施配置提出了差异化提升路径与策略。  相似文献   

我国农村脱贫攻坚取得全面胜利,相对贫困问题将是未来贫困研究的关键。文章以广州市为例,通过多源综合数据分析相对贫困分布规律和空间聚集特征,并结合结构方程模型探讨相对贫困空间分异的动力机制。研究表明:(1)广州市相对贫困呈现“高—低—高”的圈层分布特征;(2)根据结构方程模型路径分析结果,基础设施、人力资本、经济活力、自然环境等因素对广州市相对贫困空间分异形成了多重路径的影响关系;(3)结合地理区位和城乡差异划分内城衰落型、城乡融合型和乡村滞后型3种贫困模式,并针对不同贫困空间类型提出差异化的贫困治理建议,以期为后扶贫时代城乡相对贫困的精细化治理提供理论基础。  相似文献   

城乡基础设施互联互通,城乡基本公共服务均等化,公共服务向农村延伸、社会事业向农村覆盖,建设美丽宜居乡村等方面是实施乡村振兴战略、实现城乡融合发展的重要内容。在中央提出乡村振兴战略的大背景下,本文首先基于全国农村人居环境信息系统开展基础评价,分析广东省恩平市乡村发展的现状特征,提出推动乡村振兴实施的乡村建设目标和美好图景,进而提出以发展特色产业、三产融合为基础构建乡村空间体系、塑造特色风貌、提升设施服务水平等一系列乡村建设的规划实施路径。  相似文献   

赵超 《城乡建设》2023,(1):55-57
<正>党的二十大报告指出,“全面建设社会主义现代化国家,最艰巨最繁重的任务仍然在农村”。全面推进乡村振兴是党中央继续深化农村改革,继续坚持解决“三农”问题,进一步巩固拓展脱贫攻坚成果的重要举措。当前农村普遍存在着对人才吸引力不足、大量青壮年劳动力外出务工、留守农村的劳动力队伍年龄偏大、乡村产业人才队伍建设相对滞后等问题,极度不符合乡村振兴的要求,尤其是乡村产业振兴的要求。如何培养和引进能扎根农村的乡村产业人才,是困扰全面推进乡村振兴的难点问题。  相似文献   

习近平总书记在"坚持精准方略,提高脱贫实效"论述中阐明:贫困地区发展要建立在自身有利条件的基础之上。较多贫困乡村拥有良好的自然生态和丰富的民俗文化,对于旅游开发来说,是贫困乡村的有利条件,如何发挥比较优势,推进贫困地区的乡村旅游开发?在习近平总书记关于"确保扶贫投入同脱贫攻坚目标任务相适应"的重要论述中寻方法。本文通过贫困地区乡村旅游开发与乡村振兴战略目标内在契合的机理分析,构建多维评价体系并进行实证研究,以期寻找到贫困乡村进行旅游开发的可行路径。  相似文献   

乡村振兴战略是新时代解决我国"三农"问题的总纲领。我国民族地区乡村地域广阔,且有"资源富集区、水系源头区、生态屏障区、文化特色区、边疆地区、贫困地区"六大特点。因此,民族地区乡村振兴具有贫困突围、生态屏障、国防前沿三维重要意义:它是我国全面建成小康社会的关键,是建设绿水青山美丽中国的关键,是筑起国家安全坚固屏障的关键。  相似文献   

从生活性消费视角出发,以2004—2014年中国31省(区市)农村居民8大类消费为多维贫困测度维度,采用熵值法-TOPSIS法多维测度农村贫困,采用空间分析法揭示农村贫困的空间格局;并从新视角出发,以银行金融机构、农业保险、农村资本市场为农村金融研究对象,采用空间分析法揭示农村金融的空间格局,采用分位数回归分析法综合探讨农村金融的反贫困效应。研究表明,中国农村贫困空间格局未变,在空间效应下陷入区域贫困陷阱;农村金融服务的渗透性显著提升,但空间格局有待进一步改善;农村银行、保险、证券协调发展可有效缓解贫困,涉农贷款服务与农村资本市场发展对于贫困程度高的群体反贫困效应更有效,农村居民储蓄服务与农业保险发展对于贫困程度低的群体更有效。  相似文献   

在乡村振兴的背景下,以旅游为导向的村庄建设已经成为全面发展乡村经济的重要手段。要全面建成社会主义现代化强国,最艰巨、最繁重的任务依然在农村,最广泛、最深厚的基础依然在农村。“旅游型乡村”是乡村发展的重要类型,具有独特的地域背景、文化景观和资源优势。本研究以全新的“智享创新”概念为基础,从地域特征、自然景观、公众舒适性等方面进行讨论,注重地域特性,聚焦整体环境氛围,改善公共服务设施。  相似文献   

本文从贫困的识别、影响贫困的因素和评价方法三个方面,对农村贫困问题相关研究进行梳理。就贫困的识别而言,探讨了贫困从单维到多维的转变过程,着重分析能力贫困的重要性。就影响因素方面而言,选择更符合贵州省实际情况的因素进行分析。在评价方法上,选择数据包络分析法分析贵州省贫困问题。  相似文献   

数字经济已经成为我国当前和未来经济发展的重要趋势,是促进我国经济高质量发展的重要力量。全面推进乡村振兴是一项复杂繁重的系统工程,任重而道远。数字经济的红利扩散到农业领域和农村地区,形成了乡村振兴的强大动能,可以为乡村产业兴旺、生态宜居、乡风文明、治理有效、生活富裕提供新活力、新支撑,极大地促进智慧农业建设、催生乡村数字经济新形态和提升乡村治理数字化水平。进入新阶段,数字经济赋能乡村振兴重点需要完善乡村数字基础设施、强化乡村高素养数字人才支撑、构建多元主体协同治理格局和加强乡村数字经济发展法治保障。本文阐述了要坚持乡村全面振兴,抓重点、补短板、强弱项,实现乡村产业振兴、人才振兴、文化振兴、生态振兴、组织振兴,推动农业全面升级、农村全面进步、农民全面发展。  相似文献   

Katherine Pennington's painting You're My Tenth Customer depicts a woman entrepreneur at work. Facilitating entrepreneurship among women through small loan programs is the focus of many of the poverty alleviation efforts discussed here by Irene Tinker. Such programs have worked in developing countries, and the author discusses what American policymakers might learn from them.

The artist lives and works in Portland, Oregon, focusing on paintings in acrylic depicting ethnic themes, usually involving children. She was a customer of the hair salon shown in the image for many years.

Poverty issues and the growing income gap in the U.S. are once again on the nation's agenda. Similar trends in developing countries caused a shift in development policies from industrial and infrastructure projects to those designed to alleviate poverty. Increasingly such programs focused on women and their need for income. Microcredit programs that offered loans and training have proved to be one of the most successful interventions. In the last decade, similar microenterprise programs have been introduced in the U.S. Comparisons between the U.S.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether the distributional consequences of contrasting welfare systems are enhanced, replicated or countered by housing systems in England and the Netherlands. It adopts the monetised concepts of ‘net housing income’ and ‘net housing resources’, which are commensurable with disposable income and income-based measures of poverty. It was found that both housing systems exert a poverty-reducing impact compared to disposable income alone. The absolute reduction is greatest in England, suggesting that its housing system counters the high levels of income poverty produced by the welfare system, although the comparative levels of poverty between the two countries remain unchanged, which may signify that the distribution of disposable income is replicated in housing. However, the synthetic concept of ‘housing poverty’ reveals that the poverty-reducing impact of housing income/ resources arises because by themselves they are distributed far less equally than is disposable income, so creating a much higher rate of ‘housing poverty’. Crucially, ‘housing poverty’ occurs predominantly among those who are not income poor. This allows welfare and housing systems to combine to reduce poverty in an act of progressive dissonance, suggesting a hitherto unexpectedly high degree of independence between the two.  相似文献   

作为防范和化解疾病风险的重要手段,医疗保险扶贫已成为当前脱贫攻坚的重要内容。本文基于2013—2017年国家统计局的"全国农村贫困监测调查"数据,采用固定效应模型,实证检验了倾斜性医疗保险扶贫政策的减贫效应。研究结果表明:在倾斜性医疗保险扶贫政策中,提高财政保费补贴比例和住院报销比例对增加农村贫困人口收入和贫困户脱贫具有显著的正向影响,而提高门诊报销比例、降低起付线、提升封顶线对贫困户脱贫的影响不显著;农村地区依然存在"一边脱贫、一边返贫"的现象。对此,本文建议:针对农村贫困人口应在进一步提高住院报销比例和财政保费补贴比例的基础上,逐步提高门诊报销比例、降低起付线以及提高封顶线;按照相对贫困标准将农村地区相对贫困户纳入倾斜性医疗保险扶贫保障范围;做好农村地区医疗保障的配套服务。  相似文献   

女性贫困是世界各国普遍存在的一个社会问题。本文追溯"贫困女性化"的研究缘起,从国际上视野对贫困女性化的社会结构性因素进行了归纳和分析,总结了发达国家缓解和应对贫困女性化的主要政策措施。  相似文献   

Problem: Housing programs of the past have exacerbated the problems of concentrated poverty. Current housing programs serving very low-income households, including homebuyers as well as renters, should be examined to determine the extent to which they help households make entry into neighborhoods with low concentrations of poverty.

Purpose: This research is designed to assist planners in understanding how well various approaches to resolving housing affordability problems can facilitate the poverty deconcentration process.

Methods: Administrative data from the Department of Housing and Urban Development are used to assess the degree to which federal housing programs help lowincome homebuyers and renters locate in neighborhoods where less than 10% of the population is below poverty.

Results and conclusions: Subsidizing households ought to be more effective than subsidizing housing units at helping lowincome households locate in low-poverty areas, and whether a household rents or buys should not matter to whether a program succeeds at deconcentration of the poor. Yet, analysis of national datasets across several housing programs finds neither of the previous propositions to be true. Housing vouchers suppliedto households are not helping renters locate in low-poverty areas any more effectively than are current project-based subsidies. It also turns out that tenure matters; a disproportionately higher share of low-income homebuyers are locating in low-poverty neighborhoods than are lowincome renters.

Takeaway for practice: I recommend that housing planners seeking to make poverty deconcentration more effective use housing placement counselors, administer programs at the metropolitan scale, lease and broker market-rate housing directly, promote mixed-income LIHTC developments, practice inclusionary zoning, and monitor the impacts of these efforts.

Research support: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.  相似文献   

This article aims to improve understanding of the nexus between poverty and homelessness, with a particular focus on families with children. It draws on relational poverty analysis which analyses the processes, structures and social relations which create and sustain poverty. The article is based on a longitudinal and qualitative study of Australian families with children during and after periods of homelessness, which found that the families experienced not only a lack of material resources but also the social and other processes that impoverish, exclude and disempower, including exposure to violence, lack of family and institutional support, and pressure to relinquish children. The participants had a strong social identity as families and actively resisted the marginalization and individuation processes they encountered. The article argues that conceptualizing homelessness as a process of “destitution” can provide a theoretical basis for understanding the relationship between poverty and homelessness which to date remains remarkably unexplored.  相似文献   

The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) may prove to be a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it may be of great importance in managing the environment by providing a stimulus to organized, multi-disciplinary research. On the other hand, NEPA opens the door to decisions made with misplaced concreteness and, more importantly, to the false justification of decisions motivated by political concerns and bureaucratic vested interests. The adequacy of the theoretical, data bank, and mathematical underpinnings of the impact studies, and the institutional responses to using and to evaluating the projected environmental impacts are analyzed in the context of the Suburban Action Institute proposal to construct moderate and low income housing in Mahwah, New Jersey.  相似文献   

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